Theresa Vee 

Special Offer 
May 2021

Package - Value $525 - Special Offer - $197

ITEM 1 - 30 Minute Personal Angel Reading with Theresa
ITEM 2 - Group Angelic Support Session
ITEM 3 - Meet & Heal With the Angels Live 3 part Course


ITEM 1 - One-on-One Angel Reading* by phone 

Bring more Angel blessings and support into your summer! 
In this session, Theresa brings forth personal messages from your Angels as they answer some of your deepest, most pressing questions. No topic is too big, too small, or off-limits. The Angels wish to assist you in any way that will bring you deeper Peace so that you can initiate the ripple effect in the world. 
In session, you will be held in a field of unconditional Love and grace as the conversation flows with ease and grace. 
This experience will leave you in deeper Trust of the process that is unfolding for you, more in touch with the depths of your own power, and feeling more clear, seen, and understood. You'll understand from the depths of your soul that you are never alone and you’ll see how much the Angels are communicating with you every day so that you can deepen and grow that connection.
Note: Though Theresa works primarily with the Archangels, you never know which beings of the highest Light might show up to assist you in your process. Being open to the Highest and Best allows for Miraculous experiences!
*This reading will be recorded, in case you want to listen back again and again!

ITEM 2 - Group Angelic Support Session

Group Angelic Support Session - June 18th at 1pm EST
We will be gathering in community by phone to receive the messages of the Angels, release the limitations of the old energy and old ways of healing, as we receive the support and upgraded energetic patterning that moves us into fully participating this now-moment with more ease and grace.
We'll be activated into increased alignment so that we can successfully participate in the instantaneous co-creative process that is part of our day-to-day experience now.
You can expect powerful healing energy, messages that touch your soul, and to feel empowered, more energized, and loved-up.
* This session will be recorded for you to have in case you want to listen back or take the journey again. 

ITEM 3 - Meet & Heal with the Angels - LIVE 3-part series

Meet & Heal with the Angels
LIVE 3-part series via Zoom*— July 1, 8, & 15, 2021 11am PT / 2pm ET
In this LIVE* experiential workshop series full of Joy, Love, and amazing community, you'll meet with several Archangels and learn how you experience the energy of each on a personal level, which will help you to recognize when they're around!
You'll establish and deepen your relationships with them, as much as you desire as you settle into the understanding that you are never alone and trust that they are always with you.  
In this workshop, you will:
  • Get to know and experience many of the Archangels
  • Learn to create your own meditative space to connect with them, so that you can do so instantly and with ease
  • Feel and experience each of the Archangels so that you can begin to develop your energetic vocabulary and resonance with them.
  • Learn how each angel’s unique gifts and talents can help you in your everyday life
  • Deepen your relationships with the angels you already know and Love
These sessions are overlighted by Archangels Michael and Ariel. Whether you are looking to learn about the angels or deepen the knowledge and relationships you already have, this is the perfect workshop! 
Come prepared for powerful experiences full of play and wonder. 
*LIVE workshops will be recorded and available to all who sign up

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 25% off!

If you're a Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 25% off this offer. The discount code will be in your Member Portal as well as your emails.

If you're not yet a Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get 25% off this and all offers, click below.


Theresa Vee's ability to captivate an audience's attention and simultaneously engage their heart and mind is masterful. She possesses that special combination that makes a teacher great: profound embodied wisdom, compassionate charm, and the ability to compel an audience to take inspired action. —John Burgos, Host of Beyond The Ordinary Show
What flows through you is too beautiful, Angelic teacher that you are. Bless your heart. I am closer to the Angels than ever since having my session with you. Bless all those participating in your work. Theresa is a pure soul. —Caroline M.
Theresa has the energetic capacity of a love surgeon -removing all the debris that are no longer true for you and your highest service. After working with her, I was able to fully release huge stories of the past that were running my system but I could not unwind myself. It was a total body upgrade to allow me to serve at the highest level of living light. - Joanna Green
Theresa has a profound ability to hold others in the field of unconditional love. In that field, the shifts we desire are so much more easily within reach, because the resistance has melted away.
This is Theresa’s greatest gift: loving us towards our greatest, most alive, and most aligned lives.- Nisha Moodley
Theresa is a natural intuitive healer, She connects with the Angels with ease, grace, and devotion. Her desire to serve clearly comes from a place of love. I felt so held and taken care of throughout our conversation.  My reading left me filled with immense faith and gratitude. It also inspired me to take action. It was nothing short of magical and miraculous. —Paula Orozco, Women's Healer & Spiritual Teacher

Theresa Vee

Theresa Vee is an international speaker, spiritual teacher, mentor, priestess, master of the healing arts, and Angelic channel.

She works with people who feel that they should have attended Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters before being sent out into the world, helping them to find the strength in their sensitivities and guiding them in the use of these superpowers.

Theresa is a Visionary, a Love Warrior, and a fierce stand for Peace who is widely regarded as a presence of unconditional Love. In her uniquely effective way, she has been helping people expedite their healing and ascension for over 15 years—calling us into our authenticity and full integrity. She empowers Sensitives to stand in the Power of Who We Really Are so that we can feel more alive, on-Purpose, and fulfilled.

Package - Value $525 - Special Offer - $197

ITEM 1 - 30 Minute Personal Angel Reading with Theresa
ITEM 2 - Group Angelic Support Session
ITEM 3 - Meet & Heal With the Angels Live 3 part Course