Kim Regnitz 
Special Offer 

February 2021

New Golden Age of Sovereign Abundance

Kim's Package A - Value $700 - Special Offer - $122

ITEM 1 - 4 Holographic Activations/Transmissions MP3s
  • ​“The New Golden Age of Sovereign Abundance”! ~ Mp3
  • “Clean Sweep.... Of the Obsolete”! Mp3
  • “Resonating as a Sovereign Being”! Mp3
  • “Soul/ Star Family ReUnion ~ Soul Mission”! Mp3

ITEM 2 - 2, “2 1⁄2 Hour” Live Group Virtual Classes

Also Included - 2 PDFs
  • “What Is a Holographic Activation” PDF (Read before the activations)
  • “Fully Embodied Alignment” PDF

New Golden Age of Sovereign Abundance

Kim's Package B - Value $950 - Special Offer - $244

ITEM 1 - Everything in Package A
ITEM 2 - Personal “Harmonic Holographic Transformational” Session (60-90 Minutes)
ITEM 3 - Bonus Offering - 2 ~ 90 min Holographic Activations (held Bimonthly, New Moon ~ Full Moon

New Golden Age of Sovereign Abundance

Package A

Total Value $700 - Special Offer $122

Package A

Are you Ready to Fully Anchor this Exciting, New 5D Golden Age of Sovereign Abundance? This Special Offer Opportunity explores these Ascension Frequencies and offers a “Visionary” Powerfully Immersive Experience within the Aquarian Energy! As this package was Created within this Aquarian Stellium, prepare to “Shift your Perception” as to what is Truly Ready to Manifest within our 3D & 4D World! A Thriving New Life filled with Creativity, Freedom, Harmony, JOY & Abundance!!! It is time to get Ready for an Amazing NEW “Star Treky” 5D World!
Within this Special Offer Package there are 4 Powerful Holographic Activations & Transmissions, that will take you from Magically Exploring to Co-Creating this New Golden Age facilitated through Kim’s “I AM Alchemy Collective”! As you work with this Material, you will raise your Home Frequency, Activate & Expand your Heart Stargate Portal & DNA, Decalcify the Pineal Gland and overall support your Ascension Process! The Holographic Activations contain Downloads, Templates and more that accelerate and Expand your Consciousness each time you are guided to participate! Deepen Communication and Connection with your Star/Soul Family through the Loving Support of your “I AM” Presence/Team! This is very Supportive prior or following a Personal Session!
For best results, it is recommended seated or lying down in a Meditative state with Spinal column straight! It is perfectly Normal to go in and out of deep Brain Wave Consciousness patterns and to ‘fall asleep’, as often it is where Greatest Shifts occur. Be Prepared to NOTICE WHAT IS DIFFERENT, following this package and/or a personal Session!
ITEM 1 - 4 Holographic Activations/Transmissions MP3s
Holographic Activations/ Journey’s
Note** * facilitated through Kim’s “I AM Alchemy Collective” (Ascended Masters. Archangels, Angels, Star Nations/Galactic/InterGalactic Beings, Elementals, Crystallines, Dolphins, Fairies, Dragons etc) Frequency Bandwidth!

“The New Golden Age of Sovereign Abundance”! ~ Mp3

Enter the Vision! Shift your Perception to what is Magically Possible as we Explore this 5D Golden Age of Sovereign Abundance and what it means for YOU! As facilitated through the I AM Frequency Bandwidth, this Activation begins with a Chakra Clearing/ Light Body Centering, Creating Sacred Space and a Journey through the Heart Stargate Portal! Magical Land.... Magical Beings Abound. Each participatory experience begins to allow you to Clearly Focus & Anchor YOUR PERCEPTION of the New Amazing World we are Co-Creating!
“Clean Sweep.... Of the Obsolete”! Mp3
Within this highly Effective Activation, there is a focus within the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Chakra’s, facilitating a Deep Cleanse of stuck Obsolete patterns! These issues/patterns are mostly held within the Energetic Biofield, DNA, Ancestral & Multidimensional timelines!
Through the “I AM” Frequency, we are assisted by the Pleiadians, Mantis Beings,Crystallines and Kwan Yin, which totally aided this Beautiful & Powerful Process. A High Frequency Download of the Rainbow & Golden Ray, entered, to immediately fill any Void
As Guided, Kim utilized Vocal Sounds ~ Toning / Language of Light codes, as well as 432hz tuned Crystal Bowls of the “C” (root chakra) and the “G” (throat chakra)!
This Mp3 may be used at anytime to clear what is surfacing, that no longer serves our I AM Alignment as we Anchor this New Golden Age!
“Resonating as a Sovereign Being”! Mp3
The Powerful Focus for this Activation within the Vision of the New 5D Golden Age, is all about Resonance, PERCEPTION and our Specific Unique Frequency in “Resonating” AS a Sovereign Being. Through the I AM Alchemy Team, there is a Transmission exploring this process, given in several steps: A). Discernment, B). Authenticity (Intent), C). Frequency, & D). Abundance! Discernment leads to...Authenticity...leads to Frequency “emanating” ...leads to Abundance (Creation & Manifestation)!
The 2nd part of this initial Transmission is the Holographic Activational Journey Download of a Sacred Geometric Template, Unique to Each participant within the Toroidal Energy Field!
This Activation contains many New Codes/Key Codes facilitated through the “I AM” as well as a Recalibration, harmonizing of all spaces connected!
“Soul/ Star Family ReUnion ~ Soul Mission”! Mp3
Co-Creative ~ Unified Field of Divine Feminine / Divine Masculine Centering begins this Powerful Transmission facilitated through the “I AM Alchemy Collective” under the Harmony and Guidance of the Soul/Star Families! Your BioField is gently upgraded, as this is a Sequential Experience of Connection & Communicating with our BELOVED Soul/Star Families.
This Beautiful Soul/Star Family Reunion, within this Holographic Activation were bringing forth Crop Circle, Sacred Geometry patterns, as DNA Upgrades & Key Codes within our Fields specifically relating to our Soul Missions!
For anyone feeling a bit Abandoned in this Accelerated “Great Awakening” Process, this Activation is most WELCOMING & Supportively POWERFUL!
Continuing with this Mp3 will continue to deepen this Communication, Connection as it relates to your Soul Mission!
The Entire Series of these 4 Powerful Mp3’s will allow you to Co-Create a Foundational Shift within your Consciousness Anchoring in this New 5D Golden Age of Sovereign Abundance! New Templates and KeyCodes within your Field will begin to Encode for Changes within your Consciousness and your ‘outer’ Life Experience! Utilizing this Aquarian Stellium allow us to
ITEM 2 - ​2, “2 1⁄2 Hour” Live Group Virtual Classes
This Package A, includes: 2, “2 1⁄2 Hour” Live Group Virtual Classes supporting your Ascension Process, this Special Offer Package Material, with the Anchoring this 5D New Golden Age of Sovereign Abundance!
These 2 classes will be calibrated to the Consciousness & what is ready to Shift & Upgrade within the Participants! Each 2 1⁄2 -hour class will be held via Instant Teleseminar (Audio) and offer a downloadable Mp3 recording! There will be Personalized Assistance via Q & A (pre-emailed)!
Each class may also contain Sound/ Language of Light, Cosmic Evolutionary Guidance, High Frequency Transmissions, Supportive Tools & a Unique Holographic Activation! Through Kim’s “I AM Alchemy Collective”, and this “I AM Frequency”, We will be working with our Soul/Star Family Support and She will be totally Guided to what is to come through as she facilitates in a Playful,
Unconventional way! (Class schedule TBA)
New Golden Age of Sovereign Abundance

Package B

Total Value Over $950 - Special Offer $244

Package B 

Item 1: Everything in Package A
ITEM 1 - 4 Holographic Activations/Transmissions MP3s
  • ​“The New Golden Age of Sovereign Abundance”! ~ Mp3
  • “Clean Sweep.... Of the Obsolete”! Mp3
  • “Resonating as a Sovereign Being”! Mp3
  • “Soul/ Star Family ReUnion ~ Soul Mission”! Mp3

ITEM 2 - 2, “2 1⁄2 Hour” Live Group Virtual Classes

Also Included - 2 PDFs
  • “What Is a Holographic Activation” PDF (Read before activations)
  • “Fully Embodied Alignment” PDF

Item 2: Personal “Harmonic Holographic Transformational” Session!
(60 - 90 Minutes)

(Includes Mp3 recording, Instant Teleseminar) Session is to be scheduled by contacting Kim @
(PDF Description of a Personal “Harmonic Holographic Transformational Session)
Harmonic, Holographic Transformational Sessions
This one-on-one Transformational Session blends Kim’s nearly 30+ years of Experience in the Field of Healing and Transformational Technologies! In a private Session, with a playful approach, Kim will tune into your Entire Bio field Hologram and notice where your Energy is Stagnant, stuck and not flowing! As an Interpreter of the Soul’s Vibration and a Conscious Channel of the I AM Frequency, she works through the Guidance with her “I AM” Alchemy Team Collective! Within this “I AM” Alchemy Team, are Ascended Masters, Angels, Archangels, Star Nations, Galactic’s, Elementals, Crystalline Beings, Dolphins, Ancient Ones and all who are in the Vibration with this Frequency Bandwidth!
Since every Issue/ pattern is Light, Information and Resonance, Kim receives the Intuitive protocol for each Session through her I AM Alchemy Team Collective! In the Alignment with your “I AM” Presence, these Patterns begin to shift, and resonate with the New Frequency as Pure Potential and Possibility! As A Conscious Channel of this “I AM” Frequency, Kim is Clairvoyant, Clairsentient, Clairaudient, Claircognizant and Empathic!
Many of these incongruent Issues/ patterns that surface, tend to get “Louder” as they become ready to disentangle! Through the Loving Support of your I AM Presence, you come into Alignment with this Consciousness Shift, Integrating and Harmonizing these Patterns into Balance and Neutrality!
These Issues/Patterns can be inclusive of Generational, Ancestral Imprinting, or Multidimensional Issues from this or other timelines and/or Parallel/Alternate Realities. Many People may have Implants, Entities, Psychic Bonds, and other negative or nefarious anomalies in their Field. When these patterns are cleared,you have access to the Skill Sets that you have mastered from these other timelines (lifetimes)! You may also tap into Magical JOY as never before, as the Heart Stargate opens and Expands!
Each personal Session is a Holographic Activation and a Multidimensional Shift of Consciousness, including an upgrade in Awareness as you move towardEmbodying the Divine, your “I AM” Presence in 3-D form! Sound (Voice Toning) as well as Light Languages may be channeled within the session. Sound is an Amazing way to dissolve many obsolete Patterns as well as bring in new upgraded Frequencies of Divine “I AM” Light codes! Guided Channeled information is also very much included within a Personal Session and each is like a mini Class!
These Transformational Sessions are not just all about Clearing, especially if you are someone who has done a lot of their ‘Personal’ Clearing work! Kim facilitates Magical, Galactic Multidimensional Downloads and Crystalline Codes, that you may be ready to Receive that are in Alignment and always Guided through your I AM Presence, that may pertain to your Divine Mission!
She eclectically draws from her Skill’s in Quantum Mechanics and is an Experienced, Highly Qualified Certified Practitioner in many modalities inclusive of: Sacred Sound/Language of Light/Toning,Crystal Healing, Dowsing, Matrix Energetics and LaHoChi Multidimensional Healing, Essential Oils as Frequency etc.
Kim is also skilled and incorporates Evolutionary Astrology and Nature/Elemental Frequencies in her Sessions! Each Transformational Session is unique, includes Channeled information and a class as well! Often times messages and information is brought in for you, through Kim’s I AM Alchemy Team! She goes into a DEEP DIVE with you in the Transformational discovery of “WHAT IS TRULY POSSIBLE FOR YOU”!
A Session may assist you in having a greater Connection with your I AM Presence as well as the Manifestation Process (FLOW) in your 3-D World! If you are really ready to Transform and Accelerate your Ascension path, it is suggested to have additional Sessions as Guided through your I AM Presence!
Please note that Kim will work via phone/computer via Instant Teleseminar. A recorded Replay is offered through the Instant Teleseminar platform. Skype (Audio) is also an option!
Also, it is useful to realize that the Session begins at the time you book it and the Energy starts to change. Be Aware of this, and it shows up uniquely for each person! Kim goes deep with you is passionate about her work, truly to be experienced!!!
ITEM 3 - Bonus Offering - 2 ~ 90 min Holographic Activations (held Bimonthly, New Moon ~ Full Moon
2 ~ 90 min Holographic Activations (held Bimonthly, New Moon & Full Moon) when you contact Kim to schedule your Session you will receive a code allowing you to use 2 times for an Activation of your Choice. (Visit website for more details on Live Activations)


Your activation this evening was...closest word...profound. I was running so much energy thru me, my knees, hips were aching, my heart was so happy, I delighted that the dolphins/whales were playing in the mix. Everything was so beautiful! Don't you dare keep this gift under wraps any longer! I can't wait for the replay to go thru it again, again, again. I loved the play by play, the tones - my body loves tones. At one point I had to go outside and stick my feet in the grass and look at the stars. Thank you so so so so so so so much. xo ~ Kathy

Thank you Kim. I just wanted you to know that the healing you did on me a few weeks ago was very powerful and comprehensive....very shifted a deep pattern that had been carried over from lifetimes. Layers of healing are still coming up but it is so much better. 💞💞💞💞
I will always remember that and I am grateful for your service. 
~ Carmen

After a couple of replays I am heartfelt to send you so much thankfulness and gratitude I am "bursting". You are so helpful, deep and nourishing, and patient with my interruptions. I will continue to download the upgrade over the next few days to re-wire my hard drive. ~ B.B.

Kim is caring and extremely skilled with her work. i felt safe and taken care of the whole time. for days later, I feel the departure of emotional baggage i had for years. I love Kims work. it is thorough and complete and she gives you tools to work with after the session that further healing. I could feel Kims work clear my body of old emotions , leaving me to wake up with more ease than i felt in years. Kims "moon cycle " sessions are healing and relaxing. i know that i am letting go of old things and opening the door to new possibilities Kim is highly skilled and very kind. these are most important for any energy work, or healing, to be successful. i feel SO at peace in my body. i feel like i may be getting closer to knowing myself as spirit or i am - or whatever undefinable thing we truly are- without attachment to old concepts and pain. i feel SO emptied- in a good way - after our sessions. ~ G.F.

Kim Regnitz is a Divine facilitator of the I Am Presence. She encourages others to find their own Soul and Voice, their very own "Soul Song". Her MP3's and Holographic Activations support your sessions.

I began working with Kim in 2017. She first "Woke" me to the reality of my limitations in the 3- Dimensional world, after 69 years of deep mind programming. We continue on still, in our 4- year soulful journey together. A truly blessed adventure!

I recommend you enlist Kim ONLY IF you truly want to dig really deep and release the fear, pain and shameful incongruities in your life. Soul diving is not for the weak-willed or faint of heart! It requires courage, faith, trust and love for self and others.

If you suspect you have MKUltra past, or serious mind-control in your history, Kim can facilitate healing and emotional recovery and mental health. She is able, through her I Am team and your I Am Presence to facilitate the rejuvenation of your Soul. YOU have to be WILLING to invest emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical energy, as well as time and money, into your re-emergence as an original pure Soul. Although soul growth is not a comfortable process for me, I work with it every day through my Divine alignment with my I Am Presence. The journey Home is worth the risk! I Am in sincere appreciation to Kim Regnitz and her Song of the Heart. ~ Leslie

Hi Kim - thank you for such a powerful session yesterday- I believe I am to work with you periodically as you are a truly clean vessel for facilitating the messages of Source and for supporting those on the path of ascension. You have the absence of ego and the wonder of the child that lives in all and so, your exploration within others is like the exploration of the child that lives in each soul.

I just sent you some information from a book I ‘happened’ to send for quite recently. It is titled: Kuan Yin: Accessing the Power of the Divine Feminine by Daniela Schenker.
After our session I looked in this book and found these pages - totally relating to what we experienced yesterday with Kuan Yin. 
I am looking forward to the recording, my love to you. ~ J. L.

Profound Sessions ~ Like none other!

I have had many energy healing sessions but sessions with Kim are like with no one else I have experienced. The healing work is very profound and often it feels like a immersing in a pool of all the most beautiful energies. Thank you! ~ L.R.

I've been able to open up to and feel deeper levels of love, and for the first time I really feel so loved by my mom. I always knew she loved me so much, but I could never really feel the love until now! I now feel the depth of the immense amount of love she has for me, and I can really take it in and appreciate it. I feel so so loved!! It's so beautiful, it makes me cry.

I also went out with friends a couple nights ago, and my energy levels and excitement were great! I really feel that I'm comfortable being myself around other people, and I don't have to think about it anymore, I just feel great. :) Much love and blessings to you, Kim. ~ J

I had the pleasure of interviewing Kim on an interview series in June of 2017, little did I know that she would be THE person that showed up just when I needed her most. At the time I knew little about Kim or the work that she did but I felt compelled to book a session with her and was simply astounded by what came through.

It was as though, for the very first time, someone could tap into the energies that I was experiencing but could not put into words. Session after session we continue to unravel layers of unwanted patterns, programs and belief systems that were unknown to my conscious mind.

I continue to work with Kim has contributed to my life in such a profound way, words cannot express. There are those special moments in life when the master appears, Kim has been that for me and I AM ever so grateful. She has truly helped me transform deeper into my I AM so that I can show up in the world to fulfill my souls mission. THANK YOU Kim Regnitz for all that you ARE! ~Tamaey Gottuso, PhD

Full of Gratitude

Words cannot express my gratitude for everything Kim has done to help me. I am so grateful for her in my Life. She is very intuitive and her work is profound. She always knows what to say to help me feel better when something is really bothering me. She has helped me to see a challenge – as a gift and a wonderful opportunity for growth. I am eternally grateful for her wisdom, insights and willingness to assist me on my Journey. I highly recommend her workshops and one-on-one sessions. She is a blessing to all who know her. Thank you Kim! - Tammy S

So Thankful!

When I first met with Kim I instantly felt a deep soul connection. Then she continued with her Interpreter of my Soul’s Vibration and I felt it a most profound way. My entire body lit up like crazy, in ecstasy and then things calmed down. Then I felt light in my thyroid gland which was moving around. Since that time I feel myself embodying 5th dimensional consciousness bit by bit every day, as each day everything is softer and easier with no edginess. My perception of other people and other situations is the same. I attract no drama into my life. Only peace and harmony. My life changed literally in the moment I met with Kim. And I am so thankful! - Julie (Juliann) C

My life is transformed!

I met Kim 10 years ago and it has since changed my life in so many ways! I am so lucky to have crossed paths with such an amazing woman! - Courtney

Dear Kim, I hope you are doing awesome ❤ I wanted to say thank you for the amazing work you’ve done on me. I feel so calm and composed… it’s just beautiful. Gratitude and love 💕💕 - Adita S.

Kim Regnitz you are such an incredible gift to humanity. I’ve had 2 sessions with you and I’m in awe of what you do. I hope anyone seeking transformation on a deep level will connect with you. NO doubt in my mind you are on your way to super stardom, lucky for me to have found you! THANK YOU for making such an incredible impact in my life. I’m ready and the world is now ready… it’s time.  - T.G.

Your activation this evening was…closest word…profound. I was running so much energy thru me, my knees, hips were aching, my heart was so happy, I delighted that the dolphins/whales were playing in the mix. Everything was so beautiful! Don’t you dare keep this gift under wraps any longer! I can’t wait for the replay to go thru it again, again, again. I loved the play by play, the tones – my body loves tones. At one point I had to go outside and stick my feet in the grass and look at the stars. Thank you so so so so so so so much. xo - Kathy

Kim Regnitz

Kim Marie Christine Regnitz is a Multi-Dimensional Master, Vibrational Intuitive and a Conscious Channel of the “I AM” Frequencies, assisting others through the deepest levels of Awakening and Transformation! Kim came in as an Awakened, enlightened Soul always feeling the connection and comfort of being in Nature and ‘playing’ with the Elementals. Being extremely sensitive, you would often find her in or around Water! ☺  In the late 1980’s, around the time of the Harmonic Convergence, She experienced “Unity Consciousness” and her life changed dramatically. In 1992, after recently getting married, she moved to rural North Central Wisconsin where she had a Huge Vibrational Shift of Awakening into “Christ Consciousness” Frequency! Through the intensity of this Transformational Shift, she experienced many upgrades facilitating the purging of obsolete patterns and Cellular memory held within her “Field”. As she integrated this process within herself, Kim then began to assist others through Activation of their Light Body as a Conscious Channel of the “I AM Presence” Frequency.
In 1995 she started her Business, “Song of the Heart” Healing Arts for Transformation, where she began to teach Intensives, activating and empowering others in the Awakening of their Divinity, as an Interpreter of the Soul’s Vibration! As Kim continued on her own Transformational Journey, Embodying Divine Consciousness, she was able to reconnect with many of the Gifts and Skill Sets obtained through Multi-Dimensional Timelines! She has brought through this Wisdom and teaches others how to Access the Quantum Holographic Field through their own Heart Space, raising their Frequency in Resonance with their Highest Possibility Potential! Activating others in this Re-connection with their own I AM Presence and True Authentic Self, in Loving Divine Service, brings much Joy to Kim as she is able to witness the Master within each Being, as they begin to Embody and Live from the place of their true Authenticity connecting up with Miracles and Magic in their Lives!
In her  Multi-Dimensional, Holographic Transformational Sessions, Group Intensives and Nature Retreats, as Divinely Guided, she is able to eclectically blend many Gifts and Skill Sets including, Sacred Sound, Astrology, Crystalline Transmissions/Language of Light, LaHoChi Healing, Dowsing, Sacred Geometry, Matrix Energetics, Nature Communication/Animal Totems, Crystals, Holographic Coaching/Personal and Business, and more...! Kim, in alignment with her “I AM” Alchemy Team and in partnership through each Client’s “I AM” Presence, in a playful Magical format, shifts and balance these incongruent to Soul patterns that are within one’s Multidimensional Bio Field! These may be Ancestral, Soul contracts/Retrieval, Multidimensional Implants/Entities, Timeline (past lives) patterns and can also access the new Codes/Skill Sets/ Future timelines that are ready to upgrade/download. Her work may also re-connect those to their JOY, a Natural Multidimensional state of being!
Kim’s Love of Nature finds her on many Rivers as a Whitewater Kayaker. She has been a Professional Whitewater River Guide for over 30 + years!  At present, Kim also holds a 3rd Degree Black Belt in Taekwondo and has taught for over 10 years, all with the intent of Focusing on each person’s Strengths, bringing Mindfulness and Presence to one’s life! She lives life as an Adventurer, her home in Nature (Rural North Central Wisconsin) with her husband Mark, her Son Dylan, and Cat, “Precious”! Her newest endeavor is leading Multi-Dimensional, Transformational Nature Retreats and plans to offer them worldwide! Kim LOVES to Travel and is happy to offer classes, be a guest as a Speaker at Live Events or Teleseminars!  ~ Namaste~

New Golden Age of Sovereign Abundance

Kim's Package A - Value $700 - Special Offer - $122

ITEM 1 - 4 Holographic Activations/Transmissions MP3s
  • ​“The New Golden Age of Sovereign Abundance”! ~ Mp3
  • “Clean Sweep.... Of the Obsolete”! Mp3
  • “Resonating as a Sovereign Being”! Mp3
  • “Soul/ Star Family ReUnion ~ Soul Mission”! Mp3

ITEM 2 - 2, “2 1⁄2 Hour” Live Group Virtual Classes

Also Included - 2 PDFs
  • “What Is a Holographic Activation” PDF (Read before activations)
  • “Fully Embodied Alignment” PDF

New Golden Age of Sovereign Abundance

Kim's Package B - Value $950 - Special Offer - $244

ITEM 1 - Everything in Package A
ITEM 2 - Personal “Harmonic Holographic Transformational” Session (60-90 Minutes)
ITEM 3 - Bonus Offering - 2 ~ 90 min Holographic Activations (held Bimonthly, New Moon ~ Full Moon