Ana La Rai

Special Offer 
August 2022

Ana La Rai's Package - Special Offer - $99


Value $500 - 65% discount - Special Offer $99

Arcturian Healing Chambers
The Arcturian Healing Chambers are the original recordings when 4 different healing chambers opened on planet Earth...

The Mexico chamber, the Italy chamber, the Vancouver Island chamber and the Arctic chamber.

Each of them can be used once per month for no longer than 3 minutes.

With all 4 it means you can do one per week.

These powerful chambers assist you in the healing & releasing processes.
3 Pre-Recorded Healing Sessions
Recording #1 - The Container for Your Essence of Purity:
This is a significant upgrade for receiving your Essence of Purity (and the Blue Diamond Light)!

"This day what we would like to do is gift you something that will support your journey greatly.

So what we have observed, whether you have received the Essence of Purity during a One-Day Workshop or during the Program or even on another Full Moon from Ana-La-Rai and I, and even every time that the Blue Diamond Light comes forth which is a very similar form...

What we have observed is, it is not accumulating in the body and in the energetic structure very well for the majority of you. And this is because there is still so much density held, so much energy blockages held within the body and the energy field, that it is much like water flowing in a clogged drain pipe. A little bit goes this way and a little bit goes that way and it flows into different places like a river flows over stones or through rocks. And so, even though it flows in directly and purely as it moves into the body, it is not being stored together. It is finding the empty spaces.

What we are going to do is we are going to create an energetic container for your heart space, you might even call it like a beautiful glass or a vase or a jug. And in all future times what will happen is it will begin to flow into the Container within your heart space. And so, what this means is this Container of your own Essence will build more quickly, so you will begin to feel and see and remember who you are a little faster, maybe even more than a little faster.

So it is as though you had a thimble out in the rain and were wanting to fill it. But instead, what we are doing now is we are giving you a huge bowl to collect more and then fill your thimble. And so, this beautiful Container will continue to collect, as you receive more of your Essence of Purity until it is overflowing. But by that stage it can overflow and go wherever it wishes, but there will be such a build up already that it will continue to support...

And we want to say to those of you that have been receiving the Essence of Purity so far: It has still benefited you! So do not worry about that but it is our observations that this will allow it to benefit you more, to assist you in remembering who you are, to being your Original Self sooner."

- Non, of the Family of El

Recording #2 - Experiences of Pure Connection:
"I am Arandatac. I am an Ancient One and my lifespan is very different than yours. I have no beginning and no end. You might say I am timeless. [...]

What we value most is pure connection - pure connection with all other life forms. The experience or comprehension and understanding of this is how we expand, how we grow, how we learn.
And this day I wish to facilitate pure connection experiences for each of you."
- Arandatac

Arandatac guides you through five exercises where you can practice pure connection. The purpose of this is for you to experience, remember and understand oneness, or at least a glimpse of it. This recording is encoded in such a way that every time you re-listen to it it allows you to deepen your experience.

"To truly awaken, to truly remember who you are you must be able and willing to experience the energies and the vibration of oneness.
And oneness is with everything, oneness is with the crystal, oneness is with the tree, oneness is with each other, oneness is with the angel and oneness is with a being from far outside your galaxy..."
- Arandatac

Recording #3 - Meeting the New Consciousness for Earth:
"We want you to know and understand that the transformation on planet Earth, the raising of the vibration and the shifting is not only for those in human form. It is also for myself [Mother Gaia]. I am shifting, I am changing. [...]

As Earth moves to a new dimensional space, as the vibrations continue to rise and the awakening goes deeper, a new old soul comes forth to be the guardian of planet Earth to take my place, so to speak.
And this is as it should be. Because the New Earth, the fifth and higher dimensions that will be the New Earth, that are already the New Earth, also require a new soul to hold the consciousness, because so much is shifting. [...]

The new soul that will carry the consciousness of Earth has been birthed and is present now."

- Mother Gaia
Group Vortex Healing Session
Group Vortex Healing Session: Join me live as a healing vortex is created to support your journey.
Feel the energies brought forth and work on yourself to release old wounds or to simply receive the high frequencies.

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 25% off!

If you're a Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get 25% off this and all offers, click below.

Is Ana La Rai's package for you?

  • This package is for anyone who wishes to do more healing,  
  • experience Oneness in a variety ways
  • or simply receive more of their original essence
If you answered yes to any of these questions, this package is for you.

Benefits of Ana La Rai's package

  • More connected to your Higher Self
  • More opportunities to heal and release old beliefs
  • Meet the new Consciousness for Earth when she was announced to the world
If you answered yes to any of these questions, this package is for you.


Transformation Journeys with Ana-La-Rai
“I recently took journey, a transformational journey, but I didn’t actually go anywhere other than the short drive to Ana-La-Rai’s home on Vancouver Island, once a week for five weeks. But although I didn’t travel in the physical, I travelled immense distances into the past; the future; the stars; into my psyche; and to many other worlds and dimensions where I learnt to understand myself, my life experience, my purpose in this lifetime; and my relationships, with greater clarity and depth. As a result, I feel I have finally unfolded my full potential and found my true self. Ana-La-Rai is a channel, a teacher, and guide who works with integrity and immense compassion and kindness. Her guides and your guides join forces and work miracles. Her healing energy transmissions are so powerful and so intense, they seem tangible. I am very fortunate to have met her and to work with her.
Yes, life is a journey, and we continue to progress and grow, so I know I am not finished yet. But for the rest of my life, I have an inner strength and confidence. My inner knowing tells me that all the answers I will ever need are inside myself and are accessible with ease. I have clarity and trust. These were the gifts of my transformational journey with Ana-La-Rai.” - Sarah S., April 2022
Transformation Journeys with Ana-La-Rai
“Wow, it was a transformative journey indeed. Each session was different in the way that before the session started the guides and Ana La Rai looked into my being to see what would be the most beneficial next thing for me to do... and so, it was a mixture of downloads, clearings, gifts and other energetic procedures. Also I was given specific homework for each day.
After this journey I am on a different level in many ways, also I feel more able to help my self, in other words a step closer towards my mastery. Thank you Ana La Rai, thank you guides!” - Ulrich M., May 2022
 ​Love & Light and other sessions
“As we go through life we are always hopeful and sometimes even pray for something magical or miraculous to transpire in our lives. I was very fortunate to have such an experience while working with AnaLaRai.”
"AnaLaRai is one of those rarities that come along to bless your life with magic and miracles. I had the opportunity to work directly with her and it was magical. She vibrates at such a high frequency that easily facilitates very loving high dimensional beings, and the most benevolent energetics to come through. The wisdom, intelligence, overview and understanding from this higher perspective assist us in shifting faster and with remarkable grace and ease."
“In my latest Love and Light session with Ana La Rai she shifted so much that was affecting me from past lives and filtering through to this life. I immediately after had great relief and I continue to heal at a rapid pace that's amazing. I am practically pain free now and the intestinal restrictions have been cleared. She is undoubtedly an Advanced Psychic Surgeon Extraordinaire.
“The healing session took a most dramatic turn when Lord Lanto and the Blessed Mother Mary came in with some startling revelations and the next steps on my journey. The energies were so strong I was vibrating while having goosebumps. It was so profound I was moved to tears. Yes, real tears just pouring profusely as the revelations came forth. These insights compounded the magnitude of my journey in past lives and the tremendous responsibility I currently bear going forth with this new knowledge.” 
“A guiding force in my life has been the age old saying : "When the student is ready the Teacher will appear". That current teacher for me is Ana La Rai along with all the energetics she brings forth. On occasions these Guides line up to be given the opportunity to come forth to share and bless or guide us. I have been blessed with so many additional tools and processes that they gifted us through her.”
“If you have not been a part of one of her sessions or workshops you MUST do so soon! You will definitely be a changed individual with the possibility of fast tracking your Ascension process. I would recommend for starters trying one of her monthly Full Moon Workshops. After which I guarantee you will be singing praises and forever be in gratitude for answering the call. I always look forward to those with joyous anticipation as they are so full of surprises and 'gifts'. Anyone who had worked or is working with Ana La Rai can attest to this.”
Feel the Body in a New Exciting Way! 
“Ana La Rai is the Real Deal!! No exception!! Her high frequency, her clarity, her generosity, her joyous demeanour, her love, compassion and her advanced psychic abilities have made her my go-to, one-stop Healer and Guide. I have been blessed and very fortunate to have been guided and led to her. She has a variety of ways to work with her to experience her true mastery. If you have been led to her it means that you were meant to be. Thank you Ana La Rai for all you have done, are doing and continue to do for all on their Ascension journey. Much Love, Light and Blessings to you.”

Ana La Rai

Emissary of Love, and Universal Channel for many Ascended Masters, Collective Consciousnesses, and Enlightened Beings.
As a Universal Channel, Ana-La-Rai is unlimited in the Beings of Light she channels and works with, allowing for ground-breaking opportunities and profound experiences based on the newest frequencies available to Humanity and the planet. Currently, she has channelled over 70 different Light Beings and Collectives.
She acts as a universal translator and facilitator for the highest frequencies available to support humanity and the planet at this, the time of The Awakening.
With Ana-La-Rai’s exceptional Clarity, there is no set pattern for what will come through during group sessions. This is part of the fun and anticipation when co-create happens. The energy signature of participants contributes to the potentials of what can come forth in the moment, and the Guides always bring through something amazing!
Her journey has been many years and lifetimes in the making and still continues, but has been 20 years of deep focus this lifetime. Her awakening story has just been published in a new book, Meditation, by Sacred Stories publishing. She offers group classes, private sessions and recently began her YouTube channel. Her website is
Ana-La-Rai and her husband Christian live in Ladysmith on Vancouver Island, BC.

Ana La Rai

Special Offer 
August 2022

Ana La Rai's Package - Special Offer - $99