Cathleena Hailley 

Special Offer 
March 2021

Package A - Value over $250 - 49% Discount - Special Offer - $127

5 Pre-Recorded 1 1/2 Hour Classes with Focused Activations
  • Week 1 - Activation for the Torus to fully align and experience TRUTH
  • Week 2 - Activation for the frequency of TRUTH to begin the process of consciously creating your physical reality
  • Week 3 - Activation for your soul signature within your skin, muscles and bones.
  • Week 4 - Activation for your soul signature within the cellular structure of your body systems
  • Week 5 - Activation for your soul signature within the cellular structure of the nervous system and brain

Package B - Value over $550 - 59% Discount - Special Offer - $227

5 Pre-Recorded 1 1/2 Hour Classes with Focused Activation
  • Week 1 - Activation for the Torus to fully align and experience TRUTH
  • Week 2 - Activation for the frequency of TRUTH to begin the process of consciously creating your physical reality
  • Week 3 - Activation for your soul signature within your skin, muscles and bones.
  • Week 4 - Activation for your soul signature within the cellular structure of your body systems
  • Week 5 - Activation for your soul signature within the cellular structure of the nervous system and brain
1 Hour Private Zoom Session with Cathleena

Package A

Special Offer $127

Package A - 5 - 1.5hr Classes with Focused Activations

Cathleena will take you through an Activation of the Torus Motion with a clearing of the Unified field. This will create a Zero point in the field to begin to focus on the distortions that have been created all three layers of the Torus.
The Activations will highlight the set points from certain beliefs that are keeping you from perfect health, success, and overall wellbeing.
After the Activation there will be a definite and permanent change to your physical structure, allowing you to begin to fully step into the person you have always meant to be.
These sessions will focus on the physical layer of the Torus Motion.
The Activation will highlight what beliefs you are still carrying and using for your choices to create. The focus will be to release those limited beliefs to bring a Zero point or Truth to the unified field so that you can begin the process of Conscious Creating.
Cathleena will guide you through the process and explain what is happening along the way. After the end of the 5th session, 2 months following there will be a session available for questions and answers from the experiences that occurred after the sessions.
Week 1 - Activation for the Torus to fully align and experience TRUTH
This session will experience the dominant frequencies/stories that have distorted the physical layer of the torus, by moving through these energies, we will be releasing dense levels of frequencies to allow for a Zero point to occur. This will free the unified field of
choices you have attached to in your physical body and begin the process of absolute Truth.
Week 2 - Activation for the frequency of TRUTH to begin the process of consciously creating your physical reality
This session will focus on the frequency choices you have in your heart in relation to your physical body and current life and begin the process of adding new choices.
Week 3 - Activation for your soul signature within your skin, muscles and bones
This session will focus on shifting any dense frequencies to those of your soul signature.
Week 4 - Activation for your soul signature within the cellular structure of your body systems
This session will focus on the place where your LIFE force energy resides and align your soul signature to these areas. This will include the respiratory, digestive and cardiovascular systems. We will connect and elevate the level of frequency to allow for LIFE to flow and be given to your physical body and physical creations.
Week 5 - Activation for your Soul Signature within the cellular structure of the nervous system and brain

This session will focus on shifting denser frequencies within your physical memory that have been creating limits in your physical creations. Here we will also address any linage in relation to these frequencies.

Package B

Special Offer $227

Package B - Everything in Package A plus a 1hr zoom session

This is a unique opportunity to experience a private session with Cathleena, where she uses her unique gift of frequency matching to align you with the present moment and assess where you are and how to move forward with you.
Cathleena is a very intuitive healer, using many different techniques designed for a very personal and unique experience specifically for you and your personal life journey.
There will also be an Activation included in this session, designed specifically for your individual needs.


On my spiritual journey there are only a few humans that I have experienced and known that have the level of multidimensional awareness that Cathleena possesses in relationship to
frequencies. During group energy work she can zoom in on and discern the most minute frequencies that are playing out within the individuals as well as in the collective of the group. She is masterful at matching the frequencies required to alchemize and integrate deep healing work both in the micro of humanity as well as the macro of Gaia.
However, what allows Cathleena to stand out in my heart as a true Master healer of humanity and Ambassador of Gaia is that she shows up authentically everyday holding the mirror up and diving deep into her own shadows, while coming out on the other side embodying more of her true God Self. It’s an honor to be on this Earth journey together as a friend and fellow Light Colleague. - Brooklin Rayne
When I found out Cathleena was going to be in my hometown for a lecture, I immediately felt a strong nudge (push, shove!) to book a private session with her. At the time, I didn’t know a lot about Cathleena’s work but I was inexplicably drawn to her. I am so grateful I followed that inner wisdom to connect with her! I can honestly say that I left my session with Cathleena not FEELING like a new person – I WAS a new person. In the days that followed my clearing and reset, I felt surges of euphoria that I have never experienced before. The energy was palpable and electric. I have since come to realize my frequency did, in fact, change and my body was adjusting to the new energy. The feeling was profoundly liberating. I have met with many different practitioners over the years but my session with Cathleena was extraordinary. I’m so happy I purchased a Frequency Adjuster of my own so I can continue to attune and balance my energy moving forward. Thank you, Cathleena for sharing your tremendous love and light with others! - Kelly DiPucchio
Hello to everybody who has the great fortune to meet Cathleena. I came down from Bhutan with extreme pain in my knees. I went to the doctor when I came back and they took an MRI-scan of my knees. They found a tumor in my knee. they knew the kind of tumor and said it had to be operated as soon as possible. They send the pictures to the hospital and they would contact me. In the mean time I had a session with Cathleena. She guided me in a state where we cut loose the tumor and made it in smaller pieces so it could be integrated by the body. It all felt very good and tingling. A week later the surgeon and his specialist team phoned me and told me that they cold not find the tumor any more. And that an operation was not needed.
But... what I liked the most about Cathleena is how she embraces you into her heart energy. You feel so cared for. She easy taps into your energy fields and really connects with you. I felt so connected and cared for and somehow all by doubt melted away. I sincerely hope that many people may benefit from her extra ordinary gift and her warm personality. I feel extremely blessed to know her. Thank you very much dearest Cathleena. - Bar-che Dorje
Cathleena's gift has a lot of unique characteristics. She's almost like an energy therapist. Each bi-weekly session has taken me further down my path of enlightenment. I would say that the most consistent result is a positive mindset that just keeps humming along. I just don't seem to "get down", and if anything, that positive mindset keeps increasing over time. Some of her targeted work has direct and detectable results. I have a crazy knowing that some of the things I used to worry about are a giant waste of worry -- which is extremely impressive! For instance, my concerns over money are completely gone. I now believe I'll have all the money I need no matter what I choose to do, and that seems to be happening. Wow. - Xane Daniel
I just had a session with Cathleena myself an hour ago. Still buzzing. Working on "re-connecting" to Source Frequency and healing early childhood loss issues that shaped my beliefs about self, life, trust, relationships... nothing really big, haha, lol. Deep shifts and release at the cellular level. Very powerful. Thanks Cathleena. - Kayla Kayce
Cathleena pulled things out of me that I had not realized that were in the background and I had not even given thoughts too. I also had the same unique experience and yes it was so emotional I found myself finding it hard to talk at times and I will try all the ways she presented to expand me. I look fwd to seeing her in a week. I could feel real shifts in my own aura which was awesome. Thanks a very eye opening experience.~ Barbara Morey
My experience with Cathleena is one I am so grateful for. Every session she hits it spot on with what is going on with me and after every session that area of my life is not as dense or problematic. I really really find a great value in working with her. I not only get a direct understanding intellectually but physically as well as I see how certain things shift in my reality. So thankful! ~Michelle B.

Cathleena Hailley

Cathleena Hailley is an embodiment of the divine feminine and life Architect who works with the council of 9 collective and in particular with Jesus, Metatron, and other ascended masters. Her coding accesses the womb water of an individual’s birth so that they are brought back to their original soul expression, creating a rebirth to allow full expression of the soul’s imprint. As the lineage of the life Architect her Crystalline DNA signature not only carries the frequency of perfect pitch to align to the original Human templet, Earth templet and this Universes templet, but continually recalibrates this alignment.
Having incarnated as an Arcturian, Andromedan, and as a member of the Council of 9 Galactic Collective, Cathleena brings the knowledge of human patterns of existence, along with her extensive knowledge and work with interplanetary and galactic portals. Through this, she accesses human patterning with galactic information, technologies and energies to fully access their original soul’s blueprint.
Cathleena has a business degree and has worked with many professionals and medical practitioners in her massage therapy practice for over 28 years, she has experienced layers of human patterning, personalities, and life expressions. Her background in massage, using techniques as Rolfing and Myofascial has allowed her to begin to access more subtle energies connected to the emotional patterning that creates an individual’s life. Through her understanding of sacred geometry, she has channeled a vibrational device from the Arcturian collective. Cathleena now uses all of her business knowledge and experience with sacred geometry to align with her resetting the crystalline DNA.

Package A - Value over $250 - 49% Discount - Special Offer - $127

5 Pre-Recorded 1 1/2 Hour Classes with Focused Activations
  • Week 1 - Activation for the Torus to fully align and experience TRUTH
  • Week 2 - Activation for the frequency of TRUTH to begin the process of consciously creating your physical reality
  • Week 3 - Activation for your soul signature within your skin, muscles and bones.
  • Week 4 - Activation for your soul signature within the cellular structure of your body systems
  • Week 5 - Activation for your soul signature within the cellular structure of the nervous system and brain

Package B - Value over $550 - 59% Discount - Special Offer - $227

5 Pre-Recorded 1 1/2 Hour Classes with Focused Activation
  • Week 1 - Activation for the Torus to fully align and experience TRUTH
  • Week 2 - Activation for the frequency of TRUTH to begin the process of consciously creating your physical reality
  • Week 3 - Activation for your soul signature within your skin, muscles and bones.
  • Week 4 - Activation for your soul signature within the cellular structure of your body systems
  • Week 5 - Activation for your soul signature within the cellular structure of the nervous system and brain
1 Hour Private Zoom Session with Cathleena