Kim Regnitz 
Special Offer 
September 2020

“I AM” A New Decade of Activating SuperPowers!
“I AM” A New Decade of Activating SuperPowers!

Package A - Value $450 - Special Offer - $147

ITEM 1.  "Pranayama” (Breathwork) Crystal Singing Bowls Sound Bath! 33:26

ITEM 2.  “New Decade of Activating SuperPowers”! 45:16

ITEM 3.  “SuperPowers 101” Harnessing the Energy of Lunar Cycles!

ITEM 4.  “I AM” Activating in the New Moon Energy! 23:50

ITEM 5.   “I AM” Activating in the Full Moon Energy! 31:49

ITEM 6.    “Temple of the Goddess” (Nature/Star Nations) 41:12

ITEM 7.    “Nourished by the Goddess” (Nature/Galactic Kingdoms) 36:57

ITEM 8.    Magical Portals of Possibilities”! 49:30

ITEM 9.    "Journey with the Crystals” 45:51


“What Is a Holographic Activation” PDF 

“Fully Embodied Alignment” PDF

“I AM” A New Decade of Activating SuperPowers!

Package B - Value $650 - Special Offer - $247

ITEM 1 - Package A
ITEM 2 - Stand Alone Session - Full 60-75min Holographic Transformational Session (includes recording Mp3 download via Instant Teleseminar)!
ITEM 3 - Bonus Offering - Complimentary Pass to a Month of (New Moon & Full Moon) Live Holographic Group Activations! $44 Value! 2 - 90 Min Calls includes a recordable Mp3 download!!!

“I AM” A New Decade of Activating SuperPowers!

Package A

Total Value $450 - Special Offer $147

Package A

As we move into this Decade of 2020, the “22” Vibration, we are witnessing the New Divine Feminine Codes Birthing forth the 5-D and above New Earth! Within these upgraded Frequencies, we are able to access our New SuperPowers through our Alignment in the “I AM” Frequency! Through Kim’s “I AM” Alchemy Team Collective, this Series of Holographic Activations can assist you in Aligning and Embodying Your “I AM” Presence, within your Physical Vehicle! This Series is an Activation of the Accelerated Transformation and Ascension Process.
Choose the Holographic Activations/ Transmissions that speak to you in the Moment! This Package in its entirety is like a Class Course and will raise your Frequency, facilitate Healing and Transformation, as well as Shift your Consciousness!
Each Mp3 Holographic Activation/Journey, can be utilized as a stand-alone, accelerated Consciousness Shift, and you will sequentially continue the process with each time you participate! It is most Useful to bring Awareness to Noticing what is different in your Life, also what may occur in your Dream state!
If you are choosing to utilize these Activations prior to working with Kim, within a Personal Transformational Holographic Session, these 10 Mp3’s will assist you in Activating and Upgrading your Crystalline Light Body and DNA prior to each Session!
What “SuperPowers” are ready to Magically Download and Activate for you?
Please do Not Listen to or participate in while Driving!
Note: Since these Holographic Activations/Transmissions Activate many Multidimensional Levels of Timelines and DNA, you may fall asleep as old programs are uninstalled and new “I AM” High Frequency Downloads/Upgrades are installed! It’s OK!
“What Is a Holographic Activation” PDF 
“Fully Embodied Alignment” PDF
Holographic Activations/ Journey’s
These Magically, Playfully Powerful Journeys are all facilitated through Kim’s “I AM” Alchemy Team Collective, and are inclusive of: “Star Nations, Ascended Masters, Galactic/Intergalactics, Archangels, Angels, Elementals, Dragons, Crystallines, Dolphins”, and all Beings within the “I AM” Frequency Bandwidth! Kim facilitates in an Unconventional Playful Format through Vocal Transmission/Tones/Light Language etc. A Total Experience into what is Magically POSSIBLE for you! EnJoy!

ITEM 1.  "
Pranayama” (Breathwork) Crystal Singing Bowls Sound Bath! 33:26

This Beginning Mp3 Activation is great for Meditation and starting or Ending your Day. It is useful while practicing Yoga/Meditation/Chi Gong etc. The Breathwork Balances the Entire Nervous System, Realigns the Chakra’s and Recalibrates the Biofield.
This Mp3 tune up, begins with a short Pranayama experience preparing your entire “Field” to receive the Frequencies of the 432hz Chakra Crystal Singing bowls and Vocal Tones as Guided by Kim’s “I AM” Alchemy Team Collective! It sets up the Frequency of your Being to receive the Gifts of the other Holographic Activations! This Mp3 was created in the Full Super Moon Energy of Virgo and is about Anchoring your Divine Gifts within the Gaia Grids. It May Expand the Heart Stargate and is a Soothing Balm to your Entire Being! Relaxing, may be used before Sleep!
TIME STAMPS: 17:15 Begin Breathing Work, 21:50 Crystal Bowls Begin

ITEM 2.  “New Decade of Activating SuperPowers”! 45:16

This Holographic Activation/ Journey is an Upgrade of the Field in preparation for the Dormant DNA receptors in Receiving your “New SuperPowers”! Experience Scalar/Torsion Field Activation of Crystalline Codes and Templates! Each time you participate with this Activation, you Expand the Possibility Potentiality as well as Embody more of Your “I AM” Presence within the 3-D Grids. Imagine what it
would be like to walk on Earth with Amazing “Magical Powers”! This Activation Strengthens the entire Physical Body/Biofield, and there is a Powerful Throat Chakra Activation/Expansion. An interesting experience within this Journey, is that of the “6th” sense Merge with the “5” senses as well as the 3rd Eye merge with Physical Vision!
A delightful “Magical Wand” download appears and Dolphins Appear!

ITEM 3.  “SuperPowers 101” Harnessing the Energy of Lunar Cycles!

Harnessing Cosmic Cycles are super Powerful for Expansion, Growth, Creativity and Manifestation! This Mp3 is a mini Explorational class into the framework of Evolutionary/Spiritual Astrology! I have found this to be really Powerful and effective in working with the Cosmic Offerings and the Cast of Characters in your Astrological Blueprint. This does not get into “Predictive” Energy, as within Evolutionary Astrology, that translates as “limitation”. The Planets (We ARE the Planets) do not “do” anything to you, they Activate that which is within you!
When we then, truly utilize the Highest Possibility Potential within this Ancient Wisdom, your Life just Lights up and things begin to Flow!
We explore the 8 cycles of the Moon and the Energetic Signature of Each Lunar Phase and how to “Harness” this Potent energy! Following are 2 Mp3 Activations/ Journey’s Harnessing the New Moon and the Full Moon!

ITEM 4.  “I AM” Activating in the New Moon Energy! 23:50

This Journey, Holographic Activation, works specifically and Amazingly Well in harnessing the Energy of a Brand-New Lunar Cycle! It is useful to use this Activation prior to creating “New Moon” Seed planting!
Before this Activation it is recommended to have a Blank piece of Paper in front of you, and perhaps some Favorite pens as you may want to list New Moon Wishes!
A playful Activation that was created during a New Moon and can be utilized during anytime, however recommended at a New Moon phase (3 1⁄2 days approx.).
This Activation, rich with Sound Tones, (Language of Light), and Codes opens with a connection with the Lunar Goddesses. Journey through a vibrating Portal of the Zero Point Quantum Field into the Frequency of “BLUE”! An appearance of Hecate, Whales, Dolphins, a unique Portal Journey, and Goddesses, Kwan Yin, Diana, Selene, Aine bring their Blessings! Powerful, as the New Moon phase shifted to Crescent, Hecate appeared, and she is the Goddess of the Mystery!

ITEM 5.  “I AM” Activating in the Full Moon Energy! 31:49

A Magical Holographic Playful Journey under the Light of the Full Moon! A Full Moon is about Harvest of what began at the Cycle when the Moon was New. Oftentimes there is an Intensity as the already Full Glass is available for even more water, and can spill over! When we Flow with the Lunar Tides, it is a Magical time with much high Manifesting Energy! Within this particular Activation, we begin with a Centering and a balancing with the Galactic Center as well as grounding into the Diamond Crystalline Heart of Gaia! The Whales, Dolphins and Goddess Energy presented once again. The Crystallines of Larimar lent their Energetic Blessings with a soothing quality. There is a strengthening and Harmonizing with the Energy Centers and Biofield during this Powerful time!

ITEM 6.    “Temple of the Goddess” (Nature/Star Nations) 41:12

A Beautiful Activation that begins with a Centering and an initiation to “Merge” with the Goddess. Infused with Gaia’s Sweet Blessings and a Special Gifting from Nature (Transmission) Awaits you! The Accessing of Stargate Portals through the Harmony of Nature Kingdoms, Awakenan Ancient Primordial Cellular Memory of Paradise, much like Lemuria and timelines of “Mu”!
Experience the Elemental Communication with the Dragons of Air and of Fire as we tap into Magical Dimensional Spaces as guided by the “I AM” Alchemy Team Collective. The “Mantis” Beings, and Kwan Yin on her Dragon, make their Presence Known, as they interface with you, always in Harmony with your “I AM” Presence, upshifting your Physical Biofield to accept the Crystalline Light Codes from the Cosmic Heart and the Galactic Central Sun. This Holographic Journey has Gentle Tones of the Language of Light! A Beautiful Magical Summer Solstice Song of the “Spring Peepers” (Spring/early Summer Frog Song) is part of this Journey and at the very End, Experience the Andromeda “Cricket” Chorus, that has a Profound Effect on your Energy Field!!! Simply Magical!
25:00 Summer Solstice “Spring Peepers”
29:45 Late Summer Cricket Song Serenade

ITEM 7.   “Nourished by the Goddess” (Nature/Galactic Kingdoms) 36:57

This is another Powerful “Visitation” to the Temple of the Goddess within the Nature and Multidimensional Galactic Kingdoms! All of the Elementals and many Nature Animal and Bird Archetypes greeted and Blessed us with their Presence and Songs!
The Gentle flowing sound of the Brook, bubbling with Sparkles infused by the Diamond Codes released from the Sun’s Energy, is a Soothing, Transformative Song for our Soul!
A Muskrat came close, and blessed us with the Awareness of Magical Powers and Emotional Body Release, through the Water Elemental. In the nearby distance a Grouse drummed to the Spiral Dance of the Spring Mating Season, balancing Male / Female Energy.
Through the Breathwork, (“Breathe in Nature”), woven within this Holographic Journey, allowed for the Grounding of Scalar Waves/Torsion fields of High Galactic Frequencies Activating the Ascension Process.
There is an Expanded, uplifting Vibration to this Activation as well as a Multidimensional Unified Field Experience! Notice how you are feeling after this one! A Beautiful Journey to take following a technologically and or/Busy Day!

ITEM 8.   “Magical Portals of Possibilities”! 49:30

A Zero Point ~ Autumnal Equinox Powerful Holographic Activation! Equinox’s open up Multidimensional Portals (7D) Light and Sound that Create Realities in 3D! This was one of those Activations that came through “out of the Blue”, as I was strongly guided by the “I AM” Alchemy Team Collective, to go home and begin Recording!
This Activation begins with an Initial Alignment with the “I AM” Frequency in preparation for the Crystalline New Ascension Downloads to come in! There is a Strong Pleiadian Transmission within this Activation and the Cosmic Energies brought in a Beautiful Harmonizing Recalibrating Reset! This is most useful for all on the Ascension Path!

ITEM 9.   “Journey with the Crystals” 45:51

The “Crystallines” so wanted to come in during this Holographic Activation/ Journey, to bring forth their Unique offerings, Gifts and support within this Collective Great Awakening Expansion! There Are Many High Frequency Beings involved within this Activation such as: The Azezetulites, Anandalites, Lemurian Crystals, Herkimer Diamonds, Trigonic Quartz, to name a Few! At one point there was 8 Solaris Crystallines within a Magical Portal, a Circle of Golden Light that we were invited in. There was a 9th Solaris Light Being Above as the Golden Light was Anchored within. A deep Transformational Healing Shift occurs within this Journey! Other Galactic Crystalline Beings show up (Bright Yellow) and infuse their Powerful Energy. A feeling of Heightened Awareness followed. There is an energetic Signature of the “New” “New Beginnings”, “New Effectiveness”, “New Projects”, “New Phase of your Divine Mission”!
This completes Package A Mp3 Holographic Activations/Journeys!
Remember that each time you Participate, you may experience a Consciousness Shift as well as an Acceleration on the Ascension Path! What is experienced with this Activation and narrated is the interface of Pure Resonance of Light and Information! (Keep in mind, there is way more going on than what is narrated) Always Go with what Resonates for YOU, in what you are receiving, and notice how you Feel!
Be Gentle, Loving and Nurturing with yourself in working with these Powerful Transmissions/Activations. Guidelines would be recommended to utilize the PDF “I AM Fully Embodied” prior to participation! Drink Extra Water and
NOTICE WHAT IS DIFFERENT, not what’s the Same!!!
Please do Not Listen to or participate in while Driving!
“I AM” A New Decade of Activating SuperPowers!

Package B

Total Value Over $650 - Special Offer $247

Package B 

Item 1: Everything in Package A

ITEM 1.  "Pranayama” (Breathwork) Crystal Singing Bowls Sound Bath! 33:26
ITEM 2.  “New Decade of Activating SuperPowers”! 45:16
ITEM 3.  “SuperPowers 101” Harnessing the Energy of Lunar Cycles!
ITEM 5.  “I AM” Activating in the New Moon Energy! 23:50
ITEM 6.   “I AM” Activating in the Full Moon Energy! 31:49
ITEM 7.    “Temple of the Goddess” (Nature/Star Nations) 41:12
ITEM 8.    “Nourished by the Goddess” (Nature/Galactic Kingdoms) 36:57
ITEM 9.    “Magical Portals of Possibilities”! 49:30
ITEM 10.    "Journey with the Crystals” 45:51
“What Is a Holographic Activation” PDF 
“Fully Embodied Alignment” PDF

Item 2: Full Holographic Transformational Session
(60 – 90 min approx. In depth, Multidimensional Transformational work), Phone or Skype

If you have resonated with the package that includes a Personal Holographic Transformational Session, what might you experience and how may you prepare...
Harmonic, Holographic Transformational Sessions
This one -on -one Transformational Session blends Kim’s nearly 30 + years of Experience in the Field of Healing and Transformation al Technologies! In a private Session, with a playful approach, Kim will tune into your Entire Bio field Hologram and notice where your Energy is Stagnant, stuck and not flowing! As an Interpreter of the Soul’s Vibration , she work s through the Guidance with her “I AM” Alchemy Team ! Within this “I AM” Alchemy Team, are Ascended Masters, Angels, Archangels, S tar Nations, Galactic’s , Elementals, Crystalline Beings , Dolphins, Ancient Ones and al l who are in the Vibration with this Frequency Bandwidth!
Since every pattern is Light, Information and Resonance, Kim receives the Intuitive protocol for each Session . I n Alignment with your “I AM” Presence, the se Patterns begin to shift, and resonate with the New Frequency as Pure Potential and Possibility! As A Conscious Channel for this I AM Frequency, Kim is Clairvoyant, Clairsentient, Clairaudient, Claircognizant and empathic!
Many of these incongruent patterns that surface are now ready to disentangle. These can be inclusive of Generational, Ancestral Imprinting, or Multidimensional Issues from this or other timelines and /or Parallel Realities. Many People may have implants, Entities, Psychic Bonds, and other negative or nefarious anomalies in their Field. When these patterns are cleared, you may have access to the skill sets that you have mastered from these other timelines (lifetimes)! You may also tap into JOY as never before, as the Heart Stargate opens and Expands!
Each personal Session is a Holographic Activation and a Multidimensional Shift in Consciousness , including an upgrade in Awareness as you move toward Embodying the Divine, your “I AM” Presence in 3 -D form! Sound (Voice Toning) as well as Light Languages may be channeled with in
the session. Sound is a n Amazing way to dissolve many obsolete Patterns as well as bring in new upgraded Frequencies of Divine “I AM” Light codes!
Kim eclectically draws from her Skill’s in Quantum Mechanics and is a Certified Practitioner in many modalities including Sacred Sound Healing, Dowsing and LaHoChi! She also is skilled and incorporates Astrology and Nature/Elemental Frequencies in her Sessions! Each Session is unique and a class as well! Often times messages and information is brought in for you, through Kim’s I AM Alchemy Team! She go es into a DEEP DIVE with you in the Transformational discovery of “WHAT IS TRULY POSSIBLE FOR YOU”!
If you have done much of your Previous clearing work, A Session may assist you in having a greater Connection with your I AM Presence as well as the Manifestation Process (FLOW) in your 3- D World !
Please note that Kim will work via phone or Skype with you. A recorded Replay is offered to those in the US via Instant Teleseminar. (You may contact them for instructions how to use if you are in other countries as it may be used with Skype in some instances!)
Also useful to realize that the Session begins at the time you book it and the Energy starts to change. Be Aware of this, and it shows up uniquely for each person! Kim goes deep with you is passionate about her work, Truly to be experienced!!!

ITEM 3 - Bonus 1-Complimentary Pass to a Month of (New Moon & Full Moon) Live Holographic Group Activations!

Complimentary Pass to a Month of (New Moon & Full Moon) Live Holographic Group Activations! $44 Value! 2 - 90 Min Calls includes a recordable Mp3 download!!!


I had the pleasure of interviewing Kim on an interview series in June of 2017, little did I know that she would be THE person that showed up just when I needed her most. At the time I knew little about Kim or the work that she did but I felt compelled to book a session with her and was simply astounded by what came through.

It was as though, for the very first time, someone could tap into the energies that I was experiencing but could not put into words. Session after session we continue to unravel layers of unwanted patterns, programs and belief systems that were unknown to my conscious mind.

I continue to work with Kim has contributed to my life in such a profound way, words cannot express. There are those special moments in life when the master appears, Kim has been that for me and I AM ever so grateful. She has truly helped me transform deeper into my I AM so that I can show up in the world to fulfill my souls mission. THANK YOU Kim Regnitz for all that you ARE! ~Tamaey Gottuso, PhD

I am thankful for her presence in my life

I come from the school of “hard knocks”. This has been a very bumpy lifetime for me. Recently…I’ve sat endlessly, it seems, pondering how best to compliment someone who was once a complete stranger to me. I’d only “met” her over the phone. Meeting her in person was not important. What was important to me was figuring out the inner voice that was growing louder. I once was full of questions and had little confidence in my own inner wisdom to find the answers. My work with KIM started well after I ditched an established 15 yr career to be guided my a budding inner voice that I constantly doubted. She’s helped me to walk this dimension exploring, sharing and learning my soul’s lessons with confidence. I trust my own inner wisdom now and I am accountable to it. I get almost instant reassurance by recognizing the signs from these lessons which is something I’d never experienced before working with KIM. Kim has such dedication and devotion to helping other souls brave enough to have incarnated into these times and fearless enough to learn by trusting as they go along. I have only profound gratitude and immense love for her and her abilities. I still have much to learn from her… I am thankful for her presence in my life. - T Langer

The session I had was very powerful!

The session I had was very powerful! I did an over the phone session but it felt as if I was in the same room the whole time as we worked. I had a lot of blocked energy from my childhood that needed to be worked out of me and all I can say is ever sense my session I have felt more confident and less worried about the opinions of others. The tool I was given to help me in life was taping into my higher self that has been successful already, and I was able to do this which helped be successful in the last couple weeks of my track season. I would highly recommend a session for people who are having some blocked energy problems because after my session I feel lighter and less blocked.

Note from Kim: After this session Lydia, who is a College Track Star, went on to win “Athlete of the Year” and first place, beating her personal best score in Field and Track! She then went on to win 2nd place Nationally as a Senior in Field and Track. She competes in the Discus and hammer throw…, she came to me feeling lack of Confidence and blocked with her Athletic Abilities! Clearly the Blocked energy was released and she was Thrilled! - Lydia M

The first time I met Kim, I knew she was magical!

The first time I met Kim, I knew she was magical. I met her in the summer of 2014, and she has helped me a great deal, on several occasions since then. Kim has been instrumental in opening doors to my highest potential, both through her loving guidance and her powerful transformational work. The first time she worked with me, it was like she opened a gateway to pure magic! Since then, I have called on Kim, to help me during the times when I need extra support to move through things more efficiently and smoothly. When I was having trouble selling my last house, she helped to unlock the barriers to it selling, and it sold (cash offer) within two weeks of our session. She also assisted with some unhealthy attachments that had formed in my energetic field, about a year ago, that were creating physical, mental, and emotional disturbances for me. Her advice and support has been absolutely crucial in my progress in both my personal life and my own practice. I am so grateful that the universe aligned everything just perfectly, so that Kim could become a valued part of my life. Her influence has been, and continues to be, powerful, to say the very least. - Cynthia R

Full of Gratitude

Words cannot express my gratitude for everything Kim has done to help me. I am so grateful for her in my Life. She is very intuitive and her work is profound. She always knows what to say to help me feel better when something is really bothering me. She has helped me to see a challenge – as a gift and a wonderful opportunity for growth. I am eternally grateful for her wisdom, insights and willingness to assist me on my Journey. I highly recommend her workshops and one-on-one sessions. She is a blessing to all who know her. Thank you Kim! - Tammy S

Creating Sacred Space

I want to thank you for creating sacred space for me. This has allowed me to truly start looking at my patterns. This includes identifying what triggers me and taking it back to its source. I am looking at myself in others every day to bring to light what needs to be looked at, so I can let go. I am very grateful you shared your knowledge with me. I am feeling freer every day with what I have learned. Attending the workshop has changed my life. It has enabled me to become really conscious of patterns, some of them deeply rooted, when I get triggered. This has led to a real transformation in my life. It was truly wonderful to work with you again. I look forward to doing more work with you in the future. Namaste - Anonymous

So Thankful!

When I first met with Kim I instantly felt a deep soul connection. Then she continued with her Interpreter of my Soul’s Vibration and I felt it a most profound way. My entire body lit up like crazy, in ecstasy and then things calmed down. Then I felt light in my thyroid gland which was moving around. Since that time I feel myself embodying 5th dimensional consciousness bit by bit every day, as each day everything is softer and easier with no edginess. My perception of other people and other situations is the same. I attract no drama into my life. Only peace and harmony. My life changed literally in the moment I met with Kim. And I am so thankful! - Julie (Juliann) C

My life is transformed!

I met Kim 10 years ago and it has since changed my life in so many ways! I am so lucky to have crossed paths with such an amazing woman! - Courtney

Dear Kim, I hope you are doing awesome ❤ I wanted to say thank you for the amazing work you’ve done on me. I feel so calm and composed… it’s just beautiful. Gratitude and love 💕💕 - Adita S.

Kim you are such an incredible gift to humanity. I’ve had 2 sessions with you and I’m in awe of what you do. I hope anyone seeking transformation on a deep level will connect with you. NO doubt in my mind you are on your way to super stardom, lucky for me to have found you! THANK YOU for making such an incredible impact in my life. I’m ready and the world is now ready… it’s time.  - T.G.

Your activation this evening was…closest word…profound. I was running so much energy thru me, my knees, hips were aching, my heart was so happy, I delighted that the dolphins/whales were playing in the mix. Everything was so beautiful! Don’t you dare keep this gift under wraps any longer! I can’t wait for the replay to go thru it again, again, again. I loved the play by play, the tones – my body loves tones. At one point I had to go outside and stick my feet in the grass and look at the stars. Thank you so so so so so so so much. xo - Kathy

Kim Regnitz

Kim Marie Christine Regnitz is a Multi-Dimensional Master, Vibrational Intuitive and a Conscious Channel of the “I AM” Frequencies, assisting others through the deepest levels of Awakening and Transformation! Kim came in as an Awakened, enlightened Soul always feeling the connection and comfort of being in Nature and ‘playing’ with the Elementals. Being extremely sensitive, you would often find her in or around Water! ☺  In the late 1980’s, around the time of the Harmonic Convergence, She experienced “Unity Consciousness” and her life changed dramatically. In 1992, after recently getting married, she moved to rural North Central Wisconsin where she had a Huge Vibrational Shift of Awakening into “Christ Consciousness” Frequency! Through the intensity of this Transformational Shift, she experienced many upgrades facilitating the purging of obsolete patterns and Cellular memory held within her “Field”. As she integrated this process within herself, Kim then began to assist others through Activation of their Light Body as a Conscious Channel of the “I AM Presence” Frequency.
In 1995 she started her Business, “Song of the Heart” Healing Arts for Transformation, where she began to teach Intensives, activating and empowering others in the Awakening of their Divinity, as an Interpreter of the Soul’s Vibration! As Kim continued on her own Transformational Journey, Embodying Divine Consciousness, she was able to reconnect with many of the Gifts and Skill Sets obtained through Multi-Dimensional Timelines! She has brought through this Wisdom and teaches others how to Access the Quantum Holographic Field through their own Heart Space, raising their Frequency in Resonance with their Highest Possibility Potential! Activating others in this Re-connection with their own I AM Presence and True Authentic Self, in Loving Divine Service, brings much Joy to Kim as she is able to witness the Master within each Being, as they begin to Embody and Live from the place of their true Authenticity connecting up with Miracles and Magic in their Lives!
In her  Multi-Dimensional, Holographic Transformational Sessions, Group Intensives and Nature Retreats, as Divinely Guided, she is able to eclectically blend many Gifts and Skill Sets including, Sacred Sound, Astrology, Crystalline Transmissions/Language of Light, LaHoChi Healing, Dowsing, Sacred Geometry, Matrix Energetics, Nature Communication/Animal Totems, Crystals, Holographic Coaching/Personal and Business, and more...! Kim, in alignment with her “I AM” Alchemy Team and in partnership through each Client’s “I AM” Presence, in a playful Magical format, shifts and balance these incongruent to Soul patterns that are within one’s Multidimensional Bio Field! These may be Ancestral, Soul contracts/Retrieval, Multidimensional Implants/Entities, Timeline (past lives) patterns and can also access the new Codes/Skill Sets/ Future timelines that are ready to upgrade/download. Her work may also re-connect those to their JOY, a Natural Multidimensional state of being!
Kim’s Love of Nature finds her on many Rivers as a Whitewater Kayaker. She has been a Professional Whitewater River Guide for over 30 + years!  At present, Kim also holds a 3rd Degree Black Belt in Taekwondo and has taught for over 10 years, all with the intent of Focusing on each person’s Strengths, bringing Mindfulness and Presence to one’s life! She lives life as an Adventurer, her home in Nature (Rural North Central Wisconsin) with her husband Mark, her Son Dylan, and Cat, “Precious”! Her newest endeavor is leading Multi-Dimensional, Transformational Nature Retreats and plans to offer them worldwide! Kim LOVES to Travel and is happy to offer classes, be a guest as a Speaker at Live Events or Teleseminars!  ~ Namaste~

“I AM” A New Decade of Activating SuperPowers!

Package A - Value $450 - Special Offer - $147

ITEM 1.  "Pranayama” (Breathwork) Crystal Singing Bowls Sound Bath! 33:26

ITEM 2.  “New Decade of Activating SuperPowers”! 45:16

ITEM 3.  “SuperPowers 101” Harnessing the Energy of Lunar Cycles!

ITEM 4.  “I AM” Activating in the New Moon Energy! 23:50

ITEM 5.   “I AM” Activating in the Full Moon Energy! 31:49

ITEM 6.    “Temple of the Goddess” (Nature/Star Nations) 41:12

ITEM 7.    “Nourished by the Goddess” (Nature/Galactic Kingdoms) 36:57

ITEM 8.    Magical Portals of Possibilities”! 49:30

ITEM 9.    "Journey with the Crystals” 45:51


“What Is a Holographic Activation” PDF 

“Fully Embodied Alignment” PDF

“I AM” A New Decade of Activating SuperPowers!

Package B - Value $650 - Special Offer - $247

ITEM 1 - Package A
ITEM 2 - Stand Alone Session - Full 60-75min Holographic Transformational Session (includes recording Mp3 download via Instant Teleseminar)!
ITEM 3 - Bonus Offering - Complimentary Pass to a Month of (New Moon & Full Moon) Live Holographic Group Activations! $44 Value! 2 - 90 Min Calls includes a recordable Mp3 download!!!