​Karen Kay

Special Offer 
March 2021

Package A - Special Offer - £9.99 GBP or $13.87USD

Item 1 - Messages from the Mermaids Oracle deck signed by Karen
Item 2 - Bonus Gift

Package B - Special Offer - £20-40GBP or $27.77 - 55.54USD

Item 1 - A private 30 or 50min one-to-one Oracle Reading with Karen
Item 2 - Bonus - Extra 10min of the Oracle Reading

Karen Kay Special Offer

Package A - £9.99 or $13.87


ITEM 1 - Messages from the Mermaids Oracle deck signed by Karen
Mermaids are the elemental guardians of the sea. They excel in matters of the heart and emotions and wish to share their wisdom with the human realm. This 44-card deck offers gentle yet direct solutions to any challenges you might be facing, and will guide you a more harmonious way of living.
ITEM 2 - Surprise Bonus Gift

Karen Kay Special Offer

Package B - ​£20-40GBP or $27.77 - 55.54USD

A private one-to-one Oracle Reading with Karen
ITEM 1 - 30 or 50 Min Private one-to-one Oracle Reading with Karen
Book a 30 or 50min one-to-one reading with Karen Kay who has opened up her diary to offer Skype, Zoom, or Telephone Fairy and/or mermaid Oracle Card Readings!
During your reading, Karen will work with her Oracle of the Fairies or Messages from the Mermaids deck. You will have the opportunity to ask a question during the session. Karen will work intuitively with her oracle cards.
Once your reading is booked you will be contacted to arrange a time and date.
Karen Kay is the author of Oracle of the Fairies published by Hay House (Oct 2019) featuring illustrations by Ginger Kelly and Messages from the Mermaids featuring art by Linda Olsen, also published by Hay House.
ITEM 2 - Bonus - Extra 10min of Oracle Reading


You are multilingual when it comes to the spirit world.  - Phillip Schofield ITV’s This Morning Show.

You lift the veils from their pearlescent tails.  - forestqueen27

Karen is a trailblazer in fairy wisdom and lifestyle - George Lizos

Karen Kay

Karen Kay is a Bestselling Hay House author with two oracle decks, Oracle of the Fairies and Messages from the Mermaids. She is a former BBC News Editor who literally saw the light! Lots of lights actually ~ fairy lights to be precise! 
Karen shares her love for the elemental realms through her work. She is a co-founder of the UK’s  3 Wishes Fairy Festival, and also the founder of FAE Magazine (Faeries and Enchantment) and Mermaids Magazine. 
Karen connects to the elemental realms bringing through ancient wisdom from fairies, mermaids and unicorns into our human realm. A passionate nature lover, her friendship with the fairies began as a young child in her grandmother’s garden, where she used to collect rose petals to make perfume for the flower fairies. She is related to renowned fairy poet and author, Walter De La Mare.
You can find out more at www.karenkay.co.uk and she also posts daily on her instagram page @karenkayfairy

Package A - Special Offer - £9.99 GBP or $13.87USD

Item 1 - Messages from the Mermaids Oracle deck signed by Karen
Item 2 - Bonus Gift

Package B - Special Offer - £20-40GBP or $27.77 - 55.54USD

Item 1 - A private 30 or 50min one-to-one Oracle Reading with Karen
 Item 2 - Bonus - Extra 10min of the Oracle Reading