Omaji Andaria serves as a Catalyst for Expansion, Pioneering the Birth of “New Ways of Being”into this realm. She lovingly serves to Remind you of what you REALLY ARE beyond the limitations that you are currently perceiving, so that you can Remember and Embody your Oneness with Source, Your Infinite Sovereign Self and your capacity to Choose from Infinite Possibility. In Collaboration with The Council of Light, your Higher Self and Guides, Omaji holds a Safe and Sacred space for lifetimes of distortions to lift and Transform including “old programs and patterns” that are no longer serving you, Reinterpreting misperceptions of self and others, Gently releasing emotional and energetic trauma, and Restoring Truth on a conscious and unconscious level. She facilitates Transmissions of Light, Activations andVibrational Alignment to Harmonize, Uplift and Restore you to your Natural State. As these distorted frequencies and false perceptions are transcended, the result is a Greater sense of Empowerment, Freedom, Sovereignty, Peace, and Connection to Source.
Each Transmission provides an Invitation and Opportunity for You to Choose to Shift Yourself if it resonates to do so. All Sessions are in Collaboration with your Higher Self in a Way that Reminds and Empowers YOU to Shift YOU – So throughout the Experience, YOU are in your Power of Choice and simply REMEMBERING what your Choices REALLY ARE – Being Encouraged to Choose in Favor of your Expansion into Greater Alignment with your Natural State as A BEing of LIGHT (if it resonates for you to do so).
Omaji is Committed to supporting the Evolution of Consciousness in the most Harmonious Way – Supporting those who are Ready and Willing to Bridge out of Separation Consciousness into Unity Consciousness. She serves as an instrument and witness for Healing, Teaching and inspiring Alignment with the Truth beyond perceived limitations. All of her offerings and services are shared with the intention of supporting you in the Remembering of your True Self, Moving into Greater Empowerment, Activating Higher Perception from a Oneness Perspective and Expanding beyond the Experience of limitation and separation.
As the founder of Embracing the Infinite™, Omaji currently offers Private Sessions, Personal Accelerated Transformation Intensives, Group Sessions, and Annual week-long Vibrational Elevation Immersions, all to Support and Facilitate Alignment with Truth and the Remembering of the True Self in Integrity with Reverence for All Life.
You can Learn More about Omaji’s offerings at