Stellar Healing and New Moon process to embody and manifest your dream life and release any resistance to creating your dream life with ease, grace, and joy.
The end of this year can be totally different than the beginning of this year, in a good way. Change is good, change that leads to your desired outcome is even better! What are you desiring for your life? Would you like the same as before, or would you like something different?
Often times, the difference between having what we want and not having it, comes down to intentions, goals, and targets. Setting them, reviewing them, and taking actions that are aligned with them. And, often times, it is more than even that! There is a practical and pragmatic part to manifesting what we desire, and then there is the energetic part as well. Are you doing both? Do you even know what the energetic tools and processes are that you can use to actualize your dreams?
Do you have dreams and wishes that you would like to manifest for yourself by the end of this year? What does YOUR dream life look like? How does it feel? An amazing dream life doesn’t just happen by chance. If you would like to manifest YOUR dream life this year, you can make it happen! You need to have a clear vision of it, dream about it, map it out, plan it and create it. Dream big, dream small, just dream and create your new reality!
So, why is it important to create, write down, and review your goals, resolutions, and intentions? Most people do not even think about an intention, and only 1-5% write them down and review them. These are the ones that actually achieve their goals and make their dreams come true. A goal, intention, and resolution without a plan is just a wish.
Have all of your wishes come true for you in the past? It is important to spend time dreaming of your vision for your ideal life, let go of what didn’t work in the past, have support to help you manifest your intentions, goals and resolutions, and review them regularly so that you can take action and bring them to fruition into the world with ease and grace.
As you begin and/or continue on consciously manifesting your desires, what will happen is that more of your dreams and goals are achieved, you will have increased self-confidence, purpose, direction and motivation, your bucket list is being ticked off, and you will have more peace, ease, joy, and grace.
So, start thinking of what you would like to create by the end of this year, write down your goals, resolutions, and intentions and get ready to manifest them with ease and grace.
You can make your dreams a reality, you can live your dream life, you can prosper!