Joy Baker

Special Offer 
May 2022

Package A - Value - $844 - Special Offer - $97

Package B - Value $971 - Special Offer - $127        

Package C - Value $1021 - Special Offer - $147         

Healing Generational Trauma & Pain
Break the Patterns of Your Past and Live a Life of Freedom

Our ancestors affect us on a daily basis and with everything we do and have become. Thoughts, beliefs, emotions and behaviors have been passed down from generation to generation. Energetic pattens and memories are passed down to us. If our ancestors have left Earth with unresolved issues or traumas, that energetic memory and trauma could be what is the cause of any distress, lack, scarcity and pain you are currently dealing with. As an example, if your ancestors struggled with money or they were rejected in any way because they experienced an abundance of money, and if that struggle or trauma caused any kind of emotional pain within them, you may be holding onto the financial pain of your ancestors. If you find yourself struggling with money and resist receiving money or feeling guilty when you experience having an abundance of money, you could be carrying the emotional pain and trauma of your ancestors. 

For many of us, our ancestors were taught to conform. They were taught to do what others told them to do, to give up their dreams and desires. Our ancestors were taught and guided within the framework of the 3D Matrix. The Matrix is an energetic web of limiting beliefs, thoughts and emotions and controls through fear and uncertainty. This is the energetic emotional environment your ancestors and the generations that came before you were birthed into and grew up in. The Age of Aquarius began Dec 21 2020 and heralded our transition into creating within the 5D space of the New Earth. What this means for you is that now is the time for you to let go of the 3D teachings, beliefs, traumas and emotions of your ancestors. As you free yourself of the traumas of those that lived prior to you, your ancestors will experience this energetic shift and release and it will support their ascension as well as yours.  

This audio and Energy Healing program, "Healing Generational Trauma & Pain - Break the Patterns of Your Past and Live a Life of Freedom", will support you with releasing trauma and pain that has been created within your current lifetime and also support you with releasing generational trauma. If you would like to experience having more money in your life, if you would like to feel at ease, free and flexible in your body, if you would like to enjoy greater communication and harmony in your relationships, this program can support you with all that and more. 

PACKAGE A - Value $844 - Special Offer $97

Offer A is a four part program. 
Part One releases emotional trauma and pain in your Chakras and Meridians and supports you with creating financial Abundance and physical health. 
Part Two supports Ancestral Clearing.
Part Three is parental clearing and bonus audios.
Part Four is a 33 day daily energy healing program which includes several bonuses. 
Part #1
Meridian and Chakra Clearing for Financial Abundance and Health
Value of Part 1 - $392.00
Introduction to Meridians and Chakras – 7 minutes
This is a brief explanation as to the difference between Meridians and Chakras and also how to best use these audios so that you can get the most value out of them.
Chakra clearing for Financial Abundance - 60 minutes
Are you ready to experience the Flow of Financial Abundance and Ease? This audio journeys through the 7 main chakras, releasing any limiting beliefs, traumas and emotions around money and opens you up to receiving money with ease and gratitude. You’ll also open up to feeling happy about experiencing Financial Abundance.
Clearing the Organs in preparation for Creating in the New Earth – 32 minutes
As you put your attention on your vision of what you’d like to create in the New Earth, my Guides visit each of your organs and release dense lower frequency emotions that have become stuck there. We release emotions such as sadness, shame, helplessness and much more. This is an active energetic process in which you will release the density that has been preventing your New Earth vision from manifesting.
Experiencing Health and Vitality through the Chakras – 65 minutes
You’ll being this audio with being encouraged to recall what it was like to experience abundance Health and Vitality within your body. Even if you have to go back to when you were a child, your body holds memories of when you experienced amazing Health and Vitality. We then journey through each of your 7 main chakras and release what has been keeping your body stuck in restriction, limitation and pain and open up your physical Self to experiencing Freedom and Lightness and Abundant energy within your body and mind.
Experiencing Abundant Energy and Vitality through Healthy Meridians – 50 minutes
Your meridians are the energetic pathways of your body and a major part of your energy system. If emotions (Energy in Motions) are stuck in our Meridians, we can feel heavy and lethargic in our body and mind. It can be as if the Spirit feels heavy. In this audio we identify what emotion is stuck in each of the organs of the body and have Source trace the corresponding meridian, releasing stuck and stagnant energies. The space created within your body and mind from listening to this audio will leave you feeling refreshed, light and free.
Releasing Inflammation and Activating Lightness and Freedom in your Body, Mind & Spirit – 25 minutes
Find out what has been the emotional reasons for inflammation in your body. Inflammation in the body can cause pain, joint restrictions, a lethargic feeling and an overall general feeling of unease within your body. During the audio you’ll release the emotional reasons that have been creating that inflammation and begin feeling much lighter and free within your body, mind and spirit.
Part #2
Ancestral Clearing
Value of Part 2 - $165.00
Thoughts, beliefs, vows, contracts, agreements, emotions, obligations and much more are passed down from generation to generation. That is, until we make a conscious decision to release the vows and contracts that have been limiting us or keeping us stuck. A belief or behaviour that supported in individual or society a hundred years ago or even further back, will not necessarily support you during this current time period. Yet, until you decide to let go of what is holding you back, that vow or contract could still be limiting you.
The following Ancestral clearings go to the moment in time when your ancestors made that vow or agreed to that contract and releases it. 

  • Intro to Ancestral clearing and how to get the most of the clearings 5 minutes

  • Ancestral clearing for Financial Abundance 15 minutes

  • Ancestral clearing for Optimum Health 14 minutes
  • Ancestral clearing for Authentic Communication 15 minutes

Part #3
Parental Healing & Bonuses
Value of Part 3 - $160.00
We receive the majority of our conditioning in our early years as a child and we receive that conditioning from our parents or whoever our primary caregivers are.
The following audios will support you in releasing any dysfunctional parental attachments which are continuing you keep you stuck or limited. 

  • Clearing Mother Issues – 20 minutes

  • Clearing Father Issues – 19 minutes
  • Mind, Body and Spirit Freedom – 14 minutes
 - We often think of Freedom as being able to do what we want when we want. In this audio you’ll experience Freedom as space. When you experience Freedom from attachments and dysfunctional cords, you’ll feel spacious in your Mind, Body and Spirit
  • Sleeping meditation with Light Language – 12 minutes
 - During this audio you’ll experience the Divinity of Light Language along with spoken affirmations of relaxation, ease, receiving and much more. Listen to for support in helping you fall asleep or in having a peaceful sleep. 

Part #4 
Thirty-Three (33) days of daily Energy Healing with Bonuses - 4.5 Hours of Live Q&A calls plus over 16 hours of energy healing
Value of Part 4 - $127.00
Would you like to receive thirty (30) minutes of energy healing daily for 33 days? This 33-day Energy Healing program is packed full of healing and transformational energies! The beauty of receiving healing in this way is that all you need to do is be willing and say out loud "I am ready to receive the healing" and you receive the energy. You can be anywhere in the world at any time and receive this Divine healing and Blessing. These 33 days begin on May 16th and the healing will be sent to you daily until June 17th. 
The thirty minutes daily of energy healing is only one segment of your Energy Healing program, there are several bonuses included in this 33 day program. I will be sending out channeled “Messages from Spirit” to all of the participants. These messages are designed to inspire, empower and uplift and will be sent out via email every Monday and Thursday.

Upon registering you will immediately receive an 18-minute Ancestral Activation designed to support you with creating and manifesting in the New Earth. 

You will be included in the energy of Abundance as I chant the Lakshmi prosperity mantra for 33 days.

In order to support you even further during these 33 days, I will also be holding two  - two hour Q&A calls. Each call will include several clearings, activations and a meditation and Light Language activation at the end of each call. I'll be replying to both phone callers and written in questions so if you're not able to be on live, you can also write in your question ahead of time. These calls will be recorded and a replay will be sent to you after the call which you can download and listen to anytime it's convenient for you!
The calls will be held:
Sunday May 22nd - 11 am PST / 2 pm EST / 7 pm BST
Sunday June 5th - 11 am PST / 2 pm EST / 7 pm BST

​***Summary of 33 day Energy Healing program***

*** 30 minutes of Energy healing and Blessings daily for 33 days.
The energy healing begins May 16th and goes until June 17th. 

*** BONUSES ***
*** Messages from Spirit sent to you via email every Monday and Thursday
*** An 18-minute Ancestral Activation designed to support you with creating and manifesting in the New Earth.
*** Two - two plus hour Q&A calls with clearings, activations, mediations and Light language activations with replay.

*** You will be included in the energy of Abundance as I chant the Lakshmi prosperity mantra for 33 days. This is done at a separate time of day as the 30 minutes of energy healing so the total time you are receiving energies will be approximately 45 minutes. 

NOTE: If you have multiple people in your household living at the same physical location and they would like to be included in the energy healing, know that they are automatically included and will receive the healing. All pets are also automatically included. If someone does not wish to receive the healing energy, Source is aware of their desire and therefore they will not receive it.

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 25% off!

If you're a Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get 25% off this and all offers, click below.

PACKAGE B - Value $971 - Special Offer $127

Package A
Receive everything in Package A - All 4 Parts 
Your own Personalized Remote Freedom Clearing
​Each of Joy's Personalized Remote Freedom Clearings is as unique as the individual receiving it and can range from a simple tune-up to a life-changing awakening. Your Freedom Clearing will consist of a powerful laser-focused scan of your entire being based on a single issue, question, or area of your life where you feel stuck or limited. You can focus on creating financial abundance or any other area of your life that you would like to have cleared and activated. 

Joy will tune in to your specific frequency and speak with you on the etheric level to address and clear deep-seated, limiting core beliefs, blocks, programs and or relationship dynamics so that your true Radiance can be activated as you move into a state of renewed Freedom & Expansion! 
You'll receive an audio recording that you can listen to anytime and as many times as you like. Each time you listen to it energies will be cleared at a deeper level and you'll receive even more value from your recorded Freedom Clearing. Clients have frequently reported new insights and deeper revelations with each review of their session.
All Joy needs to do your personalized Freedom Clearing & Activation is an email with your issue or area of concern and your picture. Joy will then be able to read the energy signature within your words and the energy contained within your picture to identify what is no longer working for you and that is ready to be released at an unconscious level.
As stagnant emotions (emotions = Energy in Motion) are cleared out, emotions such as happiness, gratitude, appreciation, acceptance, etc. awaken within you and are brought to your conscious awareness to initiate the Activation.
Since your session is done from your picture and specified issue, it is not necessary for you to be present or to set up a time to have this done. An audio recording of your session will be sent you to you via email, which you can then listen to at any time…the ultimate in convenience!

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 25% off!

If you're a Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get 25% off this and all offers, click below.

PACKAGE C  - Value $1021 - Special Offer $147

Package A
Receive everything in Package A - All 4 Parts 
45-minute Personal Session with Joy
Would you prefer an interactive phone session? The advantage of having a phone session is that as any memories or traumas come up, Joy can clear them on the spot. We can clear a specific issue that you’re already aware of and having been wanting to have released and to be free of. If you’re not sure of what you’d like cleared, Joy will ask a few questions at the beginning of the phone session and then let her Guides determine the best direction to go in order to support your growth and ascension.
You are free to have us clear and release any issue that you like. We can clear areas such as money, career, health, relationships, communication, spiritual connection and more. Phone sessions can be recorded.

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 25% off!

If you're a Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get 25% off this and all offers, click below.


Testimonials for 33 day Energy Healing program (Offer A)

Thank you for this 33 day program, it has been fantastic and has helped me so much go through all the issues arising within me so intensely. I love your channeled Messages from Spirit, those given last week and today resonate particularly strongly!! I realize these days I am clearing very deep layers of fear and anger at all the manipulation and control experiences, struggle etc. So you can see how today´s message is so perfect. —Marcia Monge, Costa Rica
Joy, I absolutely looove the Messages you've been sending from Spirit, thank you! And thank you as well for the beautiful daily energy work and the Light Language audio. I've listened to that every night as I've fallen asleep and it has been so calming and soothing. I've slept soundly every night because of it. Thank you so much for all your support and kindness! —Susann Nilsson, Sweden
I’ve been participating in the 33 day Energy Healing program and would like to say I received €100 as a gift on Tuesday and won a €50 voucher yesterday. I can't remember the last time I won something so I'm delighted, grateful and excited to see what other abundance shows up with grace and ease. Thank you so much Joy!—Loretta, Ireland
That Q&A call was amazing! I feel so at peace and empowered to create this new year! I’ve attended many calls over the last few years and by far this was the most powerful. Thank you for sharing your gift with us! —Jenny B., Canada

Freedom clearing testimonials (offer B)

Joy! Thank you so so so so much for this beautiful session. You gave me so much to work with and I will be doing some healing around the solar plex/power struggle and the throat. I'm so grateful you are now offering these sessions and I just know they are going to help so many people. Thank you thank you!! —Emmanuel Dagher, Holistic Healer, Best Selling Author
I had purchased Joy's Freedom clearing a few months ago and had her clear issues around financial abundance. OMG, the clearing is awesome! I had been trying to buy a house for about 5 years. About a month ago I made an offer on a house and they accepted! It looks like my loan will get approved! Thank you so much Joy!!! —Anne Bennett, Powell, Wyoming

Oh my gosh Joy, I am speechless after listening to the clearing you did for me! How on Earth could you know something about me that happened 63 years ago?! Amazing! Not only was the clearing specific and precise and not just some general information, it confirmed and RELEASED the blocks I had suspected around receiving. After listening to the clearing, I literally fell to pieces (in a good way!), overjoyed, laughing, crying and feeling as last, there is HOPE! —Don B., Chicago

Testimonials for Personal Session (Offer C)

I just wanted to let you know how much my life changed after our session.  My biggest frustration at the time was that my husband and I were having trouble getting financed for a house. Without going into details – we are closing on a brand new home next week and it all began after the session with you. The nicest surprise of all is that my husband seems to have benefited from it as well – even though I didn’t share any of the details of it with him. We both now use your ‘What if it's possible’ statement when we think there is a roadblock and I know it makes a difference. I am so grateful to have found you and I wish you all the best. —Lisa A., Washington
Joy, after the phone session with you a client that had owed me money for over 4 years contacted me and paid me the money she owed me! I am so happy! —Leslie G., South Dakota

I was struggling a little with self worth and in my session with Joy, I brought up money issues from over 30 years ago and with her keen sense of hearing and feeling into what's stuck, she picked up on nuances my energy field was still hiding and suppressing.  This means it's healing time (I know this as I am a powerful healer myself, even us, we need sessions) and she so gently and thoroughly propelled into what she does best, channeled my little girl, took me on a journey while she spoke a story and as my solar plex got tighter and tighter, she explained to me "exactly" what my money fears between my husband and I had been like, and as the alchemist she is gifted as, a true healer, transformed these energies into new beliefs, new vibrations by speaking the word and feeling their vibrations leave.  My solar plex softened, I felt the release, tears shed and brilliant clearing transpired. Two hours after my session, my husband asked me to sign him up for an energy weekend workshop so to join me….. this is a WOW moment, as just earlier in the day, he had shown resistance to my taking this workshop. I’m grateful for your gifted work and sessions Joy. I highly recommend working with Joy.  Much Love, Caroline —Caroline, Ontario Canada
Joy, I want to share some good news with you since the phone session. Over the past two days, I received two large sums of money that were COMPLETELY unexpected and made practically NO logical sense for me to receive. The only thing I can attribute it to is all the energy work I’ve been doing lately and your program and phone session were the majority of that so thank you!!! —Elizabeth, CA

Thank you so much for the powerful session…I wanted to let you know that the way in which you explained how the dark energies work, helped me make sense of why things have happened the way they have in my life. The clearing and activations you do for me in the sessions are the answers I have been looking for my whole life. —Jill Watcher, New York

Joy Baker

During her 25 years of training horses, Joy found she had the ability to easily connect with those that had been abused or labelled mean by others. However, once she realized that any further career options in the horse industry were limited, she made a life altering decision and choose to focus all her time and efforts into her emotional growth. She walked away from her life with horses over 25 years ago and began her journey of Self discovery and inner healing. It was during this time that she realized her ease at connecting with and understanding abused horses was a gift that she could offer to support and inspire humanity.

After years of soul searching and inner work, Joy has developed the ability to read the emotional energies we each carry within us and now offers energy clearings and activations. Since we're rarely taught as children how to process and let go of emotions that are limiting us, those emotions can become stuck in our bodies at a cellular level. If you've ever gone through any trauma in your life such as a car accident, relationship break up, loved ones dying, loss of employment, physical, sexual, emotional abuse or more, chances are you haven't known how to deal with the emotional aftermath of those events. Those emotions then become stored in your body. Once that happens, you can develop attachments to those limiting feelings and unconsciously create scenarios in your life that can cause feelings such as anxiety, fear, shame, guilt, anger, overwhelm etc to repeat over and over. 
The first step to becoming Self Empowered is awareness. Once you become aware of what's limiting you, it can then be released and cleared. The emotional energies within your energy Field are unique to you. Joy excels at identifying the emotions within your Field, releasing what has been keeping you stuck and limited, and then activating the New Earth energies that you are ready to feel and embody. 
After listening to and experiencing Joy’s clearings and activations, many have reported feeling renewed and ready to experience the joys of life once again! Joy reminds each of us that we ALL have value, regardless of what we’ve been through, have done or have experienced.

Joy Baker

Special Offer 
May 2022

Package A - Value - $844 - Special Offer - $97

Package B - Value $971 - Special Offer - $127        

Package C - Value $1021 - Special Offer - $147