Lauren Polly Special Offer

Lauren Polly

30 Days To A Quiet Mind: First 4 Videos

Special Offer $20.00

30 Days to a Quiet Mind

What if your busy mind, mood swings, anxiety & upset was just your awareness of others? What if there was a way to tune the dial on all of that noise to hear YOU above all else? What peace of mind would be possible then? What living is possible beyond the busyness of the mind?

Lauren Polly

Lauren Polly

Lauren Polly, award-winning author of the international best-seller, The Other Side of Bipolar, shares her own journey to help others find the life they desire without limitations; catalyzing them to shift from surviving to thriving through dynamic healing, self-empowerment, and life-changing tools. She is a Life Coach, International Speaker, Certified Access Consciousness® Facilitator, Medical Speech-Language Pathologist, and Registered Yoga Instructor. Website:

Lauren Polly

30 Days To A Quiet Mind: First 4 Videos

Special Offer $20.00