Audrey Light Language

Special Offer 
January 2021

Package - Special Offer - $199

60  Minute  personal session with Audrey of Light Language with the Language of the Akash that rewrites it for you - not a reading of the old Akash


60  Minutes personal session with Audrey which will include the Sacred Key Code Number Language for your personal list of numbers

Package A - Special Offer - $111

30  Minute  personal session with Audrey of Light Language with the Language of the Akash that rewrites it for you - not a reading of the old Akash

Package B - Special Offer - $50

Item 1 - previously recorded live call/class from The Welcome Room  for Orientation - The WOKE Essence - 2 parts
Bonus - previously recorded live call/class

Audrey's Package

Special Offer $199


60 Minute Personal Session with Audrey - Choose 1 option

60  minute personal session of Light Language  and the Language of the Akash that rewrites it for you - NOT A READING OF THE OLD Akash. The session also includes Audrey bringing through the MOTHER which is the womb of ALL creation and  also the beings of light which are a collective which you can speak to in the session as well. 
60  minute personal session which will include the Sacred Key Code Number Language for your personal list of numbers 100's long that will also be a tool for you to use yourself as you work with the energy the numbers hold. As numbers are beyond contamination as language and symbols have been contaminated and numbers are beyond contamination and can hold the highest level of energy. This work as well as delivering it into your field you also come away with a list of the numbers as a tool  to apply in your own life. The session also includes Audrey bringing through the MOTHER which is the womb of ALL creation and  also the beings of light which are a collective which you can speak to in the session as well. 

Audrey's Package A

Special Offer $111

Package A

30 Minute Personal Session with Audrey

30  minute personal session of Light Language  and the Language of the Akash that rewrites it for you - NOT A READING OF THE OLD Akash. The session also includes Audrey bringing through the MOTHER which is the womb of ALL creation and  also the beings of light which are a collective which you can speak to in the session as well. 

Audrey's Package B

Special Offer $50

Package B

The Welcome Room  for Orientation - The WOKE Essence

Previously recorded live call/class from my new addition  of my work called The Welcome Room  for Orientation this part of the series called The WOKE Essence. This is an opportunity to join a call that is called the WOKE Essence in which you will experience the group and receive the codes and energy that is brought through on the call as well as some releasing of the old energy as their awareness and consciousness is expanded.

This call has two parts  and for those who get this when you send me an email with confirmation of your purchase I will send you a returned email  with the two links included to listen in and receive the energy that I bring through in the call.                                                         
The 2nd  part is a previously recorded call/class  in which i am sharing a message i received through automatic writing to share with the group as a Divine channel an embodied Elohim  doing the many works I do behind the scenes as well as  the many works  with souls around the world and delivering codes to the  many levels of the field of creation .  As I am from  time before time, first wave of creation ,from the time of the primordial essence   and as I bring through the primordial Mother the  point of  origin of All. These are an offering for an   opportunity to experience some of the many works I  make available for people to partake of to  help them through this journey   being empowered and becoming an Architect of their own designs creating from a place of knowing and re-membrance of self.


Audrey’s sessions are one of the best I have ever felt. Her connection and channel is of the Divine Grace energies from the Great central sun, it awakens the DNA and RNA codes in the physical and clears out and balances the mental, emotional and spiritual bodies so we can activate the crystalline bodies and original DNA DIVINE blueprint for our ascension here and now in this physical realm of earth.The Crystalline light bodies have not been activated in humans for many thousands of years and this has kept you living in lack and separation and repeating patterns of karma lifetime after lifetime. But with the expansion of the Universe and the recent planetary and galactic alignments this has changed the way we are doing things here… The light language is not to be understood by the mental mind it is to be felt with the heart and bring you back to remembrance of who you are.. You are love and You divine, One with all that is. - Candie
A true warrior spirit and carrier of sentient language codes, Audrey Light Language pierces through the veil between this work and the spirit-rich Akasha with tones, syllables, and numbers alive with healing and awareness. Truth frequencies wash through the physical, guiding you through levels of healing and clearing pathways for deep integration and joy. Prepare to meet yourself in a space of sacred union with self. - Maryann Rada
From a YouTube video to a Skype session! Oh boy and didn’t I love it! In a nutshell – my experience with Audrey was A-m-a-z-i-n-g! It was such a pleasure to chat with her and the beings and also experience them. I felt the light beings when they were working on me and also heard them with my heart what they had to say. Their energy is so fresh, beautiful, joyful and happy! Loved my chat with Audrey and the beings after I had my session, moreover since I had the work done there are some changes indeed. I have noticed that 2 specific thought patterns are no longer there!!! And it seems to me that I am more liberated and ever so present (literally) in the Now – as if nothing else exists or has ever existed. I for one, who have always been telling people that, am finding it so joyful to be experiencing it and exciting too. Few days down the line since I had my session, I can say that I feel like “I am free like a bird, light as a feather, playful like an innocent child.” Words cannot express my thanks to Audrey and the beings. But I know for sure I will be back for more. And will be booking in my mom too. Lots of love and light my dear Audrey and thank you so much. So happy I have found you. - Eugeni
First of all, Audrey is the real deal. She does not only talk the talk, she walks the walk. You will truly experience enlightenment with her. The first time I saw Audrey was in her YouTube channel, and I loved her right away but what really caught my attention was how I felt by listening to her light language, I could feel her energy and it was so beautiful, I had tears coming out of me. I couldn’t wait to meet Audrey in person and have a session with her. I decided to go to a group session with her called Love vs Fear and it was amazing. I could feel her taking away all the negativity from my body and filling it with joy and love. I really wanted a private session after that experience. Audrey came to my apartment and it was perfect. I was very comfortable with her. I had an hour long session and it was the happiest time of my life, I am not kidding. I could feel myself being renewed, relieved and light as a feather. All my worries, pain and fear being taken away. I felt so happy I was dancing after the session and I am a shy person that does not dance. My whole body felt free and an overwhelming sense of joy came over me. I felt so much love being poured at me from her work. I thank her deeply. She freed me of my fears and childhood trauma. I recommend her to everyone – I am so glad I found her, I treasure her. She is love personified. She is someone who gives love freely and shares her gifts with others. I thank you so much Audrey for all the help and love you’ve given me. I love you! Much love, gratitude and light to you. - Luz

Audrey Light Language

Audrey Light Language is a Soul Architect and an Energy Engineer.
Audrey is an ambassador of peace who has traversed the multiverses forever with the pulling of the plug on the experiment of duality/polarity ,and through its experience of entering so deeply into the density, sleep and forgetting,  now  gives  the great opportunity to recreate and step into a time within the New creation to experience the eternal peace.  Audrey  looks forward to the times when a position such as hers as a peace ambassador will no longer be necessary. 
She was spontaneously  ignited to do the works she has embodied in these times to do as a coder of the field of creation. She is from time before time and the first wave of creation and as an embodied Elohim she brings through works  that support the energy changes occurring in these times . She works with clients around the world and she is called a healer to the healers and to all as she brings through the wellspring of the Divine to support others through her many works she offers  to assist them through their journey .  Audrey speaks the languages of light and the language of the Akash that isn't a reading of the Akash but a rewriting of the Akash.  She also brings through the sacred key code number language of creation which are lists of numbers 100's long that are codes to upgrade ones DNA  and gives one  their own personal lists of number codes to  personally apply  to their lives and assist them with what is needed to get them back to their original point of being before they entered into the experiment of forgetting and the duality polarity experiment and helping release them from the lifetimes of the loops of stagnation that those that altered the system have manipulated and distracted them within in attempts to keep them from recalling  their True selves  taking back their power and sovereignty and Divine Birthright  Audrey has for many years taken part in the New life expo in NYC and also taken part in many radio shows world wide sharing the works she brings through at the highest level available always paving the way to assist what is needed to be brought to fruition. Audrey also brings through the Beings of Light that many can actually feel when in a session with Audrey .Audrey also brings through the  Mother which is the primordial  essence from which all is brought forth from .

Package - Special Offer - $199

60  Minute  personal session with Audrey of Light Language with the Language of the Akash that rewrites it for you - not a reading of the old Akash


60  Minutes personal session with Audrey which will include the Sacred Key Code Number Language for your personal list of numbers

Package A - Special Offer - $111

30  Minute  personal session with Audrey of Light Language with the Language of the Akash that rewrites it for you - not a reading of the old Akash

Package B - Special Offer - $50

Item 1 - previously recorded live call/class from The Welcome Room  for Orientation - The WOKE Essence - 2 parts
Bonus - previously recorded live call/class