Joy Baker
Special Offer
April 2020

Package A - Value $700 - 75% Savings - Special Offer - $127

ITEM 1 - Ascending Into Freedom & Abundance
ITEM 2 - 8 Bonuses

Package B - Value - $747 - 81% Savings - Special Offer - $147

ITEM 1 - Ascending Into Freedom & Abundance
ITEM 2 - ​8 Bonuses
ITEM 3 - Personalized Remote Freedom Clearing

Ascending Into Freedom & Abundance 
Package A

Total Value $700 - 75% Savings 

Special Offer $127

Have you ever asked yourself questions such as "Why do I keep doing this when I keep getting what I don't want?"  "I know what the pattern is but I can't seem to break out of it." "I am so tired of struggling, I don't know where to turn." "No matter what I do, nothing seems to change." 
If you go back to your childhood, you might recall being taught that everything is energy. The human body is no exception. It is energy as well, just as everything in the Universe is. There are 7 main energy centers called Chakras. A chakra is like a spinning wheel that as a result of its spin, creates a vacuum at its center, attracting whatever comes its way. These wheels of energy are constantly attracting and radiating energy and are sometimes called The Wheels of Life. 
When our Chakras become damaged or blocked, they either do not open much at all or only open a percentage of what's possible. They become blocked because of stored unresolved experiences, emotions or memories. Even one damaged or blocked chakra can throw the entire chakra system off, leaving us in a spiritually unbalanced state.
As a result, balancing our Chakras determines our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being.

Package A

The "Ascending Into Freedom & Abundance" program
Each chakra recording for your "Ascending Into Freedom & Abundance" program is approximately 20 minutes of clearings and activations. We identify core beliefs, patterns and emotions stuck within each chakra and then release those energies which have been causing you to feel powerless and stuck in your life. Towards the end, we activate the emotions for each specific chakra so that you once again feel alive with powerful thoughts and feelings and are ready to take action on how YOU choose to live your life! 
As you listen to the following chakra recordings, you'll experience the release of various emotions such as anger, shame, regret, powerlessness, guilt etc and the release of core beliefs such as 'not enough' 'not worthy', 'not lovable' etc. In addition, you'll experience the activations of freedom, abundance, Divine Love and so much more. 
*** Base / Root Chakra
*** Sacral Chakra
*** Solar Plexus Chakra
*** Heart Chakra
*** Throat Chakra
*** Third Eye / Brow Chakra
*** Crown Chakra
*** Eighth Chakra
Some of the benefits you may experience from the "Ascending Into Freedom and Abundance" program are:
*** Healthy, Supportive & Loving Relationships
*** Increased Finances
*** A heightened sense of Intuition 
*** An increased awareness and openness to Psychic and Spiritual information
*** Increased passion for life
*** The courage to turn ideas into reality
*** An overall sense of well being
*** Sleeping better at night and waking up feeling more refreshed 
*** Merge your heart and mind so that they start working together as a team for your Highest and Greatest Good
*** Increased Focus and Clarity (no more fuzzy thinking!)
*** Release aches and pains
*** Increased flexibility in your physical body and your mind
*** Feel more accepting and loving towards yourself and others
*** A faster and quicker ability to heal your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues
*** Increased clarity as to what your Life purpose is

***EIGHT bonus recordings***

Bonus One : Clearing & Resolving Mother Issues Mp3

As adults, we become the product of the energetic emotional environment we grew up in. Whatever your parents were feeling, whether they expressed it or not, was what you picked up on and internalized as a small child. This audio focuses on the emotional energy you picked up on and internalized from your mother. Listen to this to help free yourself  from those unresolved emotional mother issues so that you can be your best possible Self.

Bonus Two : Clearing & Resolving Father Issues Mp3

This audio discovers, clears and frees you from those unresolved emotional father issues so that you can live a fulfilled and inspiring life!

Bonus Three : Clearing & Activating for Relationship Issues Mp3

It's time to free yourself from the unresolved baggage you've carried around from past relationships. In this audio, you'll cut cords to relationships that have ended and you're ready to be free from. Once you have closure from the past, you'll be ready to experience the healthy, supportive, inspiring and passionate relationship you've been looking for!

Bonus Four : Vision & Freedom Issues Mp3

Do you have a vision for yourself, for your life? If you don't know what direction you're headed in, you're going to keep going in circles and repeating patterns. Not having a vision is why many people stay stuck on the treadmill of constantly working 'on' their 'stuff', rather than moving towards a vision and intention. Having a vision allows the energy to break free of that constant looping so that you can move forward to something greater.

Bonus Five : Receiving Mp3

For energy to flow and for us to experience freedom and abundance, we need to receive as well as give. Yet many of us find it much easier to give than to receive and sometimes almost completely block abundance and opportunities from coming into our lives. This recording opens you up to receiving so that you step forward into the flow and ease of all that life has been offering you.

Bonus Six : The Awakening of Your Brilliant Inner Child Mp3

Let go of fixing, protecting, saving. Awakening is the process of allowing the True, Authentic, Amazing you to emerge from the shadows. Listen to this journey and connect with the Brilliance of the Inner Child within you.

Bonus Seven : Optimum Health Mp3

In your health recording, we go through each of the 7 main chakras, clearing and releasing any emotions, beliefs, patterns and more that could be keeping you stuck in the cycle of low energy, stress, body pain etc. Then, as we move through each chakra, we activate that which supports your Ultimate Health.

Bonus Eight : Abundant Wealth Mp3

Your Abundant Wealth recording identifies and releases points of view, expectations, core beliefs and more in each of the main 8 chakras that are keeping you stuck in scarcity and living a life of lack and limitation. Isn't it time you had the money and freedom to live life the way YOU choose? Is this YOUR time to live a life of Abundant Wealth?! Let's activate the Abundant Wealth within you!
Ascending Into Freedom & Abundance 
Package B

Total Value $747 - 81% Savings

Special Offer $147

Package B

Everything in Package A

The "Ascending Into Freedom & Abundance" program & 8 Bonuses
Each chakra recording for your "Ascending Into Freedom & Abundance" program is approximately 20 minutes of clearings and activations. We identify core beliefs, patterns and emotions stuck within each chakra and then release those energies which have been causing you to feel powerless and stuck in your life. Towards the end, we activate the emotions for each specific chakra so that you once again feel alive with powerful thoughts and feelings and are ready to take action on how YOU choose to live your life! 
As you listen to the following chakra recordings, you'll experience the release of various emotions such as anger, shame, regret, powerlessness, guilt etc and the release of core beliefs such as 'not enough' 'not worthy', 'not lovable' etc. In addition, you'll experience the activations of freedom, abundance, Divine Love and so much more.

***EIGHT bonus recordings***
20-25 minute individual remote Freedom clearing unique to YOU!
Personalized Remote Freedom Clearing
Each of Joy's Personalized Remote Freedom Clearings is as unique as the individual receiving it and can range from a simple tune-up to a life-changing awakening. Your Freedom Clearing will consist of a powerful laser-focused scan of your entire being based on a single issue, question, or area of your life where you feel stuck or limited. You can focus on creating financial abundance or any other area of your life that you would like to have cleared and activated.  

Joy will tune in to your specific frequency and speak with you on the etheric level to address and clear deep-seated, limiting core beliefs, blocks, programs and or relationship dynamics so that your true Radiance can be activated as you move into a state of renewed Freedom & Expansion!  
After doing hundreds of Freedom Clearings, Joy has found that it takes between 20 - 25  minutes to deeply clear the specific block or limitation which you've identified and would like cleared. You'll receive an audio recording that you can listen to anytime and as many times as you like. Each time you listen to it energies will be cleared at a deeper level and you'll receive even more value from your recorded Freedom Clearing. Clients have frequently reported new insights and deeper revelations with each review of their session.
All Joy needs to do your personalized Freedom Clearing & Activation is an email with your issue or area of concern and your picture. Joy will then be able to read the energy signature within your words and the energy contained within your picture to identify what is no longer working for you and that is ready to be released at an unconscious level. 
As stagnant emotions (emotions = Energy in Motion) are cleared out, emotions such as happiness, gratitude, appreciation, acceptance, etc. awaken within you and are brought to your conscious awareness to initiate the Activation.
Since your session is done from your picture and specified issue, it is not necessary for you to be present or to set up a time to have this done. An audio recording of your session will be sent you to you via email, which you can then listen to at any time…the ultimate in convenience!


Joy! Thank you so so so so much for this beautiful session. You gave me so much to work with and I will be doing some healing around the solar plex/power struggle and the throat. I'm so grateful you are now offering these sessions and I just know they are going to help so many people. Thank you thank you!!" -  Emmanuel Dagher, Holistic Healer, Best Selling Author 
I had purchased Joy's Freedom clearing a few months ago and had her clear issues around financial abundance. OMG, the clearing is awesome! I had been trying to buy a house for about 5 years. About a month ago I made an offer on a house and they accepted! It looks like my loan will get approved! Thank you so much Joy!!!-  Anne Bennett, Powell, Wyoming
Oh my gosh Joy, I am speechless after listening to the clearing you did for me! How on Earth could you know something about me that happened 63 years ago?! Amazing! Not only was the clearing specific and precise and not just some general information,  it confirmed and RELEASED the blocks I had suspected around receiving. After listening to the clearing, I literally fell to pieces (in a good way!), overjoyed, laughing, crying and feeling as last, there is HOPE!-  D.B., Chicago
Wow, Joy! This is amazing! Everything you said was spot on! Thank you so much-  Karina Rule, UK.
I just wanted to let you know how well our family’s frequencies have worked out for us. It did take a little bit of time, but, for example, my son is a completely different person now. He’s back to being my little loving boy again. There was seriously so much anger in him, that it was affecting the entire family on a daily basis. I ended up playing his frequency for him as much as I could over a one-month period (all night long, many times), and his anger seems to have just melted away and dissipated. Every once in a while, I feel compelled to bring out his frequency, but nothing like before. We are truly so grateful to you.-  Deborah Puku,  Livermore, CA
WOW Joy! That took me right back to being in my crib and feeling like I was loved and cared for only was when I was sick. That was soooo deep seated and releasing the rage from feeling unloved by the people who were suppose to love me the most........ that was SO powerful! 
The pain in my heart area had felt like a huge steel wall and having it pulled out of my chest was a very strange sensation. I thought this was stuff I had dealt with....guess not! I actually felt the loop as you were clearing it, it was going incredibly fast like it didn’t want to be caught and released....wild ride! It felt so good though once it was cleared!!! A totally amazing, powerful clearing and activation Joy! This was a gift I gave myself and I"m so glad I did, I feel such lightness now!-  Georgia, AZ, USA
WOW!  What a Freedom session!  There were so many issues I was consciously aware of and several that I was not (but felt deep down inside!) There was a major issue with me not believing I was allowed or deserving of being happy - this has affected most areas of my life. Now that that has been identified and released, I feel so much lighter!-  Carrie, Ohio
Thank you so much for the Freedom Clearing and suggestions!! My God, I’m so grateful for you and the clearing you did! It’s so wonderful to hear what my Higher Self said to you, I resonated with everything you said. It makes so much sense about the inflammation and anger. I really appreciate everything you included in this mini session. I feel like it’s something I really needed!-  Sonia H., Chicago, Illinois
OMG! I'm just BLOWN AWAY by how spot on you were with everything you picked up! Finally, someone understood what was going on. I know it's going sink in more and I'll be wanting to write more about how AWESOME you are!!!! In grief work, we know that people want to be heard and know what they are feeling is normal. YOU HEARD ME!!! THANK YOU!!!-  Kristine, Seattle, WA
I've been addicted to sugar most of my life. Yesterday, we bought some cookies and I did not have the irresistible urge to eat them immediately. In the past, I would eat my share rather quickly while my husband ate his over a few days. I was able to eat two with dinner and then leave them alone.  Before, I would have seen them in the kitchen and gone ahead and eaten another one or two. Last night when I went into the kitchen, I saw them and realized I didn’t need to eat another one. Thank You so very much Joy, for the clearing you did for me!!!!!!- Diane, NM

Joy Baker

During her 25 years of training horses, Joy found she had the ability to easily connect with those that had been abused or were labelled mean by others. However, once she realized that any further career options in the horse industry were limited, she made a life altering decision and choose to focus all her time and efforts into her emotional growth. She walked away from her life with horses over 20 years ago and began her journey of Self discovery and inner healing. It was during this time that she realized her ease at connecting with and understanding abused horses was a gift that she could offer to support and inspire humanity.  
After years of soul searching and inner work, Joy has developed the ability to read the emotional energies we each carry within us and now offers remote energy clearings. . Since we're rarely taught as children how to process and let go of emotions that are limiting us, those emotions can become stuck in our bodies at a cellular level. If you've ever gone through any trauma in your life such as a car accident, relationship break up, loved ones dying, loss of employment, physical, sexual, emotional abuse or more, chances are you haven't known how to deal with the emotional aftermath of those events. Those emotions then become stored in your body. Once that happens, you can develop attachments to those limiting feelings and unconsciously create scenarios in your life that can cause feelings such as anxiety, fear, shame, guilt, anger, overwhelm etc to repeat over and over. The first step to becoming Self Empowered is awareness. Once you become aware of what's limiting you, then it can be released and cleared. 
Simply by reading the energy in the picture of a person, disempowering core beliefs, emotions and patterns are identified and cleared from the energy field and chakras.  Many clients have reported having been at a loss as to where to turn next and were ready to end it all. They simply were not able to see their way out that stuck place they were in. After listening to and experiencing the clearings, they report feeling renewed and ready to experience life once again. Joy reminds us that we ALL have value, regardless of what we’ve been through, have done or have experienced.
Each remote clearing is as unique as the individual receiving it and can range from a simple tune up to a life changing awakening.

Package A - Value $700 - 75% Savings - Special Offer - $127

ITEM 1 - Ascending Into Freedom & Abundance
ITEM 2 - 8 Bonuses

Package B - Value - $747 - 81% Savings - Special Offer - $147

ITEM 1 - Ascending Into Freedom & Abundance
ITEM 2 - ​8 Bonuses
ITEM 3 - Personalized Remote Freedom Clearing