Susan Kennard
Special Offer
November 2021

Package A - Special Offer - $97

1 Month in One of the Healing Chambers
You can choose to be in the 
  • Abundance, Prosperity, & Money Healing Chamber,
  • Physical Body Healing Chamber, or
  • Relationship & Love Healing Chamber for ONE Month.
  • Karmic Healing Process
  • Seamless Love Process
  • Forgiveness Letter

Package B - Special Offer - $177

1 Month in All of the Healing Chambers
You will be placed in ALL of these Healing Chambers for ONE month:
  • Abundance, Prosperity, & Money Healing Chamber,
  • Physical Body Healing Chamber, and 
  • Relationship & Love Healing Chamber for ONE Month.
  • Karmic Healing Process
  • Seamless Love Process
  • Forgiveness Letter

Susan's Package A

 Special Offer $97


1 Month in One of the Healing Chambers
1 Month in One of the Healing Chambers
You can choose to be in the 
  • Abundance, Prosperity, & Money Healing Chamber,
  • Physical Body Healing Chamber, or
  • Relationship & Love Healing Chamber for ONE Month.
  • Karmic Healing Process
Description: Meditation & Activation for Healing and Releasing our Karmic Energy to feel more freedom in our lives and acknowledge all these parts of our lives. Mother Mary comes in, along with galactic beings to help you heal and clear your karmic debts.
  • Seamless Love Process
Description: Meditation for Seamless Love to feel and be filled with unconditional love in our cells and all around our energy field.
  • Forgiveness Letter
Description: PDF to help you forgive yourself and others.
Abundance Healing Chamber Testimonials
“The money chamber absolutely had positive effects for me! Both tangible evidence and also mindset wise. Just before the chamber I was feeling like there was a stagnant energy with my money. I felt like there was a block in the flow, so of course was extremely grateful to receive the opportunity to be included in the money chamber.”
“On the first evening that the money chamber was set I had a wonderful dream. I dreamt I was playing a game where I was winning money, it was fun and created positive feelings.  It felt like my subconscious was processing and unblocking! My mindset shifted and the next morning I felt lighter and surer that money was on its way... and it was!  Within 24 hours I had invoiced for 2 new clients. These were opportunities that had been around for some time but hadn’t come to fruition. This was a great result in itself! Then... they both paid another 24 hours after that! Super quick payment from both! This generated £3,744 in revenue into my business in a very short space of time! I highly recommend the money chamber! What a fantastic way to clear away the blocks and experience abundance!” – HK
“Being a part of the Healing Chamber for Abundance was such a great experience!  Usually, I am always worried about money and trying to figure out how I will pay bills, especially right now that my husband is on disability.  When this experience began, I was waiting on some money to come through for us and the next day after I started the healing chamber, I received a check for almost $3000 for our bills. I was so thankful for that!  Also, I noticed that I was feeling much better about spending money and buying things. Usually, I would get a feeling in my gut when I felt like I didn’t have enough or that I would be using money in a wasteful way. Yet, I felt really good and excited about my money!  Also, I also experienced more feelings of happiness and gratefulness, which was awesome!  I know that abundance comes in many forms and I felt really great and close to my relationships, family, personal life.  It was like a magical week of happiness!  Thank you, Susan, for this experience!” – WN
Relationship Healing Chamber Testimonials
“My relationship week was wonderful.  I heard from some friends I hadn’t talked to in years it was so nice to connect with them.  My intimate family was harmonious which never happens!  I also felt more content with myself and where I’m at in my life which feels really nice.” – NA
“I feel much closer to my husband after this week. We had a few very difficult situations come up, but we coasted right through them. He felt loved and supported by me and I felt loved and supported by him. In most cases these situations would have caused a rift, but instead we felt more confidence in our love for each other.  Thank you for this opportunity to be part of the relationship chamber! Love and light” - BL
Physical Body Healing Chamber Testimonials
“I can get debilitating migraines when I have any sugar.  During the Body Healing Chamber, I had no migraines, even though I accidentally ingested sugar while out to dinner at a restaurant.  Also, I discovered a supplement during this time that is very beneficial for both headaches and migraines.  I believe that I was divinely led to this discovery!” - SM
“At the beginning of my time on the healing chamber I really noticed that my shoulders were aching and feeling very tight and uncomfortable. Also, I have had a bit of an upset stomach in the face of very loose stool. This is very unusual for me as I tend to suffer more from constipation. So, this is saying to me that I am letting go of a lot of stuff that ordinarily my body would of held on to. The stomach as I know is also very much connected to our self-esteem, confidence, and self-worth. Also, this make sense as I do have a tendency to emotionally eat when I’m feeling a little down. So, I feel it was coming up to be healed and to be let go off.”  – CB
“After doing the body weight and now the body healing chamber I am very conscious of all the healing. The pain and inflammation in my chronic right knee are gone. More range of movement as well.  I’m feeling more driven to swim and even walk. Exercise is now becoming part of my vocabulary.”  - EB

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 25% off!

If you're a Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 25% off this offer. The discount code will be in your Member Portal as well as your emails.

If you're not yet a Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get 25% off this and all offers, click below.

Susan's Package B

Special Offer $177


1 Month in All of the Healing Chambers
1 Month in All of the Healing Chambers
You will be placed in ALL of these Healing Chambers for ONE month:
  • Abundance, Prosperity, & Money Healing Chamber,
  • Physical Body Healing Chamber, and 
  • Relationship & Love Healing Chamber for ONE Month.
  • Karmic Healing Process
Description: Meditation & Activation for Healing and Releasing our Karmic Energy to feel more freedom in our lives and acknowledge all these parts of our lives. Mother Mary comes in, along with galactic beings to help you heal and clear your karmic debts.
  • Seamless Love Process
Description: Meditation for Seamless Love to feel and be filled with unconditional love in our cells and all around our energy field.
  • Forgiveness Letter
Description: PDF to help you forgive yourself and others.
More Abundance Healing Chamber Testimonials
“On Monday, after signing up for the Chamber, I set an intention to “Level Up!” In all areas of my life: Emotionally, Physically, Spiritually, Mentally, Intellectually and Financially.  I was asking the guides and Galactic’s to provide clarity and knowing to support me with this during the next 30 days.  I put a sign up above my keyboard to remind myself of my “Level Up!” Intention.  On Tuesday, after only 24 hours, I felt such a sense of confidence and well-being.  I usually feel confident and well, but this was a very high vibrational feeling of being uplifted. Amazing! On Wednesday, day 2, I woke up feeling happy.  Really, really happy.  So much so that I could not remember when the last time was that I felt so happy.  I was excited to face the challenges and opportunities of the day.  Also on Wednesday, day 2, I received a phone call-out of the blue- from a former client.  We partnered together to launch a course for 110 Engineers.  He is interested in partnering with me again to have his Engineers complete the course.  This will occur mid-September. Amazing! On Friday, day 4, I received an email- again, out of the blue- from a former client who wanted to order DISC profiles for employees.  I just sent those out tonight :)  On Saturday, day 5, I learned that my son decided to stop drinking alcohol and explore his ascension path more fully.  My son is the Abundance Chamber, too.  This is truly the answer to prayer!! Magnificent!!  My weekend was very productive.  I remain happy and feeling lightness- not bogged down in the 3-D like before. Today is Monday, day 7, and the feeling of well-being and confidence is superior.  I feel like I am at the top of my personal and professional game right now.  It feels so free and incredible! Another little side note:  I am meeting the most incredible global people and having 2+ hour conversations with them. It’s like they are being drawn to me- like a moth to a flame.  Incredible.  All I can say, Susan, is WOW! And I am only going on week 2!! Thank you to you and your guides for this incredible opportunity.” – RP
More Relationship Healing Chamber Testimonials
“I’ve been noticing this week that we have both felt really close, and more connected than ever. We’re sickly-sweet right now! My partner has even commented that he feels that our 2 weeks together (where all our plans got taken away from us) has been amazing & he’s really enjoyed our time together.  Mid-week, on the way home from somewhere we chatted about marriage and how we would want to get married, who would be there and how wonderful it would be. It felt so lovely. I got very excited.  We’ve spoken about it before but this time I didn’t feel any hesitation. I used to feel a little wary about marriage & apprehension - how will I ever know I’m ‘ready’ that sort of thing. Yet, I felt excited and I feel peaceful and calm. I want to marry him so much. I’ve always wanted to marry him, but now I feel it with greater peace & calm.  I definitely feel something has shifted. This healing chamber has been wonderful. Thank you so very much” - KE
“This last week I had a stronger feeling about the strength of my relationship with my wife. We worked together on her business and I shared how proud and what great progress she has made on starting her business. She is the partner I have always wanted to have and am thankful that I have that in my life right now. I also felt a better relationship with myself and how I dealt with things in my life during the week. I was more forgiving of myself and felt better with how I handled issues that occurred.” – CN
More Physical Body Healing Chamber Testimonials
“I have really enjoyed being in the physical body healing chamber.  Before entering the healing chamber my right shoulder was becoming sore and I noticed I was not able to everyday things without feeling some discomfort.  After a few days in the healing chamber, I noticed that my shoulder was not hurting and that I could even lift my weights with no discomfort.  I find these healing chambers to be quite amazing.  Thank you very much.” - CN
“I definitely needed to be in this physical body healing chamber.  Right before this chamber, the skin on my face became irritated and developed little bumps on it.  Over the course of the healing chamber this has begun to improve dramatically and now there is only about 25% left. Also, on day 6 I experienced a complete body jolt when I was laying down.  I knew that my body just received a powerful healing.  It was truly an amazing experience.  Thank you for helping my body to heal.” - JN

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 25% off!

If you're a Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 25% off this offer. The discount code will be in your Member Portal as well as your emails.

If you're not yet a Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get 25% off this and all offers, click below.


From completing all the sessions in Susan’s program, I have noticed a massive change in my luck.  Whenever I seem to think I do not have enough money to pay for something, somehow it sorts itself out.  The course has helped me clear blocks I had that were stopping me from creating my website.   Most importantly I feel more intuitive.  My Light Spirituality page has seen an increase of 100 more people who have joined in this last month.  I highly recommended Susan to anyone.  Thank you, Susan! ~ Roshney,  UK
Susan Freed Me From 20 Years Of Prescription Anti-Depressants & Sleeping Pills! I No Longer Carry Valium Around With Me!!! I went to see Susan Kennard as I had been in psychotherapy and Counselling for years. This had helped me but still my days were haunted with Flashbacks, Depression and Anxiety. This was due to four years of sexual abuse age 7-11. Rape. A series of abusive relationships, bullying and family issues. I was on prescription medication for 20 years Anti-Depressants and Sleeping pills. It felt like the cycle was never ending.  I was off my anti-depressants in such speed and sleeping pills. I was also no longer carrying Valium around with me in case I had a panic attack. I no longer wake every day to face the flashbacks that haunted me. I feel free and not chained down by the past! ~ Christine UK
In Just One Session With Susan After 14 Years I Am Finally Free Of Depression! My Anger And Bitterness Towards My Ex Has Been Released! ~Jude H
Susan Freed Me From A Binding Toxic Relationship Of Years, The Barriers Are GONE And Now I Can Finally Move On Into A New Relationship!  ~ Giles, London
Thank you Susan for such an amazing retreat! My husband got extra overtime work from one day to the next and put in an extra 22 hours of overtime.  We also got free money from the universe and money just started to show up for us! Thank you! ~ Wendy, Los Angeles
Susan Helped Me Revoke Shame & Control Contracts To End My Patterns Of Celibacy Even In Long Relationships! ~Jackie Australia
For The First Time In My Life I Felt Love For My Mother After My Session With Susan! She Cleared Many Timelines & Healed My Mother’s Inner Child!” “As a child growing up I felt victimized, chastised, not loved by my mother who has been on the other side since I was a young girl. I want to thank you Susan for the work you do, the availability of these sessions that are definitely life-changing and lasting. A lot was accomplished from the session a few weeks ago, you cleared many timelines for both my mother and I. Divine Mother Mary came in and lovingly healed my mother’s inner child so that she can once again be free, expand her consciousness and move forward. I feel super blessed and grateful that through a session, I helped my mother heal even though she’s on the other side. This session was indeed a divine gift! It’s the first time I feel love for my mother and not want to push the memory of her away. I was set free of feeling unloved all my life. It’s amazing that I also learnt the reason why I had to experience that with my mother which amplified the healing and the incredible healing powers of private sessions. My heart feels more open and I feel lighter. Thank you Susan! ~ Christine


Susan who is known as a Spiritual Scientist originally trained in psychology and psychotherapy over 20 years ago.  In the last 12 years added many energy healing modalities to her practice. Susan has an extensive toolbox which has allowed her to create her own unique way of working. Susan has been a therapist for over 20 years and in that time has specialized in helping people to clear their trauma on all different levels. Susan is trained in Meta Health helping people to find their own inner healer and facilitating their healing journey of the body.   
Susan practices using Zoom internationally. She speaks about her work and research at conferences and events all over the UK and the world. She is a specialist in PTSD and has worked with many veterans and others who have experienced significant trauma.  
Susan has a clear channel to spirit and the higher realms making her work fast, direct, and accurate. She is a medium and channel and working with her galactic guides.  She channels, tones, and speaks light language to help others heal their heart field allowing them to create and manifest more easily. Susan noticed that when trauma is cleared, more success and love is able to come into your life.  She is the founder of Awaken The Light Within, Sparkle to Success, 60 seconds of colour and many other classes that she runs live and online. Susan is an intuitive astrologer and can holds moon events to help you to align to your divine potential.  Susan is currently preparing to publish her book with a working title of Awaken the Light Within, as she has won the Hay House Writing Competition and is publishing soon via Balboa Press, a subdivision of Hay House.
Susan in the media, featured on British BBC2 and ITV TV, Sky and interviewed on many international tele-summits and pod casts.  Susan has her own podcast called The Spiritual Awakener found on all major platforms. 
Susan is passionate about helping you to remember that you are your own inner healer and that you can create a truly free and abundant life by aligning to your true mission.

Package A - Special Offer - $97

1 Month in One of the Healing Chambers
You can choose to be in the 
  • Abundance, Prosperity, & Money Healing Chamber,
  • Physical Body Healing Chamber, or
  • Relationship & Love Healing Chamber for ONE Month.
  • Karmic Healing Process
  • Seamless Love Process
  • Forgiveness Letter

Package B - Special Offer - $177

1 Month in All of the Healing Chambers
You will be placed in ALL of these Healing Chambers for ONE month:
  • Abundance, Prosperity, & Money Healing Chamber,
  • Physical Body Healing Chamber, and 
  • Relationship & Love Healing Chamber for ONE Month.
  • Karmic Healing Process
  • Seamless Love Process
  • Forgiveness Letter