Theresa Vee 

Special Offer 
September 2020

Package A - Value $222 - Special Offer - $97

ITEM 1 - Connecting With the Unseen Realms - 4 Part Course
ITEM 2 - Next-Level Meditation Package
ITEM 3 - Global Healing and Activation Gathering for World Servers

Package - Total Value $222

Special Offer $97


ITEM 1 - Connecting With the Unseen Realms - 4 Part Course

This pre-recorded audio series with workbooks will help you connect to and develop relationships with the mostly “unseen realms” who are waiting to assist us at this pivotal moment in time. We need to begin working much more closely with the planet as we move forward. Many of our (mostly) unseen friends are ready and willing to work with us to create a world that has a much more harmonious balance—in all ways. 
In this series, we will explore four of the various kingdoms—who they are, how they operate, how they are able and willing to assist us. Together, we will open up safe, comfortable, and clear communication.
We’ll also indulge your inner child, mixing high-level spiritual concepts with joy and creativity, because, WHY NOT?
We’ll be working with:
The Dragons—dynamic and impressive creatures who hold all the energies of powerful transformation of the elemental kingdom. They are very present right now and during all periods of great Change. You’ll journey to meet and establish a relationship with your personal Guardian Dragon who offers you wisdom, knowledge, and guidance. Your dragon will then help you to build up your energy to continue witching together on deeper and deeper levels.
The Fairies (and some Gnomes)—The fairies are here to assist us in working together with nature, and as we move into an age where humans are re-establishing a more symbiotic relationship with the earth, the often-shy fairies are moving front and center to assist. The fairies hold much wisdom and also require a lot of mutual trust.
You’ll learn how to call on them, how to know when they are around, and how to nurture those relationships. You’ll also learn how they can inspire you and work with you to create new things—large and small.
The Angels—There are many types of angels, and they are here to assist us, all we need to do is ask. They live to bring us more Peace so that we can ripple that wave of Peace out into the world and Universe. You will meet your own personal guardian angel(s) and the Archangels that are the best fit to work with you at this exact time, establish a relationship, and learn their energetic imprint so that you will recognize when they are near. You’ll also leave with a clear understanding of Angelic communication so that you are able to up your game with all of the Angels!
The Unicorns—The unicorn kingdom is the energy of purity. As more and more people have woken up and the earth’s density has lightened, the unicorn energy has been felt and has resurfaced in popular culture. You’ll learn who they are, the best ways to connect with them, and how they can help you with and in your Life’s Purpose.
This series is very educational and deep, as well as joy- and laughter-filled. You’ll be inspired, connected to your creativity, and gain a lot of friends in the unseen realms.
You will receive all four audio classes along with a workbook for each so that you can record your experiences and spend time in the receptive energy of creativity and play in order to grow the ability to communicate more clearly with your newfound friends.
Wow, Theresa, that was awesome! You really made this [series] so interesting and informative! I thoroughly enjoyed it and love you as a facilitator—so sweet and authentic!!! - Karen A.
I have been asking for my guides and angels to help [with my] healing after surgery. The PT said I am doing great and really one of the best he has seen. I also consult with them on which essential oil I should use. It’s working out! Thank you for this course. It was really great! When can we do more? - Nancy S.

ITEM 2 - Next-Level Meditation Package

These three meditations will help you to still and come back to yourself in times of chaos, strengthen from the inside, and tune in to the abundance of help that is available to you in every second of each day.

They will bring clarity, relaxation and a deep sense of well-being and Purpose.
-Attune to Your Next Level (15:25 min.)
-Meditation for Deep Release and Integration (25:07 min.)
- Releasing Trauma with the Angels (27:39 min)

ITEM 3 - Global Healing and Activation Gathering for World Servers

We will be gathering as stewards of the planet from all corners of the Universe and all walks of life to offer healing to Mother Earth, and all who have incarnated here. We will be activated into our next level of compassion, intention and action—creating more alignment within our energy bodies and the Collective and helping us to be more on-Purpose.
This will enhance our abilities to communicate clearly, safely, and effectively with our Divine Team, and to see the big picture from a place of neutrality.

* This session will be recorded for you to have in case you want to listen back or take the journey again.


Theresa has the energetic capacity of a love surgeon -removing all the debris that are no longer true for you and your highest service. After working with her, I was able to fully release huge stories of the past that were running my system but I could not unwind myself. It was a total body upgrade to allow me to serve at the highest level of living light. - Joanna Green
Theresa has a profound ability to hold others in the field of unconditional love. In that field, the shifts we desire are so much more easily within reach, because the resistance has melted away.
This is Theresa’s greatest gift: loving us towards our greatest, most alive, and most aligned lives.- Nisha Moodley
Theresa recently presented “An Afternoon with the Angels” at a program I was hosting. Participants were able to bring their questions for the angels—both personal and universal.  
Answers flowed effortlessly through Theresa with ease and grace. Information was delivered in a most loving manner, and there was a certain lighthearted atmosphere that only the Angels can provide. This allowed everyone to feel open and relaxed while deep inner shifts took place.
It was amazing to experience the clarity and accuracy of Theresa’s work. Each participant felt the like they were the only person in the room, the answers were on target, and everyone could feel the presence of their Angels. We all left know that they are always there and willing to assist.
 - Ma Mokshypriya Shakti
Theresa is a modern day goddess…a true visionary and leader for all of us to be inspired by, always giving us something to aspire toward. Her deep levels of presence, love, and compassion are testaments to her own commitment to doing the inner work.  She takes big spiritual concepts and brings them alive and makes them tangible to our day to day lives.  I am honored to call Theresa a sister, a mentor, and a friend. - Audra Baker
Theresa is a wild gem of a human. She brings soul and heartfelt wisdom through her words and guidance. Her manner is fresh and intuitive, lit with truth as she listens to deeper needs you may not yet know exist. She navigates the world with such a lightness that just shines and, brings resolution. She’s courageous and spunky, in a way that is some combination of Rainbow Brite meets Xena, Warrior Princess. Her work and intuition are deeply grounded, and she offers a perspective  of clarity that I adore — a spiritual bird’s eye view. She’s concise, linear, methodical, all the while accessing the cosmos with a delightfully charming energy that radiates safety, presence, belonging, and wisdom. She can show up and meet you in all the heartache of life’s messy demolition, because whatever exists out there, she won’t let it phase her. And that resilience takes guts, so I know she’s been around enough to hold herself steady and have faith. - Lindsay Mae
Theresa's deeply connected intuition and inner sight is a powerful force of nature.  Holding a loving, warm yet strong presence, she intuitively knew the deeper gifts that I was holding back in expressing and remembering, and helped me to acknowledge the greater purpose I'm here to live. With the grace of a saint, the warmth of a mother and the fierce humor and genuine honesty that only a New Yorker could have—she accurately saw my deeper Soul's gifts and help me recognize the beauty I'm here to embody in this lifetime. Funny, Warm, Eerily Intuitive, Radiant & Powerful, Theresa is a natural master of feeling your energy, what you need to change, where you can grow, and delivering the messages you need to hear. I cannot recommend Theresa highly enough. If you are ready to live in your vast potential, feel into your future self, and begin living from a place of liberated freedom, you need to work with Theresa. - Phoenix

Theresa Vee

Theresa Vee is an international speaker, spiritual teacher, mentor, priestess, master of the healing arts, and Angelic channel.    
She works with people who feel that they should have attended Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters before being sent out into the world, as she helps them to find the strength in their sensitivity and guides them in the use of these superpowers. 
Theresa is a Visionary, a Love Warrior, and a fierce stand for Peace who  is widely regarded as a presence of unconditional Love. In her uniquely effective way, she has been helping people expedite their healing and ascension for over 15 years—calling us into our authenticity and full integrity. She empowers Sensitives to stand in the Power of Who They Really Are so that we can feel more alive, on-Purpose, and fulfilled.

Package A - Value $222 - Special Offer - $97

ITEM 1 - Connecting With the Unseen Realms - 4 Part Course
ITEM 2 - Next-Level Meditation Package
ITEM 3 - Global Healing and Activation Gathering for World Servers