Dr.MoNique Hunt

Special Offer 
June 2022

Healing Ancestral Business Wounds

  Partner with your Business Ancestress and Unleash your full Soul's Purpose in the world!

Value $525 - Special Offer $247

Ancestress Story Healing 
For Spiritual Entrepreneurs, Healers, and Intuitive Leaders
Ancestress Rising has begun!
Your Ancestresses – Healers, Leaders, Entrepreneurs, creators, and creatives are all ready to assist you with achieving what they didn't.
They are waiting for you to connect with them so they can support you in fulfilling your Soul's Purpose to help more people and create abundance in all areas of your life.
Your Ancestress is ready to empower you with spiritual skills that will help you overcome energetic and mindset barriers to your success.
Heal Ancestral Business Wounds Course
During this Four - Week Course:
  • Uncover your number one Karmic Story in your lineage that is blocking your abundance in business.
  • Receive the Activation Bundle, which includes weekly Ancestress StoryHealing Activations and Soul Journeys to start your Karmic Story Clearing and connect with your lineage's Ancestress.
  • Learn how to connect with the Ancestresses in your lineage that can help you make a quantum leap in your business.
How it works:
  • You will receive a guide to help you uncover your number one Karmic Story.
  • You will receive weekly emails with Activations, Spiritual Practices, and Soul Journeys to begin your Ancestress Story Healing.
  • You will receive an Ancestress Soul Journey to connect with your Ancestress Business
  • During the program, you will receive remote activations to help you clear the Karmic Stories.
This program is for you if:
  • You are a Spiritual Entrepreneur, Healers, Intuitive Leader, or Coach ready to make a quantum leap in your business by releasing generational wounds and hidden trauma.
  • You want support from the wise Ancestors who have gifts, support, and guidance to help you align with your purpose and courageously impact the world.
  • You want to leave a legacy for your community, family, or children.
  • You are tired and frustrated with where you are in your life and business and want a significant breakthrough.
  • You know you have something incredible to share and want to help more people with your gifts (even if you don't know what they are yet).
Imagine always knowing the right step to make and the right action to take in your business. What would your business and life be like if you had spiritual skills, the right mindset, and a team of Ancestors, Angels and Spirit Guides that you connect with 24/7? You can courageously and boldly shine your light in the world, create a legacy, help more people and increase your abundance when you a no longer carrying the burdens of those who walked the earth before you. Now is the time! Your Ancestresses energetically rise to support you, and you can rise with them! 
  • Week One - Uncover Your Hidden Karmic Business Stories- Live Mini-Course
  • Week Two - Connect with the Ancestress, ready to help you with the spiritual skills needed to claim your Ancestral Inheritance and spiritual gifts. – Audio Recording
  • Week Three - Receive a spiritual activation to help you clear the Karmic Story you selected.
  • Week Four - Live Session - Meet Your Ancestress Business Team

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 25% off!

If you're a Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get 25% off this and all offers, click below.

Is this package for you?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, this package is for you.
★ You are a Spiritual Entrepreneur, Healers, Intuitive Leader, or Coach ready to make a quantum leap in your business by releasing generational wounds and hidden trauma.
★ You want support from the wise Ancestors who have gifts, support, and guidance to help you align with your purpose and courageously impact the world.
★ You want to leave a legacy for your community, family, or children.
★ You are tired and frustrated with where you are in your life and business and want a significant breakthrough.
★ You know you have something incredible to share and want to help more people with your gifts (even if you don't know what they are yet).
If your answer is yes, then YES, this package is for you!

What are the benefits of this package?

During this four-week course, you will:
★ Uncover your number one Karmic Story in your lineage that is blocking your abundance in business.
★ Receive the Activation Bundle which includes weekly Ancestress StoryHealing Activations and Soul Journeys to start your Karmic Story Clearing and connect with your lineage's Ancestress.
★ Learn how to connect with the Ancestresses in your lineage that can help you make a quantum leap in your business.
Course begins with a live Zoom session on June 15 at 1 PM PDT / 4 PM EDT.
Second Live session is on July 7 at 1 PM PDT / 4 PM EDT.
All live sessions will be recorded.


I was so glad to see you presenting Cord Cutting in the Ancestress Legacy Warrior Course. One evening years ago, I was explaining to you how exhausted and drained I feel on days that I have many client need assessments. There were days that I was so tired I could barely muster the strength to get in the car to drive myself home from the office. You told me that this is common for heart-centered entrepreneurs; when we meet with clients, we give them all of our energy, but the connection doesn't completely close when the meeting is complete. You taught me the Cord Cutting technique, and it immediately worked. I've never felt even a quarter the amount of exhaust after a day of client meetings. ~ Ellen Barrett
Working with You has truly been a gift to me. You have helped me understand what it means to seek guidance from my Ancestresses and what it means to open the door to trusting their loving support and help. Through our journey together, I gained the answer to my lifelong question of What Is My Life's Purpose?! I genuinely believe that without your encouragement and experience, I may never have made this life-changing discovery. You provided me with a caring, open, and much valued professional atmosphere that led me into a loving and supportive relationship with my Business, Ancestresses. Thank you barely does justice to conveying my deeply heartfelt appreciation for your service. Thank you SO much! ~ Terri Shaman
Since we started with my 1st private session back in April, I started noticing that I was feeling more confident about myself, but I couldn't tell exactly until this last session when I really felt that I was lifted and held up until I recognized myself as part of my Grandmother's Lineage. Just honoring their wisdom is a great responsibility but at the same time, belonging to a Powerful Feminine Lineage is just an amazing feeling. Thank you so much, Monique and all your ancestors, for helping me discover the powerful medicine woman I am. ~ Claraluz
As my business and life coach, Dr. Hunt provided me with fresh and innovative ideas. Her method of having the clients work from the inside out to allow their goals and visions to spring forward is unique and refreshing. She guides you on a personal journey which empowers you and encourages individual thinking. ~ Dee Stephensen

Dr.MoNique Hunt

Dr. MoNique, is an Ancestress Warrior who is living the life her Ancestors couldn’t. She is the Ancestress Griot, Chief Intuitive Officer of Ancestress Rising and the creator of Ancestress Story Healing.

Ancestress Rising is a healing and empowerment movement that encourages highly sensitive spiritual entrepreneurs, healers, and intuitive leaders to embody their Ancestress' wisdom, guidance, power, and resilience to heal generational wounds, fulfill their Soul's Purpose, and leave a legacy.

Dr. MoNique's devotion to the Ancestors comes from her training with her Ancestors both in physical and spirit form, her doctorate in Metaphysical Counseling, mentoring from spiritual teachers worldwide, and two decades of implementing the teachings of Ancestor reverence in her life.

Dr.MoNique Hunt

Special Offer 
June 2022