Nidhu B Kapoor

Special Offer 
November 2020

Package A - Value - $400 - Special Offer - $99

Item #1 - Daily Weekday Decrees
Item #2 - Bonus - Group Calls
Item #3 - Bonus - Daily Decrees for Money
Item #4 - Bonus - On Demand Support

Package - Value $400

Special Offer $99


Item #1 - Daily Weekday Decrees
Daily weekday decrees MP3s for 21 days starting from December 1st i.e. 21 different MP3s! These MP3s are quick bursts of verbal clearing/releasing decrees during the waning cycle of the moon (from 1st till 14th) and manifestation/receiving decrees attracting the bestest health and wealth from 16th till 31st. These can be heard or repeated as a daily practice. The MP3s can also be heard on mute. Decrees are the fastest shifters in the world. It is important to process the shifts and keep your awareness open for all that shows up for you!
Some symptoms that tell you, you are no longer stuck and are moving ahead:
~ Suddenly destressed
~Gasp as you sense the energies moving~Sighing~Breath deepening~Unexpected releases in the body (like something opening)
~Head feeling funny
~Drowsiness (you must rest)
~Eyes blurring for a few seconds
~Seeing brighter and better
~Pain gone (or feeling more diffused)
~Pain moves to another part
~The symptoms become worse (at least they are not stuck anymore!)
~Burst of clarity
~Burst of energy
~Heaviness becomes lighter
~ Emotional stability
~ No more brain fog!
~ Clarity
~ Feeling more like yourself
~ Smiling more :)
~ More connected to yourself and others
~ Feeling lighter, whiter, brighter, righter
~ Feeling like you have shed some weight
~Wake up feeling refreshed and energized
~Wake up feeling unwell, tired, feverish - (hydrate, take TLC and rest.Miss a day of work, it is ok)
Keep in mind that what this work brings UP, the work brings OUT. IN SECONDS! The symptoms usually pass in seconds or minutes. If we have been living in low vibrations for a long time (like, years) then stuck energy will be that much bigger and stronger and the detox reaction will be deeper and last longer (like a couple of days). Be gentle with them. Stay hydrated and remember - you are not on any deadline! Healing is a moving goal, enjoy the journey!
Item #2 - Bonus - Group Calls
Two group calls of two hours each where we will practice The Chronic Project Protocol and understand it's many layers, including secondary gain on New Moon, 14th December 6pm IST and full moon, 29th December, 6pm IST. We will be doing speedster live healing sessions with listeners and answering all queries that may have come up.
Item #3 - Bonus - Daily Decrees for Money
Daily decrees for healing the relationship with money by using Jupiter's forgiveness decree of I forgive myself for... These will also come in the email and will be in poster style for you to repeat a number of times. These decrees are specially designed to increase money flows using the energy of December and Christmas, which is Christ Consciousness. The Decrees will be different everyday i.e. 21 forgiveness decrees for you to begin 2021 with more excitement, positivity and better money flows! Note - Call links and replays will be sent by email.
Item #4 - Bonus - On Demand Support
On-demand support on Telegram (free app) support group from December 1st till January 15. This enables us to receive the daily decrees, reminders of calls, call replays, share, care, support, clarify and be active with your soul tribe! This kind of support is unique to the family system in India where everybody moves forward together! If you have been part of it, you know :) If you haven't, you gotta try it!
PS. Telegram is a free to download and one of the safest community apps we know!


I had all these flu like symptoms (my husband is a doc and he confirmed it was not the virus). My throat was paining, my joints were aching, I was feeling warm. In one minute, the pain was gone. I was so calm and relaxed. I always wonder how Nidhu does this! How fast and effective her sessions are. She prepared me a for cold and some fever but I don't feel too bad about that. Thankyou, Nidhu - Joya B,
My throat was not doing too well and I kept feeling phlegmy and my voice was sounding cracked. It usually does. But in  two mins, I felt a lot of movement in my tummy and chest and then, miraculously, my voice was clear :) Our session got over in 4 mins - Belinda T.
Sore throat gone in 3 mins and gravelly voice gone in the next three! Nidhu really is a speedy speedster - Niharika R.
I am stunned that in this time my stocks went up by USD 3000 (more than Rs 2 lakhs)- this happened just hours after giving the decree. - Daisy L.
My phone had slowed down tremendously. As a designer, I need it to work fast and quickly. Nidhu gave the decree and in a few mins I had this strong desire to delete some files and restart the phone. I did and it is working fine, like it used to! - Abhishek B.
Tummy was paining, hurt, pressurised at a 10 for so long. It is a chronic project. In a second after the magic word decree, the area around it started opening, for a moment it was totally gone and then it all moved to the heart area like something was grabbing it. I identified it as shame and disgust and we cleared it. I could clearly feel something moving around, bubbling and saw a past life of being killed. We focussed on that and sure enough, the pain left (became a headache briefly). Relief, relief, relief. - Krina B.
Back pain was at an 8, even after having pain killers for the last two days. In 5 seconds it came down to a 3! And in another minute, GONE! - Ranjita P.
Three weeks of working with decrees for just a few mins every second day and every week I got monies credited to my account! - V.
30 years of knee pain gone in 5 mins! - Katherine B.
2.5 years of painful ankles gone in one speedster session! - Berry J.
I was so concerned about my future work as as my last contract was coming to an end. In less than two days of our session, I got a contract for an entire year. Am sorted! - Birender S.
I have ended the year as a millionaire with Nidhu's work! Looking forward to being a multi-millionaire - Flora J.
Tensed up shoulders came down, rising anger subsided, my chest felt like something was going out. All of this happened in 3 seconds of the magic word decree. Nidhu, you are amazing! - Meena I.
My door got jammed and just wouldn't open. I was locked inside and thank God I knew the decrees. I gave the decree and in less than a minute the door opened! - Naina B.

Nidhu B Kapoor

Fast. Simple. Easy. Gentle. Powerful. Divine. Angelic.
All of Nidhu's work is groundbreaking in it's ease and speed - shifts show in seconds and often instantly!! It's Zip, Zap, Zoom all the way! Best part? -
 She takes ancient wisdom, old medicine and her own free spiritedness to come up with surprisingly simple and usable techniques in a daily practice. Owner and sharer of The Decrees (a set of words and sentences that can transform your health and wealth in the shortest time possible and may be understood as English Mantras), she is also something of a retrograde specialist, working with the energies of the planets to bring about deep learnings and releases. She is known as a master healer and Master teacher and is the only retrograde healer we know of.
On our call, she brings you The Decrees - words that are guaranteed to shift you instantaneously (that’s right, instantaneously!).
These are words that put affirmations in the shade and have the power to change brain neural pathways, clear past lives, heal family abuse, appease ancestors, complete Karma, positively impact seven genertions backward and forward - SIMULTANEOUSLY. Like a literal word-smith! So fast is her work that sessions with her are only for 10 mins with profound, life altering results. The Decrees can be used on yourself, your family, your house, pets, plants, animals, digital appliances, the weather and even windows, doors, geysers, water filters that aren't working!
Called Speedster affectionately, her super simple, super easy, super gentle, super powerful processes are bold, beautiful, Empowering and work immediately! They are 100% blocks-busters AND blockbusters!!
Deep and complete healing work takes anywhere from 8 months to three years, BUT with her work, it takes seconds, minutes, weeks and just a few months!

Package A - Value - $400 - Special Offer - $99

Item #1 - Daily Weekday Decrees
Item #2 - Bonus - Group Calls
Item #3 - Bonus - Daily Decrees for Money
Item #4 - Bonus - On Demand Support