Patrick Prohaska

Special Offer 
June 2020

Package A - Light Bridge Power Harmonics - Special Offer - $97

ITEM 1 - 18 Powerful Light Bridge Attunement & Belief Sculpting Sessions
ITEM 2 - 4 Free Bonus Empowerment Audio Tracks

Package B - Light Bridge Power Harmonics + 30min Session-Special Offer - $179

ITEM 1 - 18 Powerful Light Bridge Attunement & Belief Sculpting Sessions
ITEM 2 - 4 Free Bonus Empowerment Audio Tracks
ITEM 3 - 30min Session with Patrick
ITEM 4 - Secret Surprise Bonuses

Package C - Light Bridge Attunement Mega Success Package + 30min Session-Special Offer - $297

ITEM 1 - 87 Powerful Light Bridge Attunement & Belief Sculpting Sessions
ITEM 2 - 11 Bonus Items, including Lectures & Mini Workshops
ITEM 3 - 30min Session with Patrick
ITEM 4 - Secret Surprise Bonuses

Package A

Light Bridge Power Harmonics

Value $297 - Special Offer $97

Package A 

Power Harmonics is a collection of energetic activations, Light Bridge attunements, and belief sculpting tools to help you embody a fully empowered and self-directed life. 

You are a force of nature, and this audio package helps you wield that power so you can live life on your terms. Imagine what you’ll create in the world when you stopp giving your power away. Imagine the impact you’ll have on others when you speak your authentic truth with confidence. Imagine how your relationships and career will flourish when you let go of your victim narratives.

Power Harmonics helps you achieve all of this, and more.

Light Bridge Power Harmonics
This audio package features energetic activations, Light Bridge attunements, and belief sculpting processes to bring you into alignment with power consciousness.
  • Clear life-long patterns of disappointment and frustration.
  • Let go of victim-based beliefs and expectations that block you from living life on your terms.
  • Understand why and how you give your power away, and how you misuse it to unwittingly create roadblocks and barriers in your life.
  • Learn how to use your power proactively, rather than living a reactive life on autopilot.
  • Let go of past traumatic experiences that have taught you to squelch your power.
  • Shine with authentic charisma and attract friends and acquaintances who love you for your energy.
  • Empower your love life, your bank account, your career, and much, much more.

Track 1: ​Power-Worthiness

Believe deep in your heart that you are worthy of power, joy, success, and fulfillment.

Track 2: ​The Empowered Mindset

People living an empowered life all hold the same core beliefs about power. Embrace those fundamental mindsets with this belief sculpting session.

Track 3: ​Release from Victim Identity

Let go of any and all beliefs that you are by nature a victim, and therefore personal power is beyond your reach.

Track 4: ​Trauma Clearing Session

Clear traumatic imprints that cause you to doubt your natural power.

Track 5: ​Power Retention

Stop giving your power away and living life on other people’s terms.

Track 6: ​The Misuse of Power

Everyone is a powerful force of nature, but many of us misuse our power through self-sabotage and negativity.

Track 7: ​Focused Intention

Let go of fears and distractions so you can focus on what you truly desire.

Track 8: ​Proactive Power

Clear your subconscious triggers and develop the gift of controlling how you react in any given situation.

Track 9: ​Alignment with the Law of Attraction

Embody the Law of Attraction, the Law of Deliberate Creation, and other universal principles.

Track 10: ​Power Chakra Activation

This guided meditation helps cleanse and balance your entire energetic matrix, with special emphasis on the power center.

Track 11: ​Brain Balancer

Enhance the function of the brain for personal power, with special emphasis on the neurotransmitters, the autonomic system, and the memory centers.

Track 12: ​The Power of Authenticity

Speak your truth and allow others to do the same.

Track 13: ​The Power of Optimism

Positive thinking is the heart and soul of deliberate creation. Embrace an optimistic mindset with this Light Bridge attunement session.

Track 14: ​The Power of Gratitude

Gratitude corrects the natural negative bias of the subconscious and makes you attract more and more things into your life to be grateful for.

Track 15: ​Empowered Relationships

Disconnect from relationships with people who resent you for your power and authenticity, and step into empowered relationships with people who love you and support you for who you are.

Track 16: ​Empowered Finances

Create tangible results in your material world and in your bank account using the universal principles of empowerment.

Track 17: ​Embrace your Purpose and Mission

We all have a higher calling, a purpose for living this life in human form. What’s yours, and do you feel empowered to live that purpose?

Track 18: Creating Positive Impact in the World

Embracing your personal power is not just about improving your own life – it’s also about helping others to do the same, so we can all co-create a better world together.

Package B

Light Bridge Power Harmonics + 30min Session

Value $525 - Special Offer $179

Package B - ​Light Bridge Power Harmonics + 30min Session

Everything in Package A

Power Harmonics is a collection of energetic activations, Light Bridge attunements, and belief sculpting tools to help you embody a fully empowered and self-directed life. 

You are a force of nature, and this audio package helps you wield that power so you can live life on your terms. Imagine what you’ll create in the world when you stopp giving your power away. Imagine the impact you’ll have on others when you speak your authentic truth with confidence. Imagine how your relationships and career will flourish when you let go of your victim narratives.

Power Harmonics helps you achieve all of this, and more.

Light Bridge Power Harmonics
This audio package features energetic activations, Light Bridge attunements, and belief sculpting processes to bring you into alignment with power consciousness.
  • Clear life-long patterns of disappointment and frustration.
  • Let go of victim-based beliefs and expectations that block you from living life on your terms.
  • Understand why and how you give your power away, and how you misuse it to unwittingly create roadblocks and barriers in your life.
  • Learn how to use your power proactively, rather than living a reactive life on autopilot.
  • Let go of past traumatic experiences that have taught you to squelch your power.
  • Shine with authentic charisma and attract friends and acquaintances who love you for your energy.
  • Empower your love life, your bank account, your career, and much, much more.

30 Minute Personal Session with Patrick Prohaska

As a teacher, healer, and author, Patrick Prohaska has helped thousands of clients and students shine with personal power, joy, and authenticity. Patrick is the creator of Light Bridge, a revolutionary system for healing and personal transformation that blends Law of Attraction life coaching principles with belief sculpting and energetic activations. Through Light Bridge Academy he offers training and certification in the Light Bridge technique. He has a Bachelor’s degree in history of science and a Master’s degree in the religions of ancient India, and has studied many healing systems, including Ayurveda, Reiki, Theta Healing, aromatherapy, and more. Patrick is the author of Brain Cells: Escape Your Mental Prisons and other books about personal power. He lives in Southern California and is available for lectures, seminars, and workshops around the globe.

Package C

Light Bridge Attunement Mega-Success Package Plus 30-Minute Private Session with Patrick Prohaska

Value $1595 - Special Offer $297

Package C - Light Bridge Attunement Mega-Success Package Plus 30-Minute Private Session with Patrick Prohaska

Package C

Not just Power Harmonics, but all five of Patrick Prohaska’s signature Light Bridge audio packages, plus a 30-Minute private Light Bridge session with Patrick. 
Here’s what you’ll enjoy in this expansive package:
1. Wealth Harmonics Audio Package
14 Light Bridge Attunement Sessions Plus 4 Free Bonus Mini-Workshops
2. Love Harmonics Audio Package
21 Light Bridge Attunement Sessions
3. Power Harmonics Audio Package
18 Light Bridge Attunement Sessions Plus 2 Free Bonus Audio Lectures
4. Sex Harmonics Audio Package
17 Light Bridge Attunement Sessions Plus 4 Free Bonus Audio Lectures
5. Unleash Your Intuition Audio Package
17 Light Bridge Attunement Sessions Plus 3 Free Bonuses
6. A 30-Minute Private Light Bridge Session with Patrick Prohaska
Plus a free audio recording of your session for you to revisit later
This Package Includes: 
  • 87 Powerful Light Bridge Attunement and Belief Sculpting Sessions
  • 11 Bonus Items, Including Lectures and Mini-Workshops
  • 30-Minute Private Session with Patrick
  • Secret Surprise Bonuses


OMG!!!! That was A M A Z I N G !!!! My entire body tingles at the end of our sessions. YOU are truly a gift to all mankind and I wish everyone were receptive to your talents. WE all need YOU...whether WE know it or not. I love you Patrick! THANK YOU!- Jeff L.
WOW, WOW, WORDS CANNOT EXPRESS HOW GREAT THIS IS.  I have listened to speakers since 2011, many wonderful speakers, but the work you do is soooo incredible.  I even got my husband to listen to the call, and that is a miracle in my books, 1st time ever he would listen to any speaker. I have nominated myself to be your #1 FAN!! - Marion
The result (of our two sessions) has been "fantastic"! I have not felt the low vibration emotional energies I had previously lived with for as long as I can remember! I really appreciate your sensitivity in effectively addressing my lifelong issue that was genetically based - I am finally feeling a peacefulness I have never previously felt for any length of time. Thank you very much! Marion
The result (of our two sessions) has been "fantastic"! I have not felt the low vibration emotional energies I had previously lived with for as long as I can remember! I really appreciate your sensitivity in effectively addressing my lifelong issue that was genetically based - I am finally feeling a peacefulness I have never previously felt for any length of time. Thank you very much! Steven R.
I just wanted to follow up on the results of my healing session so far. In a word: WONDERFUL! Thank you again SO MUCH! Your calm and commanding presence during the session made it not only enlightening, but also very enjoyable. Melinda
Through Patrick, I’ve come to realize that a backdrop of energy exists behind the physical world, and by accessing this energy, I can actually thrive in the here and now! Patrick is well versed in so many areas of humanistic, spiritual, and energy work that I consider him to be a genius. Most importantly, however, is his character. I find his “bedside manner” impeccable. He’s kind, compassion, generous, patient, astute, and humble. His services and teachings are truly worth exploring. Steven T.
Your healing ability is extraordinary! I had done a meditation session before our session and thought I felt good, but then WOW! It was not good in comparison to how wonderful I felt after the session with you. Amazing wake-up call to how truly gifted you are and I am most grateful. Thank goodness I found out about you. Marcy

Patrick Prohaska

As the founder of both Light Bridge Academy and Qharisma Coaching, Patrick Prohaska has helped thousands of clients and students shine with personal power, joy, and authenticity. Patrick is the creator of Light Bridge, a revolutionary system for healing and personal transformation that blends Law of Attraction life coaching principles with belief sculpting and energetic activations. Through Light Bridge Academy he offers training in the Light Bridge technique, and has established a certification program for professional practitioners. He has a Bachelor’s degree in history of science, and a Master’s degree in the religions of ancient India, and has studied countless healing systems, including Ayurveda, Reiki, Theta Healing, aromatherapy, and more. Patrick is the author of Brain Cells: Escape Your Mental Prisons and other books about Light Bridge. He lives in Southern California and is available for lectures, seminars, and workshops around the globe.

Package A - Light Bridge Power Harmonics - Special Offer - $97

ITEM 1 - 18 Powerful Light Bridge Attunement & Belief Sculpting Sessions
ITEM 2 - 4 Free Bonus Empowerment Audio Tracks

Package B - Light Bridge Power Harmonics + 30min Session-Special Offer - $179

ITEM 1 - 18 Powerful Light Bridge Attunement & Belief Sculpting Sessions
ITEM 2 - 4 Free Bonus Empowerment Audio Tracks
ITEM 3 - 30min Session with Patrick
ITEM 4 - Secret Surprise Bonuses

Package C - Light Bridge Attunement Mega Success Package + 30min Session-Special Offer - $297

ITEM 1 - 87 Powerful Light Bridge Attunement & Belief Sculpting Sessions
ITEM 2 - 11 Bonus Items, including Lectures & Mini Workshops
ITEM 3 - 30min Session with Patrick
ITEM 4 - Secret Surprise Bonuses