Judy Cali

Special Offer 
May 2022

Judy's Masterclass - Special Offer - $33

30min Personal Session with Judy - Special Offer - $100

60min Personal Session with Judy - Special Offer - $200

90min Personal Session with Judy - Special Offer - $300

JUDY'S MASTERCLASS - Special Offer $33

The Radiance of BUDDHA, Spiritual Masters & Smokey Amethyst Crystal MasterClass BLESSES YOU from Wesak Valley, of Shamballa in the Himalayan Mountains 🏔 ✨
Judy will be joining Alara on

THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2022

12pm Pacific / 1pm Mountain / 2pm Central / 3pm Eastern / 7pm GMT / 8pm UK / 9pm CEST


I am smiling as I see Buddha in my bedroom doorway beckoning me to join him. He is laughing & that’s how I recognize him, what a
Joyous Being.
I feel us moving as light & my feet land in lush green grass, in a Beautiful Valley full of Sparkling Light.

I can see many Spiritual Masters all in white robes. Buddha takes my hand & brings me into the center of a circle. I realize I am in Wesak Valley & so is each of you.

The Wesak Festival is on May 15, 2022 on a Full Moon & includes a total Lunar Eclipse to Celebrate the Enlightenment of Buddha & to purge emotional baggage, making room for necessary growth & intense Transformation.

We are also wearing white robes & the Love in that circle is Oneness.

I now see Buddha within the Circle speaking,
“My dear Brothers & Sisters we have gathered today & for this week to Celebrate the Awakening of Gaia. You will each rejoin us each night & have your days to take care of your lives. We have each dedicated ourselves to this Sacred Heart Choice for over a Millennium. Many Lives of experience we have had, to be at this beautiful place of a Sacred Leaders Gathering.”

Gaia is Glowing so beautifully & I see each of us as a 12 Pointed Star.
I see some Tibetan Monks also in the Circle & they are each grinning so beautifully as their Hearts are Radiant.
A Tibetan Monk steps forward & hands to Buddha, a Smokey Amethyst Quartz Crystal. Buddha holds it up for All to see. This Crystal was birthed from The Violet Flame within Shambhalla as we All were.
Smokey Amethyst Quartz Crystal from Tibet

The Himalayan Mountains are so high that only the Tibetans can gather these Crystals. The Himalayas are known as one of Earth’s Spiritual Centers. The Tibetans say that these Crystals were placed here by Star People millions of years ago in timelessness & carry Shambhalla encodings of Portals of Holiness, a key to unlock archaic patterns that Humanity still clings to & to be released during Wesak, so you can see between the folds of time & peek into your personal future.

These Crystals are used to promote contact with the ancient beliefs, bringing us the ability to Remember our ancient knowledge. This Crystal contains a very powerful “OM” vibration.

The Body can feel this resonance, radiate this Energy & carry a Strong alignment of Divine Will.

They will enhance the Healing Process & enable stronger connections for Intuition. These Crystals are Raw, not Polished & are Transmitters & Receivers. They hold Ancient encodings as Record Keepers & Crystal Pyramids that double terminate.

The Amethyst symbolizes Devotion, Humbleness, Genuineness & Spiritual Wisdom. It also is able to direct & focus Powerful Healing Energy, like a Laser Beam to exact spots you are needing Healing.

This Crystal also transmutes any unloving energy & is a great Grounding Tool. Additionally this Crystal also enhances your inner hearing on All planes & allowing All sounds around & within including Telepathic sounds to be received & understood.

Buddha speaks, “You will each be here for a week & receive the most benefit from your Spiritual Leaders as each one will assist you to be as clear as possible & expand more fully into your Higher Selves through Love, Ease, Grace & Joy in the most benevolent ways or something even better. All is aligned with your Sacred Creator High Heart & your I AM Presence. I am now standing directly in front of each of you putting my right hand onto your Sacred Heart Center, in the middle of your Chest & offering an Awakening Gift personalized for each & every one of you. I have connected to All of you on May 15 & personally invited you to be here at this Gathering. Thank you for responding.”

Judy will Channel any Beings who show up to share a message & she is always delighted to share them with You.

Judy will download, Activate & Initiate the Smokey Amethyst Quartz Crystal into your Sacred Hearts so you will just know that you know, also know that All is well & to Remember Who You Are.

Buddha will be Guiding each of you for the next 3-5 years & will also put his hands onto the crown of each of your heads on your Birthday & give you each a Sacred Gift during this 3-5 year period.

This Master Sacred Gathering of Leaders is expanding your Auras by hundreds of feet from your Body.

Judy & Alara will be taking as many Calls as possible to answer your questions. Please keep your questions group friendly, so All can benefit.

I love each of you & I thank Alara for creating this opportunity for us to get together again & share freely from the Heart All that Honors us each Now for this week.

This is a Sacred Gathering of your Ascended Master Family including your God & Goddess Selves. It’s such a Joy for us to Share with each other as we each are Nurtured & Supported by Being in the Most Expanded Vibration of Light our Family Offers. Thank you Alara for Creating the Space for this Sacred Gathering.

You may feel more Empowered, Lighter, Clearer, Freer & able to Love YOU much more easily after our Sharing Together

I Love You & Delight in Family Gatherings with YOU

Big Heart Hug from me to you, Judy Cali

P.S. Judy merged into her Ascended Master Self as Anna, Mother Mary’s Mother in 1/2018. She also released All Beliefs to Step out of Duality in 3/2018. In 6/2018 Judy Welcomed into her Sacred Heart her Galactic Self. She was Called to Step into The Great Golden Central Sun & Remember she is Source & then into The Sacred Heart of the Heart of The Great Golden Central Sun In Zero Point in 10/2018. Also, in 12/2018 she Collapsed All her Lives & is in Oneness most of the Time.

Come & feel hugged, loved & gain Clarity to assist you to Remember Who You Are

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 25% off!

If you're a Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get 25% off this and all offers, click below.

JUDY'S PERSONAL SESSIONS - Special Offer $100-$300

Personal Session with Judy
30min or 60min or 90min
Personal Session with Judy
How Would It Feel to Let Go of Human Fears and Shape Your Thoughts with Laughter, Light, and Love?

Let Master Channel Judy Cali Call in the Ascended Masters and Connect to the Sacred Heart of Love in Grace with Ease!

Discover a Deeper Connection, Receive Personal Messages and Experience Life-Changing Shifts

With Judy's special offer you will:
~Gain insight and assistance with your spiritual growth
~Navigate through old energy patterns and life obstacles
~Receive messages and revelations from your guides
~Experience deep shifts and healing
A session begins with a prayer to call in your angels, Guides, Family & Friends in Spirit or Ascended Masters such as Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Quan Yin, Buddha, Maitreya, St. Germain, Afra, Babji, Chief Joseph, Yogananda, Archangel Michael, Star Brothers & Sisters, Krishna, Golden Rainbow Dolphins or your Totem Animals, all of your “I AM PRESENCE.”
Judy's readings bring forth what is most important for you to know at this time in your life. Your Guardian Angels, Guides, Family in Spirit & other life details most relevant to this life, is what may come forth.
She shares PERSONAL MESSAGES FOR YOU, healing begins in your heart.

By feeling how cherished and loved you are, old energy patterns and blocks are cleared. Your session will help you understand your Life’s Purpose, the Sacred Journey you are creating and Remember Who You Are. Divine Source is the Healer and Judy is an instrument of love and light.

She is Divinely guided to know the information to share and which Healing Methods are best for you.
Don't Miss This Wonderful Opportunity to Bring Any Questions That You Might Have About Any Area of Your Life to Be Answered and Resolved
Bonus : Moon Gathering Invitation Prayer by Moon Goddess Selene
Judy will also be Creating a Custom Group Prayer for those who are Scheduling a Session & want to be of Deeper Service with Moon Goddess Selene. Also to assist you to speak to your DNA/RNA in Expanding to 12 Strands or Something Even Better for you Personally to Remember Who You Are in New Ways & Align with The 7th Golden Crystalline Age of Wisdom & Peace as a 5th Dimensional Androgenous Light Being or More.

30min Recording & Written Prayer

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 25% off!

If you're a Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get 25% off this and all offers, click below.


As a Yogi and Alternative Therapy Practitioner for 35 years, I am frequently asked how do I manage to remain peaceful. I simply reply "My mentor Judy Cali." Judy taught me to love myself and to know I am enough. I struggled with low self-esteem for many years, Judy helped me see my value through her master classes and personal session. I began to shift and heal. Judy Cali is a Master teacher; she is here in service simply to help all of us expand our individual consciousness. She gives the tools so generously and lovingly, exudes wisdom, and empowers all those fortunate enough to hear her. I highly recommend a personal session or two with Judy. She will uncover and unlock keys within you guiding you to the next level in your evolutionary cycle. - Malinda Hurd
What a blessing Judy is to our hungering world and to those of us who have the joy and pleasure of her presence and love in our lives!! I have been the recipient of the messages she distributes for several years but it has been just recently that we made contact with one another. It was like reconnecting with a very wise and loving friend whom I hadn't seen in years, if not millennia. There was an immediate heart connection. We made an appointment to meet on the phone, and what an amazing hour and a half it was during which we shared things of the heart, mind, soul and spirit. Toward the end of the conversation she led me through a life-changing meditation, introduced me to my new Guides who were to be with me, and her love energies opened me to further spiritual adventures on the Golden Path of my destiny. The experience is comparable to a birth into a new dimension of being, of feeling wrapped in the safety and joy of Light and Love. In thinking of you, Judy, I see you as a vibrant fountain of angelic Love, Light, Joy, and Wisdom that you freely give to your clients, your friends, and your world!! I count it as a golden blessing to have you in my life. Your light and love enrich the lives of all who know you! - Shirley
Judy is one of the wisest, most joyful, most phenomenal spiritual intuitives that I have had the honour to meet. When I am on a call with Judy, I feel like I am ‘home’ and connected with my Soul family. There are many surprises even for Judy on a tele-summit call or a personal session with her as she doesn’t always know who is going to come through. One can expect many joyful surprises! - Carolyn
My meeting with Judy Cali still continues to flow through me today, in the most loving and healing ways. This first meeting of ours, occurred 7 months ago, and "the gifts keep on coming!" Energetically I knew, I was in heart-space. If you are reading this testimonial, chances are you are considering connecting with Judy Cali. My intention of writing this is to let as many people as I can. KNOW that being in Judy's presence, is a loving gift, that you will be giving to yourself! And TRUST that when you do say "yes" it will be so divinely perfect. My greatest gift to date is now being able to notice, witness, feel, love and honor my truer I AM PRESENCE. - Maureen Squazzo
I loved my session with Judy, it really bridged the gap between physical and spiritual for me, to finally know who my guides are and to help with the feeling of isolation. Judy was very kind, loving and generous with her many gifts, and gave me many tools to work with, and further my exploration into the spirit realm. thank you. - Giselle Rainier
I have known Judy Cali for many years, and I regard her as one of the best healers, Mediums (Channeling work) and spiritual advisors I have ever known. I interact with a large volume of healers, etc., because of the work that I do, and I consider Judy the best. I am founder and leader of a Spiritual/Metaphysical Group that has been meeting every week for the past 11 years. Judy has given many lectures to the Group over the years and her information and healing has been invaluable. Judy is a member of the Floating Healing Center and has always been the healer most sought after. I personally am grateful for the channeling work she has done for me which has had a major impact on me and changed my life in the most positive way, as well as for all of the healing. I am grateful to know Judy and have her in my life. I always know how much she is dedicated to the work that she does and that I can count on her whenever the need arises. - Diane Blaszka
Judy spoke of things no one could know about me & connections I have had in this lifetime, as well as other lifetimes that I only knew through my recurring dreams. I felt immediate peace & comfort in finding her and we set up a time to communicate by phone. My whole life changed after that night of our consultation & my life became a series of beautiful Universal Synchronicities. I left the place I was living in misery & began a brand-new life. It was as if after our meeting I finally had the courage to be happy. - Robyn
It has been a month since our first session together. It is hard to find the words to truly express my transition that has ensued since our session. The work we did catapulted me to an energetic level my soul was ready to embrace and yearning to realize. In the days that followed our session I felt a newfound, yet personal strength come forward in my every step. It felt as though our time together allowed my inner soul to come into 'the now' with my current reality and in doing so my 'sight' and internal confidence grew. Before I called you, I had hit a depressive slump where my desire to 'live' was minimal. I am so very grateful to you for the time and love you gave to me! It has really made a difference and was exactly what my soul needed. Now I feel more ready than ever to engage in the next chapter of my life. - Sunaura (Sunny)
When I met Judy, I was in debilitating pain, was bedridden, had given up hope & was about to cross over. She GRACIOUSLY offered her services to me & traveled to my home to care for me. But most of all she brought me hope & love. Her channeling & guidance was so accurate that I finally had a road map that helped me navigate thru fear, pain, old energy patterns & obstacles in my life. Her unwavering encouragement, spiritual insight & clarity of thought gave me hope of recovering from the devastating experiences I had./ She is a powerful & dedicated healer. She is a clear conduit for the Ascended masters & Angelic Realm, who work thru her & administer healing thru her. She has great understanding of life's issues & helped me clear trauma & abuse and remove their memory from my cells so that my body could activate & resume its natural healing & intuitive/psychic abilities./ Her healing abilities helped me transform my life. Just knowing she is always available to assist me has such a calming effect & gives me the strength & hope to continue on with my life./ She is a very gifted psychic, healer & counselor who helped me gain spiritual insight & assisted me in my spiritual growth. She will definitely lead you to an accelerated consciousness PATH GIVING YOU clarity of your soul purpose, communication with your personal guides & a deeper connection with the Divine. She's AN Angel, a sister & a friend who literally saved my life. - Dianne Robbins

Judy Cali

Judy Cali has been doing Intuitive Healing work with The Ascended Masters, Archangels & Angels since 3 yrs. of age, 1949. She was asked by, Hilarion, The Ascended Master of Healing of The Emerald Ray & Archangel Gabriel, Archangel of your Clarion Call, to go public with her gifts over 20 years ago.
Honoring their request, her Clarion Call & working with people all over The World has been a JOY! Intuitively, thru her Sacred Heart & I AM Presence, she receives a Whole Picture of you & thru Seeing, Hearing, Feeling & Knowing about your Soul, she Shares it with you. Her Readings bring forth what is most important for you to know at this time in your life by Aligning with your Sacred Heart & I AM Presence. Your Guardian Angels, Guides, Family in Spirit & other lives details most relevant to this life, is what may come forth. Judy is a Crystal Reiki Master, Spiritual Minister, World Teacher, Life Coach, Workshop Leader & Guest Speaker. In 2005 she channeled Mikos, Head Librarian of The Library of Porthologos of Inner Earth, for The Wesak Festival in at The United Nations Building in New York City. Also in 2005, she was hired by NBC, as a Psychic, for a documentary on Atlantis & The Bermuda Triangle, filmed in Bimini with David Childress & Lester Holt, the film is still shown sometimes on The Sci Fi Channel. Additionally In 2005 Judy was approached by an Androgenous Golden 12 inch Circle of Light, Flaming & Floating, about 4 1/2 feet off of her Bedroom Floor, announcing its The Ambassador of All The New Children & it came to work with her. So she Agreed & has for more than 16 years. In January of 2018 Judy Integrated into her Ascended Master Self as Anna, Mother Mary’s Mother. It took almost 10 months. In Sept of 2018 Judy Aligned with the Great Golden Sun Heart of Creation & totally Merged & then into the Heart of the Heart of Creation as a Point of Light. Judy also Detached from All Forms, Labels, Titles, Assumptions, Beliefs & Ideas of Who She Was as Judy & felt All Clear in Oneness. Also in December of 2018 Judy experienced the dissolving of All her Lives, in an Essence of Oneness of I AM. In 2019, she became aware that she is The Ambassador of All The New Children.
Jesus told her in 1953 that she would be Working with Children All over the World, in her later years. Amazing.

Judy Cali

Special Offer 
May 2022

Judy's Masterclass - Special Offer - $33

30min Personal Session with Judy - Special Offer - $100

60min Personal Session with Judy - Special Offer - $200

90min Personal Session with Judy - Special Offer - $300