Brooklin Rayne

Special Offer 
April 2022

Brooklin's Package - Special Offer - $127

Connecting to & Creating from the Portal of Infinite Source Potential
Value $222 - Special Offer $127

Connecting to & Creating from the Portal of Infinite Source Potential

Connecting to & Creating from the Portal of Infinite Source Potential
6 / 60 minute / pre-recorded Zoom transmissions

Through this series of five pre-recorded channeled transmissions and one group question and answer session, we will go deep into an exploration and cellular transformation through the Portal of Infinite Source Potential. We will be assisted in disengaging and transmuting consciousness traps, mind programs, and self limiting belief systems that have previously stood in the way of our direct connection to ourSelves as Source.

We will dive deeply into the quantum field of all that is to disentangle from many of the separation grids and the inorganic mind matrixes.

We will be assisted by many beings of pure and direct Prime Creator Source Light to enter into a series of transmissions that allow for us to remember how to create from pure Source consciousness without perceived conditions and constraints.
We will then be guided by many of Gaia’s inner Earth Diamond Grid Light Councils to root and ground into our current Earth timelines all that we desire to bring in and create as our reality.

Through this quantum journey we will have an opportunity to embody and discover how, through the Portal of Infinite Source Potential, we can transmute massive timeline potentials that no longer match our creation plan, and create and ground the timelines that we most desire to live and experience as an individual and for the collective of humanity.

In preparation of this expansive series of creation we are being encouraged to begin to do a series of self guided meditations /reflections where by we begin to allow ourselves the permission to dream of our reality without limits.

Perhaps writing down a list of things that you wish to create as your reality and as the reality of the collective of humanity. This is offered to be a fun experience to begin to open up our hearts to creating freely.

Week One…

Clearing and disengaging from the mind programming & consciousness traps
During this pre-recorded channeled transmission we will brought into a series of Source clearing portals whereby we will have the opportunity to have greater awareness of different inorganic frequencies that are playing out in our realities, and to release and disengage from them. Creating openings and engaging in crystalline technologies to activate our highest expression of our Source blueprint. We will then be taken into the Portal of Infinite Source Potential to begin our journey of creating through and as Source.

Week Two… 

Opening up our womb technology to its greatest embodiment as the mirrored reflection of the womb of all creation
In this pre-recorded channeled transmission and activation we will have a grand opportunity to understand our womb technology as the mirrored reflection of the womb of all creation. We will be taken into the womb of all creation and prepared to reunite with our divine creator centers. We will then receive a significant activation of the Divine Union ARC Rays and will be led into the greater understanding of creation through harmonized Mother and Father Source union. We will journey as the womb of all creation into the Portal of Infinite Source Potential to witness and express infinite creative/creator potential through Divine union. Birthing and creating in the womb and carrying that into the portal of forward expression and manifestation.

Week Three… 

Connecting our pineal gateway & technology and our ocular technology to directly access the Portal of Infinite Source Potential
The Eyes including the pineal gland are truly the windows to our Soul, Higher Self and Oversoul technologies. They hold advanced technology far beyond our linear scope of current comprehension. Thus there are many aspects of these powerhouse super computers that are awaiting activation, clearing, and restructuring from the many resources of ascension codex and light frequencies that are readily available to us through the zero point connection field.
We will be assisted in restoring the crystalline creation light cones that connect our eyes and third eye into their highest expression as the master projectors of creative potential made manifest.
During this transmission and exploration we will be connecting into the Portal of Infinite Source Potential to further engage in and embody the gifts and technology of creation, through the windows of the Soul.

Week Four… 

Opening and calibrating our Divine Purpose Centers to connect to and embody as the mirrored microcosm of the Portal of Infinite Source Potential
During this pre-recorded channeled transmission and activation we are brought through a series of Central Sun activations of our Solar plexus to further prepare it for becoming the fullest expression of its mirrored embodiment as the Portal of Infinite Potential.
We will integrate aspects of this highly advanced diamond mirror technology in preparation of our fifth and final transmission of the series.
While simultaneously lining up the highest desired timeline expressions for full engagement upon and beyond Gaia.

Week Five… 

Creating a personal map and direct grid system to continuously access the
Portal of Infinite Source Potential
A full harmonization and integration of all of the previous transmissions comes into expression through this activation. We will fully ground our connection to and as the Portal of Infinite Source Potential and root this into the Central Krystal Star of Sophia Gaia.
We will be shown our own personal holographic quantum grid systems and light networks. Further igniting, our awareness of and embodiment as, an Earth conduit and Infinite Creator Source being assisting in the raising of human consciousness through the Law of One.

Week Six… 

Pre-Recorded Question & Answer Platform
Connecting to & Creating from the Portal of Infinite Source Potential

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 25% off!

If you're a Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get 25% off this and all offers, click below.

Is Brooklin's package for you?

  • This is for anyone who would like assistance in remembering how to create through the lens of pure Source consciousness without perceived conditions and constraints.
  • This is for anyone who has any self-limiting beliefs or thoughts when it comes to creating and living their dream life.
  • This is for anyone who would like assistance in anchoring in unwavering trust that they are an Infinite Source Creator Being.
If you answered yes to any of these questions, this package is for you.

Benefits of Brooklin's package

  • Dive deeply into an exploration and cellular transformation through the Portal of Infinite Source Potential.
  • Receive assistance with disengaging and transmuting consciousness traps, mind programs, and self-limiting belief systems that have previously stood in the way of your direct connection to yourself as Source.
  • Disentangle from many of the separation grids and the inorganic mind matrixes.
  • Receive assistance from many beings of pure and direct Prime Creator Source Light to enter into a series of transmissions that will allow for you to remember how to create from pure Source consciousness without perceived conditions and constraints.
  • Have the opportunity to embody and discover how, through the Portal of Infinite Source Potential, you can transmute massive timeline potentials that no longer match your creation plan and create and ground the timelines that you most desire to live and experience as an individual and for the collective of humanity.


After a shoulder injury, I was referred to Brooklin to help me understand the colors of a light therapy device I was using in an effort to heal my shoulder. This injury was the first time that I had ever chosen “alternative” methods for trying to cure a medical issue verses just going to a doctor.
When I made the appointment, I literally thought that I was going to take some notes on the colors and the healing properties and that would be the extent of it. What I didn’t realize was that I was about to embark on the most incredible healing journey of my life. While Brooklin did teach me the colors of this device, she also taught me so much more through methods of breathwork (had never heard of it), meditation (had never done it), and operating from a place of non-judgement of myself, others, and outcomes (really?).
Through her thoughtful guidance, I have had experiences that can only be described as Divine in nature. I truly believe that our time together is a Sacred experience and guided by the Holy Spirit…and other Ascended Masters (had never heard of them). Brooklin has guided me back to self-love; to operating from a place of non-judgement; and, to listening to my Higher Self. This journey has come with some serious highs and some serious lows, but it has been a journey that I am grateful for everyday. The awareness of the connection I now have with myself, others, and nature is a gift beyond words.
Brooklin is a true guiding and healing light in this world and I consider myself to be truly blessed to have experienced her Divinity here on Earth! —Kari W.
The first day that I met Brooklin I was in awe! She humbly walks her path with courage, integrity, and grace. Deeply committed to sharing the healing, wisdom, and soul expansive transmissions she has gained through her own journey. Working with Brooklin has been truly transformative and I am grateful how she shows up to be of service for us all. —Emily G.
 I know few people who authentically embody that balance of humanness and divinity in such a way that calls forth and empowers others to believe in the power of their own human potential. Brooklin’s faithful commitment to live out the words of “Faith, Trust, and Surrender” and follow her Divine Guidance in all aspects of her life inspires me to more fully embrace my own spiritual practices and inner knowingness. As mother of three amazing teenage boys, you wouldn’t be wrong in expecting her to possess a delightful and grounded sense of humor that is reflected in her joy of living.
Brooklin’s work as channel, intuitive healer, and teacher is just magical. Our healing sessions are never the same, nor am I when we close. Whether she’s bringing in healing Divine Crystal Light energies, assisting in the release of old patterns of belief, identifying and removing an implant, or offering emotional counsel and guidance, I know that all I’ve received has been perfectly orchestrated in providing my soul with exactly what was most needed and desired.
She is a gift to me beyond words, in friendship, as healer, and companion on this journey. —Kayla Kayce
Having sessions with Brooklin is like gathering with a sweet childhood pal at the favorite childhood spot, all the while experiencing profound healing transformations. The transmissions and healing miracles she has facilitated for me are always loving, nurturing, gentle and also effectively empowering.  Brooklin has helped me heal from traumas, remember my gifts and own my sovereignty with more confidence and ease. Her intuitively channeled messages and transmissions were what I needed at that time – and she delivered with such love and integrity. I often found myself in grateful and joyful tears during the sessions. With each session, I advance on my path with expanded love, freedom and clarity.  I am always amazed by how she shares her beautiful gifts in the most genuine, compassionate, humorous and light hearted joyful ways! I My words cannot adequately express my admiration and appreciation for Brooklin, an amazingly beautiful Light Goddess Leader! —Arden Springford
 Connecting with Brooklin has been an amazing blessing in my life. During sessions, Brooklin has facilitated clearing, calling back of soul fragments, and integration of gifts and abilities. Not only does she heal in the the most beautiful and loving way, but she has provided me with countless tools to align with my Higher Self and I AM presence. Through sessions with Brooklin I have been able to expand my awareness, in all areas of life. I am so grateful for everything and couldn’t imagine life without her. —Juhl Macintyre
Being an energy alchemist myself, I feel I have a pretty good gage of not only a persons true intentions, but also a very keen ability to experience their energy and know how they are working that energy. I have to say, of all the individuals that I have met who I would consider masters in understanding and working with energy, Brooklin is right there at the top. She has a masterful ability to maneuver through many different layers of information and energy within your physical body and everything in relationship to that. She is multi talented in her ability to transcend discordant energy into wonderful places of balance and light. Brooklin is also just a really nice person!  I highly recommend her as I know you will connect with her just as much as every other person that I’ve ever known to meet her. I’m very happy to consider her a very good friend and colleague of mine. —Cathleena Hailley
 Brooklin Rayne's energy work allows one to stop and connect with the indigo energy of divine love.  A safe place to come back to the remembrance of who you are in pure light.  As an earthing we tend to
gravitate to illusions and to have Brooklin's crystalline water energy bring you back to the vibration of purity is heaven on earth. The water medicine every earthling needs to drink up, the food of life! Thank you angel Brooklin for sharing your gifts with me and all of us! —Sage Lightfeather
Where to begin? Brooklin is such a gifted, versatile and kindred Lightworker – so gold-hearted and uplifting in her approach. I have been booking sessions with Brooklin regularly for about a year now – and always walk away with more than I ever anticipate.
I have been struggling with various physical and spiritual concerns and was seeking guidance and insights to help nudge me into the right direction in my physical experience.  No matter what questions or intentions I brought into sessions, I always walked away empowered and feeling joyfully inspired. There is so much information “encapsuled” in her sessions, that I always have to re-listen to the session recordings she provides – and, like a gift that doesn’t stop giving - I would continue receiving valuable insights. I will most definitely recommend Brooklin to anyone - she is simply amazing! —Regula Dhedhi
 The second you’re around Brooklin, you immediately feel more at peace. I met her over a year ago and she’s been my light and reason during some difficult times. I have so much to thank her for when it comes to my growth and healing...She’s shown me how to release all that no longer serves me and I’m a happier human because of it. My soul sister for life! —Cate L.
The more digital our lives become, the more we need people like Brooklin in our lives. She is a true healer; a balm for our souls. There is no line between who she is at her core, how she lives her life and what she brings to her sessions. The moment I am in Brooklin's care, my shoulders come down. She invites a long deep exhale that is rooted in complete trust. Brooklin doesn't preach, she embodies. She doesn't perform, she envelops anyone she is around with her light. I take a deep dive into my mind,body, and spirit during my sessions with her and she gives me what we all need more of -feeling what lives inside of my heart. The clearing of old heavy layers inspires deep lasting change. Brooklin is the real deal;she is the medicine most of us need if we can open up to receive her sincere gifts. —Charlotte H.
 I have had multiple sessions with Brooklin. Every time I’m met with deep compassion, kindness, balance and wisdom. Throughout my spiritual evolution Brooklin assisted me in removing implants, which caused me massive headaches. Helped me uncover some programming I’d been blind to. Connected me to guides and beings assisting me at the time. And has taught me some energetic tools and practices that help me daily. She is highly attuned to the multiverse and has much knowledge to share along the way as well as bringing through some very timely messages. I find my time with her to be so calm and balanced and I always have very significant shifts there after. —Sarah
Brooklin’s gifts are truly remarkable! The energy and frequencies she brings through are tangible, palpable, and incredibly shifting, lingering long after the session is complete. Her open access to multiple dimensions and beings allows her to bring in the exact energies needed for whomever she’s working with thus attuning them to a higher vibration and aligning them to new and more supportive timelines where healing can occur. I highly recommend that anyone on a spiritual path or anyone wanting to live happier, healthier life work with Brooklin. She is a modern mystic! —Julie D.

Brooklin Rayne

Brooklin Rayne is an intuitive channel, cosmic heart oracle, and quantum healer.
She has experienced many incarnations with the Sophia Christ collective, Lyran Sirian Whites, Oraphim, Ancient Pleiadians, and Hathors. Through her diamond sun crystal structure, she assists humans to return their original divine blueprint combined with their Christos template, allowing a fuller embodiment of the I AM presence and Unity consciousness.

As an original seeder of both humanity and of Gaia’s many elemental resources, Brooklin works to assist in repairing and rebuilding the portals, frequencies, grids, and meridians of both the micro of humanity and the macro of Gaia. As an enlightened teacher of Christ consciousness in many lifetimes both on Earth and throughout the multiverses, Brooklin channels the wisdom and living light transmissions from many multi galactic Christ collectives. These transmissions and wisdom come through as spoken words, light language, and light frequencies.

Brooklin received a B.S in hotel and restaurant management from The Pennsylvania State University and an Associate’s degree in culinary arts from The Culinary Institute of America. She spent over 15 years as a Chef Creator and concept owner before moving into her training at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition as a holistic health coach. Today she incorporates her understanding of food, meditation, quantum energy and spirituality to assist Individuals in their healing processes of the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.

Brooklin Rayne

Special Offer 
April 2022

Brooklin's Package - Special Offer - $127