​Matthew John

Special Offer 
January 2022

Package A - Value - $539 - Special Offer - $155

Package B - Value $666 - Special Offer - $199        

Package C - Value $888 - Special Offer - $333         

PACKAGE A - Value $539 - Special Offer $155

This package contains all of Matthew John's internationally-acclaimed webinars from 2018-2021! Not only are Matthew's webinars filled with life-changing wisdom that could only come from the Higher Realms, but also clearings and activations to help you release lifetimes of stuck energy and to embody more of the spiritual wisdom and maturity that your Higher Self naturally has. As a bonus, you will receive a guided meditation to meet your Spirit Guide and activate psychic gifts and a powerful transmission of healing energy called I Love You Regardless.
Item #1 - Intro to Candle & Moon Magick Mastery Empowerment Course
Want to learn how to ‘hack’ into the underlying template of reality to direct life as you wish? Becoming a practitioner of magick is an extremely rewarding way to establish a deeper connection with the Universe and to enhance your life in all ways.
In this 90-minute Mastery Empowerment Course, Spiritual Teacher & Intuitive Healer Matthew John will teach you:
  • The basics of practicing magick (perfect for beginners)
  • The basics of candle magick, including how to use every color
  • How to use moon cycles, planetary days, and planetary hours to enhance your magickal practice
  • An introduction to other types of magick
Recorded June 12, 2021.
Item #2 - Healing With Colors Mastery Empowerment Course
We live in a reality full of vibrant colors, but did you know that colors can be used to heal? In this LIVE Mastery Empowerment Course, Spiritual Teacher and Intuitive Matthew John will teach you:
  • The properties of each of the colors and how they relate to the chakras, organs, emotions, Archangels, and more!
  • Techniques to use colors in your energy healing practice
  • Techniques to use colors for self-healing
  • Live practice on the call
  • Q&A about energy healing 
  • ... and MUCH MORE!
Recorded on May 8, 2021.
Item #3 - Emotional Freedom Technique to Heal the Seven Main Chakras Mastery Empowerment Course
The Emotional Freedom Technique (otherwise known as ‘Tapping’) is a super effective and easy-to-learn method for creating emotional healing, relieving anxiety and depression, manifesting money, relieving pain, and much more! In this 90-minute LIVE Mastery Empowerment Course, Spiritual Teacher and Intuitive Healer Matthew John will lead you through a Tapping journey from the root chakra on up to the crown chakra!
The Emotional Freedom Technique is simple enough to learn that after this Mastery Empowerment Course, you’ll have the ability to craft your own EFT/Tapping sequences to use on yourself or with family and friends!
In this course, you will learn:
  • The current and past-live themes involved with the seven main chakras
  • Why EFT/Tapping is so effective
  • The basic structure to create effective EFT/Tapping sequences on your own
As we tap through the 7 main chakras, we are intending to create the following positive effects:
  • Clearing of current and past life energetic blockages
  • Clearing of stuck emotions
  • Improved mood
  • Moving to a Higher Timeline
  • Increased ability to manifest what you want
  • Pain relief
Recorded on February 6, 2021.
Item #4 - All About Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters & Spirit Guides Mastery Empowerment Course
Audio or Video Format
Length of Program 2:09:38
Value of Program $33.00
Whether you know it or not, you are constantly being looked after by your Spirit Team of Guides and Angels. Not only that, but you have thousands of benevolent entities available to you to assist you in whatever you need in life. By learning about your guides and other benevolent Ascended Masters, Archangels and Angels that are available to everyone, you can have more of a direct connection to guidance and Divine Assistance when you need it!
In this 2-hour Mastery Empowerment Course, Spiritual Teacher & Intuitive Healer Matthew John will teach you:
  • How to connect with your Spirit Guides
  • Why you have certain Spirit Guides in your life
  • How to connect with your Higher Self
  • How your Spirit Guides contact you
  • An understanding of a selection of different Ascended Masters
  • An understanding of a selection of different Archangels
  • An understanding of a selection of different Hindu entities
  • An understanding of the hierarchies of angels
  • How to use Angel Cards
  • …and MUCH MORE!
Matthew will lead the group through several meditations to meet your guides and to meet angels/higher entities. He will also do a few Angel Card readings at the end of the webinar. Recorded on October 24, 2020.
Item #5 - Change Your Reality by Changing Your Words Mastery Empowerment Course
Audio or Video Format
Length of Program 2:32:20
Value of Program $33.00
Did you know that the words we use and think can have a powerful effect on our physical body and the world that we create around us? A necessary part of the Ascension process is learning to speak and think in a manner that serves your highest evolution rather than takes away from it.
In this 90-minute Mastery Empowerment Course, internationally-acclaimed Spiritual Teacher and Intuitive Healer Matthew John will teach you:
  • How the words you think and say affect your physical body, genetics and life span
  • How the words you think and say affect the reality that you manifest (the Law of Attraction)
  • Practical tools to reframe negative experiences into positive tools for growth
  • How to break the habit of negative thinking and negative self-talk
  • Practical exercises to improve positive self-talk and promote positive thinking
  • Strategies for effective 5D communication with others
  • How to talk to the body in order to heal deep emotional wounds
  • How to use the Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping) to enhance health, well-being and prosperity. 
Recorded September 20, 2020.
Item #6 - Powerful Visualization Techniques for Ascension (Learn to Use Your Third Eye!) Mastery Empowerment Course
Audio or Video Format
Length of Program 2:36:31
Value of Program $33.00
Visualization is one of the most powerful tools we have to heal, grow, transform and create what we want. In the higher dimensions, where life is experienced as more etheric than physical, visualization is essentially the mechanism used to create lives and worlds! We have the power to literally change the world through visualization. Visualization is one of the most powerful tools we have to heal, grow, transform and create what we want. In the higher dimensions, where life is experienced as more etheric than physical, visualization is essentially the mechanism used to create lives and worlds! We have the power to literally change the world through visualization.
In this Mastery Empowerment Course, internationally-recognized Spiritual Teacher and Intuitive Healer Matthew John  will teach you a multitude of powerful visualization techniques that you can use for an entire lifetime to enhance your health, wealth and well-being—as well as to assist in healing others and the world at large.
Matthew will teach techniques that cover the following intentions:
  • Grounding
  • Shielding
  • Purifying
  • Self-energizing
  • Cord-cutting
  • Healing/energizing chakras
  • Cleaning/sealing aura
  • Manifesting
  • Meeting Spirit Guides
  • Receiving direct guidance
  • Seeing Soul Contracts
  • Healing relationship difficulties with another person
  • Forgiveness
  • Moving on from the past
  • Making a decision
  • Healing your body
  • Eliminating viruses, parasites, bad bacteria, etc.
  • Eliminating thoughts that aren’t yours
  • Seeing your Highest Possible Future
  • Cleansing spaces
  • Protecting spaces or your home
  • Sending beings to the Light
  • Healing people, animals or plants
  • Jumping timelines
  • Changing outcomes in the outside world
  • Changing the weather
  • …and MORE!
Recorded July 25, 2020.
Item #7 - The Human Energy Field 101 Mastery Empowerment Course
Audio or Video Format
Length of Program 2:46:39
Value of Program $33.00
If you want to learn about the human physical anatomy, then the best thing you could do is to take an Anatomy course. If you want to learn about the human energetic anatomy, then this course here is a good start! Join Spiritual Teacher & Intuitive Healer Matthew John for this 90-minute Mastery Empowerment Course discussing the human energetic anatomy. In this course, you will learn:
  • The function and structure of the chakras
  • The life themes involved in the 7 main chakras
  • The minor chakra system
  • The 5D Higher chakra system
  • The 7 layers of the aura
  • The meridian system and nadis
  • T-Fields
  • The kundalini energy
  • Ascension activations
  • Energetic cords and how to remove them
  • Negative energetic anomalies
  • Effective self-energy healing techniques you can use at home
  • …and MUCH MORE!
Recorded May 30, 2020.
Item #8 - How to Move on Completely From Your Ex! Mastery Empowerment Course
Audio or Video Format - Length of Program 2:25:18 - Value of Program $33.00
Whether you have had a recent breakup or there's an old relationship that is still pulling at your precious heart, this audio course with internationally-acclaimed Spiritual Teacher and Intuitive Healer Matthew John will serve to unravel the pain and trauma from that relationship and free your heart to become either the happiest single person or to attract your true partner.
Matthew knows the pain, trauma and PTSD that a breakup can cause. A traumatic breakup a decade ago is what initiated him on his Awakening journey.
This course will also be extremely helpful if you are considering a breakup/decoupling, or if you have a friend or loved one who is going through or just recently went through a breakup/decoupling and you'd like to support them.
In this audio course, you will learn:
  • What is happening on a Soul Level when breakups/decouplings occur
  • What are Soul Contracts and how to know when a Soul Contract is complete
  • Why breakups can be so painful and why you can experience Soul Fragmentation
  • Why so many awakening women go through narcissistic-empathic relationships
  • How to be completely at peace with what happened
  • How to attract someone who is a better match for you than your ex
  • How to attract your true partner if you so desire
  • A discussion on Twin Flames, Karmic Twins & Karmic Soulmates
  • ...and MUCH MORE!
Matthew will lead the group through cord-cutting, Soul Contract reviewing, and Soul Retrieval processes to energetically end your relationship for good and allow you to move on with freedom, grace and gratitude.
Recorded March 7, 2020.
Item #9 - Spiritual Hygiene, Cord Cutting & Grounding 101 Mastery Empowerment Course
Audio or Video Format - Length of Program 2:05:18 - Value of Program $33.00
We all know that we live in a toxic world, but few people consider the idea of spiritual toxicity. It is crucial to develop rituals and habits that will cleanse your auric field, cut draining spiritual cords between yourself and others, and ground your energy.  We all know that we live in a toxic world, but few people consider the idea of spiritual toxicity. It is crucial to develop rituals and habits that will cleanse your auric field, cut draining spiritual cords between yourself and others, and ground your energy.
In this 2-hour Mastery Empowerment Course, Matthew John teaches you essential techniques that you can use daily to cleanse, protect and ground yourself. By keeping your aura clean, you are much more likely to become a magnet for health, wealth, love, friendships and success.
In this audio course, you will learn:
  • Different types of negative energies we can pick up in our energy fields (e.g. entities, demons, etheric parasites, curses, black magic, archons, ‘hoppers’, ‘watchers’)
  • Why and how we can pick up negative energies
  • How to clear negative energies on your own
  • Shielding techniques to protect you from picking up negative energies
  • How to know whether you are contracted to be a ‘clearer’ of darkness
  • Does raising your vibration mean you will attract more darkness?
  • How cords form between people and how to clear them on your own
  • How to know if you are grounded or ungrounded
  • How to ground your energy
  • How to cleanse and protect your home or office from negative energies
  • How to protect yourself from negative energies while you sleep
  • What are ‘sexually transmitted demons’ and how to avoid them
  • …and MUCH MORE!
Recorded November 23, 2019.
Item #10 - Awakening the Divine Masculine Mastery Empowerment Course
Audio or Video Format - Length of Program 1:51:52 - Value of Program $33.00
We have all heard about the resurrection of the Divine Feminine energies on Planet Earth and how crucial this is to the Ascension process; but we also need to embody the Divine Masculine energies in order to become fully integrated Ascending Beings. In this 110-minute+ webinar, you will learn:
  • The importance of courage on the Spiritual Journey and how to find that courage within
  • The role of the Divine Masculine in moving out of the Dark Night of the Soul
  • Why logic and intellect are actually equally as important as intuition and how to use them efficiently and productively
  • Practical exercises for living a more structured and efficient life
  • What is the Shadow Masculine and how to eradicate it
  • What is more important…being or doing?
  • How to properly use the Law of Attraction (and what is the one huge misconception about the Law of Attraction that trips people up)
  • And MORE!
Matthew John facilitated a group activation to awaken the Divine Masculine within all listeners, regardless of sex or gender.
Recorded September 7, 2019.
Item #11 - Creating the 5D You Mastery Empowerment Course
Audio or Video Format - Length of Program 1:52:42 - Value of Program $33.00
Eclipse season is an especially auspicious gateway in which the Universe tends to do whatever is necessary to reshape your life to get you back on your Soul’s Highest Path. We can take advantage of this powerful time of shifting and evolution in order to consciously remake ourselves on all levels and bring the quantum possibility of our 5th Dimensional Self into the NOW moment to create real, physical changes in our health, relationships, and finances. Eclipse season is an especially auspicious gateway in which the Universe tends to do whatever is necessary to reshape your life to get you back on your Soul’s Highest Path. We can take advantage of this powerful time of shifting and evolution in order to consciously remake ourselves on all levels and bring the quantum possibility of our 5th Dimensional Self into the NOW moment to create real, physical changes in our health, relationships, and finances.
In this 90-minute Mastery Empowerment Course, Spiritual Teacher, Starseed Guide, and Intuitive Healer Matthew John will lead you through a step-by-step process to create the 5D you in the quantum field and to anchor that into physical reality. The steps include:
  • Honestly taking stock of your life and identifying your blockages
  • Clearing your blockages
  • Rewriting your subconscious mind to include beliefs that will carry you forward, not keep you held back
  • Experiencing your Future Self on your Highest Possible Timeline
  • Bringing your Future Self’s subconscious patterns and prevalent emotions into the NOW
  • Identifying empowered action-steps to move onto your Highest Possible Timeline
  • Developing strategies to make the changes permanent
We will take take advantage of the amplified field that we will be creating as a group energetic container to make dramatic steps forward in each of our individual lives!
Please have a pen or pencil and a few pieces of paper handy.
Recorded July 20, 2019.
Item #12 - Dissolving the Ego Webinar
Audio or Video Format - Length of Program 2:07:32 - Value of Program $33.00
The ego is one of the most misunderstood topics on a Spiritual Journey. This webinar will serve to clear up all of the confusion and misinformation about the ego and to give you the opportunity to dissolve parts of your ego self that you no longer need to take with you. We will be doing 12 group energetic clearings and activations to dissolve the ego and allow more of your SOUL ESSENCE to shine through than ever before. The intention is for you to feel totally different, lighter, and more present following this webinar
In this 2-hour+ webinar, you will learn:
  • What much of the spiritual community gets wrong about the ego
  • What is the Spiritual Ego and how do we avoid its trap
  • How life breaks down our ego
  • How to truly open your Heart to life
  • How to experience greater Harmony in your relationships
  • How to experience a lack of conflict in your life
  • How to truly become Aligned with the Present Moment
  • How to truly become humble
  • The 12 Pillars of Dissolving the Ego. Matthew John does a permanent
    activation for each of these 12 pillars.
  • …and MORE!
Recorded April 25, 2019.
Item #13 - Mastering Your Intuition Mastery Empowerment Course
Audio or Video Format - Length of Program 1:42:07 - Value of Program $33.00
Would you like to strengthen and refine your intuition? Interested in channeling, tarot cards, pendulums, muscle testing, and dowsing? Unable to hear your guides? Want to make more intuitive decisions? Seeing lots of numbers and repeating patterns? Want to know what it all means?Would you like to strengthen and refine your intuition? Interested in channeling, tarot cards, pendulums, muscle testing, and dowsing? Unable to hear your guides? Want to make more intuitive decisions? Seeing lots of numbers and repeating patterns? Want to know what it all means?
Join Spiritual Teacher & Intuitive Healer Matthew John for this exploration into intuition, discernment, and better decision making. You will leave the webinar with a ‘backpack’ full of new tools to read your intuition, a greater confidence in your ability to make decisions using your intuitive mechanisms, and a stronger sense of discernment.
Matthew teaches specific tools like:
  • Exercises to make decision-making clearer
  • Visualizations to cleanse and protect yourself
  • How to identify your physical intuitive cues
  • Practices to refine your intuition
  • And much more!
Recorded on March 9, 2019.
Item #14 - Putting the Past in the Past Webinar
Audio or Video Format - Length of Program 1:34:54 - Value of Program $33.00
Do you live with regrets? Find it difficult to move on from the past? Stalked by guilt? Can’t get over that heartbreak? Haunted by memories of abuse?
In this 90 minute+ webinar, Matthew John helps you to:
  • End the illusion of regret
  • Understand why there truly are no mistakes
  • Dissolve guilt and move to a new vibrational frequency where you no longer feel inclined to feel guilty about anything
  • Understand that there are no mistakes in life
  • Finally move on from heartbreak
Matthew John facilitates three group energetic healing processes on the call!
Recorded January 22, 2019.
Item #15 - Navigating the Dark Night of the Soul Webinar
Audio or Video Format - Length of Program 1:26:52 - Value of Program $33.00
Do you feel like you’re in a Dark Night of the Soul, or have you been in a Dark Night of the Soul? We’ve all been in at least one and usually more than one. The Dark Night can be an incredibly confusing and frustrating time. It can feel like God or the Universe has turned against you. But is this really true, or is there another side of the story? Regardless of your existing beliefs, Matthew John helps you to navigate through the Dark Night, so you can help yourself or a loved one make it to the other end. In this 85-minute+ webinar, you will learn:Do you feel like you’re in a Dark Night of the Soul, or have you been in a Dark Night of the Soul? We’ve all been in at least one and usually more than one. The Dark Night can be an incredibly confusing and frustrating time. It can feel like God or the Universe has turned against you. But is this really true, or is there another side of the story? Regardless of your existing beliefs, Matthew John helps you to navigate through the Dark Night, so you can help yourself or a loved one make it to the other end. In this 85-minute+ webinar, you will learn:
  • Why the Dark Night of the Soul happens and why it can’t be avoided
  • What is the Shadow and why it comes out during a Dark Night
  • Why the Dark Night is NEVER your fault
  • How to get out of the Dark Night
  • And MORE!
Matthew John facilitates a group activation to help you energetically move to a timeline where you can move through the Dark Night with greater ease and perhaps in less time.
Recorded August 7, 2018.
Item #16 - A Deeper Level of Forgiveness Webinar
Audio or Video Format - Length of Program 1:26:32 - Value of Program $33.00
In general, what we are taught about forgiveness by the 3D world just scratches the surface of what true forgiveness really means. Would you like to be able to truly, deeply, and permanently forgive those who hurt you, those who didn’t give you what you needed, and yourself? In this 85-minute+ webinar, you will learn:In general, what we are taught about forgiveness by the 3D world just scratches the surface of what true forgiveness really means. Would you like to be able to truly, deeply, and permanently forgive those who hurt you, those who didn’t give you what you needed, and yourself? In this 85-minute+ webinar, you will learn:
  • What it means to relinquish your grievances and how to do it
  • How to finally cut energetic chords so that they won’t come back
  • How Soul Contracts create circumstance that we don’t necessarily like but give us opportunities to practice forgiveness
  • How to finally, totally, complete forgive yourself!
  • And MORE!
Recorded May 21, 2018.
Item #17 - Guided Meditation to Meet Your Spirit Guides & Activate Psychic Gifts
Audio or Video Format - Length of Program 12:40 - Value of Program $11.00
Matthew John guides you on a 12-minute journey to meet one of your Spirit Guides and to activate new psychic gifts!
Item #18 - I Love You Regardless – A Healing Transmission
Audio or Video Format - Length of Program 3:48 - Value of Program Priceless
Enjoy this brief transmission of Unconditional Love energy. Listen multiple times for best results.

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 25% off!

If you're a Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get 25% off this and all offers, click below.

PACKAGE B - Value $666 - Special Offer $199

Digital Package – 16 Recorded Webinars + Guided Meditation & Activation
This package contains all of Matthew John's internationally-acclaimed webinars from 2018-2021! Not only are Matthew's webinars filled with life-changing wisdom that could only come from the Higher Realms, but also clearings and activations to help you release lifetimes of stuck energy and to embody more of the spiritual wisdom and maturity that your Higher Self naturally has. As a bonus, you will receive a guided meditation to meet your Spirit Guide and activate psychic gifts and a powerful transmission of healing energy called I Love You Regardless.
45-minute Soul Plan Reading with Matthew
Matthew John connects with his and your Spirit Guides to read you Life Plan and channel details about your Soul Lessons and relationships during this incarnation.  Why did your Soul plan certain events and relationships for you? What are you meant to learn? What is your karma? How can you best move forward? What are you meant to bring forth onto this planet? Which type of Lightworker/Indigo are you? What does your future hold?
*Note: availability is limited and is first-come, first-served.

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 25% off!

If you're a Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get 25% off this and all offers, click below.

PACKAGE C  - Value $888 - Special Offer $333

Digital Package – 16 Recorded Webinars + Guided Meditation & Activation
This package contains all of Matthew John's internationally-acclaimed webinars from 2018-2021! Not only are Matthew's webinars filled with life-changing wisdom that could only come from the Higher Realms, but also clearings and activations to help you release lifetimes of stuck energy and to embody more of the spiritual wisdom and maturity that your Higher Self naturally has. As a bonus, you will receive a guided meditation to meet your Spirit Guide and activate psychic gifts and a powerful transmission of healing energy called I Love You Regardless.
45-minute Soul Plan Reading with Matthew
Matthew John connects with his and your Spirit Guides to read you Life Plan and channel details about your Soul Lessons and relationships during this incarnation.  Why did your Soul plan certain events and relationships for you? What are you meant to learn? What is your karma? How can you best move forward? What are you meant to bring forth onto this planet? Which type of Lightworker/Indigo are you? What does your future hold?
*Note: availability is limited and is first-come, first-served.
2 Hour Past Life Regression Session or 90-minute Star Seed Discovery Session with Matthew
You have the option of choosing between the past life regression session or the star seed discovery session:

Past Life Regression Session
Matthew John leads you on a journey into some of your past lives which are having an impact on your present lifetime! 
You will have the opportunity to vividly explore these relevant lives from the perspective of the character you played during that lifetime, as well as the space in-between lives. You will be able to see the connections between experiences in these past lifetimes and your Soul Lessons in this lifetime, and to understand your karmic relationships on a deeper level. Matthew will assist you in integrating the wisdom gained from this experience into your day-to-day reality. 
The Past-Life Regression Session is a perfect complement to a Soul Plan Reading (not on the same day, though). 
The session may be recorded at your request.
Star Seed Discovery Session
As a Sirian & Andromedan Starseed himself, Matthew John is uniquely aware of the plight of Starseeds on this planet. We came here on a mission. Sometimes we lose track of the mission, or at least we think we've lost track. 
This session will serve to deepen your connection with your Starseeded origins and to clarify your mission on this planet. When you remember why you came here and what you came here to accomplish, all that you have gone through in this lifetime begins to make a lot more sense.
Includes a guided astral back to your home planet to meet with your Galactic Team and receive an activation! It is an absolutely unforgettable experience to be reunited with your true extraterrestrial family!
The session may be recorded at your request.

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 25% off!

If you're a Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get 25% off this and all offers, click below.


I'm incredibly thankful for his help and would encourage others who are suffering to look him up. - Brandie, Connecticut

The webinar...was amazing and life changing. I’m so grateful I was able to join in and for the purge of the attachments I held onto that has only held me back. I am fully ready for my new path and cycle to begin. Love you and thanks so much! - Desirae, Colorado

I cried the whole time tears of relief and letting go...So glad I found you...your call did more to help me in 1 hour than 4 years of everything else. - Sharon, Virginia

It’s almost staggering how spot on Matthew was when he explained my Soul Life Plan and Spirit Guides to me. Everything he said were already future goals and ideas I had rolling around in my head but was unsure of. - Anthony, New Jersey

I am so grateful for Matthew's insightful gifts! I just received a reading that helped me feel so grounded and anchored.  I now have the confidence and focus to manifest my dreams, as well as an abundant, beautiful life for my daughter and myself. - Jaraneh Nova, California

Matthew John

Matthew John is an internationally-recognized Spiritual Teacher, Spiritual Mentor, Psychic, Intuitive Healer, Starseed Guide, Energy Healer and Medical Intuitive working with angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters. He is a gifted intuitive, wisdom channeler and transmitter of healing frequencies.
Matthew has been on a 12-year+ Awakening journey. His powerful and effective teachings and healings are a product of many intense Awakening experiences, deeply human ordeals and tens of thousands of hours of study. He receives clear guidance from his Guides which he shares with his followers and clients from around the world. He specializes in helping others to heal their childhood and past-life traumas, reading people’s life plans from a Soul perspective, as well as serving as a mentor for Starseeds and those who are looking to accelerate their spiritual development.
As a Sirian & Andromedan Starseed Matthew is intimately familiar with the mission of Starseeds on this Earth. He guides clients and followers to connect with their Starseeded essence and to align with their specific Starseeded lifework.
Matthew is a spiritual leader for the Golden Age. He has an innate ability to see the ‘big picture’, and this is why he is so effective in assisting his clients and followers to heal, transform, and accelerate their Awakening.

​Matthew John

Special Offer 
January 2022

Package A - Value - $539 - Special Offer - $155

Package B - Value $666 - Special Offer - $199        

Package C - Value $888 - Special Offer - $333