​​​Laurie Reyon

Special Offer 
February 2022

Package - Special Offer - $147


Laurie Reyon & Master Cat Puddah

assist you in your Self-Empowerment.

VALUE - $596

PACKAGE - Special Offer $147

Audio Recordings by Laurie Reyon
Ascension Guidance - The CD
Download Value $15
Laurie Reyon is Master Cat Puddah’s human Mom, and she an Inter-Species Communicator and Soul Healer.  Together, they bring empowering messages to the screen with powerful tools to raise your vibration and reclaim your Divine Spiritual Gifts.  The music is original and most beautiful.
TITLE TRACK to the right . . .
“Laurie Reyon & Master Cat Puddah Speak”
CD Download Value $15
Laurie Reyon is an Interspecies Communicator and Soul Healer who is utilizing her gifts to make the animal and Angelic messages known and accessible to everyone.  She is the human Mother and partner for Master Cat Puddah, who is a Being of Ascended Master energy and an aspect of the Soul of Seth.

Reyon is a voice for the Whales and Dolphins and is a channel their wisdom and healing energies.  Together they have created the Whale & Dolphin Energy Light Medicine modalities and School, training facilitators in Light Body activations.
Master Puddah’s Conscious Time Travel
Entering Your Sacred Heart
Master Puddah’s Sacred Song
Whale Guided Meditation to Remember Self
Dolphins and DNA
Message from the Whales & Dolphins
Our Service Prayer
Messages from the Great Whales and Dolphins
Download Value $18
Guided Meditations with The Great Whales and Dolphins
Download Value $18
These guided meditations take us into the world of the great intelligence that lives below the water.  The great whales and dolphins hold the memory of the ancient races for thousands of years.  Laurie Reyon’s soft voice guides us into a deeper and broader understanding of these magnificent souls on earth that humanity is just beginning to comprehend.
Total Products Value $88
Video Recordings in our Zoom Room with Laurie Reyon
and Master Cat Puddah - Seth

Activating the Pineal Gland
3rd Eye Access Your Super Powers Workshop
3 hours - Value $44
In this class we study some of the processes that are taught by Drunvalo Melchizedek through the Flower of Life teachings. One is called the 8 Beams of Light and is very powerful to help the individual activate and balance their 3rd Eye/Pineal.

The process of remembering, activating and using the 3rd eye effectively is based on Living from the Heart. Love is the vibration we align with each day to claim our amazing gift of Clairaudience.
Develop Your INTUITION
and Your Clairaudient and Telepathic Abilities


We all have the ability develop our inner hearing ability and that which we call Inner Guidance or Intuition. When one is able to clearly hear Communications from your own Personal Master Guides, your Angels or your Animal friends, your life is greatly enhanced.
Living in the Heart –
Accessing Soul and
Solution Energy is the
6 Hours of Training

Angelic Healing, Healing with the Violet Flame, Whale Healing and Clearing , Dolphin DNA Healing and Calibration Pleiadian, Toning Techniques from Lemurian Choir Light Language, Andara Crystal Healing.
Explore many powerful and proven
HEALING MODALITIES in this workshop:
The intention is to OPEN you to new ways to heal your physical body, your emotions and your mind. 
Exploring NEW healing potentials creates new opportunities for you to heal, raise your personal vibration and expand your consciousness.
Aligning with Your Soul’s Purpose
4 week Workshop  - 8 hours Value $144
Do you ever wonder about the real reasons you incarnated in this lifetime?

As a metaphysical teacher and a person who has developed my ability to speak with Spirit, the Angels and the animals, I can share that this is the TIME we have waited for to come into our full power.

It is never too late to find a way to become more of a Conscious Creator and make new choices. I am delighted to be of service to help
those who really want to change.
Animal Communication Workshop Class
3 Hours Value $33


I have been teaching Animal  Communication now for almost 20 years. Many people have activated the basic skills needed to open to Animal Communication while working with us. Everyone has the natural ability needed to do this, but everyone does not take
the time to open their hearts and practice with other animals to hone their skills.
Connect to Your Star Family
Discover Your Your Galactic Lineage with Seth

4 Week Workshop - 8 hours Value  $144

•Who you really are as a Soul
•Find out your Galactic history
•Trace Your Star Lineage with “Seth” and access your Akashic Records.
•What you are here on Earth to do Now?
•How to live beyond duality & limitation
•Finding your Savior within
•Tools to use immediately in your daily life to shift your vibration to your True Reality.
Total Value: Products & Workshops $596

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 25% off!

If you're a Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get 25% off this and all offers, click below.


I want you to know that I think and feel and know you are the best teacher ever !!! When I listen to you teach you connect all the dots for me ! Thank you for being the teacher you came here to be! Thank you 🙏 Blessings, ~ Jan Anderson

Happy Mother’s Day, Laurie and Happy Mother’s Day, Puddah. I am so beyond grateful to have you both in my life. You have brought so much goodness and so much transformation to my life. It is extraordinary. And, it keeps on unfolding. In a way you have supported me in my own birth(s) of Self. Thank you for being you and for sharing yourself in all the ways that you do. I am so happy I am in this journey with you. And so grateful for all the tools and healing you have offered me. What a wonderful gift of the the past several years it has been. I am lucky, I am blessed. Thank you God.I am fulfilled and excited for more.Love you, ~ Candice

I have listened to the whale healing fully again and it helped me even more the second time And I have been practicing an abridged version of the whale healing in the mornings. I have been going through all of emotional purging and deep shadow issues. It has really helped me to call on Bella and Master Puddah. After this I did a whale meditation after going into my heart space and calling in the archangels in the 6 directions like you taught me and it seemed to shift things right away. I have been really blocked for a long time so this is all notable for me. My headaches and shoulder pain are now gone. I have had to do some talking to confront people who have been Hard on me and I finally worked up the courage to speak up for myself. Many thanks and blessings, ~ Lynn Marie

I am a medical doctor and an empath. I've been very impressed with the Golden Shield of immunity against COVID from the White Whales. According to my system of muscle testing, it is the only thing I've found that protects against COVID. As far as I'm concerned, it's an energetic vaccine that provides far more protection than the pharmaceutical versions. I am very appreciative of you and the Whales for bringing this process to us. Thank you. ~ Dave Ou

I’d like to tell you so many things but I reckon the only one that really matters is: I love you and Thank you for all that you are and do, my precious Reyon and Puddah. A big, tight hug - which I hope one day I may give you in person, with your permission. 💕Blessings, ~ Isabella

The video came through I will watch it tonight. By the way I listened to the class 1 replay yesterday and it was wonderful. I woke up with a cat (I'm assuming Master Cat Puddah) leaving my side. I'm excited to learn about the whales & dolphins. Thank you again for your service. Love & light,  ~ Linda

I just wanted to share that I listened to the replay of you speaking at the Cetacean Summit and found that you spoke beautifully. I am very grateful and honored to know you, and thank you again for the opportunity to become a Whale & Dolphin Energy Healer.  ~ Manon

Just wanted to share my experience with your Coronavirus Whale Healing.I have watched the sessions five times so far, two times at the beginning of the year and the rest recently. Not too long ago, I was exposed to someone with Covid who claimed to have a simple cold. I sat next to her to eat dinner and talked for nearly two hours. Then she informed me next morning that her Covid test result was positive. I was rather afraid as I had never been exposed to someone so close for an extended time but it turned out that I never contracted it even though someone sitting across the table from us got tested positive.I am very thankful that you are offering such powerful sessions. At the same time, I am grateful for the opportunity to prove that whale healing against Covid really works.With much gratitude,  ~ Chikako

Thank You so much for all you gave to us/me! So many things have changed since last September!It was fast moving forward! I have enjoyed every step! I will see you in the future at your events, but I wanted to say to you how important it was to work with the Whales and Dolphins. It is something I cherish in my heart. All this happened because of your dedication! Again, Much Gratitude and Love to you!  ~ Claude

Hope this finds you doing well. A couple of months ago, you did a few one-on-one sessions with me to communicate with Virgil and to do healings and clearings with us. Virgil has been improving and so has my approach to him. We made it to the mountains in late May. Virgil was able to put his paws on the ground. He really enjoyed it! Photos attached. Before the trip, his paw pads were gray, dry and crusty. After we returned, they are now fleshy and pink. He has more energy, has more curiosity, and seems lots happier.I am looking forward to your new Cat Consciousness class and will see you then.Blessings,  ~ Shirley Mims

I AM SO EXCITED!!! This process is teaching me to trust my intuition, heart, and communication with spirit beings.  ~ Jean

Thank You, this was a life changing experience for me. I so appreciate your work and you sharing the movie with me!Blessings,  ~ Evon Rogers

Much Love & Thanks to you Laurie,Master Cat Puddah and the Magnificent Whales & Angelics for this wonderful healing and opening.In Love, Light & Unity  ~ Bonnie

Laurie Reyon

Laurie Reyon is an internationally known Inter-Species Communicator andSoul Healer. Her gifts allow her to speak to the Animals and the Angels and translate their messages to humanity. She specializes in communication with the Great Whales and Dolphins and recognizes the Cetaceans as the AncientsBeings and Master Healers on this planet. Reyon is the Director of the Omni-Dimensional Mystery School in So CA.
Reyon is a collaborating author of the bestselling book: “Dolphins and Whales Forever.” (Amazon.com). Reyon is a film maker and in June of 2015 released the transformational film “Ascension Guidance.”
Reyon facilitates Spiritual Cetacean Retreats where you can interact with wild and free dolphins and whales all over the world. During the retreats you will hear their messages and to learn to communicate with them too. Visit them in Hawaii, Bimini, Moorea, Mexico, So CA and more.
Reyon is the creator of the Whale & Dolphin Energy Light Medicine School. She channels Cetacean consciousness and their healing powers, offering Whale Healing and Clearing sessions, Light Body activations and Dolphin DNA Re-calibration sessions for individuals and groups. Her Energy Healing Online School is now enrolling and training Certified Practitioners in this work from all over the world. 

​​​Laurie Reyon

Special Offer 
February 2022

Package - Special Offer - $147