Kristen Numen Masterclass March 2023

Working with Spirit to bring Magic and Heaven to Earth into Your Reality
Please join Kristen Numen and me as we talk about Working with Spirit to bring Magic and Heaven to Earth into Your Reality, as well as live Q&A and processes.

On this call with Kristen learn:
  • How to invite in and experience the Magic with our Divine Teams
  • Understanding how our Team communicates with us so we can understand messages and guidance
  • How to ask for your Heaven on Earth and the art of allowing
  • Opening and playing with Spirit!
Zoom with Kristen & Alara

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KRISTEN's package
  • 60 Minute Personal Session
  • Divine Connection Meditation MP3
Payment Plan Available
*** Use your Inner Circle Membership Gift Code to receive a special 10% or 25% discount from Alara. ***

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 10% or 25% off!

If you're an Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 10% or 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get up to 25% off this and all offers, click below.

PACKAGE - Special Offer $111
Value - $150

60 Minute Personal Reading Session
Are you seeking guidance in life circumstances and/or spiritual guidance? 
This is a 60 minute session that is unique for each individual and is recorded.
Kristen uses her psychic abilities to tap in to your Spirit Guides helping with life situations, and/or mediumship abilities should they present themselves. These sessions are to help you release life's burdens, see your inner power and strength, and live your most beautiful life.
This reading will give you the tools as told by your Spiritual Team, so that you can activate and live your best life.
This package is for anyone! Whether you are seeking Spiritual Guidance with life situations, with your Spiritual Gifts and path, or a bit of everything.
The benefits include:
  • Clarity of life situations and how to move forward
  • Clarity of communications with your Divine Team
  • Next steps on your path
  • How to step in to your Heaven on Earth
Bonus: Divine Connection Meditation MP3
The MP3 Divine Connection Meditation is to bring a sense of peace and calm into your day. A way to connect with your Higher Self, Divine Team, and even your body. Set your intention as to what information and guidance you are requesting and then let go and allow download to flow through you.


"Nobody was shown who I am or who I work with before. It was awesome. I have had a few tarot card readings over the years but nobody saw 'me'. That is until I had a session with Kristen. Kristen not only saw 'me' but more importantly she saw and connected with my guides. The overlap between us and the information that came through was not only for me but also both at times was wonderful. I received confirmation after confirmation of what thought I know and who was working with me. It was really wonderful. The first words she uttered will resonate with me always. Such a powerful message delivered with Love. Kristen is a clear channel for the Divine Light.  She works with Love and fun and I am looking forward to many more sessions in the future." ~ Dymphna K. from Ireland

"Kristen preformed a long distance reiki treatment on my dog Camden. Camden was not doing well physically and he was in a life or death situation. Kristen was able to connect with my pup and send him healing, loving energy. Miraculous my pup pulled through! I am certain that Kristens pure energy was a leading cause in his improved health. I highly recommend any of her services." ~ Melissa S. H.

" I am constantly amazed at how things open up for me energetically and spiritually after a session with Kristen whether it’s one-on-one or in a class. For instance, I am much more aware of shifts in energy and receive more messages in my dreams. My abilities to know and feel have improved and now clairvoyance and clairsentience are opening up. Not only is Kristen gifted, she is compassionate, genuine, and generous. I am so grateful to her for helping me grow and for connecting with my mom who recently passed, which alleviated my grief and triggered my own experiences with my mom within days of my session. It was amazing! Kristen is a bright light and I cannot recommend a session with her enough!" ~ Nancy L.

"Kristen is an amazing multi faceted channel. She has helped me in so many ways to deal with fear, insecurities, self worth, and so many other things that we as humans are conditioned to believe at a young age. As a soul we know is not true. Any time I have worked with Kristen she is so genuine,caring,honest, loving, and supportive on every level. You feel the absolute love and comfort when working with her. Kristen helps you see things that you may not see in yourself and by doing that she helps you Gain the courage to be who you truly are and to speak your truth and to accept yourself for who you are and live without any limitations! If you have the opportunity to work with Kristen one on one or classes take it it will change your life she’s an amazing person and I’m so glad she’s part of my journey." ~ Trista C.

"This is my second personal session with Kristen Numen. What an amazing session it was! Both times Kristen, along with her own guides and Angels, had really the 'Big Guns', Lords Ganesha, Hanuman, Shiva and Ma Laxmi and in the second session, in addition, Cleopatra. How cool is that? I was dumbfounded both times, Wow, Wow, Wow! Kristen is truly gifted as a channel. She used her gifts, insights, messages from her Guides, different modalities- to answer all my questions and concerns with so much ease and clarity, I feel at peace with so much clarity, I feel so empowered. Kristen has given me the tools; affirmations to keep my vibrations raised and manifest my desires with ease and grace. I am so grateful to Kristen for her gifts insights,, time, her beautiful energy and patience. Thank you once again Kristen for a wonderful and amazing session." ~ Manisha M. C.

Kristen Numen

Kristen Numen is known for being a multi-faceted channel and healer. Using all of her psychic senses she brings forward what ever is in your highest good at the time of the session. Some abilities include speaking with your Spiritual Team to assist in living your best life, mediumship, Kundalini Reiki Master and Teacher, Rahanni Celestial Healer, Spiritual Activator and Teacher. Kristen has a passion for healing others on multiple levels. With the ability to scan a person and animals energetic field, Kristen can bring forward information to assist on the physical, emotional, mental, energetic, and spiritual levels. Kristen's goal is to give you the tools as directed by your Spiritual Team and loved ones to live your best life and experience joy and health on a new level.
KRISTEN's package
  • 60 Minute Personal Session
  • Divine Connection Meditation MP3
Payment Plan Available
*** Use your Inner Circle Membership Gift Code to receive a special 10% or 25% discount from Alara. ***

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 10% or 25% off!

If you're an Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 10% or 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get up to 25% off this and all offers, click below.