Omaji Andaria

Special Offer 
February 2022

Package - Special Offer - $122

Omaji's “Awaken to Self Love” Package

Total Value $536 - 77% Discount

Special Offer $122


Awaken to Self Love Series
Awaken to Self Love Series
Transmissions of Light Series Offering with Omaji and The Council of Light
This Series of Transmissions with Omaji and The Council of Light provide Remembering, Upgrades, Downloads and Light Codes, Attunements and Activations to Support you in the Moving into Self Love as A Way of Being.
"Self Love is the Foundation with which All that you wish to Create and Experience in Life Flows with Grace and Ease as a REFLECTION of your VALUE - Because you have Aligned with the Truth of you and the LOVE that you were Created AS. It is our intention to Support you through this series of Activations in the Realization of Self Love as A Way of Being and as a 'default' set point through which you Perceive and Experience yourself and your Life. You are Already Loved Infinitely - Will you join The Divine in seeing yourself through the eyes of Truth? It is an Honor to Support you in this Remembering." ~ Omaji and The Council of Light

This Virtual Series includes:

* Total of 4 Sessions - 90 minutes each (minimum) in the form of Audio and Video recording downloads (both formats).
Each interaction includes Multidimensional Light Transmissions to support the Activation and Alignment with Self Love + Remembering Your Worth and Your Infinite Value as a Precious Expression of The Divine.
This Series SERVES to Activate and Amplify your Experience as:
  • More Honoring
  • More Nurturing
  • A RELECTION and KNOWING of your TRUE Value
  • More Connected
  • And Much MORE beyond words….
We Support you in retiring the old ‘unworthy’ stories, identification and ways of being on a conscious and unconscious level, so the VIBRATIONAL REALITY of your TRUTH can be Fully ACTIVATED in your Energetic Fields Undistorted. When the distortions dissolve… TRUTH reflects in its PURE Divine WHOLENESS.

Because each session is a multi-dimensional Transmission of Light, it is Layered and it continues to offer support well beyond the first interaction. Each time you listen, you receive more of what is there for you to receive. Each time you interact with the Transmissions, they meet you exactly where you are.

We INVITE GRACE and EASE as you Choose together to Remember and to ACCESS this Acceleration and Momentum into Higher Octaves of Expression.

Will you Receive the REMEMBERING your Divine Truth, Value and Innate Ways of BEing that translate into an experience of WHOLENESS, Perfection, and LOVE?
(value $489)
Bonus: Self Love Attunement Transmission
This Transmission of Light with Omaji and The Council of Light serves to shift perceptions and identifications regarding Who and What you ARE so that it becomes an "Of Course" to Love yourself - Attunement to the Part of you that Knows your Value as an Extension of Infinite Source.
Will you Activate and Amplify your True Divine Nature Allowing your Natural State of Self Love to BE your Core Set Point?
This Allows LIFE to Show up as an HONORING of You.
(video Transmission of Light approx. 1 hour).
(value $47)

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 25% off!

If you're a Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get 25% off this and all offers, click below.

Is this package for you?

★ Those who desire to Cultivate Greater Self Love in a Gentle Graceful Way that goes ‘beyond’ the self help practices and addresses PURE SELF LOVE at an ENERGETIC LEVEL – Making it Much EASIER to REMEMBER your Natural State of KNOWING YOUR VALUE and Loving YourSelf as a Unique and Precious Aspect of ONENESS.
If your answer is yes, then YES, this package is for you!

You can expect to receive these benefits:

★ Greater Sense of INNATE VALUE not dependent upon transitory ‘external’ circumstances or accomplishments – Retiring the old ‘measures’ for Value and Worth that never actually truly indicated your TRUE VALUE.
★ Remembering Self Love as a VIBRATIONAL STATE making it Much Easier to sustain and maintain outside of stories and perceptions.
★ Feeling More Connected, Confident, and Capable – Centered in your TRUE IDENTITY
★ Upgraded Relationship with The Body Deva
★ A LIGHTER LOAD – As you release what you’ve outgrown and aspects of ‘struggle’ with self love that DON’T Belong to you.


What to Expect:
Common experiences for those who participate in Private or Group Sessions include feeling more peaceful, feeling "lighter", feeling more empowered, expanded, confident, greater clarity and ease, the release of physical and/or emotional pain, feeling more FREE and circumstances aligning in magical and miraculous ways to mirror a life that is more honoring and in greater harmony.

So much flow, insight and ease with many Ah Ha moments. Omaji models pure trust and surrender in spirit. She is skillful, committed and caring with a gentle, loving presence. No words are wasted. I experienced so much grace; so many downloads of love, which brought me to tears. Old limitations were uninstalled, which increased my havingness, receptivity, inner peace and alignment to live love. I feel more safety in my body with a relaxed feeling of trust. ~  Rob B., California USA
Words can't even begin to describe what it's been like working with Omaji! I recently moved across the country and transitioned out of my Corporate job full time into my own business. I 100% would not have made the leap as soon as I did without having her by my side helping me navigate through the deep fears I had. She has truly shown me that anything is possible, and I can fully trust both myself and Divine. The magic that has unfolded in my life while working together has been nothing short of miraculous. She teaches that there are truly infinite possibilities, and I can say I have fully expanded into a "next level" version of me over the last few months. If you're ready to go bigger in your life and surpass what you think is possible for you, I would highly recommend working with her! She has a very kind, loving, and warm energy. Thank you Omaji for being such a wonderful, amazing, and supportive guide! I'm forever grateful for you and the Council of Light.~ Amanda M., California USA
Oh my Gosh! This is soooooo much better than any therapy session I’ve ever had. I FEEL soooooo much better- Like a huge weight has lifted!!  Priceless and profound. ~ Michelle, California USA
The sessions with Omaji have been like Michelangelo said about the sculpture of David. Everything that is not David is removed until the true form remains. This is what happens when doing (private and group) sessions with Omaji. Like a laser cutter she facilitates and directs the realizations of past choices conscious, but more often unconscious, that shaped you into your present form. Thus you can choose anew who you wish to be and your heart´s true desire can take shape in exactly the unique way your divine self wishes to shine forth and express. Instead of trying to change the pictures on the movie screen i.e. trying to change the external, you are assisted in choosing the highest, most loving version of you internally and then of course your outer reality has no choice but to reflect that lovely picture. I highly recommend doing sessions with Omaji to anyone ready to step into the mastery of the human game! ~ Andrea A., Sweden
Omaji has been such a blessing on my journey in this life.  She stands as a reminder of Truth and the remembrance that all there is IS Love.  She helps me to gently shift and release all emotional upset, discord, and illusionary beliefs back into Love.  I feel aligned, reconnected, and conscious of the Love that I am and there is whenever I work with her.  I am truly grateful. ~ Trisha S., Florida USA
Thanks to the (group and private) sessions with Omaji, I now wake up in the morning feeling more peaceful and more grounded than I ever have before, whereas I used to wake up with my stomach in knots. I feel like I'm beginning to experience the Truth within my being - It's so awesome! ~ Susan C., Florida USA
Sessions with Omaji have been really transforming for me in so many ways. I’ve learned to love myself and choose joy and abundance above sadness and insecurity... And I’ve learned how to work with the Divine more directly and ask for guidance. It’s been really life changing for me... Amazing! One of my “big deals” was speaking (in public) and I learned to acknowledge that I was petrified of speaking even though I have had to do it so much in my life.  In One Session (with Omaji), I acknowledged that I had the fear, (and was willing to) feel what it feels like and then to shift it to the Divine... I have since been in several situations in front of a decent size group (speaking) and I do not have so much as a butterfly - and I don’t blank out (anymore) - it is really, really crazy the difference! I am so grateful... It has made such a difference in my life and it is completely gone! ~ Tessa Q., Nebraska USA
Over the course of The Last 5 Years, Omaji's guidance and support have brought forth True clarity, boundless love, and endless growth of Spirit for me. When clouds of uncertainty, doubt, and other emotions, thoughts and beliefs begin to surface and beg for an audience, I feel guided to Omaji and the Council of Light to help me Remember Truth - and feel consistently supported and lighter (as a result). ~ Colleen, Florida USA
So lovely and so gratitude...enjoying the reign of love...the oneness...feeling the expansion...feeling liberated...surrendering and trusting the inner wisdom...connecting more deeply to the Divine...let the magic happen...feeling is all there love...stepping out of judgment...feeling the anchor...feeling supported...I am that I am...infinite possibility...deep self love...honoring self...knowing...honoring all that is...loving you...loving me...loving life! ~ Patricia, Colorado USA
Words cannot express the magnitude of the ONE session I had with Omaji - The 'energy' of my life (experience) is so different now!! The old lack and limitation stuff has completely shifted. I am so grateful for my 'new world' and for the confidence and trust that I now feel moving forward - It is challenging to verbalize, but I really have embodied a New Way of Being! ~ Chere C., Texas USA
My Session with Omaji, was powerful and magical - She is such an open channel for The Divine.  The process of her connecting (to The Council of Light) was amazing.  There was a shift in my awareness and understanding of my life’s choices that was profound.  I could feel the waves of energy flow through my body as she spoke the Truth to me.  The Truth I learned (remembered) has shifted me.  I would recommend her programs and private sessions to anyone who is looking for more clarity and wonderful support in letting go of the unwanted and moving towards your hearts desire. ~ Lynne S., Oregon USA
Omaji's work is awesome - Took me to an energy level I had not been to in this lifetime! ~ J.J., California USA
After several weeks, I am still experiencing major shifts in my perspective and sense of well-being.  I experienced greater shifts in one session with Omaji than I have in years of other healing work on the same issues. Omaji is a powerful Healer, Teacher, and Transformer.  ~ Lauren, Florida USA
What a phenomenal session!  I strongly believe that much has shifted in my body and heart – and I love the process! I have to share that I had a call shortly after letting me know all the work coming my way.  Now, that was fast!  ~ C.J., New York USA
Sessions with Omaji are amazing! If you are ready and willing to shift your viewpoint in a loving and gracious way I would recommend a session with Omaji.  ~ Rosemary, England

Omaji Andaria

Omaji Andaria serves as a Catalyst for Expansion, Pioneering the Birth of “New Ways of Being”into this realm. She lovingly serves to Remind you of what you REALLY ARE beyond the limitations that you are currently perceiving, so that you can Remember and Embody your Oneness with Source, Your Infinite Sovereign Self and your capacity to Choose from Infinite Possibility. In Collaboration with The Council of Light, your Higher Self and Guides, Omaji holds a Safe and Sacred space for lifetimes of distortions to lift and Transform including “old programs and patterns” that are no longer serving you, Reinterpreting misperceptions of self and others, Gently releasing emotional and energetic trauma, and Restoring Truth on a conscious and unconscious level. She facilitates Transmissions of Light, Activations andVibrational Alignment to Harmonize, Uplift and Restore you to your Natural State. As these distorted frequencies and false perceptions are transcended, the result is a Greater sense of Empowerment, Freedom, Sovereignty, Peace, and Connection to Source.
Each Transmission provides an Invitation and Opportunity for You to Choose to Shift Yourself if it resonates to do so. All Sessions are in Collaboration with your Higher Self in a Way that Reminds and Empowers YOU to Shift YOU – So throughout the Experience, YOU are in your Power of Choice and simply REMEMBERING what your Choices REALLY ARE – Being Encouraged to Choose in Favor of your Expansion into Greater Alignment with your Natural State as A BEing of LIGHT (if it resonates for you to do so).
Omaji is Committed to supporting the Evolution of Consciousness in the most Harmonious Way – Supporting those who are Ready and Willing to Bridge out of Separation Consciousness into Unity Consciousness. She serves as an instrument and witness for Healing, Teaching and inspiring Alignment with the Truth beyond perceived limitations. All of her offerings and services are shared with the intention of supporting you in the Remembering of your True Self, Moving into Greater Empowerment, Activating Higher Perception from a Oneness Perspective and Expanding beyond the Experience of limitation and separation.
As the founder of Embracing the Infinite™, Omaji currently offers Private Sessions, Personal Accelerated Transformation Intensives, Group Sessions, and Annual week-long Vibrational Elevation Immersions, all to Support and Facilitate Alignment with Truth and the Remembering of the True Self in Integrity with Reverence for All Life.

Omaji Andaria

Special Offer 
February 2022

Package - Special Offer - $122