CHRISTINE DAY’s powerful and heartbreaking personal story has inspired audiences throughout the world. Born and raised in Australia, Christine experienced a traumatic childhood involving cult ritual abuse. In 1986, following a diagnosis of advanced systemic lupus, and having been told she had just two months to live, Christine experienced a profound spiritual awakening
with the Pleiadians, which enabled her to move into a place of self healing. She has now been symptom free for the last twenty-six years.
Over the past two and a half decades, Christine has become internationally renowned as the Pleiadian Ambassador, as a gifted spiritual teacher, healer and channel. Christine’s three books “Pleiadian Initiations of Light” “Pleiadian Principles for Living” and “The Pleiadian Promise” brings this work to a worldwide audience.
Christine and the Pleiadians regularly present 3-Day Pleiadian Seminars in different areas of the world. She has a twice-monthly Internet Radio Show on and her popular Pleiadian Broadcasts are aired at regular intervals and available free on her website. She writes a monthly column for Visit her website to explore the unique Online Video Courses and a wide range of material for a direct experience of her work with the Pleiadians.