Tammy Braswell 
Special Offer March 2020

Package A - $700 Value - 81% Savings - Special Offer - $129

ITEM 1  – Polar Harmonics™ Activations (9) Audios
ITEM 2 - Awakening the Core Essence™ Activation and Journey to Your Soul Guided Exercise (3) Audios
ITEM 3 - The Divine Enfolding™ Guided Exercise (2) Audios

Package B - $1000 Value - 77% Savings - Special Offer - $219

ITEM 1 - Package A
  • ITEM 1  – Polar Harmonics™ Activations (9) Audios
  • ITEM 2 - Awakening the Core Essence™ Activation and Journey to Your Soul Guided Exercise (3) Audios
  • ITEM 3 - The Divine Enfolding™ Guided Exercise (2) Audios
ITEM 2 - 60 Min Personal Session

Package A - $700 Value

81% Savings - Special Offer $129

Package A

High Frequency Elevation Activations
Clear out your old, stagnant energies and invite in the next-level version of who you can be now…

Step into the light…
You can easily clear out the dense, heavy energies that you hold inside of you, sometimes unknowingly, that stop you from experiencing more connection, confidence and clarity in your life! 
It began when you were a child, and even before that…
As a child you were a sponge to the world around you. You took in everything, even those things you didn’t know you were, that you heard, observed and felt. From all of that, you created your belief system of who you are and who you were expected to be in this world.
Most of what you received became the heavy, undesirable and unhealthy programming, beliefs and patterns that you have been experiencing throughout your life.
Although you’ve had enjoyable times in your life, you know that the heaviness still lingers in how you experience: 
  • Your relationships with others 
  • Your financial abundance and prosperity
  • Your quality and level of health 
  • Your spiritual growth and connection 
  • And just how you show up in your life everyday
You are tired of all these old programs, outdated beliefs and unconscious repeating patterns still running and influencing your life.
Out with the old and in with the new!
With the heightened and ever upward moving energies that we are experiencing now more than ever, you are really feeling the heaviness of your old energetic “junk” in your life. It is coming up more than ever for you to have a look at and finally be free of it so you can enjoy all that is available and possible for you to experience now.
To your Soul, all of your life experiences, whether from a human perspective felt good or bad, were an important part of your journey here. But, it is time for you to be able to let these old energies, that have been weighing heavy on your life, be healed and brought to a satisfactory completion for your Soul in its desire to be here as you.
Your awakening and remembering is here!
It’s time to move up to the next level of experiences and energy that are available to you, you must release and heal these heavy, denser energies because they cannot come with you, and you don’t want them to!
It is time to give yourself permission to release the old and experience yourself at the higher levels of the divine being you are.
Opening the space for the new!
Through the new heightened collective energies, it is possible to move more quickly from the lower level energies to the higher level ones without a long drawn out process like before. 
You and your Soul are ready for the next level as you are bringing completion to what was created in the old patterns of separation and false illusions of the collective energy that have lasted longer than anticipated.
In the higher energies, you will create your life by conscious design and it will be easier, quicker and more enjoyable than it has been until now.
Your Soul is calling you to step up and allow this to be the lifetime of healing and completing all the old patterns you have repeated over and over until now. 
This is why I have created a unique package of guided audios that easily help you to experience the highest levels of releasing, healing and connection that are available to you.
The package will...
  • Release old patterns that keep repeating themselves as unhealthy and undesirable experiences
  • Heal trauma energies from your birth and not being enough or worthy
  • Switch your vibration into one that is open to receiving higher frequency energies and experiences
  • Create a direct connection with your Soul to understand its intentions for your life's journey
  • Share a new level of love you can access with Divine Source Consciousness, yourself and all things
The package includes:
  • 9 audio Activations, using my propriety energy method of Polar Harmonics™
  • 3 audios for the Awakening the Core Essence™ Activation and Journey to Your Soul exercise
  • 2 audios for my propriety energetic technique of The Divine Enfolding™
  • An instructional guide on what order to listen to the audios and what you can expect for your best results.
  • The Polar Harmonics™ guide which explains this energy method and how to use it
I share all of this with immense heartfelt love for you and your journey in this lifetime with me.

ITEM 1 - Polar Harmonics Activations

Polar Harmonics™ Energy Method
Polar Harmonics™ is a proprietary energetic method of polarity shifting activations that switch you from a lower vibrational focal point into its polar opposite higher vibrational focal point, releasing the remaining imbalances in your energy field and body related to it, to expand you into the desirable, high level experiences you want to have more easily and quickly in your life.
These Activations assist you in moving into higher vibrational energy and frequencies to prepare you for accessing the energetic level of The Divine Enfoldingtechnique exercise.
*Offered as 9 Audios

Polar Harmonics™ Activations Include:
1. Resetting Your Birth Energy – 
This Activation switches you into resetting the energy of your gestation to birth with love, peace, calm, and enthusiasm for all that is available through this human experience. The 9-month gestation and birth process are to prepare you for the being in human form. You’ll reset your entry into this physical world with joy and love for the exciting adventure and journey your soul intended it to be. 

2. Loving Yourself for Being Enough – 
This Activation switches you into falling in love with, and accepting, yourself fully as the amazing, magnificent and beautiful being you are and always have been. You’ll know that you are more than enough and accept yourself as such because you are so incredible and unique, and you deserve all the good that is waiting for you to receive it. 

3. Connecting with Your Value and Worthiness – 
This Activation switches you into knowing your value and worth as the divine being you are to experience the best in your life and have that reflected in your heightened state of deserving and receiving it. You’ll tune into your value and be able to allow the things that are equivalent to that to come into your life with ease, grace and flow.

4. Being Open to Receive Love – 
This Activation switches you into allowing yourself to receive new expanded levels of love and opens you up to experiencing love in ways you have limited it before. You’ll be able to openly and freely allow more love to flow in and for you to graciously receive it.

5. Balance of the Human and Spiritual Sides of your Being –
This Activation switches you into allowing balance in the spiritual being side of who you are in truth and the human being side of who you are while incarnated in this physical reality. You’ll feel whole and balanced in your connection with your higher self and higher energies as well as feeling grounded and embrace living in your physical reality too.

6. Opening Your Heart to Love – 
This Activation switches you into allowing the walls you have created around your heart to fall way. You’ll finally let the walls around your heart come down and open yourself up to receiving deeper and greater love into your life and flowing through all of your relationships.

7. Remembering Your Divine Self Connection –
This Activation switches you into remembering that you are part of the Divine Universal Consciousness that creates all things. Allowing yourself to tune into that connection, opens the space for you to experience more of the truth of who you really are and why you chose to come into this physical, human reality. You’ll feel a deep connection and part of the source from which you came. 

8. Being Receptive to Higher Levels of Consciousness – 
This Activation switches you into opening yourself up to being receptive to what is available at higher vibrational levels of consciousness, allowing your perception and reception of what is in your life, and available to you, to expand. You’ll receive expanded levels of consciousness and higher awarenesses that allow you to better understand the human experience from a divine perspective.

9. Being able to Access Higher Vibrational Frequencies with Ease –
This Activation switches you into being able to access higher frequencies by tuning your vibration, both energetically and physically, into these high-level energies to connect with them more easily and smoothly. You’ll be able to raise your vibration to be in resonance with higher energies, beings, and frequencies to easily access them and receive what they are able to share with you.
Leanne M. shares about her experience with the Polar Harmonics™ Energy Method…
I immediately felt the shift as the energy moved me from my old programming of feeling I didn’t have the level of money I wanted to expanding into having more than enough and it being handed to me on a silver platter. I completely understood what Tammy meant by collapsing the part where I didn't allow money in, and expanding the other side. I have been struggling for years to get clients, and after working with Tammy, I have 1 new client and 2 more potential clients all within a few days. The whole experience also gave me a sense of security-like everything is going to be ok.”
- Leanne M.
Daniel H. shares about his experience with the Polar Harmonics™ Energy Method…
“I have known Tammy for years and have worked with her a number of times throughout the years. With this work that she has created, I felt peace in my solar plexus and sacral chakra that was a huge shift. I could feel it even happening while she was doing the work in the session. Since that time, I am finding I am more at peace around my sacred purpose and money. As always, the work she offers is amazing and I would highly recommend her and what she offers.”
- Daniel H.

ITEM 2 - 
Awakening the Core Essence™ Activation & Soul Exercises

Awakening the Core Essence™ Activation and Journey to Your Soul Guided Exercise
It is time to reconnect with your Soul. It is time to allow the knowledge and knowing that your Soul has to offer to come through with more clarity and for you to be able to work more closely with your Soul to complete any remaining energy streams of experiences that it is ready to finalize in this life.
Through the guidance of Mary Magdalene, a way to access your divine gifts and talents was revealed through the Core Essence point, which once activated, allows your Soul to share with you what it wanted to experience fully in this life.
With this Activation…
  • Your Core Essence will be awakened and activated, opening you to receive guidance straight from your Soul  
  • Once activated, you will be able to Journey to Your Soul, where, through the Awakened Core Essence point, you will experience a “doorway” to reach your Soul and speak directly with the vastness that is your Soul 
  • You’ll have the ability to ask all the questions you have wanted…like “What is your purpose?” “Why did your Soul choose to come here?” “Have you completed the experiences it intended to have?” 
  • Converse directly with your Soul and discover what it knows about you, your life plan, what needs to come next, and so much more!
*Offered as 3 Audios

ITEM 3 - 
The Divine Enfolding™ Guided Exercise

The Divine Enfolding™  Technique
The Divine Enfolding™ is a proprietary energetic exercise that allows you to connect with Divine Unconditional Love to bring you back to the Oneness from which we all originate. Once connected with this highest frequency of love, you are able to allow it to permeate all of you, and you fall in love with yourself in new and deeper ways. From this level, you are able to love everything and everyone unconditionally and just as they are. This brings you back to the truth of the connectedness, and the illusion of separation falls away. 
Your life changes in ways that open you to looking at all things through the eyes of love. You have a deeper level of compassion, forgiveness, and love for your life and everything you experience in it. You live in a calm, peaceful state that is unshakable by the world around you. You have the power of love on your side, and you know how to tap into it, so you feel the fullness in how much you are loved, never needing to look for it anywhere else but within yourself and your connection with the Divine.
*Offered as 2 Audios
Tammy G. shares about her experience with The Divine Enfolding guided journey exercise...
“The Divine Enfolding” technique amazed me at the state it put me in. I could see the liquid love filling my heart and clearing out the lower vibrations. I felt lighter and calmer all while it was happening and even after I was finished listening. It took me to a place of Divine Unconditional Love that filled me, opened me up to feeling more self-love, and expanded out to others that I wanted to share this connection with as well. At the end, I smiled because the journey took me back to a memory when I was a young child and was laughing and playing without a care in the world…just being happy in love and fun. I can feel my heart space has opened from doing this process and shifts occur faster when I do this. I have gone back into that Divine space of love again and again because it is so amazing and each experience is different. I bring that feeling out into my life with me and also expand it to others energetically which was a new concept to me. Thanks Tammy for sharing your gifts to assist the rest of us in knowing ourselves, Source and others in  more connected, love-filled ways. I am thankful for this!"
- Tammy G.

Package B - $1000 Value

77% Savings - Special Offer $219

Package B 

Item 1: Everything in Package A

ITEM 1  – Polar Harmonics™ Activations (9) Audios
ITEM 2 - Awakening the Core Essence™ Activation and Journey to Your Soul Guided Exercise (3) Audios
ITEM 3 - The Divine Enfolding™ Guided Exercise (2) Audios

Item 2: 60min Polar Harmonics™ Session with Tammy

You’ll receive all the audios plus a private 60 minute session with Tammy using the Polar Harmonics™ energy method specific to what you are experiencing in your life to create the changes you want now and move you from your low-level experiences to new, higher-level ones. It will be one of the most profound and transformation sessions you’ll ever have!

3 Day Bonus

Expanding Your Consciousness: Journeying Beyond the Limits of the Physical

What if you could travel beyond your physical body to experience yourself as the infinite being you are while in your human experience?
You could:
 Discover how to expand your consciousness so that your view of your personal world, the entire world, the solar system, and beyond opens up for you and you don't have to feel confined or limited while being in your physical body
 Travel to a place where you work in the high vibrational energy of creation and have access to communicating with higher beings, Ascended Masters, or whomever you desire to invite in for greater knowledge and understanding while you are in the physical
This work opens your intuitive senses more as well as making you hypersensitive in your physical senses. You experience everything at a heightened level, which allows you to receive much more in the way of subtle energy and higher messages.
($198 Value)
*Offered as 2 Audios
Robin G. shares about her experience with the Expanding Your Consciousness guided journey process...

I used the special energy of creation exercise to sell my home quickly so I could move to be with my husband at his job in another state. I am continuing to use it to create more of what I desire. I really appreciated how Tammy shares the information and leads you through the exercises and what is possible by expanding your consciousness in a conscious way. I had a lot of fun and, with having worked with other teachers and mentors, I would definitely recommend the way Tammy teaches, shares and guides you through the information.”
- Robin G.


I was elated to get the opportunity of finding Tammy! She is so friendly. She listens. She's coaching you to make your decisions by your gut feeling and good sense. She has made me aware of how we can find opportunities to make our dreams reality. No matter how little or BIG. We must have a mindset of what we want and the determination to pursue it whether it be financial, health, relationships, etc. Focus on the benefits presenting themselves, and Voilà! Tammy is a very talented soul.
- Bette R.
Tammy is one of those special people that comes around once in a lifetime!
- Charles B.
You are wonderful and have incredible healing skills. When we spoke, you helped me release the emotions I was holding onto about my mother, which was 17 years of misery that I didn't have to live with. I didn't know that was one of my issues when I spoke with you, but you helped me to understand that it was and helped me to let her go. That changed my life and understanding of everything. I would recommend that others use your services to heal their issues that are holding them back too.
- Tracy B.
I connected with Tammy when I took her college class and find what she shares to be valuable and interesting information. Things she has shared with me have brought new insight into my life and have improved the quality and experiences of it. I feel more centered; have more peace of mind; noticing what’s not best for me is moving out of my life; I haven’t had any disagreements with anyone; feel more positive; I am re-thinking my life with the very best in mind for me. I do believe my life has changed for the better from working with Tammy and I would recommend her work for everyone who wants to be more centered in their life. And who wouldn’t? Thank you very much, Tammy, for your life-changing processes!
- Sandra H.
You've helped me immensely, Tammy. There is a real difference in the love that I feel for myself, the gratitude I feel every day, and my willingness to do the work necessary to move forward, and consequently, move up. It's become so very obvious to me when I'm thinking, seeing, and acting on a higher energy level than someone else in my life. It's changed my perception, attitude and the way I react to someone making choices based in fear. You've helped me to see this. You've helped me to make choices that have created positive change in my life. Little by little (and sometimes in grand leaps) I am changing in positive ways. You have a gift. You can truly help people to think and see better things in themselves and others around them. I'm so thankful for the work you've done with me. You've helped to move me from a place of fear, indecision, and longing to a place where I can honestly see myself. I can (and have begun) to do the work a little more every day. I leave behind the feelings of despair and overwhelming thoughts and move to a place of clarity, health, and abundance. I'm making time to meditate, to focus on what is truly important to me. You've given me that gift. Thank you from my heart.
- Tracy T.
After working with Tammy for over two years, it has been an amazing and awesome journey. We have done clearing and healing work in my past lives; identifying and releasing emotions from my past that have been keeping me from receiving and experiencing more of what I want in my life; and intuited and channeled insights and guidance, specifically for me, that have helped direct my path in new and exciting ways. Each and every session offers new information and new things to be shifted. Looking back to the past, it is amazing how I have been able to expand my awareness in such profound ways. I don’t know exactly how I got here because the shifts were subtle, but the work we have done together has been exciting, profound, deep and transformative. I have had the most wonderful and amazing realizations, adventures, insights, and inspirations with her.
- Putri S.

Tammy Braswell

Tammy Braswell has been sensitive to energy and the unseen planes of existence since she was a young child. She is highly connected to Spirit, higher energies, and the unlimited consciousness of Source itself, which she channels as ALL THAT IS. She understands how energy moves and our role in creating from the vibrational level we are at. 
Through her own experiences, she knows the value of having support, which for many years she did not have, so she assists others along a similar path in their journey to navigate through all the unknowns, unseen and unfamiliar. In this way, they may embrace who they really are by stepping into their truth to experience and express their unique gifts, abilities, and connection in ways that serve them and the collective whole, as their soul intended. 
Tammy’s work is her proprietary blend of all that she has studied, intuited, channeled, and experienced firsthand in her own life, as the intuitive channel, high-vibrational healer, Energetic Creation coach/guide/teacher, and creator of new energy methods, she now shares.

Package A - $700 Value - 81% Savings - Special Offer - $129

ITEM 1  – Polar Harmonics™ Activations (9) Audios
ITEM 2 - Awakening the Core Essence™ Activation and Journey to Your Soul Guided Exercise (3) Audios
ITEM 3 - The Divine Enfolding™ Guided Exercise (2) Audios

Package B - $1000 Value - 77% Savings - Special Offer - $219

ITEM 1 - Package A
  • ITEM 1  – Polar Harmonics™ Activations (9) Audios
  • ITEM 2 - Awakening the Core Essence™ Activation and Journey to Your Soul Guided Exercise (3) Audios
  • ITEM 3 - The Divine Enfolding™ Guided Exercise (2) Audios
ITEM 2 - 60 Min Personal Session