Laura Hosford

Special Offer 
December 2021

Package A - Value $541 - Special Offer - $144

Pink Rose Mother Divine Womb Activation Session
Bonus 1 - Journey into the Divine Feminine Cosmic Womb of Love
Bonus 2 - A  pre-recorded live group healing audio call
Bonus 3 - ​​Divine Sophia Golden Abundance Codes Activation audio
Bonus 4 - ​​Magdalene Red Rose Circle Live Call

Package B - Value $841 - Special Offer - $244

Everything in Package A+
Group Womb Healing Retreat (5 classes) - Pre-Recorded or Live Class in January

Laura's Package A - Value $541

Special Offer $144


Pink Rose Mother Divine Womb Activation Session
Enjoy a private 60 minute session with Laura as she connects with your Angelic Self and brings in your Divine Team of Light, Angels, Ascended Masters, Galactic Star Family, and Akashic Records information to create a safe and loving container for healing, attunements, transmissions and channelled messages. 
This is a Divine Feminine Womb Frequency Activation Transmission.  In this session we will begin to clear out dense energies held in your womb.  Release cords, attachments, hooks, traumas from your root chakra and root system to open your flow of light.  Open your heart-womb connection flow of feminine abundance. 
We will connect you with your sacred lineage of light and activate your divine feminine frequency power in your womb, restoring your powers of connection to your sisterhood and opening to receive guidance from your personal Goddess guide for your liberation and execution of your soul mission and purpose work. 
Open your inner golden gateway to activate your greatest Avatar powers of creative expression and manifestation to bring forth your Heaven on Earth. A special healing journey to remove hidden blocks in your feminine energy (physical body) and open your natural feminine flow of celestial light for healing and heightened creativity. 
Bonus for private sessions - Receive a channeled prayer blessing from Mother Mary & Female Archangels.
Results you can receive:  
  • Align your vibration with Divine Love through embodying your Divine Feminine nature you ignite your passion and radiant presence of unlimited prosperity flow!
  • Remove faulty patterns in your Soul DNA to finally break free of your "victim consciousness timeline" to create your new 5th dimensional prayer of Heaven On Earth.
  • Heal your Mother/Father relationship to resolve any negative energetic inheritance and heal your heart.
  • Integrate more of your Higher Self consciousness.
  • Heal past intimate relationships and identify core themes.
  • Experience deep healing processes to transform and forgive yourself to create your new inner healthy foundation built on Divine Self Love!
  • Open your womb-heart connection to access your cosmic flow of light.
  • Release trauma, limiting beliefs and suppressed emotions to open the flow of your womb and reclaim your authentic power.
  • Activate your divine feminine/masculine frequency vibration.
  • Heal your relationships and divine feminine-masculine harmony.
  • Transform your pain and suffering into pure love.
  • Feel more confident and clear about life purpose
  • Activate more grace and ease into your life
  • Expand your consciousness and release density
  • Move into more peace and harmony with your life
​Bonus #1 - ​Journey into the Divine Feminine Cosmic Womb of Love to activate your Goddess Glow! (value $99.00)
Experience a golden opportunity to connect with the cosmic healing feminine frequencies of the Blacklight as guided by Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene to activate your Divine Feminine Creatrix magikal powers!
​Bonus #2 - ​​A  pre-recorded live group healing audio call for “Releasing & Transforming Your Anger” (value $99.00)
In this pre-recorded on-line Womb Healing workshop begin to safely release and transform your anger, shame and guilt safely. We will be focusing on emotional and physical healing release of density. 
*Release stagnated and repressed anger held in your body and womb
*Release suppressed shame and guilt
*Release suppressed difficult situations and memories that trigger anger
Bonus #3 - Divine Sophia Golden Abundance Codes Activation audio (value $44.00)
In this deep healing journey begin to activate your sacred abundance codes and your Magnetic Feminine Money of Liquid Gold for attracting healing and abundance into your life!
​Bonus #4 - ​Magdalene Red Rose Circle Live Call - Birthing A New You! LIVE CALL on Sunday, January 2nd, 2022.  (value $44.00)
Enjoy a healing Ceremony & Meditation To Birth Your New Wombody Magikal Self in 2022.
Connect with the teachings of the lineage of the Sisterhood of the Rose
Expand your light frequency in the wise messages of Magdalene as they are channeled specifically for those in attendance.
Expand your capacity to hold higher levels of light frequency as love.
Engage in the live chat, set intentions, have an opportunity to interact with other rose sisters and ask questions.
Receive a recorded audio file for your spiritual library!

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 25% off!

If you're a Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 25% off this offer. The discount code will be in your Member Portal as well as your emails.

If you're not yet a Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get 25% off this and all offers, click below.

Laura's Package B - Value $841

Special Offer $244


 Everything in Package A+
 Group Womb Healing Retreat (5 classes) - Pre-Recorded or Live Class in January
Take yourself into a new level of grounded embodiment as you cleanse deep layers of unresolved shame, pain, trauma and repressed feminine energies hidden in your Holy Womb Chakra.
A sacred womb space with Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Master Jesus, Female Archangels, including Lady Hope and Lady Christine  to immerse yourself in a sacred healing circle of divine feminine light and unconditional love activations. As we resurrect our spiritual mind, our womb/dan tien centers merge as one filled light raising our consciousness and strengthening our resolve for our next highest evolutionary growth. 
The most important relationship on earth is your relationship with your inner self and the inner marriage between your feminine and masculine energies. The extent to which you heal yourself and come to union within is the extent to which you can heal all of your external relationships.
As we purify, meditate and co-create with our true organic Mother we can open to receive deeper insights from our Sacred Self through a deeper process guiding us into areas of hidden and trapped energies opening up more magikal flow of love, wisdom, clarity and fullness.  Activate your deepest prayer of healing through your Holy Womb Chakra.
A special series of (5) on-line healing circles 120 minutes each. (recorded for you to download to your learning library) Angel Kit and audio meditations.  (Value $555)   
*Activate and open more of your authentic soul light flow of love and grace,  with Divine Feminine Celestial Flow through activation of your 3 Divine Feminine Centers. Your Pineal, Sacred Heart and Holy Womb Chakra.
*Learn how to deeply connect with your Holy Womb Chakra and clearly hear her intuitive voice of wisdom and inner guidance for your life. Awaken your inner pearl of wisdom. 
*Learn Yoni Mudra practice with Lady Hope.
*Sacred journey and ceremony with Lady Hope to enter the Cosmic Void and manifest your Soul desires into reality.
*Learn how to use a crystal egg to manifest your wishes and work with your creation energies. Includes a PDF on how to select your crystal egg and begin your practice. 
*Sacred journey to connect your womb to Mother Earth’s womb to deepen embodiment of your Soul and feel more grounded, present and calm so you can easily rise above the outer chaos and stay focused on your ascension path.
* Release and heal deeply held layers of suppressed shame, anger, pain, trauma, emotions and ancestral energies from your Holy Womb Chakra to feel more safe, create more self-trust and open to embodiment of unconditional love. 
* Sacred womb and heart journey to heal your deepest feminine core wounding of heartbreak with others to restore your Soul powers and connect with Mother Divine.  With Mother Mary and Archangel Raphael.
*Align the energies of your pure heart and awakened divine mind to embody your Christ Consciousness with Archangel Christine.

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 25% off!

If you're a Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 25% off this offer. The discount code will be in your Member Portal as well as your emails.

If you're not yet a Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get 25% off this and all offers, click below.


Feeling quite blocked in a certain area of my life, I turned to Laura for help. A very wise choice as she brings such depth of knowledge, in addition to her loving presence. While I’m fairly new to the fascinating worlds of the Akashic Records and Light Language, Laura’s skillful ability to access this wisdom and healing energies of these and other modalities made our session most powerful. As a result of working together, I’m feeling much lighter and now feel able to move forward, no longer blocked by the heaviness I’ve felt for so long. I highly recommend working with Laura if you want help uncovering and removing blocks that are holding you back from living your life fully and being your best self. - Marilyn O.
I am feeling much lighter and now feel able to move forward, no longer blocked by the heaviness I’ve felt for so long. I highly recommend working with Laura if you want help uncovering and removing blocks that are holding you back from living your life fully and being your best self. Marilyn O.
Over this past year I’ve had several Akashic Records healing sessions with Laura and I will say these sessions have improved my life in many ways. I was carrying a lot of anger which was driving me to act in ways that were a danger not only to myself but to other people and that anger was cleared in an IST session with Laura. More recently we cleared some issues with fear and a need to be in control that have affected my life since I was a child. I didn’t realize how limiting it was until we cleared it and I feel like a new person. The immediate feeling is relief but as I adjust to the change I feel lighter and more confident in everything.  I tend to be a skeptic with a need for proof in everything and I can honestly say the changes that I’ve experienced are proof to me that the Akashic Records clearing works but people that I interact with on a regular basis have noted and commented on the changes. I’ve recommended this to several people dealing with various issues and I will continue with my sessions as I evolve and become a better person. - Beverly R.
Improved my life in many ways! Released anger and fear and a need to be in control pattern held since childhood. I feel like a new person. The immediate feeling is relief but as I adjust to the change I feel lighter and more confident in everything! Beverly R.
I listened to the web replay of Ignite Your Goddess Prosperity Flow today.  Wow, I really enjoyed it and received a healing from it that has to do with guilt I have been carrying about my mom's death.  Thank you for your leadership and dedication. Love, - Shanda Keirsey
Received a healing and released guilt I have been carrying about my Mom’s death. Shanda K
I just wanted to write to thank you for having Laura Hosford on your show last week.  Laura.  Laura is  AMAZING!!  Laura communicated to me on a level I have never experienced with another Guide of Light.  She shared with me Light Language that evoked openings I have never sensed.  Her words echoed all I’ve been feeling and put me in direct communication with guidance I have felt around me for years.  I’m so excited to see where I venture onward because Laura has truly assisted me in unlocking new dimensions within and beyond myself.  YES! YES! YES!   Thank you, Laura.  Thank you, Cari.  I look forward to Laura being back on Straight Talk For the Soul.- Heather H.
Laura is AMAZING!!  Opened and unlocked new dimensions within and beyond  the new direction of communication with her guides. Heather H
I am so blessed to be the recipient of the Divine love that channels through you into the world. Thank you for being a crystal clear portal of love. During my womb session, I felt so safe, and held, and protected by you. I had no idea where we were "going" so I just trusted you and I walked the path. You are like a Harriet Tubman and my path was like the Underground Railroad. You held the lantern of light while I moved through the darkness. And you led me to my freedom. You showed me the opening and stayed with me the whole way, through every heaving sob, as the pages of pain and loss peeled away. You lovingly held space for me to be with lifetimes of pain. This is the first time in a long, long time that I have sobbed and grieved with this intensity. What you invited in next was a surprise and a delight! I felt enraptured with Divine Love and I felt empowerment flooding into my womb, first in the form of the Divine Feminine love and radiance, next in the golden protection of the Divine Masculine. I immediately felt a sense of safety and protection that I've never felt before. I am now allowed to be me. I am allowed to have boundaries. I am SAFE! And, in closing, you offered me practical suggestions for how this may play out in my day-to-day life and what I can do to support myself. What an incredible, powerful healing session that has ushered in a new era of my life here on Earth.With deep love and gratitude - Susan Morse
Released lifetimes of pain and loss from her womb center which allowed her to safely reclaim her sacred space and reset her personal boundary opening into more freedom.  Incredible, powerful healing session that ushered in a new era of her life on Earth. Susan Morse
Thank you for posting the replay of the Nov. 4 call. I just finished watching the replay, and it truly helped me process things that had been oppressing my energy over the past few weeks. I felt a pressure over my crown chakra that has now been released and is gone. :) Alleluia! I sometimes feel reluctant to post here, but I am honouring the call you made in the meeting to shine forth and not shrink. I loved meeting this Goddess Akhilanda, and her presence right now is just what I needed. For it to be okay to feel vulnerable, and to not have to have all the answers. For so long I've worked at being self-reliant, strong, independent, not "needy", and to learn to voice my true thoughts and feelings. But lately the anger, frustration, feeling disrespected, abandoned, ignored, criticized.. had spilled over beyond my control. But it did not feel great to express these emotions either. Now, in this call, I feel the surrender that releases me from having to control or to judge any of it. And in the brokenness to find my wholeness, always waiting to hold me just as I am. No need to fix or direct or be anything else. I simply need to receive, and understand with love. Love feels good. And I loved that this goddess is all about being what is broken. After we had prior experiences with goddesses that were so powerful and strong, this was a new revelation for me. And I see her as the strongest of all, and that in the vulnerabilities, I can be the strongest me. I love this as a balm on my heart that is now softened after this call. I had been working so hard to set boundaries, yet when you asked us to dissolve the armour around our hearts and wombs I understood how much more defended we are in the arms of Spirit. With an open heart, mind and body, I am protected. I wrote the following poem in the middle of the replay, and it brought together many of the threads that had been arising in recent weeks. I share it here, in thanks, love, and joy for this beautiful healing. Thank you! much love, light, peace. Xo - Maria F.
I felt a pressure over my crown chakra that has now been released and is gone. :) Alleluia! I feel the surrender that releases me from having to control or to judge any of it. And in the brokenness to find my wholeness, always waiting to hold me just as I am. No need to fix or direct or be anything else. I simply need to receive, and understand with love. Love feels good. Dissolved the armour around my heart and womb I understood how much more defended we are in the arms of Spirit. Inspired her to birth a poem. Maria F.
Working with Laura over these last 3 months together has helped me to shift into a new place of inner trust and creating joy through writing poetry and love letters. When we first started working together I was struggling with the feelings of “unworthiness, resentment, anger, sadness and ongoing fears” spending many hours a day at home using clearing processes on myself. I was facing my fears, especially “my fear of failure” in moving into creating my own coaching business so I could begin to earn some income while serving others. As Laura opened my Akashic Records, she channeled information that brought forward answers to my questions to help me see the deeper insights and clarity about the “hidden gifts” wanting to reveal themselves in the birthing of this process. With Laura’s guidance she took me “out of the box” of my personal experience into opening up to a new much bigger perspective of how I am here to serve the world. During our sessions together she brought forth a whole new creative process including a “template with defined steps” that I would use in guiding my clients on their journey to heal their hearts. This brought in a new structure that I feel comfortable with allowing me to gain the confidence that I needed to shift into feeling truly excited about my new business actually coming into reality now! I feel I have truly transformed my inner fears and shifted into a new place of courage and joy! I feel blessed and truly grateful to be working with Laura, who’s guidance has been an infinitely helpful, insightful and joyful experience. - Lorraine W.
Working with Laura over these last 3 months together has helped me to shift into a new place of inner trust and creating joy through writing poetry and love letters. Released feelings of “unworthiness, resentment, anger, sadness and ongoing fears”. opening up to a new much bigger perspective of how I am here to serve the world. Released “my fear of failure” and restored my confidence. I feel I truly transformed my inner fears and shifted into a new place of courage and joy! I feel blessed and truly grateful to have worked with Laura, who’s guidance has been an infinitely helpful, insightful and joyful experience. Lorraine W.
I would highly recommend Laura Hosford’s Akashic Records class to anyone committed to their spiritual growth. During the class, I thought that in the past I had dealt with and released an old pattern - rejection. Laura helped me to reveal and release any emotions, memories, etc. attached to this pattern. I witnessed my own progress and shifts on that amazing journey and would not change a thing related to the course the way it is prepared and implemented. The opening and closing prayers are amazingly at a higher vibration than ones that I have heard before. With great appreciation and lots of gratitude, I feel much lighter and clearer. I am thankful for Laura’s insight. - Kelly P.
I would highly recommend Laura Hosford’s Akashic Records class. I released an old pattern of rejection.  Laura helped me to reveal and release the emotions, memories, etc. attached to this pattern. I witnessed my own progress and shifts opening me up to a new amazing journey. I am thankful for Laura’s insight. Kelly P.
I have been on a journey lead by my I Am for an ascension guide who could connect me to the Divine Feminine since 2018.  I’ve work with more teacher who have connect me to the Christ energy Divine Masculine “Jesus Christ” then the Divine Feminine “Sophia”. Laura has help me to connect to my inner Sophia! With the help of her healing process and activation of the womb. Learning about the sacral or womb has shown me how to activate the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine aspect.  Which has served me in preparation for the Cosmic Mother energy coming in now.  If you are ready even if you are not ready she will  lend a hand to your creativity. I highly recommend her.... - Cassandra, USA
Laura has helped me to connect to my inner Sophia! With the help of her healing process and activation of my womb center I have activated my divine feminine and masculine aspects. She helped me to improve my creativity. I highly recommend her. Cassandra
It is my Honor to Highly recommend Laura's work, her packages and Especially a private session as she channels in pure loving celestial light in all realms. I felt called, didn't know why and as we connected at the beginning of the session, left over stuff came through and I received a sacred healing/anointment and more and have felt more peace since. So much love and reverence for your gifts and purpose. As a long time Healer/Reiki Master myself for over 18 yrs, I will be a returning soul sister client. With Love, in the Brightest Rainbow Light!! - Caroline Manzo
It is my Honor to Highly recommend Laura's work, Received sacred healing and anointing ceremony and felt more peace since. Caroline Manzo
I  just listen to the replay of the prayer/session  once again  and I will listen..again and again (and this never happened before..) I have to admit that this prayer or healing session  is the most powerful I have ever received...!!! It is hard for me to find words to describe how I feel..   The only thing I can say is that the love and the healing I received from you and the whole Light Family brought me smoothly back to myself...My inner child also feels the precious well! Myself and the inner child, we cannot thank you enough! Love and blessings! - Erietta
I have to admit that this prayer or healing session  is the most powerful I have ever received...!!! It is hard for me to find words to describe how I feel. She connected my Inner Child  who now feels precious freedom. Erietta
Laura is a Priestess, a wealth of knowledge and a source for amazing research, and a fellow Sister in Magick, I highly recommend anyone seeking to find truly kindred Souls to awaken gifts, then come into Laura’s sphere and community— you will feel and see what I do— MAGICK RISING! Laura is the most gifted, clear intuitive channel for the Divine Feminine POWER that I have ever met and I have met MANY claiming the same. You helped me to deeply explore my sacred womb, digging into that RAW, amazing beauty of the darkness and reclaiming my pure power of creativity and to REMEMBER that feeling of deep connection with my womb as a Power Source! - Natalie V.
You helped me to deeply explore my sacred womb, digging into that RAW, amazing beauty of the darkness and reclaiming my pure power of creativity and to REMEMBER that feeling of deep connection with my womb as a Power Source! Natalie V.
When I first met Laura Hosford last fall, she gave me an Akashic Record reading. I never anticipated the further, amazing work we would do together. The reading was very profound for me and explained many things in my life. Wanting to further develop myself, we began working together in private sessions. Laura has helped me to find, understand, and change (as necessary) things deep in my soul I never imagined could be uncovered and changed. Things I never even realized about myself or understood were at play in my life. The change in me since working with Laura is huge and noticeable to everyone. I enjoy life so much more and I feel so much more at peace. I feel like I’m in control for the first time in my life. Laura is one of the best at guided meditations and grounding that I’ve ever encountered. She is a deeply loving person who is very easy to relate to. She puts you at ease right away. I have taken one of her classes so far and she is a great teacher. She takes the time to answer questions and to explain things in a way that you understand. I am already enrolled in another one of her classes in March and have a list of future classes I want to attend. I highly encourage anyone to try a reading, session or a class with Laura. I believe you will find it to be as amazing in your life as it has been in mine. I am so blessed to have met Laura and I’m proud to call her my teacher and now, my friend. - Jenny D.
Laura has helped me to find, understand, and change (as necessary) things deep in my soul I never imagined could be uncovered and changed. Things I never even realized about myself or understood were at play in my life. The change in me since working with Laura is huge and noticeable to everyone. I enjoy life so much more and I feel so much more at peace. I feel like I’m in control for the first time in my life. Jenny D.

Laura Hosford

Laura Hosford is a Sacred Oracle and Goddess of Light Emissary for the Divine Feminine Christ Consciousness. 
She uses her spiritual gifts of channelling Celestial Beings of Light, Ascended Masters including Mary Magdalene & Mother Mary, is a Womb Priestess and Ceremonial Frequency Rebirther, Shamanic Ordained Minister, Master Akashic Records Teacher, Light Language Channel, Intuitive Energy Healer, and Retreat Leader.
As a Transformational Teacher of Spiritual Truth and energy alchemist, Laura gently guides you to transmute layers of fear and energetic imprints of codependency, martyrdom, and other patterns of victimization held in your body and womb opening your chalice of crystalline light and activating your flames of ascension expanding you into greater Galactic consciousness and sovereign power. 
After an accelerated, life-changing experience in the South of France in June 2017, Laura began to experience higher states of consciousness and channel Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary in  her work.  Later she awakened to her role as a High Priestess of the ancient Rose Temple and Temples of Venus, her Acturian-Sirius star family and Sisterhood of the Rose lineage. 
As a midwife of the Divine Feminine Christ Consciousness movement now emerging on the planet bringing in the new Golden Age of Peace, Laura is here to support helping men and women to heal and anchor their divine feminine - masculine frequencies to restore balance to the New Earth grids bringing harmony and peace to our planet. 
Using her Priestess gifts she facilitates the return of the Goddess circles, to hold sacred space for the Sisterhood of the Rose to awaken, remember and reconnect to their true Goddess heritage.
In all of her work she supports both women and men to develop a supreme sense of self love and divine worthiness, awakening their true Angelic God-Goddess Self to create the life of their choosing. 
Are you ready to: 
  • Ignite your divine feminine frequency and awaken your inner sacred codes of light.
  • Awaken your latent Priestess powers to heal, transform and anchor the divine feminine light in your community.
  • Activate your Christos-Sophia Divine blueprint
  • Embody and anchor your divine feminine light
  • Open your Heart-Womb of Divine Love
  • Transmute layers of fear in your body into pure love and crystalline light
  • Activate the flames of ascension and 7 Angelic Rays
  • Activate your Sisterhood of the Rose Lineage

Package A - Value $541 - Special Offer - $144

Pink Rose Mother Divine Womb Activation Session
Bonus 1 - Journey into the Divine Feminine Cosmic Womb of Love
Bonus 2 - A  pre-recorded live group healing audio call
Bonus 3 - ​​Divine Sophia Golden Abundance Codes Activation audio
Bonus 4 - ​​Magdalene Red Rose Circle Live Call

Package B - Value $841 - Special Offer - $244

Everything in Package A+
Group Womb Healing Retreat (5 classes) - Pre-Recorded or Live Class in January