Aurora Luna Star

Special Offer 
October 2020

Package A - Value - $177 - Special Offer - $97

Item 1 - Personalized Divine Blueprint Activator

Package B - Value - $255 - Special Offer - $147

Item 1 - Personalized Divine Blueprint Activator

Item 2 - Divine Blueprint Reading

Package C - Value - $377 - Special Offer - $187

Item 1 - Personalized Divine Blueprint Activator

Item 2 - Divine Blueprint Reading

Item 3 - β€‹30 Minute Live One-On-One Session

PACKAGE A - Value $177

Special Offer $97

Package A

Personalized Divine Blueprint Activator

Have you had trouble manifesting? Or better yet, are you manifesting things that aren’t quite the way you desired them to turn out? You may be locking yourself into a polarity between what you are reaching for, and what your subconscious thoughts are sending out into the Universe. A personalized Divine Blueprint Activator created specifically for your particular polarity can assist you in moving the subconscious blocks into your awareness so that you can clear the path to manifest what it is that you wish to actualize in your life.
Because the physical body holds cellular memory from past traumas, it often times holds our frequency hostage. This can show up as repeating patterns in our lives, especially since 90% of what we think today, we will think tomorrow.
While changing these patterns takes diligence and discipline, a personalized Divine Blueprint Activator can bypass the ego and work directly with your physical body and your mind to heal these mis-imprinted frequencies. Color, geometry and sound go into the co-creation of each symbol, creating an upgraded blueprint for the body and mind to connect with, freeing the patterns of the past.
The benefits of working with a Divine Blueprint Activator can include:
πŸŒ€ Manifesting with great ease
πŸŒ€ Feeling grounded and connected to All That Is
πŸŒ€Greater awareness of powerful intuition
πŸŒ€Cheerful moods
πŸŒ€ Feeling in the flow of the β€œnow”
πŸŒ€ Seeing situations with greater clarity 
πŸŒ€ Feeling peaceful and relaxed
πŸŒ€ Deeper Sleep
Aurora personally creates your very own Heart Intelligence Activator. As the personalized activator is co-created especially for you, the light encodements and frequencies are channeled on behalf of you and your highest alignment and resonance for healing and moving forward.

PACKAGE B - Value $255

Special Offer $147

Package B

Personalized Divine Blueprint Activator

Divine Blueprint Reading

We are moving into a time of intelligence beyond the mind. . .a time where the heart and mind meet and balance into the higher aspects and frequencies of the one true harmonic that is Source. These symbols are a co-creations of geometry, color, frequency and the language of light in order to activate healing and the awakening process within each of us. Every Activator holds the frequencies of both the Beings of Light within the stars and Universe, and Mother Gaia and her kingdoms.
When your Divine Blueprint Activator is created just for you and your intentions, the reading will highlight where you can open up to energies that will assist in integrating these polarities. Via the ELders of the Cosmos, a sound and Star/Light Language transmission will come through on your behalf to assist in your code upgrades! 
When listening to your reading while working with your symbol you may experience:
πŸŒ€ β€‹An activation of the light codes within you to bring forth the next level of your journey
πŸŒ€ β€‹Past life soul memories
πŸŒ€β€‹Awaken to your soul purpose
πŸŒ€β€‹Powerful release of stagnant energies within your field
πŸŒ€ Realizing your unlimited nature

PACKAGE C - Value $355

Special Offer $187

Package C

Personalized Divine Blueprint Activator & Divine Blueprint Reading

30 Minute Live One-On-One Session

In your one-on-one session we will work with Divine Blueprint and your polarities around something specific to you, i.e. abundance, relationships, health, making your dreams come true, etc. We will hone in on one specific area that we can jump start into shifting out of fear for your highest potential to come into your life!
Benefits can include:
πŸŒ€ Greater Confidence in decision making
πŸŒ€ Deeper and more peaceful sleep
πŸŒ€Experiencing more joy and synchronicities in your everyday life
πŸŒ€β€‹Feeling more in line with your life purpose
πŸŒ€ A much deeper feeling of being grounded and connected


It is hard for me to find the words to articulate the amazing transformation I have experienced working with Aurora. She has been an amazing coach and healer who was sent by the Divine to me so that I too can experience the light. She guided me with love toward my healing. She helped me move through energy that was hindering me. Aurora identified opportunities for my growth with her intuitive gifts and I feel so blessed to have connected with her. I can't recommend enough how powerful it is to work with her! - Georgia P.
Aurora is an incredible gifted healer and coach. She has an amazing connection with Spirit that comes through in her healings, readings and overall guidance. I felt the energies coming through her in different parts of my body, and I left feeling lighter and more heart-centered. I definitely recommend taking the time to connect with her! - Bonnie B.
Amazing! Amazing! Amazing! I received so much great insight into my life and the perfect tools to create change. After our sessions I feel like I can conquer the world! Thank you Aurora for your beautiful and loving energy! - Angela G.
My life has completely changed since working with Aurora! I quit a job I hated, moved out of state, and started living a life that truly makes me happy! I am more my authentic self than I have ever been , and I owe so much of it to Aurora. I am grateful for her and all she has helped me with! - Ivy R.
I have had the most amazing gift of Aurora coming in to my life just a short year ago! Each time I work with Aurora another piece of my soul returns. I am given a different perspective another view of myself…….tools that I have needed to own and work with the gift of me. I’ve shared my experiences and recommended Aurora to several of my family members. Each and every one of them has thanked me, for she has helped each of them in their journeys. My soul is overflowing with gratitude. - Donna R.
What an honor and blessing it is to work with an energy healer that holds such a clear, pure light frequency. Aurora Luna is a multi-faceted guide and extraordinary teacher, offering expertise in a wide array of esoteric knowledge and ancient healing techniques. In my sessions with Aurora I have felt nurtured and embraced by her pristine healing presence. She is always in the highest integrity and the compassionate counsel that she shares is straightforward. I have experienced phenomenal breakthroughs in my personal healing on many levels. She is a trusted, honorable shamanic guide and a true Healer's Healer. - Crystal S.

Aurora Luna Star

Aurora Luna Star specializes in soul alchemy activations and field cohesion alignment.  As a channel for the ELders of the Cosmos, Aurora brings forth light codes using sound, color, geometry and light language from many ethereal sources, offering assistance to those who feel guided to step into their highest potential in this now moment. Her greatest joy is empowering each person to realize their unlimited nature and see themselves for the master beings that they already are.
As we are in a great time of remembering, each one of us is carrying information from past life experiences that we have brought with us to this time and space in order to discover the change we are capable of manifesting.  We have brought these blueprints forward through our soul to be activated and awakened.  As a Soul Alchemy Activator, Aurora offers a clear channel for the ELders, sharing the tools that re-awaken and activate your highest self.

Package A - Value - $177 - Special Offer - $97

Item 1 - Personalized Divine Blueprint Activator

Package B - Value - $255 - Special Offer - $147

Item 1 - Personalized Divine Blueprint Activator

Item 2 - Divine Blueprint Reading

Package C - Value - $377 - Special Offer - $187

Item 1 - Personalized Divine Blueprint Activator

Item 2 - Divine Blueprint Reading

Item 3 - β€‹30 Minute Live One-On-One Session