Kimberley Lovell

Special Offer 
June 2021

Package - Value - $284 - Special Offer - $197

1:1 60 mins Transformational Session with Kimberley

Kimberley's PACKAGE - Value $284

Special Offer $197

Kimberley's Package

1:1 60 mins Transformational Session with Kimberley

Transformational Sessions may incorporate
channelling, guidance, energetic healing, medical intuition, multi-dimensional ascension work, soul alignment, activations, attunements, connecting with your guides.
Quantum Hypnotherapy, Access Consciousness, Theta Healing, Soul Readings.

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Live Online Quantum Hypnotherapy Training 25-28 June

Live Online Quantum Hypnotherapy Training 25-28 June

Live Online Quantum Hypnotherapy Training (4 Days)

Are you a healer, therapist, coach, psychic,  counsellor, psychologist, social worker, or clinical hypnotherapist looking to train in Past Life Regression?

This live online Quantum Hypnotherapy training includes training in; Past Life Regression, Lives Between Lives, Future Lives, Spirit Release and Healing With the Subconscious, giving you a variety of applications to be able to support your clients personal, professional and spiritual development. This training is similar to QHHT, but unlike QHHT training where you can’t work with clients online, this Quantum Hypnotherapy Training allows you to work with clients in person or online.

Transpersonal hypnotherapy is a spiritual and integrative model and this approach is a powerful tool for rapid access of your client’s deep unconscious blocks, stories, thoughts, feelings, beliefs, behaviours and patterns impacting all areas of their lives. 

You will learn how to help your clients with their health and well-being as you work with the client’s Higher Self and Healing Team for powerful healing. Utilizing hypnotherapy  you can support your clients not only in their personal and professional life, but in their spiritual life by accessing their Soul’s Journey and thus connecting them with valuable internal spiritual resources and supporting their spiritual ascension process.


Quantum Hypnotherapy Course Syllabus

WHAT YOU WILL LEARN If  you are looking to learn hypnotherapy, our Spiritual Hypnotherapy Training teaches the application of Hypnotherapy in a holistic, spiritually based manner, allowing for the integration of all aspects of the personality through Body/Mind/Spirit/Emotions. You will learn how to facilitate the application of Spiritual principles in client’s lives using the most sophisticated and useful Hypnotic, Body Alignment, and Soul Work techniques.


4 Day Online Zoom Classroom/Personal Tuition Practical Student Client/Practitioner Work.  Access to Quantum Hypnotherapy Library with over 40 hours of Hypnotherapy Video and Audio and Transcripts demonstrating the various aspects of Past Life Regression, Life Between Lives, Future Lives. Healing With The Subconscious. All students will receive professional superivision throughout the duration of the course and for up to 3 months whilst completing their case studies.

ASSESSMENT By continual assessment of course work, personal and written assessment case studies and/or examination.

Course Curriculum

Foundation Certificate in Hypnotherapy

INTRODUCTION TO HYPNOSIS – What is Hypnosis?  The Conscious and the Unconscious, Imagination and the Right Brain, Functions of Hypnosis, Forms of Hypnotherapy, Holistic Hypnotherapy

THE HISTORY OF HYPNOSIS –  Shamanic Healing & Ceremony, Modern Medical Hypnosis, Modern Psychotherapeutic Hypnosis

TRANCE INTRODUCTION  –Levels of Trance, Forms of Induction, Methods of Induction, Deepening the Trance, Ending the Trance

DIRECT & INDIRECT SUGGESTION  –Setting Realistic Goals, Keys to Effective Suggestion, Anchoring, Establishing Rapport, Pre-Induction Interview.  Ideomotor Questioning, Silent Process

CLIENT ASSESSMENT AND INTERVIEW – Legal and Ethical Issues, Practice Suggestions, The Interview, Safety, Referrals, Client-Therapist Relationship.

DEALING WITH RESISTANCE Standard Process, Resistance to Entering Trance, Inability to See, Symbolic Imagery, Resistance to Feeling Emotions, Shame and Guilt, Terror, Sexual Abuse Specifics, Personal Testimony, Reverse Suggestion

ESTABLISHING AND MAINTAINING A PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE  – Business Practice, Tax Tips for Hypnotherapists, Marketing and Promotion


Past Life Regression Certificate

Application of past life regression; ascension, illness, phobias, relationships

Understanding past life regression theories

Standard regression techniques 

Integrating past life personalities

How to clear past life trauma and karmic debts

Exploring and changing soul contracts with higher self and others

Processes for retrieving soul fragments

Retrieving past life gifts and abilities through contacting creativity


Life Between Lives Certificate

How to navigate the various life between life experiences

How to identify soul purpose contract work

Negotiation and changing of pre-conception contract

Life review and meeting with the council elders

The process of choosing a body 

Navigating multi-dimensional galactic lives and connection with star family, mythical creatures


Spirit Release Therapy & Healing With The Higher Self & Spirit Team

Understanding the various types of spirit attachments and intrusive energies

Signs and symptoms of spirit attachment and intrustive energies

What are walk-Ins, soul braids

Identifying and releasing spirit attachments and intrusive energies

How to perform body scans

Working with a pendulum

Healing with the higher self and spirit healing team


Future Life Progression

Understanding future lives, parallel lives, simultaneous lives

The various applications for future life progressions

How to navigate through future lives, parallel lives, simultaneous lives

Connecting with your future self for wisdom, gifts and abilities


Course Training Materials

Your comprehensive course materials include;

Course Manual

Library of over 40 hours of hypnotherapy session video/audio

Transcripts of Hypnotherapy Sessions

Hypnotherapy Induction Scripts

Suggested Reading List

Private Facebook Group for Students


Eligibility, Assessment & Certification

Eligibility:  All students enrolling on this course confirm that they are over the age of 18 and not experiencing psychosis.  If you have any concerns regarding this please do email to discuss

On completion of this course upon certification you will be able to obtain insurance and work with clients professionally in the areas taught.  To achieve certification you will need to have:

Attended the Live Online 4 Day Training with Kimberley

Completed Supervised Hypnotherapy Practice Sessions

Completed Required Case Studies

Produced a Hypnosis Recording for Skill Assessment

Completed all course theory reading, and Assignments

Produced a written summary of 5 clients using hypnosis (supervised practice)



Next Course Dates: 25-28 June 2021 1pm -7pm BST


Investment: £997 Earlybird £888


Thanks for your insightful comments with regard to this relationship. You really do seem to ‘grasp’ things in a ‘no words needed’ kind of way – you are one very special lady - Anna, Sweden

A strong and evidential reading with evidence of my Mothers character and her illness before passing, together with many memories we shared. You rightly told me I had given Spirit an ultimatum.  One thing that puzzled me was the name of Hilda.  As I told you I didn’t know any Hilda at the time, however a few days later I met a lady who offered to cook for me, her name – HILDA! - John, UK

Kim is a delight to work with, she soon got to work on sorting out the mess in my head.  After starting off with HUGE problems about accepting money, I actually increased my prices by 30% the next day.  I felt confident doing this and that must have come across as the new client just accepted the price and wrote the cheque! - Kate, UK

After just one session with Kimberley I was able to clear limiting beliefs that I have had for a lifetime. I recognized how I had been holding back in my business because of those beliefs. Kimberley not only helped me design an action plan that allows me to expand the reach I want to have in the world, but she gave me immediate results and tools to implement! If you feel stuck in your business and you aren’t sure what to do next, I highly recommend working with Kimberley to create the legacy you know you are meant to live.  She really is a brilliant and gifted guide to living a life I love!! - Marilyn Sorenson, Hand Analyst, USA

I’m Finally Ready To Let Love In!

Working with Kimberly has been nothing short of transformational. I was carrying around so much guilt, anger and pain from previous relationships which was stopping me from truly moving forward and I didn’t even realize it.  Kimberley’s intuition is amazing! Her gift allows her to zone straight in on the core issues and really bring up a lot of stuff that’s deep rooted on a subconscious level. Since working with Kimberley, I’ve managed to let go of a lot of deep-seated painful unconscious feelings and beliefs and truly move forward. As a result, I’m experiencing a deeper level of connection and communication in my relationships. Furthermore, I am now able to express myself in both my personal and business life in a more confident, self assured way. I’m finally ready to let love in! Amanda B Stephen, UK, (now met her soulmate and has a new baby)

Happy, Peaceful and Loving My Life, You’re A True Inspiration and An Angel

I have just received an amazing healing session with Kimberley. It was surprising just how intuitive and accurate she was and how many past lives I had that were having such an impact on my thoughts, feelings and actions in this life. At first it seemed all so simple and was questioning if anything was changing and through the testing we did it obviously was and I must say I am feeling a lot lighter and a clearing in my solar plexus.  I highly recommend anyone to have a session with Kimberley if you are feeling stuck in any area of your life. Kimberley is a warm, loving and intuitive soul who wants to help others. Thank you so much for today and look forward to allowing the new me to shine through!  UPDATE:   I must say I have not felt this way for such a long time. I am happy, peaceful and loving my life.  You are a true inspiration and an  Angel.Christina Young, UK

Depression, Chronic Fatigue and Diabetes

Times have been tough over the past few years and had left me with depression, chronic fatigue and diabetes. I felt so hopeless and didn’t believe anyone or anything could help me. After having two sessions of Theta healing I have cleared so many of my issues that finally I can see a way forward. I now feel motivated, have more energy and a more positive outlook on life. Penny Edwards, Therapist/ Tutor

I received $14,596 within a month!

Literally 3 days after my session with Kimberley - on blocks around receiving money and subconscious beliefs surrounding self worth and struggle when it came to money… I received a check in the mail for $1446.00.  The source was clearly unexpected, it was from a past mortgage settlement that I shared with my ex husband from 7 years prior. I have a job with a corporation in sales… I had a dry spell where I hadn’t made a franchise sale for 9 months.  Prior to that I was consisting selling/closing every other month… After my session with Kimberley, I have closed 3 franchise deals within 6 weeks!  Totaling $13,500 in commission!  9 month dry spell is OVER! This all happened within a month after my coaching session with her and uncovering some nasty… old belief patterns of low self worth and feeling that money should come to me with grief and lots of struggle.  It’s a relief as I build my own business that I won’t have these same limiting beliefs surrounding prosperity as I plan to go big with my business…or go home! Karie Millspaugh, USA

My Breast Lump Vanished!

Just after my I return from holiday was a routine mammogram screening which I duly attended.  Kim and I did a lot of clearing work including both the mammogram areas and ancestral clearing as close relations had had cancer (we also cleared all fear round this subject, that is learning how to live without it)  and I also learnt how to imagine myself as whole and healed. I was taught me how “miracles” can and do happen as in less than a week, the hospital staff could find no trace of anything untoward after thorough examinations!! Kim’s work is mindblowing in concept and reality. Working and studying with Kim is always a privilege and it is inspirational watching not only her empathetic professionalism but much more in her caring attitude, her very deep knowledge of whatever she is teaching/practising with the greatest love for the highest good of all concerned whether you are working alone with her or as a group – sometimes many tears, but also much fun laughter and joy as well. Rosemary Buck, UK

Vision, Clarity & Focus, Boundaries and Trust Improved Dramatically.

My eyesight (clarity and focus) in general has improved dramatically. One of the deepest parts of our work together is that I can now see, very clearly the deep schism that used to exist between my mind and heart, my plans and goals and my behaviors, my inside world and outside world, and myself and the outside world. The boundaries in every area of my life have been completely redefined, most of my boundary issues related to trust issues. While I certainly had trust issues with authority figures, the trust issues I had with myself were far more problematic as it related to my self-esteem, self-love, and moving forward. Thank you so much I am very grateful for your uncanny intuition, persistence, and loving presence. Mike Brockman, USA

Dream Home Manifested in a Month!

Hi Kimberley, I just wanted to give you a quick update. Since my Theta session we have had an offer accepted on the property we were looking at and the sale is moving forward. We can make our dream a reality. I feel so thankful that I had that session when I did.  It has made such a difference in many ways.  Thank you so much for your part in creating it. Sue Knight, Somerset UK

Money and Self Worth Issues

Kimberley helped shift some deep unconscious beliefs around money and my self-worth.  I felt confident to significantly increase my prices the next day and my website has been updated.  I have since been challenged by a few people on my prices but I have stayed firm!  Thanks Kimberley for all your support and love. Sonraya Grace, Bournemouth UK

Wahoo Passed My Lawyer Bar Exam!

Kimberley has simply changed my life. She has a way of showing you that you are always capable and powerful (no matter how bleak the situation may seem).  I came to Kimberley, having failed my bar exam as a lawyer, in just a couple of sessions, where we cleared unconscious energetic blocks and beliefs, she instilled in me a greater sense of power and magic, connecting me with my heart and souls desires and I’m pleased to say I’ve just passed my Lawyer exam I feel more in charge of my life’s direction, and am now pursuing my true purpose and passions.  It’s because of her, I now always try to remember that I hold the magical powers to transform my life by changing my thoughts and energy. I have been raving about her to everyone I know! Yara, Dubai


Kimberley Lovell is a Transpersonal Psychotherapist/Hypnotherapist, Intuitive Business Coach, Master Theta Healer, Spiritual Channel and Teacher.  She has over 30+ years experience empowering her clients and students from all over the world to connect with their intuition, heal their unconscious blocks and embrace their true power and genius.
She utilizes Quantum Healing Tools such as Theta Healing, Access Consciousness and Quantum Hypnotherapy to support you in connecting with your soul’s purpose, passion, power and prosperity and creating the life and business of your dreams, you whilst sharing your gifts with the world.
Discover more about how Kimberley’s 1:1 Programs, Courses and Trainings can support you.

Package - Value - $284 - Special Offer - $197

1:1 60 mins Transformational Session with Kimberley