Kelly Hampton 

Special Offer 
September 2020

Package A - Value $1089 - Special Offer - $157

Item 1 : Harmonic Healing Star Codes for Physical Issues
Item 2 : Harmonic Healing Star Codes for Emotional Issues
Item 3 : Harmonic Healing Star Codes for Viruses
Item 4 : Harmonic Healing Star Codes for Mind Healing & Telepathic Enhancement
Item 5 : Harmonic Healing Star Codes for Cosmic Expansion
Item 6 : Harmonic Healing Star Codes for Cancer
Item 7 : Harmonic Codes to Connect with the Angelic Realms
Item 8 : Ascending Your Home Spacefor Most Prosperity LIVE 60 min. WEBINAR with Q and A and Channeled Guide Book
Bonus 1 : 60-90 min. Mask removal and Recalibration Process with Archangel Michael!

Package B - Value $1367 - Special Offer - $187

Everything in Package A
  • Item 1 : Harmonic Healing Star Codes for Physical Issues
  • Item 2 : Harmonic Healing Star Codes for Emotional Issues
  • Item 3 : Harmonic Healing Star Codes for Viruses
  • Item 4 : Harmonic Healing Star Codes for Mind Healing & Telepathic Enhancement
  • Item 5 : Harmonic Healing Star Codes for Cosmic Expansion
  • Item 6 : Harmonic Healing Star Codes for Cancer
  • Item 7 : Harmonic Codes to Connect with the Angelic Realms
  • Item 8 : Ascending Your Home Space for Most Prosperity LIVE 60 min. WEBINAR with Q and A and Channeled Guide Book
  • Bonus 1 : 60-90 min. Mask removal and Recalibration Process with Archangel Michael!
Item 9 : Light Language Codes for Limiting and Transmuting EMF Exposure Including 5G
Item 10 : GROUP HEALING SESSION  - Receive Miraculous Healing: 60-minute Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM
Bonus - Special : Proprietary and Custom Made - Prosperity Star Coded Bracelet from Archangel Michael!

Package C - Value $799 - Special Offer - $499




Kelly has prepared 3 incredible options for your magnified healing and expansion
  • Package A: Over 40 unique starcodes FOR SELF HEALING, using light language to connect with the angels, a live 60-minute webinar on Ascending your space creating more abundance, and 60-90 min. private 1 on 1 transformational mask removal and soul chart recalibration, which will change your life forever!
  • Package B: Includes everything in Package A PLUS more starcodes, a Group Star Healing Intergalactic Energy Session. (Either level  1 or 2).

Kelly Hampton's Special Offer A

Total Value $1089 

Special Offer $157


What are harmonic light codes?

“For those of you who are new to harmonic codes, they are a powerful yet simple way for every man, woman, and child to exercise their living, breathing right to heal. In other words, codes are a way to heal. 
It’s that simple. 
Harmonic codes may be numbers. They may be complex, sacred geometric forms.
They may be color, and they can also be toning or sound codes. Everything is highly charged.
It is charged not only from the vessel that is providing the information to you (Kelly), it is charged from the numbers themselves, it is charged by the sources, it is charged by many different things.  
For those of you who have not done any type of energy work,  we ourselves feel it would be best to try one number series a day. 
Be moderate. It may seem simple, or you may even be disbelieving of the information presented here.
You may feel as though you can certainly do these codes multiple times—the ‘more is better’ sort of thinking. But we are asking you not to do this. 
We are asking you to think about, as we say, one code a day, or one code a week, or one code a month as it moves you.” — Archangel Michael 
Item 1 : Harmonic Healing Star Codes for Physical Issues - Sent as a pdf - $99
Are you tired of feeling limited by pain, sickness, or physical suffering? Have you been told that you have to “learn to live with” your illness? That no treatment exists, or that the best you can hope for is to “manage” your pain?
Imagine what it would be like to be free from these limitations—no more pain, no more sickness, no more suffering. How would it feel to finally live the happy, healthy life that you deserve? The life that is your birthright
Not only that, but imagine saving hundreds or thousands of dollars in healthcare costs—on endless doctor’s visits, expensive medications, and invasive tests that never seem to provide answers or relief.
Instead, what if you could get to the root of your illness, quickly and easily? What if you could instantly improve—or entirely remove—the dis-ease in your body?
With Star Codes, this can be your reality.
In this package, you’ll receive harmonic star codes from Archangel Michael to improve or eliminate many conditions, including:
  • The pain and stiffness of arthritis, gout, and other inflammatory conditions
  • Aggravating and often debilitating respiratory conditions such as asthma and those caused by allergens
  • Problematic Celiac disease, IBS, and other digestive concerns
  • Psoriasis, rashes, and skin irritations
  • Blurred eyesight and deteriorating vision
  • Hearing loss, tinnitus, and difficulty understanding sounds or speech
  • Fatigue
  • Gland malfunctions, including thyroid, adrenal, pineal, and reproductive issues 
  • The bloating and pain caused by parasites, which can wreak havoc on your intestinal tract rendering you unable to digest and process the nutrients you need
  • Malfunctions of all Glands: Thyroid, Adrenals, Pineal, Sex Gland
  • Ease mood swings, slow metabolism and other effects of imbalanced hormone levels
Item 2 : Harmonic Healing Star Codes for Emotional Issues - Sent as a pdf - $99
This item alone is worth the price of the entire offer!
Emotional suffering is as painful and debilitating as any physical illness—but there’s a catch that makes it even worse. People can’t “see” emotional trauma, which means those with emotional wounds are often left alone, forgotten, and without help. 
The truth is you are NOT alone and you are NOT forgotten. You simply need to know the right number, and the Universe is on speed dial, ready to guide you to your soulmate, help you find emotional clarity, turn your life’s obstacles into opportunities—whatever it takes to heal your particular spiritual injuries. 
But how can you know that number? How do you call out to the Universe and get the response you deserve? The answer is much easier than you might think. Emotional, psychological, and spiritual trauma does not require thousands of dollars or tens of years to overcome. With harmonic healing Star Codes, you can reach out to the Universe and begin your journey to transformative wholeness.
In this package, you’ll receive harmonic Star Codes to create the unconditional love you desire, and improve or eliminate many conditions, including:
  • Abuse: Emotional, Physical, Sexual 
  • Depression
  • Grief
  • Anger/Rage
  • Low self esteem which may result in eating disorders including Anorexia, Bulimia, and substance abuse
  • Abandonment
  • Anxiety and other fears
  • Social phobias including Panic Disorder, Obsessive/Compulsive
Item 3 : Harmonic Healing Star Codes for Viruses - Sent as a pdf - $99
“Viruses tend to be stubborn and resistant to change. Give the codes a minimum of two earth weeks to note improvement.” — Archangel Michael
A virus is a hostile invader that takes root in the body, creating another layer of disconnection between our third dimensional selves and Ascension. They can cause physical pain, embarrassment, confusion, and lack of desire. Conventional medicine may help ease the symptoms of a virus, but cleansing these intruders from your body, mind, and soul, can require a different approach.  
As Archangel Michael tells us, viruses are characterized by their resistance to change. But this stubbornness and resistance is a mirror to our own spiritual attitude. To convince and allow a virus to truly depart the body, we need to become a model of openness, showing it the way out.
The Universe knows that you matter, that you are beautiful, and that you are genuine, but the healing process relies on your ability to open yourself to this truth. Star Codes are a portal to openness, allowing you to access the angel’s wisdom and begin the true cleansing work it takes to dispel a virus for good. As the blessed angel shared many times people will increase their healing benefit by the use of multiple codes. Begin using the appropriate virus code(s) and allow time for integration. If needed, continue your healing through a full immersion into the Ascension magnified healing system given to Kelly in 2010 by Archangel Michael in OPTION 2.
Included in this TEACHING are star codes to ease or release these types of viruses:
  • Chicken pox 
  • Shingles
  • Hepatitis
  • Herpes and cold sores
  • Lyme Disease
  • HIV
  • Influenza and more
Item 4 : Harmonic Healing Star Codes for Mind Healing & Telepathic EnhancementSent as a pdf - $99
Are You Feeling Spiritually Lost? Are you finding it difficult to clear and quiet your mind from all the day-to-day distractions? Has the ability to meditate ALWAYS ELUDED YOU? Does everyone seem to be able to connect with their angels and guides EXCEPT YOU?
The paths to greater focus, clear thinking, and having greater open channels is a journey—and not always an easy one. In fact, with the endless barrage of daily third dimensional chores, errands, demands, distractions, and toxicity that can stand in our way, it sometimes feels impossible.
This, of course, is a delusion of clouded thinking. In truth, the ability to connect with your higher self is not only possible, it’s your deserved and destined birthright. Now there are highly charged means to access higher dimensional realms to assist you using light language, which have in fact always existed, but not always on the earth plane. Think of these frequencies as tools.
This package includes Star Codes to:  
  • Increase your clear thinking abilities
  • Gain Greater Focus
  • Reach a meditative state more quickly and effectively
  • Expand your frequencies of peace and calm
  • Help you manifest 
  • Motivation
  • Help increase your telepathy
Item 5 : Harmonic Healing Star Codes for Cosmic ExpansionSent as a pdf - $99
“It is an attempt to connect more of those on the earth plane with those of your star families in other dimensions. It is a way to say hello universally without knowing all the light languages that might exist.” — Archangel Michael
In this teaching you’ll be given transformational number codes and guided to connect with five interstellar points for healing. 
Read what Archangel Michael has shared with Kelly about the importance of using interstellar points for healing:
The portal of Jupiter's resonance is becoming more important to your planetary Ascension. We want those who are awakening to go there. It is an attempt to connect more of those on the earth plane with those of your star families in other dimensions. Jupiter is in a pivotal point in the planetary cosmic ascension so going and accessing it is like opening another door.  When you go there you will be opening another door and walking through that portal to access the heart centered energies of Ascension for healing. 
Every star in the sky has a code. We could go to every asteroid. Every flower has a numeric code. Every scent has a numeric code. So perhaps at another time we will, but for right now, our mission is to talk about interstellar connectedness and interdimensional work because it is important to the planetary Ascension and your own.” — Archangel Michael
This package includes codes to connect with:
  • Jupiter
  • The Great Central Sun
  • Saturn
  • Nebulon
  • God/Creator
Item 6 : Harmonic Healing Star Codes for CancerSent as a pdf - $99
The word itself can produce an immediate fear reaction—CANCER. Cancer has touched the lives of most American families, according to a recent CBS News Poll. Fifty-four percent of Americans say they or someone else in their immediate family has been diagnosed with cancer at some point. If fact, is there ANYWHERE in the world where cancer has not been reported? 
Star Codes can be your first step in easing this disease and its detrimental effects on your body, mind, and spirit—and for some, it may be YOUR TOTAL ANSWER. Combine the appropriate cancer transforming code with more peace and calm, or combine it with the abuse code if that applies to you, or more self love. That’s the BEAUTY of this package. Dozens and dozens of highly charged frequencies are at your easy disposal to intentionally and mindfully activate. 
Included in this channeled TEACHING from Archangel Michael are star codes to ease these types and their symptoms:
  • Non-melanoma skin cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Breast cancer
  • Prostate cancer
More insight from Archangel Michael to guide you on these codes:
How do we use the healing light code(s)?
“For those of you who have not done any type of energy work, we ourselves feel it would be best to try one code a day, for example, see if you feel any effects yourself. Be moderate. It may seem simple, or you may even be disbelieving of the information presented here. You may feel as though you can certainly do these codes multiple times—the more is better sort of thinking. But we are asking you not to do this. We are asking you to think about, as we say, one code a day, or one code a week, or one code a month as it moves you unless you are accustomed to working with unseen energy. The point is not multiple codes in one day except for the most experienced.  Is this clear? Not that anything can harm you, but there are reasons behind everything that is infinite wisdom, and we would rather make sure that there is integration within your energy fields of what is being presented here and you do not gorge yourself as if eating a meal.” --Archangel Michael
“You may state that some individuals will benefit from healing codes alone and others will need a direct connection to Source, which you are and involve them in Star Healing Intergalactic Energy levels 1 and 2.”—Archangel Michael
Each of you may not feel them, see them, or even fully understand them, but they are the wave of the future in many ways, providing easy access to dozens and dozens of Star Races. Light language itself keeps expanding, of course, with more Star Races pouring more of their languages to earth. The study of sacred geometry is also expanding as the forms themselves are being upgraded. Everything is being upgraded whether you can see this or not. 
Will a person have toxic release symptoms after using a code as in traditional healing?
Yes, they may. Drinking plenty of water will aid in the toxins being released. These are energetically charged light language segments and should be treated as such. Not all souls will experience releases that they are aware of. About half will and half will not.
Are some people able to use a star code for the same condition more than once?
Yes, some individuals who are working with energies and have experienced levels of energetic healing may find that they are “accustomed” to the changes in energy vibration. These individuals may use the same code up to 3 x’s a day by writing them, or wearing them, or verbally stating them and setting the intention to either heal or expand.
Is it important to know what Star Nations the various GALACTIC star codes originate from?
From the standpoint of healing, no, though some will find it interesting. These codes are infused with light energies from various Star Nations. They have been on your planet for years and years and years, though not always sourced. Go forth with a willingness to embrace the “new” and extend yourselves to the richness of the multi-universes. — Archangel Michael
Thank you for the codes. I started using them last night and (already my) knees and back already feel so much better. – Laura C.
I purchased a bracelet and my stiff arm and shoulder which was broken over a year and a half ago, started improving almost immediately! — Pat T.
I felt very calm and peaceful using the longevity star code and felt like I was floating in outer space. – Richie T.
Holding the prosperity code for only a few minutes, I began yawning immediately as a release to my resistance to prosperity. They are very powerful. – Keiko, Japan
Amazing! Immediately I noticed improvements. My teenage son who was so unmotivated for a long time, is not just sleeping like he used to do after using your motivation code! He was bright and spoke 2 hours on all the good stuff about spirituality which he has NEVER done before. I noticed that his voice is stronger, and he is getting out and doing things I could not get him to do before. – Ayako, Japan
I have experienced a great deal of grief in my life, personally through the loss of my loved ones: my offspring, as well as family members. Also through working in war torn countries with those that have lost their friends and families, their homes, their livelihoods. Kelly gave me the harmonic code for grief, which I placed on my bedside table within my energy field. The first few nights, I woke up feeling hot, which was very unusual for me. I needed to release the build up of heat within my body. Things calmed down after that and as a result, I am feeling more at peace inside. My heartfelt thanks to Kelly and to Archangel Michael. -Norah Ramsey
I was invited to go on a FREE cruise out of the blue after having the prosperity code for a week! -Linda Q.
The pain bracelet has cleared little aches in my body…hurrah! - Patricia D., Canada
Just received my bracelet and it is beautiful! I may never take it off! 😍 Thank you so much Kelly! -Terry Hazelton
My type 2 diabetes is better after using the code. It has already made some improvement. I keep it in my pocket and at my work desk. -Manjunath D.
I’m very sensitive to energy. My headache disappeared in about 15 minutes when I needed to use the code the first time. -Christina H.
Item 7 : Harmonic Codes to Connect with the Angelic Realms - Sent as a pdf - $99
“As evidenced in your world today, many are awakening to their inherent power as guardians of the planet. Many of you continue to desire to know me, know other angels in a more intimate way and continue to ask for guidance in order to do this. There are many ways, some of which I have shared with you previously through this vessel (Kelly). This particular teaching I have been called upon to share with you will reveal the harmonic codes to connect specifically, with the angelic realms. The beauty of the harmonic number (starcode) concept is that it is doable, accessible and powerful.” -Archangel Michael
Item 8 : ASCENDING YOUR HOME SPACE for MOST PROSPERITY - LIVE 60 min. WEBINAR with Q and A and Channeled Guide Book $199
 LIVE 60 min. WEBINAR with Q and A and Channeled Guide Book
Also, Kelly will channel Archangel Michael and share with EVERYONE 
one special object he recommends ESPECIALLY for YOUR HOME!
 Sunday.  Oct. 4th (USA)
11am Los Angeles/Noon Denver/1pm St. Louis/2pm New York
Please consult this time conversion link to check your time zone from anywhere in the world~
This 60-minute Q and A group Webinar will support YOUR understanding of the Pleiadian based Ascension system given to Kelly by Archangel Michael to rid it of toxins and amplify energies. This amazing Ascension space system has always been important! But especially NOW with the majority of us BEING IN OUR HOMES ALMOST ALL THE TIME, filling them with toxics energies. This is NOT a SMUDGING OR SAGEING SYSTEM. You will also receive the easy to follow channeled guide book which is available in english and spanish. If you wish to go deeper and become a certified practitioner in this powerful home space system, check out Kelly’s SPECIAL offer C.
“Imagine your homes as baking ovens that have never been cleaned.”--Archangel Michael
Your webinar will be recorded and posted online for you to a permanent recording of the class created especially for Awaken to Happiness Now listeners. Once Kelly’s office is notified of your purchase, someone from her office will send you the call info to join live from anywhere in the world via zoom or free conference call. A replay link will be sent to everyone afterwards. 
I do have two great things to report.  First, I got a raise!  I can’t help but attribute it to the Prosperity candles.  And I’ve been able to focus and concentrate so much better at work and get more accomplished.  And then Jax’s teacher at preschool told me Friday that although he has always been a happy child, she saw a difference in him last week, he’s even happier!  The Joy candles are working for us. Our house does feel really good now. I appreciate everything you have done for me.  I know it works.–Shannon Trevathan
It works wonderfully.  We used it to sell a home! Was on the market for 7 months before I could get my beloved to use the program, when he finally did, we started getting offers and it sold that week!  Closing was in a week!  Woohoo! Kelly, you ROCK!  As does Archangel Michael, of course!-- QiaJenae Hamilton 
After you visited my space my phone started ringing off the hook with bookings. I was almost thinking I would have to close the center. Thank you so much!--Christine Recar, owner Breath of Life Wellness Center, St. Louis, MO
 My house feels lighter. Now when my spouse and I have a disagreement, we seem to come to a compromise quickly. My cats and dogs also seem to be more interactive with each other and myself.--Diane, Mallett, USA
 I have to admit that I was a bit skeptical of the whole thing when I first heard about it, but now I am a firm believer!!!  I most definitely am feeling a lighter atmosphere in my home.  Frankly, the last two mornings, I just woke up feeling happy, even though they were weekdays and I still had to go to work!!!  I am looking forward to the continuing blossoming!!!-- Paula, USA
 I experienced a calm, peaceful, joyous feeling after the attunement. I didn’t want to leave the office! I highly recommend this!! Outstanding! Love it!—Donna Mills, Owner Wellvox 360, Naperville, Il
Your work inspired us to re-think the way we use the space in the house. People are enjoying the changes we have made in the downstairs room and it feels much better now that we have re-decorated and decluttered it. The energy in the house feels good. Much love.--Anne, Oxford
  We rented our apartment much sooner as a result. Thank you—Barbara K, USA
Bonus : 60-90 min. Mask removal and Recalibration Process with Archangel Michael! - $197
“I have now been granted permission by the high authority of the God Mind presence, not granted to me previously through the ages, to retrieve soul charts from the Halls of Wisdom for the purpose of recalibrating them.“--Archangel Michael, Jan. 2020
You will experience 2 Brand New transformational energy processes with Kelly and Archangel Michael that will FOREVER IMPROVE YOUR LIFE~
You will experience two life changing healing processes in this session with Kelly–starting with a mask removal process followed by your soul chart recalibration
  • What masks are you wearing that are limiting you? 
  • What false masks are you wearing? 
  • What 4thD dense lessons did you write into your soul chart that are or will be limiting you in the future in some significant ways?
Your 1 on 1 session from anywhere in the world will begin with the mask removal process. This will be followed by you being directly involved and guided from Archangel Michael in a RECALIBRATION PROCESS as you are presented with your sacred etheric soul chart to transmute (delete) all the 4thD LIFE LESSONS which you charted/planned to experience in this incarnation. What liberation! 
Michael will share the lesson or lessons with you and you will be intimately involved (your high self) in visualizing these processes. 4thD lessons like trust, patience, compassion, forgiveness, gratitude, hope and many more. How does one learn these lessons? By being presented with thoughts, experiences, people to test or challenge you. UNNECESSARY HARDSHIPS! Resulting in karmic patterns being brought forward lifetime after lifetime. Then you will be divinely guided to another aspect of recalibration to restore and amplify very auspicious energies you/everyone also wrote into their charts pre incarnate, but were stifled because of the Karma. Then he will guide you to “source the cover” and expand highlighted pages to restore perfection as you/your soul originally intended in this incarnate to experience.
 **Unless you were born after 2012….you will have 3rd-4thD dense life lessons written into your chart by YOU! prior to entering this incarnation onto the earth plane.” AAMichael
Once Kelly is notified of your purchase, someone from her office will contact you via email to schedule your transformational session. All sessions begin in central/St. Louis, MO via phone lines within the USA/via f/b call, skype or google call outside of the USA. Everyone will receive a replay link afterwards.
What Others Have Said:
DURING MY SOUL CHART RECALIBRATION: “I can hear water running, birds chirping from my BOOK and for the first time in my life, I am grateful to be me! It is helping me realize that my existence here is far beyond this human form. I know God loves me and I know I love myself without judgement, wholly by being in these frequencies. At first, my book appeared dusty, as Archangel Michael said it might having been in the Halls of Wisdom a long time. I can see the  word belief (in self) and accomplishment were shown to me. This is a big accomplishment-- having that belief in myself! Michael instructed me to blow across it and it became 3D with flowers. i can look into it. It is made of woven metal. Later, I was shown bells on people’s fingers and five camels. Then I KNEW it was me in another life that I was being shown!  I used to deliver incense across the plains to bring people joy. Glory to God Hosanna in the highest. I could feel gold sprinkles running into my shoulder where I have some bursitis. A lot of little angels began holding up my arm from the energy of the soul chart.”--T. From Australia.
“I would like to share briefly with you an experience that I cannot find words to describe its magnificence, but what I can tell, it was a Magical Journey.  When Archangel Michael placed my Soul Chart in my hands and took me throughout its pages or the stages of my life that would be amplified, the magic began. I have been Reshaped. We went through the pages of my Soul Chart transmuting, dissolving, disintegrating all the hard-future lessons that I don’t need to experience anymore. And when he released me from the burden and affixion of the past written lessons, I felt Born Again.  I might say that, because that’s the way I felt. The visualizations I experienced in this magical journey were full of unique surprises, I have no one better moment than other, but let me tell you, the encounter with my beloved Mother was an indescribable instance, I felt immensely blessed.  At the end hugging my New and Beautiful Soul Chart -like a playful child happy and full of joy and love hugging her favorite doll- I squeezed it so hard, that I heard an Ouch! We all laugh! .With my humbled heart I thank you Archangel Michael and Kelly for taking me to the Mask Removal and Recalibration Journey that makes me born again. Namaste”---L. Mirza Gutierrez        
“Wow! This is so powerful and I felt my masks being removed from me.” -- Anne C. 
“The soul chart recalibration was such a beautiful experience. I saw so many vibrant colors during my session and felt such a sense of overwhelming peace, love and calm. My book was a lovely shimmering gold with a pink bookmark hanging over the cover. The center of the book had white orb coming from an elevated half circle that radiated light. The center when touched moved like when you throw a pebble on a lake. I could feel ancient writing on the book with my hands and I swept the cover.Certain pages of my book were so vibrant in color that it felt surreal, like I was in a movie! When I opened the book, I heard angelic singing and felt the presence of angels. I left with a feeling of lightness and inner serenity that gives me hope and joy to see how the future unfolds with my dense karma removed. Thank you, Kelly - you are such a blessing.”--Kate S. 
I felt like a ton of weight came out of me...not off my shoulders but from inside my chest.  What happened at the time I was 9 has weighed heavily on my life. I have finally been freed from that and I am so grateful! --Catherine W.
“The process of going through the Mask removal and Recalibration of my Soul Chart was enlightening, transformational and magical! I have since felt a freedom of flowing more with my desired intentions /dreams where I felt blocked before. A door has opened allowing me to trust more in myself without the doubts and fear limitations we all deal with. There was also magic from the pages and memories known and some forgotten that stirred my Soul with tears and laughter… which allowed the blocks to dissolve with a greater understanding. I am very grateful to Kelly and ArchAngel Michael for the guidance and love through both. I definitely feel a transformation and know more will follow as I was guided and assisted in recalibrating certain pages/ages in my life plan and Soul chart to which I am thankful and many I happily flow toward and embrace with deep gratitude! Love and a huge smile.”--Wendy
“I’m feeling fresher, lighter and more energetic since the healing. I saw many aspects of what was being presented to me. Some “pages” felt heavier than others. When it was complete the book was lighter.”--Rose, A.
I was freed from so many 4thD negative karmic issues like freedom, tolerance, truth, clarity and so many more. Later, I saw the cover of my sacred soul chart when sourcing it as guided as lavender. It was filled with sacred geometry in gold. It made me so happy hugging it :)! Then different birds appeared from it with deep and profound messages for me to remind me of my cherished soul. I felt the charge go into my body. The purple swan told me to trust more and walk this path in life. Archangel Michael told me that when asked in the future, that he would deliver my chart to me again along with a star code. Konichiwa Kelly many times.” --Kayoko
“My mask removal and soul chart recalibration were absolutely amazing!. When we started, Kelly told me to settle into a meditative state. I started swaying circularly and It wasn't something I was doing consciously, so I knew this was going to be very powerful. During the session I felt very disconnected from my physical body. Afterward I immediately felt so incredibly free from stress, resentment and trauma. Shortly thereafter, I took a nap and had a dream that Archangel Michael was still working on me. I am amazed at the results! When I think about some tough times, both current and past, there is no fear, resentment or pain. In fact, I feel grateful for those experiences. I am so thankful and grateful for Kelly and Archangel Michael. This session has completely transformed me and I will carry it with me always.”--Kelly Wolf
“Thank you so much Kelly for the session! My deepest gratitude to you and Archangel Michael.”--Venkata
I am so grateful to you and AAMichael for the Mask Removal and my Soul Chart Recalibration session. Never in my life I received such life changing information from such an amazing teacher AAMichael and Kelly. Every page of my soul chart was like discovering myself, who I really was. This is a priceless gift to anyone who wants to clear his/her karmic burden and review their Soul Chart for benefit in this lifetime!--Syliva, K.
“I recently had a mask removal and recalibration session with Kelly and AA Michael. I found the mask removal to be easy to do and powerful. The recalibration was a process of energetically going through your life and with the assistance of AAM removing the denser experiences life lessons we wrote into our life plan and then expanding the lighter or positive experiences. After my session my boyfriend signed up to have his own session. I highly recommend it.” DP
“It was a gift and the energy was lingering and long lasting.  I am so grateful to you and Michael for the experience. I am looking forward to growth, healing, positive change. It was a beautiful process but the unique part is that you can continue the process on your own with AA Michael if you so choose. Anyone who is a warrior of Michael’s army should not miss this opportunity to move forward on their personal journey. Adoni Adoni Adoni.” Toni Lindgren
“I experienced a powerful mask removal and Soul Chart recalibration from AAMicheal through Kelly Hampton. What a wonderful and Powerful experience! During the session, I was feeling elated as well as being healed as I was removing pages in my book!  The cover of my book was made with velvet, silk and colored jewels. At one point there were pink hearts flying out of the pages, and beautiful Rainbow effects on the pages I replaced. It’s amazing how hard lessons could be replaced with love, joy, abundance and prosperity! Thank you so much Kelly and AAMichael for bringing me this gift at this time!🙏😇💕”--Linda Quaglieri
“The process of going through the Mask removal and Recalibration of my Soul Chart was enlightening, transformational and magical. I have since felt a freedom of flowing more with my desired intentions /dreams where I felt blocked before. A door has opened allowing me to trust more in myself without the doubts and fear limitations we all deal with.   There was also magic from the pages and memories known and some forgotten that stirred my Soul with tears and laughter… which allowed the blocks to dissolve with a greater understanding. I am very grateful to Kelly and ArchAngel Michael for the guidance and love through both. I definitely feel a transformation and know more will follow as I was guided and assisted in recalibrating certain pages/ages in my life plan and Soul chart to which I am thankful and many I happily flow toward and embrace with deep gratitude, Love and a huge smile.”--Wendy
“It was very powerful for me to remove the masks that have been holding me back, and the process of updating my soul chart was very profound. I did feel a bliss-like lightness and energetic release afterwards. I felt that some deep healing occurred especially when you had the vision of Jesus’ face. It was very emotional for me at that point. Much love and gratitude to you and Archangel Michael.” --Linda Graydon xo
“I felt like a ton of weight came out of me...not off my shoulders, but from inside my chest.  What happened at the time I was 9 has weighed heavily in my life. I have finally been freed from that and I am so grateful!! Thank you very much for working with me today!”--Catherine W.

INCLUDED IN PACKAGE A: All of the transformational light language Codes from Archangel Michael to aid in self healing and expansion, 60-minute Space Webinar with Q and A, plus a special BONUS 60-90 min. BRAND NEW Private Mask Removal and Recalibration Process (karmic removal) with Archangel Michael

Kelly’s SPECIAL OFFER A retails for $1,089

Special Offer $157 USD


Everything in Package A
Most of us are used to the conveniences of modern life. But how aware ARE YOU of the health risks presented by all the gadgets that make our world work?
5G radiofrequency (RF) radiation uses a combination of three types of radiation, ranging from relatively low-energy radio waves, microwave radiation with far more energy, and millimeter waves with even vastly more energy. The extremely high frequencies in 5G are where the biggest danger may lie. The general public has never before been exposed to such high frequencies for such long periods of time.
Our cellphones, microwaves, Wi-Fi routers, computers, and other appliances send out a stream of invisible energy waves that some believe are dangerous to humans, our environment, and vital animals like birds and bees. Some even believe there is a global agenda behind 5G.
Should YOU be concerned?
Some of the potential symptoms appearing include:
  • sleep disturbances, including insomnia
  • headache
  • depression and depressive symptoms
  • tiredness and fatigue
  • dysesthesia (a painful, often itchy sensation)
  • lack of concentration
  • changes in memory
  • dizziness
Fortunately, solutions are emerging to offset at least some of these detrimental energies, including eating a healthy, non-GMO diet, educating yourself as much as possible, using devices developed to reduce your 5G exposure, as well as earthing to make direct contact with Mother Earth. Now you can add light language to your attack against EMFs.
“For those of you who are new to harmonic star codes, they are a powerful yet simple way for every man, woman and child to exercise their/your living, breathing right to heal. It’s that simple. Harmonic codes may be numbers, they may be complex sacred geometric forms, they may be colors, and harmonic light codes can also be toning or sound codes. Each of you may not feel them, see them, or even fully understand them, but star codes are the wave of the future in many ways, providing easy access to dozens and dozens of Star Races. They are a form of light language...a different form than used in Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM. In some cases, a full immersion into this magnified healing system along with Ascended Spaces may be necessary. 
Light language itself keeps expanding, with more Star Races pouring more of their languages to earth. The study of sacred geometry is also expanding as the forms themselves are being upgraded. Everything is being upgraded whether you can see this or not.”--Archangel Michael
Everything is highly charged. 
  • Star codes are charged not only from the vessel that is providing the information to you (in this case, Kelly)
  • Star codes are charged from the numbers themselves 
  • Star codes are charged by the Sources 
  • Star codes are charged by many different things.  
There are multiple ways to use harmonic star codes in your life.
A person may write the code down on paper and keep it near their energy fields while stating the intention for the specific code. A person may choose to write the code energetically in their mind in front of them as it will be in their energy field. 
Are some people able to use a star code for the same condition more than once?
Yes, some individuals who are working with energies and have experienced levels of energetic healing may find that they are “accustomed” to the changes in energy vibration. These individuals may use the same code up to 3 x’s a day by writing them, or wearing them (StarCode Accessories), or verbally stating them and setting the intention out loud to either heal or expand.
“You may state that some individuals will benefit from healing star codes alone, while others will need a direct connection to Source through Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM. In the densest of situations, by also including implementing Ascended Spaces for their homes.”—Archangel Michael
As another bonus! Archangel Michael would love for you to have the Universal Light codes to use! What are those? The star codes to “Heavenly Matter”, joy, love, hope and compassion.
Item 10 : GROUP HEALING SESSION - Receive Miraculous Healing: 60-minute Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM
Two levels offered at two different dates: First attunements for those who have never experienced this modality and second attunements, different protocol from first sessions, for those who have. Two different dates. Please attend the one appropriate level depending upon your situation.
 Connect to Higher Consciousness on The Galactic Plane
Why is this modality is so powerful?
 The  source is Pleiadian-5th D pure love from the Great Central Sun, who preside in this planetary system at the Temple of Illumination 
“For many, the star codes themselves will be enough to transform. For others carrying denser energies, the codes should be accessed first, allow them time to integrate and then move to this most wise and unique healing system created within the stars.” - AAMichael
  • Experience the healing power of traveling through star gates for deeper dimensional heart healing, including accessing the Stargate of Truth where Archangel Michael resides
  • Have past lives removed
  • Experience youthing energies
  • 24 strand DNA activation and much more
  • Be reunited with your Star Families, consciously or unconsciously
  • Travel through time to expand love in all second attunements
  • Have etheric fears removed and be taught how to keep them from landing in your light bodies afterward to create dis-ease
  • Have codes removed that limit human potential placed by the Annunaki thousands of years ago
  • Experience sacred symbols for your continued healing
  • Includes impactful Pleaidian techniques to slow down the rate of aging at the cellular level
  • Powerful entity clearing energies are transmitted in every session
Here is a PARTIAL list of some of the health conditions clients have reported relief or elimination with after receiving this amazing Ascension molecular work:
Reduction or elimination of skin cancers/tumors
 Bone spurs
Circulatory disorders
Clairvoyance enhancement
Immune system dysfunction
Asthma and other respiratory conditions
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Ringing in the ears
Soul traumas from abuse and other emotional damage
Addictions, compulsions,
Fears, phobias
Asperger's Syndrome and other high spectrum integrations
Body aches and pains including arthritis and slipped discs
Sleep disturbances
Depression, memory loss
Migraines, gallstones and kidney stones
Hearing loss, infections, nerve damage
Overindulgence in food and alcohol and much more
In addition, many are traveling to their original 5th D homes to reunite and heal with their star families and journey to their star homes for additional healing of separateness,to experience bliss for the first time, access stargates easily, receive key codes, have negative code implants and attachments removed, including grays and dark entities.
11am Los Angeles/Noon Denver/1pm St. Louis/2pm New York
Please consult this time conversion link to check your time zone~
11am Los Angeles/Noon Denver/1pm St. Louis/2pm New York
Please consult this time conversion link to check your time zone~
Once notified of your purchase, someone from Kelly’s office will provide you with the call in information. Please have water handy and drink water afterwards for at least 4 days from experiencing the transmission to ease toxic releases. Everyone is encouraged to share their improvements with Kelly in 45 days, if not sooner.

From thousands of documented results worldwide:
  • My blood pressure is now normal after one session with nothing else to explain for the immediate change, and I am much more peaceful, much more trusting!--Toni L.
  • Thanks to Star Healing, my life has become very comfortable. The pain in the hallux valgus has almost disappeared, and my eyesight has improved as I no longer need glasses when driving a car.Later, Archangel Rafael appeared and operated on my forehead. He put something like a blue beehive on my forehead and told me to believe in my intuition.I did not feel the usual burning pain within my spinal column the first night after my healing that I usually do, whenever I lie down on my back in my bed!--Johanne W. S. Africa
  • I am really so grateful for the healing you are amazing!. I am grateful for Archangel Michael to lead me to find you. About 4 days ago after getting off  my bed I felt something different in my body. After a minute I realized that I was feeling my left leg normal again, for a long time I felt it was heavier than the right leg. I am so happy!-- Nora
  • I experienced instantaneous healing from my sciatic pain. The pain and feeling of "misalignment" in my left leg was gone. When you removed my 4th D layers I felt my insecurities and sadness leaving. My back was straightened and I felt the energy moving out causing my headaches. I saw and felt gold dust from ArchAngel Michael’s Golden Umbrella sift into my DNA! I have a deep feeling of joy being in Pleiadian energy! -Isabelle Doucet
  • It was only 10 minutes after my session and my eye glasses seemed too strong for me! Thank you! -Japan
  • (After my first attunement) my digestive system was able to function. I can eat most fruits, and quite a few more vegetables, almond/soy milk (so can eat cereal!). I went over 1 year, probably a year and half, unable to eat vegs./fruit/milk/and meat for a long time. My toes which used to curl in are straightened now as well.-- Beverley
  • The next day, my belly fat went away, and I felt in shape, healthy and confident in many ways. I have received and learned many various energy healing from many different healers, but the Star Healing InterGalactic Energy felt more complete, most efficient and powerful than what I’ve known so far.--Amy
  • During my first attunement, I saw many visions. One was that all of my internal organs were crystalline and vibrating as such. I AM ONE with God. - Japan
  • My blood went down in 3 days after only 30 minutes and I feel much more peaceful!--Sandra D.
  • In one week, here is what I’ve been noticing/experiencing since our Star Healing Intergalactic session--My cervical spine moves easily side to side now and I no longer feel it’s out of alignment. Flexibility in my lumbar spine continues to improve. My feet are more comfortable in my orthotics; I no longer feel pain in my metatarsals. I had an old injury to the bridge of my nose, right side. This feels healed now. Thank you so much! Love - Joy
  • Week 2: I've noticed an opening up of my internal visions in my mind's eye. I asked for a clearing of negative energies and pain before drifting off to sleep, and this week I saw the beings that come ...briefly. Beautiful rainbow colored beings in the shape of lacy looking leaves or ferns. Multiple brings fluttered in over my right shoulder and then stood for me to see them. Then disappeared. Beautiful. I've heard of them, Elementals, and I suppose they probably come to me when I ask for help, but I never saw them before. This is new, Kelly. Thanks!"--Jane.
  • During my training as a practitioner I saw elevated light beings many dimensions away or higher than myself who I was told were council members. You are so powerful.-- Ko K., Japan
  • I had been seeing a square in my eyesight obstructing my vision and since your healing it’s gone!
    It was a wonderful experience. I felt very energized after the session. As I keep using the tools I received from AAMichael I feel more relaxed and centered. This second session felt like a very deep healing.My night vision improved also within days and I feel very comfortable driving evenings and into the night. -Vreni
  • A lot happened and healed. For example, many Reptilians’ left my system, not to come back. I had booked a session because of trouble with my dental gums. Once we got to that point I really felt strongly that work on my gums was happening, Kelly saw a structure being made there, I could feel it too. And I saw rubbish being taken out. And I felt "the Beings who are doing this, do it with so much Love for me, and with so much Respect …” In awe I am. Later Kelly suggested to make a "Star Travel’’. I answered that I wasn’t so sure that’s my kind of thing. She replied: ‘It’s you”. Ahh … ! That was soo clarifying! And then of course, I went! I’m sure it will be different for everyone. For me, among other beautiful experiences, and Kelly guides you well. I saw  Atlantis, … Andromeda … and more beautiful Planets… Home Planet? It doesn’t matter, since home is Source / All. And I met St Germain. He showed me things of great depth. And also the Flame of Divine Love and all my Twin Flames around it - and I knew they’re all here on Earth now.  And more, much much more. All 'enlightening’ wisdom, joy and even looks into the possible future. It was a beautiful healing experience. It was quite magical, strong and very creative. And in a lovely way very practical too. -Door, The Netherlands
  • As for the 30 minute Star Healing Intergalactic session, I physically, emotionally, and visually had encounters with every component Kelly was working on. They even addressed physical ailments that I didn't realize was still prevalent in my body. After the session, I immediately noticed how much lighter, having heightened awareness of surroundings with all my senses, and for the first time felt being “whole” which I have been working on and resolving for many years. The feeling of being broken or the piece of me that was missing was gone. Basically, whatever you have going on, you can be assured it will be addressed. I highly recommend going for a session and have your own experience. I feel so alive and blessed to have the opportunity to cross paths with Kelly. - Justina C.
  • During my session, I saw some light beings energetically separate my brain, removed what looked like an implanted chip, and then they brought it back together. Amazing!!! -Sandra K.
  • My cancer is gone! -Joan Amatuzio, USA
  • I could not feel anything but peace and love, this overwhelming love and beauty. Later in the evening, I saw a bird flying not far from me. It was showing me his wings and I heard ‘Unfold your wings’. I feel the energy is different. This healing is very powerful. -Janet T.
  • Wowie Zowie! I’m amazed at the level of frequency in the healing. People need to hear about this modality and have the opportunity to try it for themselves! 
    During my 2nd attunement Star Healing session with Kelly, mainly to experience time travel. When she first placed the nautilus shell on my navel, I did not feel much. But soon I felt myself lifting up very gently, then I could actually see myself lying on a large nautilus shell and it was carrying me out into the galaxy. I felt myself going through a stargate portal or perhaps a wormhole out near Sirius. It was not all fast with lights flying by me as they show in the Stargate movies, but a very gentle rocking movement, like floating on a gentle sea. Almost immediately I found myself moving into a healing cave on a planet with 8th dimensional energies. I could see golden spires coming up from the floor and going down from the ceiling like giant shimmering stalagmites and stalactites. They moved out of the way and then closed back in around me as my nautilus magic carpet entered the space. I did stay out in that cave for most of the day soaking in the energies of the golden light. -Gwendolyn Hill
  • The first sacred symbol you shared with me, I perceived as a powerful, beautiful solar disk!. the infinity symbol given I feel, connects heaven to earth. This system seems very ancient, yet new at the same time." Ami A, Swede 
  • I had been feeling a lump under my left ribcage which would move and squirm at times and when on my back I felt pressure and weight. I also had smaller painful lumps on the side of my left ribcage in assorted sizes. When I woke up on Saturday morning, lying on my back, I realized I felt empty. I had no pressure, and no pain. The lumps along the side of my chest are also gone. I am amazed, astounded, surprised, and elated. I don't know why I'm surprised since I've had my first healing with you just this past year. I asked for healing of skin cancer on my face, and migraine headaches. I have far less headaches, and the surgery for my skin cancer was much less than my surgeon expected. I am so thankful for Archangel Michael's words, advice, love and guidance, and I am most thankful that you have the courage and strength to bring them to the public so we can all go forward into the ascension without fear. -Jennifer Danion 
  • My left eye - red and sore for the past few months is feeling much better. It has often been blood red, sore and uncomfortable. But tonight it is fine. (Update) I have stopped smoking for over two months now. All thanks to your treatment session. -Christie Matheson, USA
  • During my Star Healing I saw a bearded/mustached man with a long white robe and what looked like angel wings and a crown of light on his head enter the picture. -Shari Jacobs
  • Wowie Zowie, I'm amazed at the level of frequency in the healing. People need to hear about this modality and have the opportunity to try it for themselves! Abundant blessings. -Laura Dillard
  • In 24 hours, this healing has accomplished more for me than years of consultation of traditional doctors! -Guillermo, Canada 
  • A wonderful experience. I saw pink cubes containing red hearts. The physical problems were clenched jaw. The next morning I woke up with my teeth NOT touching for the first time in years! My foot alignment - I can tell that corrections were made structurally. Thank you so much for bringing this new healing into the world. -Debbie, Antantis
  • My post traumatic stress syndrome which has debilitated me over the years, including depression, is gone! I am again joyful. Gold energy comes from your eyes. I saw it when we were doing our sacred closing ceremony. - John Schulz
  • My breast tumor in 24 hours is ½ the size! I have tried other healing techniques without success until now. -Leslie, Arkansas USA
The first 5 to purchase Kelly’s Combined Package will also receive her 
Proprietary and Custom Made
Prosperity Star Coded Bracelet from Archangel Michael!
$55.00 Retail Value
** Physical Item Will Be Shipped. You only pay for shipping **
From Kelly’s brand new expanding line of hand made accessories for women, men, children, and pets, including highly charged lightcoded earrings for prosperity, cell phone dust charms for self love, necklaces and tags for dogs and cats to ease anxiety, and more! There are even custom starcodes accessories to attract your infinity partner!
Bracelet Product Offer Details:
This handmade copper stamped women's bracelet will be etched with the harmonic healing light code from Archangel Michael to increase abundance and is being offered as an expiring bonus
  • The photograph shown does NOT have an actual healing code, only shows the lettering style. 
  • Light, attractive copper designed with Czech glass, rose hematite, and glass Japanese seed beaded band.  The transformation comes from the light codes themselves. 
  • Adjustable links to fit most wrists with lobster claw closure.
  • All codes were transmitted from Archangel Michael to Kelly as an extension to Star Healing Intergalactic Energy from the Pleiadians and are unique creations you won’t find anywhere else. 
  • Each bracelet will be BLESSED BY ARCHANGEL MICHAEL and Kelly. Each is handmade with love. Because of the nature of these items there are no returns. 
Wear light language and attract the abundance in your life you deserve!

Kelly’s SPECIAL OFFER B retails for $1,367

Special Offer $187 USD


ENERGY HEALER SPECIAL! - Stand alone package  - ( An Incredible 40% OFF )  - (Package C does not include Package A or B, it is completely separate).

A SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY - An interactive, multimedia, online training experience to explore Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ with Kelly Hampton complete with bonuses!
Retail Value $799.00
“These magnified Ascension healing systems, for those of you yet to know of them, are the strongest blue ray healing frequencies at this time on your planet. This is shared with loving grace from my Mother/Father God. This is not my wisdom. In other words, it is the wisdom from divine almighty Creator. I advise the consideration of it by all those doing light work, and for all living beings of all matter and all generations up to age 90. Removing implants and codes that were placed to limit your life experiences and other forms of layers of untruths are energetically transmuted in these Star Healing sessions and returned to Source. It is not simply because I shared this wisdom with Kelly Hampton that I advise this particular healing system. It is because, as a form of protection, we also open the magnified heart center and share the divine wisdom of extending love and kindness on a daily basis as a form of protection from dark forces. Energetic fears are removed that remain in the etheric bodies. The strands of DNA including the placement of judgment codes, which were placed to keep your planet under control, are restored to their 5th D pure love form. In addition, by extending love and kindness to yourselves first and foremost you will have added another layer of protection and healing.”~ Archangel Michael
Attention all energy healers! Join Cathy Corgorno, along with the other certified Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ Practitioners around the world, by redeeming Kelly’s special offer today.
Enhance your present healing practice by embracing one of the most powerful Magnified Healing Systems on the Planet. Help activate the Merkaba Light body for your clients, impart Pleiadian peace and calm, shape shift client’s DNA to its original 5th D form, help them remove implants, limiting codes, and attachments, and much more!
This home study online course for first attunement training or 2nd level certification is perfect for health practitioners and energy healers who would like to expand their existing practice in the comfort of their own home or coffee shop (and on their own schedule) and for those who are unable to attend one of Kelly’s live intensive workshops.
You must have prior healing experience as a prerequisite and read 2012 and Beyond: The Truth from Archangel Michael which is included as another special bonus. Upon registration, students will be emailed a brief tool list (tools are not included) for practitioner use at this level, along with the other course materials. Your course fee includes live online support to supplement the online modules. A certificate of completion will be awarded after your course completion, which requires practice on 8 volunteers before becoming a certified practitioner in one of the MOST POWERFUL HEALING SYSTEMS ON THE PLANET!
As Archangel Michael stated in 2010: 
“It is to be considered THE Healing System for 2012 and Beyond. And the only magnified healing modality which can inexplicably state it removes all the codes from the Anninaki.”
Begin your journey into your new sacred reality while working in the 5th-12th Dimensions and be part of creating Miracles!
Be IMMERSED IN stargate energies from the 12th D and Beyond. Learn the healing power of sacred geometry, along with 3 sacred symbols, and allow the Pleiadian, Great Central Sun energy from the Temple of Illumination assist you by using light language and other advanced Pleiadian means to heal and update the cellular nature of YOU.
Pleiadians, Centurions, Arcturians and more Christed races are present now as this system has continued to grow in authority since 2010--a decade of helping ten or thousands of people and animals Ascend and heal.This is not a modality for a beginning energy student.
Click to learn more:
  • The most powerful healing system I have experienced in my 45 years as a healer.~ Gwendolyn Hill, 2013
  • More powerful than the Reconnection. This is GOD energy. ~ Linda Pullano, Certified Star Healer
  • I have taken different healing classes, but nothing to compare to Star healing. First I had a Star healing, and knew that I needed that energy around me all the time. Just over a month later I took the classes. Kelly is the most amazing teacher, and the class & the energy just flow. Kelly does not hold anything back. She wants you to learn every aspect of Star Healing, and there is no reason that you cannot walk out of that class and running! To access this energy and pass it onto others is the most amazing gift anyone can give themselves.You will not be sorry if you take this wonderful opportunity.Thank you Kelly, ~ JoAnn Seckus, Certified Star Healing Practitioner
  • As my training to become a certified Star Healing practitioner approaches its end, I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for this wonderful program. Never has a teacher been so available and almost all the time ready for me, for my needs and my questions. Instead of travelling and paying expensive Hotels, I enjoyed the best, most customized training ever, but online. I would like to let every aspirant know what a skillful and engaged teacher you are. You taught not only the techniques, but you conveyed in an authentic and inspiring way, your love and appreciation for this new, special healing method and its creator, Archangel Michael. I truly wish that many people sense the profound uniqueness of this opportunity to accessing and learning the Star Healing Intergalactic Energy Method, especially in this easy online way.Again, thank you, Kelly, ~ Ellen Simon, Certified Practitioner, CA USA
  • I saw you shape shift first into AAMichael, then Christ, then Ashtar Sheeran, the Galactic Commander. I don’t know who you are, or what planet you came from, but I am so glad you are here for us. ~ Poco Taylor, Star Healing Certified Practitioner
  • I could not feel anything but peace and love, this overwhelming love and beauty. I feel the energy is different. This healing is very powerful.—Jannet T.
  • My post traumatic stress syndrome which has debilitated me in so many ways over the years, including depression is gone! I am again joyful. Oh, and gold energy comes from your eyes. I saw it.. Blessings!--John Schulz
  • I have two ruptured cysts on my back and both of them have shrunk. They were smaller the next morning and have stayed at the smaller size.--Danamarie I.
  • The ringing in my ears is not as high-pitches as it was. In 24 hours, this healing has accomplished more for me than years of consultation of traditional doctors!--Guillermo, Canada 
  • I went up in the elevator when you did the Journey. The doors opened and there was a gold round temple with a clear solid quartz bed inside in which I laid on. It was very peaceful. --Julie, Denmark
  • This has been one of the most remarkable, energetic healings I have ever had. It has been so very helpful on every level. Sending Love and Light to YOU and AAMichael!--Lyn Benedict, USA
  • Wowie  Zowie, I'm amazed at the level of frequency in the healing.  People need to hear about this modality and have the opportunity to try it for themselves! Abundant blessings --Laura Dillard
  • My elderly mother was able to walk without her walker after your 10 minute group healing session at the Chicago Expo. We are all so blessed! It is a miracle! ~ Dorothy Malone
  • My social anxieties have improved – standing up for my own needs and experiencing more peace. ~ Nancy Renn
  • I used to have herpes outbreaks every 6 weeks and I no longer get them. ~ Diane, South Africa
  • (After one session) My insomnia is very much improved. Digestive problems are very much improved. I do not get acid reflux as frequently as I used to. Mental Chatter - there has been a remarkable shift in my ability to stay focused, meditate and not be sidetracked by nonsensical mental chatter. Release of Hurt and pain - I go to sleep doing my love and kindness activity so if I wake up in the night to use the bathroom, I find I am still repeating that activity. There is also no charge when I think about the people that have hurt me in any way and no anger against the people who have borrowed money and never paid it back. I find myself remembering people who may have hurt me in some way who are really of no consequence in my life at all and if there is any type of hurt feelings, I am able to quickly remove it by offering love and kindness to them. I am also able to speak my truth easier without fear of confrontations or backlash and this helps in letting things go much faster and easier. I am also able to listen to criticism without becoming defensive and find that I am more compassionate and less judgmental of others and even myself. ~ Barbara Ward, Canada
  • My right arm that had surgery is NOT bothering me since my healing. Had my appointment with my surgeon today (after my Star Healing), She was amazed how well my arm had healed. Her words were - "This was to take 6 - 8 months to heal and you have healed to completion almost in 7 weeks! This is the most POWERFUL healing I have ever experienced. Amazing!!! And I have had a few....NEVER like this. I will always be very grateful to you both for what you have done. Bless You. ~ Ferhn Rudy
  • Since the healing I have been feeling peaceful and calm. My legs have been a lot less painful, particularly my knees. Thank you. ~ Pauline Rieniet, USA
  • This was a wonderful and exciting experience for me! I must say that I have had very little aches and pain in my knees and my lower back since the healing session. Thanks again to AAMichael and you Kelly. I am using AAMichael's love and kindness sword and “I offer love and kindness” tools. Thanks for everything you do for us. Love and blessings. ~ Silva Kruzic
  • This is so fascinating. I have studied many energetic healings - Theta, DNA and I feel as if I have been waiting for something more. What Kelly is saying makes so much sense to of the children time travels in his sleep and he is clairaudient and clairconsciouness and I know I need an upgrade! Thank you. ~ Cynthia, Greenock, Scotland
  • Hi Kelly! I do have more peace & calm. I don’t have the sugar cravings as often & don’t feel as hungry. I do the offering love & kindness and also have used the Golden Halo. I have done the home attunement. I am so glad I did this, thank you so much! ~ Bonnie Gogerty, 2013
  • Again, a thousand thanks you to you and beloved Archangel Michael for my outstanding yesterday healing session. Today, I woke up so happy, thanked God for your beautiful presence in my life, prayed AAM's prayers from The White Light book. I slept much better, and the pain I had been feeling around the heart area practically disappeared!!! Like a miracle!!! ~ Lucero Ackerman, USA
  • I'm very grateful to the angels, you for giving me healing at the end of the night. This morning I was able to do all of my stretches with ease and realized my ball joint went back into place (the hip) last night during the healing. Now I can say from direct experience that Star Healing moves joints back into place. Many thanks! ~ Eleana :)
  • Thank you so very much for the most wonderful and amazing experience…I had with you. I have never ever experienced anything like it ever before. The Pleiadian energy I experienced through you was indescribable, I was flooded with a love, peace and joy which permeated my very being. I loved the way you shared what you were doing with me… During the healing you were inspired to raise your hands, in doing so you took me higher and higher, I felt safe and loved totally. The frequency made my whole body and self tingle and tremble as I was flooded with even more peace and calm, there was no stress in my body. You were guided to raise your hands even higher which you did very slowly and gently and I found myself in the heart of the huge and vast Galaxy in the middle of what can only be described as an explosion of stars. It was intensely blue and the stars so bright, some huge, some near, all sizes and millions and millions were like dots….Kelly the experience with you of Star Healing and channeled counseling from AA Michael himself has been the most profound experience of my entire life. I am humbled and privileged to have had this opportunity to find out who I am and where I am going.I have experienced many healing experiences in my 65 years but never ever anything like this! It has changed me forever and given me understanding of my purpose. ~ Christine, UK
  • Wow! After just 10 minutes of the Pleiadian frequencies you shared with us in your group program, I could feel my heart continuing to open 30 days later! That’s powerful. I just had to let you know. ~ An energy healer, in Chicago, IL

All items are delivered instantly via digital download. The Energy Healer Special begins the moment you say 'Yes' to the offer! 
Recommended reading of "2012 and Beyond: The Truth from Archangel Michael" is also included in the Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM online course. PLEASE NOTE: THESE OFFERS ARE NON REFUNDABLE.
On ATHN summit only, Kelly's SPECIAL OFFER is
$499 USD

Kelly Hampton

Kelly Hampton is an international and inspiring spiritual teacher and speaker here to anchor the Christ Grid to Earth through her podcasts, books, workshops, private sessions, online courses and 5thD power spot spiritual retreats.
She is an elemental, angelic, ascended master and 12thD intergalactic channel, a gifted medium and a second wave Pleiadian. She is the founder of multiple 5thD-12thD ground-breaking healing systems given to her by Archangel Michael including STAR HEALING INTERGALACTIC ENERGYTM, Star Healing EquineTM, and Star Healing for Small Animals which some are calling THE most powerful healing systems on the planet. She has worked with ten of thousands of clients in over 20 countries over 25 years and continues to certify practitioners.
She is also the founder of Ascended SpacesTM—another Pleiadian based Ascension energy system for creating abundance in your homes and offices. She also certifies practitioners in these advanced Ascension systems worldwide with practitioners in 6 countries. She is the author of INTO THE WHITE LIGHT: THE REVELATIONS OF ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, 2012 and BEYOND: THE TRUTH FROM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL and THE BOOK OF ANIMALS: HEALING WISDOM FOR THE ANIMAL KINGDOM, which have been translated into Spanish and Japanese and presently at work on her 4th
channeled book from Archangel Michael entitled: Dominion: The New Astrology/Astronomy System for the New Age and Beyond.
She leads spiritual retreats to 5th D power spots connecting and communicating with the sacred sites, portals, leylines, and gridlines in places such as Mt. Shasta, Sedona, Stonehenge, Assisi. She is also the founder of an expanding line of harmonic healing accessories using a form of light language given to her by Archangel Michael called StarCode Creations TM for people and pets and busy creating highly charged healing paintings with the guidance of Archangel. She is presently at work on her 4th channeled
book from Archangel Michael, Dominion: The New Astrology/Astronomy System for the New Age. You may follow her on youtube, facebook, and other social media and visit her site:

Package A - Value $1089 - Special Offer - $157

Item 1 : Harmonic Healing Star Codes for Physical Issues
Item 2 : Harmonic Healing Star Codes for Emotional Issues
Item 3 : Harmonic Healing Star Codes for Viruses
Item 4 : Harmonic Healing Star Codes for Mind Healing & Telepathic Enhancement
Item 5 : Harmonic Healing Star Codes for Cosmic Expansion
Item 6 : Harmonic Healing Star Codes for Cancer
Item 7 : Harmonic Codes to Connect with the Angelic Realms
Item 8 : Ascending Your Home Spacefor Most Prosperity LIVE 60 min. WEBINAR with Q and A and Channeled Guide Book
Bonus 1 : 60-90 min. Mask removal and Recalibration Process with Archangel Michael!

Package B - Value $1367 - Special Offer - $187

Everything in Package A
  • Item 1 : Harmonic Healing Star Codes for Physical Issues
  • Item 2 : Harmonic Healing Star Codes for Emotional Issues
  • Item 3 : Harmonic Healing Star Codes for Viruses
  • Item 4 : Harmonic Healing Star Codes for Mind Healing & Telepathic Enhancement
  • Item 5 : Harmonic Healing Star Codes for Cosmic Expansion
  • Item 6 : Harmonic Healing Star Codes for Cancer
  • Item 7 : Harmonic Codes to Connect with the Angelic Realms
  • Item 8 : Ascending Your Home Space for Most Prosperity LIVE 60 min. WEBINAR with Q and A and Channeled Guide Book
  • Bonus 1 : 60-90 min. Mask removal and Recalibration Process with Archangel Michael!
Item 9 : Light Language Codes for Limiting and Transmuting EMF Exposure Including 5G
Item 10 : GROUP HEALING SESSION  - Receive Miraculous Healing: 60-minute Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM
Bonus - Special : Proprietary and Custom Made - Prosperity Star Coded Bracelet from Archangel Michael!

Package C - Value $799 - Special Offer - $499


Kelly Hampton dba Healing Enterprises LLC is not a psychologist, physician, veterinarian or other licensed health care provider. We strongly advise that you seek professional advice as appropriate before making any health decision. Any stories or testimonials contained herein, do not constitute a warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding the outcome of an individual using any specific energy healing method for any particular issue. All materials and links to other resources are posted in good faith. The accuracy, validity, effectiveness, completeness, or usefulness of any information herein, as with any publication, cannot be guaranteed. Kelly Hampton and Healing Enterprises LLC accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the use or misuse of the information provided here, including links to other resources.

By viewing this web site you agree to fully release, indemnify, and hold harmless, Kelly Hampton, Healing Enterprises LLC, and its principals, owners, personal representatives, consultants, employees and assigns from any claim or liability whatsoever and for any damage or injury, personal, financial, emotional, psychological or otherwise, which you may incur arising at any time out of or in relation to your use of the information presented on this web site. If any court of law rules that any part of the Disclaimer is invalid, the Disclaimer stands as if those parts were struck out. Further, you acknowledge that the information contained on this web site, including suggestions, techniques, ideas, downloads (and other material), is not medical or psychological advice.