Dr Lara is an International Speaker & Teacher, Certified Functional Medicine Specialist, Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, & Master Attuned Intuitive Healer.
As a functional medicine specialist, she helps people uncover the source of their diseases and imbalances to get to the root of where things start. She focuses on empowerment, transformation, & healing through real evidence based methods combined with energy healing modalities.
Lara gives her clients the tools they need to know to help reduce or in some cases, potentially, even stop their prescription medications (with communication to their doctor, of course). But the biggest benefit her clients speak about is that they fall in love again - with their lives, with what they are doing, and the person or people that mean the most to them. Her unique approach and integration of techniques allow her clients to shift energetic patterns, release old beliefs, clear blockages, and create lives of fulfillment, wellness, and joy.
Lara’s journey to energetic & functional medicine began in 2014 as a patient herself struggling with uncontrolled chronic migraines, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic heartburn, and chronic sinus infections. Frustrated with not getting better and the lack of answers from western medicine, she sought out a new solution. Integrative Nutrition & Functional Medicine combined with energy healing modalities empowered her to heal herself from all of the above ailments. And today she is dedicated to helping you do the same.
Lara specializes in helping you in a multidimensional way. She works on the inner and outer principals of health and wellness from an functional, integrative and spiritual perspective. What that means to you is, that you get a wise-sage-meets-kick-butt authentic coach. She is a clinical pharmacist & functional medicine specialist, which means she has western medicine knowledge and training. But, she is also master attuned & trained, in both Usui and Angelic Reiki, Angel communication & intuitive channeling.