​Martina Waidhas

Special Offer
March 2021

Package A - Value $263 - Special Offer - $147

Build A Strong Soul Bond With Your Animal - E-Book & Recordings
  • Pet Parent Guidebook – Understanding Your Animal From A Higher Perspective
  • Alleviate Separation Anxiety – Help Your Animal Relax When You Can’t Be With Them
  • Pet Pain Reliever – Reduce Pain Without The Need For Medication
  • Surgery Support – Prepare Your Animal For Surgery And Support Their Recovery
  • Welcome Home – Reduce Stress For Your New Family Member
  • Detox For Animals – Clear The Way For A Higher Connection

Package B - Value $597 - Special Offer - $247

Everything in Package A
3 Weeks of Remote Healing for Your Pet or
Personal Healing Session with Martina

Package C - Value $797 - Special Offer - $347

Everything in Package A
Everything in Package B
Personal Healing Session with Martina

Build A Strong Soul Bond With Your Animal

Special Offer A - $147

Total Value $263


Build A Strong Soul Bond With Your Animal

Understanding Your Animal From A Higher Perspective Creates A Soul Connection That Will Never End

Communication Is The Basis For All Loving Relationships Including The One With Your Companion Animal
The greatest gift our animals give us is acceptance and love. They teach us so much about what love is; never judging, forgiving easily, sitting beside us when we’re sad, laughing with us when we’re happy and letting us know how happy they are to see us.
And in return we shower them with as much love and appreciation as we can. We want them to be happy, healthy and to live long lives by our side. 
Animals that cross our path or are in our life are here for a reason. They are here to help us to evolve on a conscious level.
They come to us to teach us joy, play, laughter, acceptance and unconditional love and a return to our own natural most compassionate self. 
They come to us for a short while in order to teach us how to find these qualities within ourselves and in our relationship with one another. 
They come to us as Divine Messengers to help us learn soul-lessons including how to receive and give a love so deep, that we will want to share it with those around us and in the world!
If you currently have an animal companion living with you then it is due to a pre-birth agreement between the animal’s soul and yours. 
The animal soul and your soul agree to work together. The animal soul is helping you toward more happiness, peace and freedom and will go to great lengths to honour the soul contract. They live and work every day on a much deeper level than we do. They are teaching us! 
But first, we need to know how to listen. 
When we learn to speak with the animals, to listen with animal ears and to see through animal eyes, we experience the phenomena, the power, and the potential of the human essence, and it is then that the animals are no longer our subordinates. They become our teachers, our friends, and our companions. They show us the majesty of life itself. They restore our forgotten childlike wonder at the world, and they reawaken our lost belief in magic, dreams and possibilities.”   Ted Andrews
Communication is the key to a love connection so profound that your soul will bond with theirs forever.
It will be as if a light has been turned on in a dark room and you’ll suddenly see your animal in a new light. 
You’ll recognize them as a sentient soul that is here with a purpose to fulfil. 
A soul that may have reincarnated with you to show you the path to enlightenment.
A soul that is crying out to connect with yours …
So how can you build a strong soul connection with your animal?
It starts with care, acceptance and respect.
Caring for your animal’s physical and emotional needs
Accepting their unique personality and quirks
And respecting them as a being in their own right
A being with wants, desires and a purpose as profound as yours
Through my work as an energy healer and animal communicator, I have come to understand the depth of each animal’s experience here with us. 
I have developed a profound respect for each of them as an individual with his or her own preferences.
Animals communicate when they’re happy to be touched.
They also communicate when they prefer to be left alone
They’re not rejecting you … they are just making choices for themselves
Exactly as you do for yourself
Start by learning how to support their physical and emotional body. 
In doing this, you let them know you hear them
Because it’s only as you hear what they need that you will open up to receive the messages they have come here to share.
And because I want to support you as you, 
Build A Strong Soul Connection With Your Animal 

I’ve put together some information to help you support them to be happy and well.
In my Pet Parent Guidebook, I discuss:
  • how to welcome a new animal into your family
  • ​natural treatment options 
  • interpreting what your animal is telling you
  • how to improve energy flow for longevity
  • how to help your animal with anxiety
And much more

I’ve also created a series of recordings that will help support your animal in times of stress or illness. 

These recording can help to:
  • reduce separation anxiety
  • reduce pain and suffering
  • support your animal ahead of surgery and in recovery
  • provide comfort for a new animal family member
  • balance the harmful effects of vaccinations or chemical medication

Understanding your animal from a higher perspective breaks down the barriers to communication that appear to exist right now and creates a soul bond that will never end.
Downloads - E-Book & Recordings
Pet Parent Guidebook
Pet Parent Guidebook – Understanding Your Animal From A Higher Perspective
This e-book is the ultimate guide to help you interpret your animal’s body language, to assist you in caring for them in a natural way that supports a long life and to strengthen your bond for a profound soul connection that will never end.
Alleviate Separation Anxiety mp3
Alleviate Separation Anxiety – Help Your Animal Relax When You Can’t Be With Them
This MP3 recording will help your animal feel safe and reduce their fear of abandonment. If possible, play this recording on a loop when you leave the house. My voice together with a specific frequency I’ve added to provide comfort, will help your animal settle comfortably until your return.
Pet Pain Reliever mp3
Pet Pain Reliever – Reduce Pain Without The Need For Medication
This MP3 recording will help ease pain and the stress of pain for your animal (and for yourself). Play as much as needed
Surgery Support mp3
Surgery Support – Prepare Your Animal For Surgery And Support Their Recovery
This recording will help prepare your animal in the best way possible for a planned surgery. It will also provide benefit to your animal even when emergency surgery is required.  
For planned surgery, start using it seven days before the surgery. Use it every day as you cannot overdose. 
For unplanned surgery, play it on the way to the vet.  
This recording will activate the detoxing organs and help your animal go through the anesthesia and limit the risk of complications.
As soon as your animal is awake after surgery and stable you can play the recording again and continue for another seven days. This will help to detox from chemicals and also help the brain to handle what had been happening. 
The recording offers powerful frequencies and is very effective when used before and after surgery.  
NOTE: Do not play this recording during surgery
Welcome Home mp3
Welcome Home – Reduce Stress For Your New Family Member
This MP3 recording is perfect for reducing stress when welcoming a new animal into your family. Providing a calm environment will help your animal feel more comfortable in their new home.
If you have children, you can play this recording in the days leading up to the new arrival as their excitement can be overwhelming and frightening for an animal. Keep playing this recording once you’ve welcomed your new pet as it will help them settle and gain confidence as a member of the family.
Detox For Animals mp3
Detox For Animals – Clear The Way For A Higher Connection
This MP3 Recording will help your animal eliminate harmful toxins or chemicals after vaccines or medication. It will not impact the positive effectives of their treatment but will support their body to release what is not beneficial to their long term health.

Build A Strong Soul Bond With Your Animal

Special Offer B - $247

Total Value $597


Everything in Package A
3 Weeks of Remote Healing for Your Animal or

Personal Healing Session with Martina
3 Weeks of Remote Healing for Your Animal
Personal Healing Session with Martina
45 Minute One on One session

Build A Strong Soul Bond With Your Animal

Special Offer C - $347

Total Value $797


Everything in Package A & B
Personal Healing Session with Martina
Personal Healing Session with Martina
45 Minute One on One session


My Cat Recovered From Being Run Over
Having Martina in your corner is knowing your pet is in the best hands possible. Martina’s care, her compassion and her empathy for your furbaby, and you and your family is priceless. Our cat Mr Chill broke his leg after being sadly run over. Martina has made his recovering so much more peaceful for him. She has helped him to detox, to rest, and recover and most importantly, not to lose his spirit! Whilst he is still on the mend, without Martina’s support, I know he would only be a shell of the cat he is now. He is a fighter and Martina brought him back to himself through her care, her healing and her amazing suggestions ~ Carrie Eddins
Our Dog’s Tumor Has Completely Disappeared
I’m so happy to let you know that the tumor in our dog Nino has completely gone! It had been the size of an egg and we could feel it under his ribcage. Now after your treatment, your work, it’s gone!!! He is doing great and feeling well again. My family and I are so happy. If at any time in the future, one of our animals gets sick, we will certainly reach out to you again. Lots of love to you ~ Manuela P.S. thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Emma is like a brand new dog!
 We have been watching her over the last few weeks getting more and more healthy and happy again.  She is even wanting us to play with her….which hasn’t happened in such a long time. She’s starting to love our walks and is happy and interested in everything again. We haven’t experienced that for months. We are so happy we took the chance to work with you and we are totally convinced now that whatever you did through distant healing is working. Sometimes you have to try new ways even if you don’t understand – we now know it’s not necessary to understand. Thank you so much ~ Mrs B
Gracie’s problem behavior completely disappeared
I reached out to Martina when the problems with my little puppy Gracie started getting bigger. Gracie is a rescue and I knew, that maybe things wouldn't be that easy but while she did settle in most areas and was the most loving and caring dog that I know, being around strangers or even when friends came over caused more and more stress for her. 
First only growling, now barking and even biting a dear friend when she wanted to greet her. Fortunately nothing serious and my friend did understand but it was the time to do something. 
Martina did whatever she did, no idea about those things but what I can tell, it worked! It worked nearly instantly as one week after her work with Gracie, her behavior had totally changed already. She was still very careful with strangers but no growling or barking anymore. This is now quite a while ago that Martina helped with her beautiful work and Gracie is still calm and friendly with everyone. 
I don't understand how that works what Martina does but you know what? I'm not interested to know and the most inspiring thing is she told me something about myself, my own behavior, that almost triggered Gracie's behavior! I had been totally unaware of that connection! Changing my own behavior helped changing Gracie's life and my own life! Thank you and I will for sure reach out again to Martina to get more insights and learn from her amazing connection to all souls ~ Anna, California
Investing in Martina is the best decision I ever made
I want to share with you about Martina and the miracles she's able to create. 
Last year, a couple of hours after a visit at the vet for having the yearly vaccinations done, our dog Vito started having a seizure. This one did not last very long, but soon after, he came up with another seizure, and another. Every time getting a bit more severe and lasting longer. 
Long story short, I reached out to Martina. She used to live only down the road and I had already heard about some amazing things she had been able to do for both humans and animals. 
Martina instantly started working, treating our dog frequently over the next days. She also recommended supplements that support the detoxing progress and things like CBD oil, Turmeric Paste and rescue drops to help stop the seizures. Vito recovered quickly and after about two weeks, he was back to full health. Not a single seizure since!
Then Martina educated me about vaccines, what they contain and how harmful it is to specially follow the vet’s advice to repeat that every year! I didn't know all of that and of course trusted my vet. At the end I'm so glad this happened. This was the reason I contacted Martina and was allowed to learn amazing insights about health, the vets and at the end, I'm now saving tons of money as I have so many alternatives, thanks to Martina, to help our dog and on top make sure to not put any harm on our dog. 
Investing in Martina was the best decision ever and since then, whenever somethings going on, our dog is not well or showing signs of discomfort or unusual behavior, my first call or message goes out to Martina and she is able to help every single time since. ~  Nancy, Germany
My cat passed peacefully and without pain
I was so sceptic but a friend had told me about Martina. Our cat Blacky, a rescue that lived with us for 5 years now, showed signs of illness and pain. At the vet’s I learned she had cancer and that it had already spread into other organs. 
When back home, after crying for one hour, I called Martina as the vet had totally confused me with all the suggestions of what we could try to help her.  I felt totally lost and frustrated. 
Wanting to be with our beautiful cat for a much longer time, but of course also wanting to be sure she's well and pain free and enjoying life. Martina agreed to work with Blacky to see what is possible, but in first place to learn what Blacky wants and what he's soul path is.
Martina shared with us what Blacky said. There I learnt something new, something about how connected animals are to the universe and how they see life and death. 
The essence was that Blacky knew that her time had come. Her soul path in this life time would end soon. She asked to not have any more treatment, maybe some support with the pain as of course she wants to be for some more time with us. She also told Martina that she would not need help passing over. This was a difficult part for me as I thought, helping our animal passing over is what we're supposed to do if we truly love them. 
I chose to trust Martina and 4 weeks later, after trying to spend as much time as possible with Blacky, we left the house to get some groceries. Blacky was on the sofa, lying on her favorite blanket and sleeping when we left. An hour later we came back and Blacky had peacefully passed over. She was still on that blanket, looking like she was sleeping and her mouth was open, just a little bit and it looked like she was smiling.  Thank you so much! ~ Patrick, London


Martina Waidhas is an alternative health practitioner, medical intuitive, healer and communicator who works with both humans and animals to facilitate healing in body, mind and soul. She has studied a wide range of healing practices including epigenetics, quantum healing, energy psychology, spinal column and joint therapy and has achieved a master level in both Reiki and the NIS (neurological integration system) therapy. As a former chef, Martina is passionate about the link between food and illness and brings a holistic approach to her work that is second to none. Her unique combination of skills gives her an insight and range of healing practices that allow her to tailor her treatments to suit each individual client. 
You can contact Martina Waidhas at info@wemakeyouhappy.de
Or visit www.wemakeyouhappy.de

Package A - Value $263 - Special Offer - $147

Build A Strong Soul Bond With Your Animal - E-Book & Recordings
  • Pet Parent Guidebook – Understanding Your Animal From A Higher Perspective
  • Alleviate Separation Anxiety – Help Your Animal Relax When You Can’t Be With Them
  • Pet Pain Reliever – Reduce Pain Without The Need For Medication
  • Surgery Support – Prepare Your Animal For Surgery And Support Their Recovery
  • Welcome Home – Reduce Stress For Your New Family Member
  • Detox For Animals – Clear The Way For A Higher Connection

Package B - Value $597 - Special Offer - $247

Everything in Package A
3 Weeks of Remote Healing for Your Pet or
Personal Healing Session with Martina

Package C - Value $797 - Special Offer - $347

Everything in Package A
Everything in Package B
Personal Healing Session with Martina