Julia Sotas Special Offer

Bryan Rawls

Julia Sotas

- 31 Days of Energy Pulls
- Welcome Gift - Energy Pull Exercise 

-Bonus - Happiness and Stillness Clearing Loop​

Value $150 Special Offer $99.00

30 Days of Energy Pulls plus Bonus & Gift

Pulling energy has created massive amounts of magic and possibility for me.

During a private session Gary Douglas said to me, "If you pull energy every day for 90 days your whole life will change."

I followed his advice ... and it did.

Suddenly my classes got bigger, I was in a relationship with a guy I had only dreamed about from across a crowded room. I was traveling, literally, around the world taking Access classes for the first time. I was getting out and doing all kinds of incredible things during my days at home, and I created money in those 3 months! Lots of it, and out of nowhere.

I invite you to do a guided energy pull with me for 30 days straight. Each class will have a different theme and help you to practice pulling energy in different ways.

You will receive a download of an audio exercise to start playing the moment you purchase the program.  You will also receive downloadable MP3s of every day.  

I would love to have you join me in the energy of using one of the most powerful tools I know, to create everything you desire in life.

Julia Sotas

Kimberly Crowe

Julia Sotas

Julia Sotas was born and raised in Manitoba. She has always been interested in self-improvement, and - in fact - attended her first course at the tender age of 13. She has a degree in Sociology from the University of Winnipeg and now lives in South Carolina with her husband and three step kids where she works as an Access Consciousness facilitator, a job she’s been doing for the last five years. She’s seen personally how to change money mindsets and go on to earn more than you could ever imagine, and loves teaching Right Riches for You Classes so others can do the same.

Bryan Rawls

Julia Sotas

- 31 Days of Energy Pulls
- Welcome Gift - Energy Pull Exercise 

-Bonus - Happiness and Stillness Clearing Loop​

Value $150 Special Offer $99.00