Manifest YOUR Dream Life with Ease & Joy
Spark Your Passion
Ignite Your Purpose
Engage YOUR Infinite Soul Power
Are you dreaming of an abundant life of joy filled with peace, love, happiness, radiant health, prosperity, ease, and fun?

You see other people enjoying life and having fun, and you wonder "when will that be me" or "why can't I have that"?
Do you ever feel like things never seem to go your way?
Do you feel that maybe you might be cursed?
Do you feel stuck and no matter what you do, nothing seems to change?
Do you feel like there's something missing in your life?
Do you feel like you don’t have control of anything?
Do you wonder how money just flows to some people with ease?
Are you feeling tired, unmotivated?
Are you frustrated with all of the healing and clearing that doesn't seem to work?
Are you feeling lost or un-sure of the next steps?
Do you sometimes feel like giving up, giving in, or quitting?
Does this resonate with you or not at all?
If you are happy and your life is wonderful and your life can't get any better, I am so happy for you. Enjoy your life and be happy and keep doing what you are doing, because it is working!
If not, then please do read on.
If there are one or two areas in your life that might need a little tweaking or could use a little upgrading, then read on.

Enough is enough!
You are not asking for the moon and stars, you just want to be happy!
You know it is possible, you see others being happy!
What do they know that you don't?
What is the secret? What is the technique, the map, the plan?
Do you want to know?
Are you willing and ready to do and be whatever it takes to have an abundant life of joy?
An abundant life of joy filled with peace, love, happiness, radiant health, prosperity, ease, fun and more is available for you.
You deserve to have all that you desire.
It is your Divine birthright.

I invite you to join me to create the best version of YOU!
In this 3-month group program, you will receive all of this and more, because as my clients say, I am very generous with my sessions:
- 8 group healing & coaching seminars
- Powerful guided processes to coach you into choosing more and creating a greater life. In these session there will be an opportunity for you to ask questions and receive personal coaching from me. Participants often find that the group questions contribute to their situations as well.
- 8 audio & video recordings of seminars
- Even if you cannot attend live, you will be able download all of the group healing and coaching seminars and listen or watch them again as often as you like. Participants often listen or watch past recordings in between session.
-8 weekly coaching & healing videos
- You will receive weekly a coaching & healing video during the 3 month program with exercises, techniques, and healing processes to further support you in creating the best version of you in all aspects of your life.
-8 workbooks
- You will receive weekly a workbook during the 3 month program with exercises, techniques, and processes to further support you in creating the best version of you in all aspects of your life.
- Bonus - HDHI - 21 Day program for May, June, & July
- 21 days of powerful processes and clearings to clear and heal your blocks and subconscious beliefs that are stopping you from creating the best version of you. Each of these session is very powerful and intense. Every month the participants receive powerful shifts.
- Bonus - 45min call with me - early sign up bonus
-This personal 1 to 1 call with me can be used at any time during the program and up to one month after completion of the program for added support, healing, and clearing for what you require to create the best version of you.
- Bonus - 4 healing calls with me and my Special Guests - Tamra Oviatt, Patrick Prohaska, Grace G. Hom, and Marlenea Johnson
- Bonus - audio & video recordings of 4 guest healing calls
- Bonus - Facebook Group for unlimited access & added support
Reg. $997 but for now, only $697
or 3 easy monthly payments of $233 or 6 easy monthly payments of $116
You may want extra VIP coaching from me, if so, then you will receive:
- along with everything above in the group program,
- 9 - 45min 1-1 calls
- weekly accountability review
- unlimited access via email
- unlimited access via Facebook Messenger
- Bonus - 60min call with me - early sign up bonus
- Bonus - Money Healing & Clearing Group Calls - 4
- Bonus - Ask Big Receive Big Group Calls - 4
- Bonus - Intention Manifestation Mastery Group Calls - 4
Reg. $2500 but for now, only $1997
or 3 easy monthly payments of $665 or 6 easy monthly payments of $333

Are you ready to:
Have more ease & joy in your life?
Feel supported by the Universe?
Receive contributions from all of life and the Universe?
Tap into your infinite Soul power?
Have clarity on your life's purpose?
Re-ignite your passion for life and living?
Experience more flow and synchronicity in your life?
Experience more ease in all of your relationships?
Enjoy feeling grounded, centered, and connected to YOU?
Release the past that is holding you hostage?
Let go of the stories that are sabotaging your future?
Get clear on what you truly desire in your heart?
Let go of guilt, resentment, anger, and un-forgiveness?
Come out of hiding?
Step into the light and into your power?
Live your Dream Life?
We begin the week of May 13th, See you in the program!
I look forward to supporting you in being the best version of YOU in 2019!
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at alara@alara.at
Book a call to talk about manifesting your Dream Life and how I may be able to help you.
Here are what some clients are saying about working with me:
The HDHI series is unlike any other healing group. Alara encompasses so many healing modalities all in one! There are deep meditations, intense lessons, active clearings, and fun yet deep processes. Energy shifts and insights are daily occurrences. Alara shares sage advice, profound wisdom, intense healing, and channeled messages. She teaches and shares with such grace, love, light and generosity. Alara is a luminous light being, overflowing with love. She has made the HDHI feel like such a protective, sacred container, where we are safe to share our healing issues, concerns and feedback. This is so valued and necessary for me on my healing journey. That is why I keep coming back to the wonderful HDHI series! I have not missed an HDHI program yet, and I always plan to be here with her and this loving, supportive group!
Thank YOU for the wonderfully supportive, loving, healing, helpful ( I don't have the words ) HDHI series. I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!! It has brought intense changes & shifts in my life. Love you, Alara!!
The HDHI series has been a godsend for me. I look forward to the daily calls, as they are such a boost to my day. Prior to the HDHI, I had been dealing with years of deep trauma. It was at the point where I did not know if I would survive at all. The HDHI was truly a life raft for me. The daily processes, clearings and activations are so deep and powerful. Alara is so loving and generous and forms a deep connection with participants. Her wisdom and teachings are very profound. I have had huge energy shifts on a daily basis. And, the HDHI has provided me with a myriad of helpful tools to use in my life Healing work is a constant practice, and I am so grateful for the HDHI series. What a blessing! I now am on the road to not only having my life back, but I am on the way to a better, happier life full of peace, love, light, joy and abundance. I can see this now for myself! Yay! Thank you, Alara for the high vibrational HDHI series! And, thank you for being such a sparkly light being, so full of pure love! You are a true gift to us all! Love you!!
Blessings and gratitude for these tremendous sessions. I feel happy and joyful after each. thank you for this gift.
The Higher dimension Healing is a wonderful daily practice to bring your consciousness to the next level. Alara is very generous with her Healing program and she gives you many activations daily. You also get the recordings this is an amazing deal. Alara activation is helping me to heal and have more ease with my life. I have been doing the activations for a year and I just want to keep going they are so much fun!Thank you Alara
What your classes have done for me is they have given me a sense of community that is hard to find in the real world because I live in a rural small town where this type of thinking is not really out of the closet yet:( (Although some shops are starting up with some new spiritual thinking.) I always look forward to the calls and what everyone has to say. We learn from you but also from each other. I feel like I have found "my people."
I love Alara and her HDHI! It is like a little oasis of peacefulness and love each day. She answers questions, comments and observations right away in real time, no matter what they are. She is deliciously spontaneous. She always includes a meditation, healing, visualization, etc. which is bound to be uplifting. She lets Spirit guide her. The whole session feels very personal to me and authentic. I can’t say enough about how much I value and look forward to Alara’s unique HDHI every day. It’s a rare gem. Thank you, Alara.
I am feeling so amazing! I have hope again AND TRUST! Trust in my intuition, trust in the process, trust in the Universe. Feels so wonderful!
Yay! I'm so happy that you are offering your Higher Dimensional Healing Intensive! If anyone out there hasn't tried it, you must. You'll love it. It's unlike anything offered by anyone else. Alara is very talented and generous with her energy. She asks what we want to work on and goes right into that or has some prepared healing exercises/meditations that she leads us through. She constantly takes feedback and responds on the spot. It can be a very personal experience if you want/need it to be. I've taken all six of the HDHIs she has offered so far and I have felt that I benefited greatly. Oops! I just realized that in my enthusiasm, I sound like an advertisement for HDHI that Alara didn't request. And it's a gem that maybe not many people know about.
I have definitely opened up to being more aware! Being able to see the synchronicities more and more, seeing how much I am really grateful for and definitely feeling way more joy! Thank you Alara. This has been wonderful process, so helpful and so powerful! Such a blessing.
I wanted to send you a message to let you know how much I am enjoying these calls. I loved the processes and the energies that you sent to us. I feel like I am in a different “zone” ( a happy, peaceful, hopeful place! ) after the calls!
So, who am I, who is Alara Canfield?
Alara is a Manifestation & Mindset Success Coach, Quantum Healer, Connector to Spirit, Ascension Assistant, Transformation Consultant and Catalyst for Change. She is a speaker, author, and host of The Alara Canfield Show, formerly known as "Awaken To Happiness Now" . Alara uses her intuition, energy mastery, and coaching to help her clients align with the truth of who they are as powerful beings here to experience their greatest life. As a quantum healer, Alara is one of the most advanced in this healing technique on Earth, and through this healing work, she is able to shift many out of the dense morphic fields that are keeping humanity trapped in 3rd dimensional reality illusion. She is able to transmit vibration and frequency in order to transmute energy that is not serving her clients in order for them to be in greater alignment with their soul and divine purpose and allow them to shine in the world.
Here are some examples of me living my dream life!
-Hosting my telesummit series since 2013
-Healing & Coaching Services
-Living and traveling in Europe with the love of my life
-Adopting Neo from the shelter
-Being the proud mother of 2 amazing kids

An abundant life of joy filled with peace, love, happiness, radiant health, prosperity, ease, fun and more is available for you.
You deserve to have all that you desire.
It is your Divine birthright.
I invite you to join me to create the best version of YOU!
In this 3-month group program, you will receive all of this and more, because as my clients say, I am very generous with my sessions:
-8 group healing & coaching seminars
- Powerful guided processes to coach you into choosing more and creating a greater life. In these session there will be an opportunity for you to ask questions and receive personal coaching from me. Participants often find that the group questions contribute to their situations as well.
-8 audio & video recordings of seminars
- Even if you cannot attend live, you will be able download all of the group healing and coaching seminars and listen or watch them again as often as you like. Participants often listen or watch past recordings in between session.
-8 weekly coaching & healing videos
- You will receive weekly a coaching & healing video during the 3 month program with exercises, techniques, and healing processes to further support you in creating the best version of you in all aspects of your life.
-8 workbooks
- You will receive weekly a workbook during the 3 month program with exercises, techniques, and processes to further support you in creating the best version of you in all aspects of your life.
-Bonus - HDHI - 21 Day program for May, June, & July
-21 days of powerful processes and clearings to clear and heal your blocks and subconscious beliefs that are stopping you from creating the best version of you. Each of these session is very powerful and intense. Every month the participants receive a powerful shift.
- Bonus - 45min call with me - early sign up bonus
- This personal 1 to 1 call with me can be used at any time during the program and up to one month after completion of the program for added support, healing, and clearing for what you require to create the best version of you.