Omaji Andaria 
Special Offer January 2020

Package - Value $531 - Special Offer - $127

Item 1 : TWO LIVE GROUP SESSIONS with Omaji and The Council of Light
Item 2 : “Abiding in Your Knowing” Series of Light Transmissions and Activations

Special Offer

Total Value $531 - Special Offer $127

Item 1 : TWO LIVE GROUP SESSIONS with Omaji and The Council of Light
Item 2 : “Abiding in Your Knowing” Series of Light Transmissions and Activations


Item 1 : TWO LIVE GROUP SESSIONS with Omaji and The Council of Light
One Month Membership in Expanding New Ways of Being - includes TWO LIVE GROUP SESSIONS with Omaji and The Council of Light
Omaji and The Council of Light will support you in going beyond the illusion of limitation into Remembering your Divine Essence and abiding in the Truth of your Being.
Allow the distortions to lift so that you can BE in the experience of your Divine Self as Love and Light.

* Your one month membership Includes TWO LIVE 60 minute group sessions + the recordings – and one of the calls is Interactive so you have the opportunity to ask a question and participate LIVE with Omaji and The Council of Light. Also includes access to the private Facebook Group where you can interact with Omaji and the Embracing the Infinite Community.
(One month of Expanding New Ways of Being LIVE Group Transmissions: $87 Value)
Item 2 : “Abiding in Your Knowing” Series of Light Transmissions and Activations
“Abiding in Your Knowing” Series of Light Transmissions and Activations
This Powerful Series Offering is FOUR Power Packed Sessions plus a BONUS Activation and Attunement to Support you in Accessing your Divine Faculties of Knowing and Functioning AS that Divine aspect of you.
Omaji and The Council of Light share Upgrades, Vibrational Alignment, Attunements and Activations to Remind you of your capacities for living as your Divine Self in the unwavering Faith that you ARE Supported, Loved and Free. As you function from Knowing, you enter the Divine Flow of Grace and Ease that is your birthright.
What if you are actually meant to live in synchronicity and flow on a daily basis?
In addition to four 2-hour Transmissions of Light, you also receive the 90 minute Activation: Activate Your Knowing for a total of 5 mp3 Downloads. 
This series includes:
  • Two Hour Transmission of Light to Go beyond the Intellect and kick the habit of Choosing from Limitation.
  • Two Hour Transmission of Light to Expand into a Greater Awareness of What is Possible for you and Receive Assess to Higher Trajectories.
  • Two Hour Transmission of Light to Attune to an Unwavering Faith and Knowing that ALL IS WELL.
  • Two Hour Transmission of Light to Remember and Attune to Who you Really ARE in Relationship to All Life.
  • 90 Minute Activation to Re-Activate and Access your Divine Capacities for Intuition, Guidance and KNOWING.
Will Choose to Remember the faculty of Abiding in Knowing as A Way of Being?
 "You ARE an Infinite Being and it is truly TIME to Embody the YOU that KNOWS who it is. It is our absolute JOY and Honor to support you in shifting into the recognition that YOU have the Keys to the Kingdom, and that you came here to SHINE fully AS your Divine Self. We invite you to Receive the Vibrational Support to enLIGHTen you on your path. This series is being offered at this time to take advantage of the Powerful Portals of Light that are available to Amplify and Accelerate your YES. Thank you for BEing and Incarnating during this auspicious time. You ARE sooooo Loved." ~ Omaji and The Council of Light
 Will you give yourself the Gift of this Expansion into your Infinite Nature?
All of these mp3 Downloads continue to support you in a Multidimensional way each time you listen, and can be utilized as you are guided to deepen each time you listen.
(Abiding in Your Knowing Series Recordings: $444 Value)


Honestly, Omaji...I don´t know how you do this or how this is even possible but I have never experienced such transformation anywhere before!!! And thank God I don´t have to understand it to enjoy the magic and benefit so tremendously- which I truly do! So let me say I am Soooooooo Grateful for this Powerful Transmission… I feel so incredibly fortunate and blessed that I found you at the beginning of this year!  I feel this year has started way better than I could even have imagined thanks to you and your phenomenal work which I feel comes straight from the core of my heart! So...thank you, thank you, thank you from a very happy guy!
I am truly in my knowing now. It is always available to me. I just have to let it in, open up to it, or ask for it and I am there. I’m home . . . where I belong, I have always belonged and will always be welcome. It really is that easy. There is no judgement, no pain, no concerns. I just am . . . allowed to just be . . . just be me and play my note. What else is possible? So Grateful to Omaji and The Council of Light!”
The monthly group calls have been really transforming for me in so many ways. I’ve learned to love myself and choose joy and abundance above sadness and insecurity and things that I have in the past. And I’ve learned how to work with the Divine, more directly with Source to help me overcome fears that I have…. and following guidance…. It’s been really life changing for me. It has been really amazing! One of my “big deals” was speaking (in public) and I learned to acknowledge that I was petrified of speaking… feel what it feels like and then to shift it to the Divine. You know it wasn’t necessarily my job to fix it. I have been in several situations in front of a decent size group since then and I don’t have so much as a butterfly, I don’t blank out when I’m uncomfortable…Thank you so much… It has made such a difference in my life and it is completely gone!
This series is wonderful…. I’m noticing some palpable shifts!
I can see how participating in Omaji’s events and calls on a monthly basis is helpful to me. When I look back at where I have come in the last month I know that I wouldn’t be where I am, I wouldn’t be as free, I wouldn’t be in joy more often if I wasn’t taking the time on a regular basis to make that connection and to receive what’s waiting right there for me.
Thank you for facilitating the elevation of the layers of distortion that were clearly reflecting (for me) as escalation of a tooth (pain) so they could be re-interpreted. I knew there must be even more connected to it as I had done this years before & was able to move through it with oils and self-help (prior to this recurrence).  These sessions helped me go to the next level and have recognizable shifts and synchronicities, and I feel like it has brought it to completion now with comfort, grace & ease. Thank You for your service and for Being YOU!

Omaji Andaria

Omaji is a Catalyst for Expansion pioneering the birth of “New Ways of Being” into this realm. She
lovingly serves to remind you of what you really are beyond the limitations that you are currently
perceiving, so that you can remember your Infinite Self and your Infinite capacity to choose. In
collaboration with The Council of Light and your Higher Self, Omaji holds a sacred space to lift lifetimes
of distortions including emotional trauma and misperceptions of self and others, so that Truth can be
restored on a conscious and unconscious level. She facilitates Transmissions of Light, Activations and
Vibrational Alignment to harmonize, uplift and restore you to your Natural State. As these distorted
frequencies and false perceptions are transcended, the result is a greater sense of Peace,
Empowerment, Freedom and connection to Source.

Omaji is committed to supporting the Evolution of Consciousness in the most harmonious way. She
serves as an instrument and witness for healing, teaching and inspiring alignment with Divine Truth,
sharing all of her offerings and services with the intention of supporting you in the Remembering of your
True Self, and Expanding beyond the experience of limitation and lack.

Omaji is the founder of Embracing the Infinite™, and currently offers private sessions, Personal
Accelerated Transformation Intensives, Monthly group sessions, and annual week-long Vibrational
Elevation Immersions, all with the intention to support and facilitate Alignment with Truth and the
Remembering of the True Self.

Package - Value $531 - Special Offer - $127

Item 1 : TWO LIVE GROUP SESSIONS with Omaji and The Council of Light
Item 2 : “Abiding in Your Knowing” Series of Light Transmissions and Activations