Dr. Jean Logan
Special Offer
September 2019

Package A - Value $140 - Special Offer - $97

Trilogy of Powerful Healing Manuals and More
-Unlocking the Power of Glyphs (e-Book)
-Sacred Symbols of Light (e-Book)
-Symbols of the Dawn (e-Book)
-Sacred Symbol of Mu (Ebook) + A Sacred Symbol of Mu Antibiotic Glyph

Package B - Value $250 - Special Offer - $147

Teacher/Healer Package
Everything in Package A
Teacher/Healer Package with Programming Instructions for 60 Glyphs

Package C - Value $400 - Special Offer - $197

One Hour Personal Consultation
Everything in Package B
One Hour Personal Consultation with Dr.Jean Logan

Due to the nature of these packages, there are no refunds allowed, final sale only.

Glyphs are a form of spiritual energy, a language of Light.

Healing Light from Source, God, All That Is.

Each glyph invokes a powerful prayer directed at a specific thing for a specific purpose. It has been proven many times over that prayer heals. Much of the information for these glyphs was given by Source. Jean was told to write her books by Source. When she asked Source by what name should she call you in the book, she was told “By my name, Source Energy, God, Jehovah, Creator or Christ. It is all the same.”

These glyphs are energized by Source and highly evolved spiritual beings during a sacred ceremony at a sacred site high in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina.The energy from the glyphs, together with prayers and intentions of the user form a strong bond that enhances the body’s ability to resolve inner conflict, release negative patterns, and mend old wounds. Each person is an extension of Source Energy and, therefore, is unlimited. As a part of our Source, there is nothing, nor anyone, who can prevent us from achieving happiness, health and abundance for ourselves.

Package A

Total Value $140 - Special Offer $97

Trilogy of Powerful Healing Manuals and More
-Unlocking the Power of Glyphs (e-Book)
-Sacred Symbols of Light (e-Book)
-Symbols of the Dawn (e-Book)
-Sacred Symbol of Mu (Ebook) + A Sacred Symbol of Mu Antibiotic Glyph

Trilogy of Powerful Healing Manuals and More

Unlocking the Power of Glyphs (e-Book)
"Unlocking the Power of Glyphs" is one of the most unusual books ever written. It is a collection of remarkable small drawings called glyphs that have been empowered to have a strong healing effect on the body. A number of the glyphs are capable of drawing out different negative emotions that hold people back from achieving their goals, while other can transmute toxic matter from the body to Light. Other glyphs can transmute pathogens, heal damaged nerve bundles, and speed the healing of damaged tissue. These drawings are empowered with positive and authoritative prayers, intentions and blessings that have given them great energy and ability. This book is now in over 60 countries of the world.
Sacred Symbols of Light (e-Book)
"Sacred Symbols of Light" is a manual containing 34 empowered symbols that can: resolve malignancies, restore organs and glands that are diseased, resolve eye diseases, regenerate bone and cartilage loss, remove harmful vaccinations and repair their damage, remove etheric implants, resolve neurological problems, remove stagnant lymph, remove toxic matter from the body including kidney stones and much more. It also contains instructions in using Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).
Symbols of the Dawn (e-Book)
"Symbols of the Dawn" is a collection of remarkable glyphs that have been empowered to have a strong healing effect on the body. These include removing diabetic markers, restoring brain function, soul rescue, regeneration, restoring balance to the body, performing the function of a wet cell battery modality, remove and balance energies following energetic therapy given, transitioning GMO crops, healing the disease that is killing the bats, healing the disease that is killing the hemlock trees, and more.
Sacred Symbol of Mu (Ebook) + A Sacred Symbol of Mu Antibiotic Glyph
This powerful symbol is a powerful antibiotic symbol that can be embossed on material (T-shirts, Night shirts) for healing of serious viral illness such as Ebola, AIDS, hepatitis, Lyme’s disease, etc.

Package B

Total Value Over $250 - Special Offer $147

Teacher/Healer Package
Everything in Package A
Teacher/Healer Package with Programming Instructions for 60 Glyphs

Everything in Package A +Teacher/Healer Package

Everything in Package A +Teacher/Healer Package

Everything in Package A +Teacher/Healer Package

If you’d like to use these glyphs on your clients, family and loved ones, then the Healer Package is for you.
It includes programming instructions on over 60 glyphs:
  • Know the exact glyph to use for your clients with specific problems.
  • Help understand how the glyphs are created for those who wish to create their own.
  • Do workshops that will help empower them as a teacher and empower their students. The workshops are a win-win-win, giving the instructor and students more understanding and also provide a great source of income.

Package C

Total Value Over $400 - Special Offer $197

One Hour Personal Consultation
Everything in Package B
One Hour Personal Consultation with Dr.Jean Logan

Everything in Package B +Personal Session with Jean

Everything in Package B +Personal Session with Jean

Everything in Package B +Personal Session with Jean

If you’d like to use these glyphs on your clients, family and loved ones, then the Healer Package is for you.

It includes programming instructions on over 60 glyphs:

  • Know the exact glyph to use for your clients with specific problems.
  • Help understand how the glyphs are created for those who wish to create their own.
  • Do workshops that will help empower them as a teacher and empower their students. The workshops are a win-win-win, giving the instructor and students more understanding and also provide a great source of income.

Everything in Package B +Personal Session with Jean

With a PhD in Nutrition Dr. Jean is able to offer Nutritional Counseling, Spiritual Counseling and assistance with the Glyphs. Can be divide into two 30 minute sessions.


My sister mentioned in a phone conversation that she had seen a podiatrist because of pain on her right foot and was naturally concerned about it. The podiatrist acknowledged that it was visibly bigger than the other foot...She was scheduled for an MRI to determine how to proceed. I told her that I would send her healing. I applied the malignant tumor glyph on the right foot on a surrogate teddy bear immediately after our call. I never spoke to her about the healing glyphs ever. About a month later, we spoke again...she mentioned she had gone for her follow up... for the MRI and the doctor was perplexed that the mass had decreased in half and her pain had decreased significantly! I asked her what she had done differently and said, “nothing”. She had actually been working more and was on her feet more. She said she was going for another follow up that very day that we spoke. She called me the next day to say that the doctor declared the mass completely dissolved, nothing was to be done to her foot and just to keep watch. The doctor had no idea how it happened or what it even was. I then told her about the healing glyphs and what I had done after our initial conversation. We were both stunned and amazed! I simply set my intention for my sister upon application of the glyph on the surrogate and even without her knowledge of it, the healing glyph did its work! So grateful!. - Christine
A Stream of Light... I have been sleeping with a glyph for the past several nights taped to my body in various areas. When removing the glyphs from my body and then attempting to separate the glyph from the tape I noticed a stream of light coming from each one...My husband also witnesses this phenomenon as well.Thank you so much for your work in helping the planet. - Laurie Pusateri
Severe Panic Attacks- I have severe panic attacks and the healing glyphs have helped me. I really think they are amazing and I appreciate what you do. - Marisa
Excellent Healing Books- I downloaded the books and began looking at all of the glyphs. I emailed her a few minutes later asking her for her guidance as to which to do first. I had a list of 11 ailments. About 10 minutes later Jean emailed me back telling me to use the Unlocking the Power of the Glyphs book first. She told me to use the emotional glyphs. All of my physical stuff came from emotional resistance and blocks. I thanked her and after 5 minutes, I got another email advising me to use the Entity Removal Glyph first and Jean said right away. She must have been dowsing on my behalf to help me. As I was cutting the glyph sheet, my cat ran over to me and sniffed the page like it was catnip. I put one on my solar plexus and another on my navel. Within 30 seconds I could feel things move inside of me. My head felt like it was heavy on one side. It stayed like that for a few minutes. My throat was throbbing. My stomach was doing flips. I couldn't believe all of the energy that was shifting. It was pretty incredible. It wasn't scary, let me just make that clear. I was just observing the energy in a very curious way. It did eventually stop. I have been wearing them consistently for a week now. I feel a little better every day. It's not like it was a Boom and my life suddenly got 100% better. Jean even said that the glyphs heal in the length of time that they will. It could be a minute or a month. I have also added the fear glyph and a few others. I wear them on my third eye, my heart chakra, solar plexus and navel, but only when I sleep. I did have a sinus headache the other day and I put the headache glyph on my third eye. I didn't feel anything. After a half an hour, my headache didn't budge. So I remembered that Jean said that there's always an emotional link to every physical pain we have. My headaches feel like pressure. Specifically pressure to be perfect. Not being perfect creates fear. So I added the fear glyph to the headache one and literally within another half hour the headache lifted. Pretty amazing stuff. Don't be disappointed if you don't feel anything. You may not. I probably could use 65% of the glyphs. But I'm trying to just take my time and use specific ones that I feel like I need to heal and clear first. - Judy Pudy
Glyph Heals Dog's Illness- On Saturday night our little Yorkeepoo, Belle, was sitting on the floor acting very strange. I picked her up and she was drooling excessively. The water was just running out of her mouth, her nose was warm, her eyes were glazed and she was disoriented, walking around in circles. Since it was Saturday night we could not take her to the vet. We had just purchased Jean Logan’s book of glyphs a few days earlier and saw it sitting right near by so I (Beverly) cut out three of the Anti-Bacterial glyphs and following the drawing in the book, put one on her crown chakra, one on the back of her neck and one on the back of her solar plexus. We said the prayer together and affirmed our belief that she would be well. We could hardly hear her breathe and her heart beat felt very faint. I laid down in bed holding her. About 1:30 in the morning she jumped up acting very perky, her nose was cold and her eyes seem bright again. The next day she was completely back to normal. We are so grateful. - Beverly Allen & Raymond Braziel
Dog no Longer Afraid of Thunder- I know that the energy that creates worlds can also be used for healing with the animal kingdom which is so lovingly part of our universal energy. I have used glyphs on myself and have had amazing, powerful results, so I decided to try them on my parents' dog, Ginger, who is a rather large mixed breed, but a real wuss during a thunderstorm. She would normally not leave my side during a storm and would tremble even while petting. I used the glyph for fear, taping it to her forehead. Not only did she stop shaking, she went happily around the house, and I actually had forgotten about her until later I noticed the glyph still taped to her forehead! I used another glyph on Ginger when my parents went away for a long weekend. Ginger was beside herself with anguish and was whining profusely. I used the glyph for abandonment just to see if it would quiet her down. She was quiet for the rest of the night, and when I went upstairs where her sleeping area was, she was still sleeping with it next to her. ….it is so rewarding to see the miracle of healing working so consistently in the animal kingdom and to see the relief of pain that is possible with a little faith and a glyph. - Dave
Power of the Abundance Glyph- When I dowse to see what glyph to use - which is the only way I choose glyphs - and I am told to wear the abundance glyph, marvelous events occur. New clients, new opportunities, and my husband got a raise and his company said that they weren't giving out raises this year again (it has been 3 years since anyone has received a raise.) We live totally in the mindset of abundance so that to my mind isn't an issue for us, but it has really been fun to have these new channels emerge. I have had a very profound "glyph moment" using the cellular repair glyph. I had a clearing of sadness and grief through the use of this glyph. I think that it is through the encoding of healing the affliction, that cleared this for me. I have been carrying this for ten years now, and I know it is gone. Thank you so much! - Barbara
This is Killer, my neighbor’s 15-year-old Chihuahua. Five years ago the vet prescribed him a drug called Lasix. This is a drug that can have serious side effects. Recently Killer became seriously ill and was not eating or drinking water.  They took him to the vet who said Killer had kidney failure and suggested euthanasia which the neighbors declined. The vet also said Killer had serious canker sores in his throat that kept him from swallowing. The neighbors put out a call for prayers and asked me to help. Using a teddy bear as a surrogate I put Glyphs on him for Malignancy and Detox on his pancreas and liver and used the Detox and Kidney Glyph on his kidneys. I put an Antiviral and Healing Glyph on the throat chakra. He started drinking water the next day and started eating again the day after. He has continued to improve. One week after the incident they brought him over to show me how well Killer was doing. Never underestimate the power of prayers and the Prayer Glyphs. They took him back to the vet who stated, “I am astonished!”  The vet said where the canker sores were there was completely new tissue. I have been instructed to create a diuretic glyph for him and others. - Killer

Dr.Jean Logan

Dr. Logan is an ordained minister, an Earth Ambassador, has a doctorate in Nutritional Healing and has an extensive knowledge of many types of energy healing. As a conscious channel of Light for over fifteen years, Dr. Jean Logan receives symbols and codes that are amazing powerhouses that can transform health, life and well-being. She is the author of Unlocking the Power of Glyphs, Sacred Symbols of Light, Symbols of the Dawn, and recently released Sacred Symbols Healing Cards. Her books are now in over 90 countries with all profits going to a provide services to indigenous children. Her books are available through Amazon.com and her website site www.drjeanlogan.com .

Package A - Value $140 - Special Offer - $97

Trilogy of Powerful Healing Manuals and More
-Unlocking the Power of Glyphs (e-Book)
-Sacred Symbols of Light (e-Book)
-Symbols of the Dawn (e-Book)
-Sacred Symbol of Mu (Ebook) + A Sacred Symbol of Mu Antibiotic Glyph

Package B - Value $250 - Special Offer - $147

Teacher/Healer Package
Everything in Package A
Teacher/Healer Package with Programming Instructions for 60 Glyphs

Package C - Value $400 - Special Offer - $197

One Hour Personal Consultation
Everything in Package B
One Hour Personal Consultation with Dr.Jean Logan

Due to the nature of these packages, there are no refunds allowed, final sale only.