Kimberly Crowe 

Special Offer
January 2021

Package A - Value $700 - Special Offer - $97

Item 1 - 3 Live Group Calls
Item 2 - Access to 2 Months of Private Membership

Package B - Value $950 - Special Offer - $147

Item 1 - Everything in Package A
Item 2 - 12 Days of Transmissions
Item 3 - 30 minute One on One session

The power to create something new begins with leaving the past behind to create space and allow something new to surface and awaken within.
That something new is ancient within you. The truth of your essence.
Frequency Holder are you ready?!!
Spirit has shown me the matrix of the new Earth that is waiting to be birthed.
This synergy lies within the imaginal cells of your blueprint.
It is time to remember the future to create it now.
 Awaken Your Divine Blueprint 
Activate YOUR Codes of RE Creation
Are you ready to......
• Remember and anchor the Gift of who you are?
• Be your sovereign self?
• Release from the chaotic Mind of Humanity ?
• Be free from sabotaging patterns?
This is the series made for you!!
You will feel supported and given tools to Disconnect from the Mind Matrix.
So you can Create with all your accumulated knowledge
Awaken Your Divine Blueprint 
Activate YOUR Re Creation Codes
Are you ready to restore your divine birthright and reclaim a balanced life, peace and success in all areas of your life?
Do you know you are a frequency holder and it's time to be supported!!! Receiving these downloads, adjusts your Blueprint with awakening the dormant codes, through your cells, acknowledging and transforming, through the agreements you personally made. We have held these codes for the moment, planned.
The Invitation
Come play with me and receive the upgrades.
We anchor the Codes of Creation and receive the Cosmic Rays
We as a collective move past the limitations of this contained universe.
We awaken remembering our Inner Awakened Master self.
Embrace your Divinity with me as your sacred witness!
This series contains 2 months of my I Am membership.
Group channeled guidance, Individual Hot seats, Light Language transmission with “I Am” Retonement Healing frequencies.
Receive supportive tools with practical exercises to help you reclaim your Light Codes to your Inner Awakened Mastery.
Be the gift that you are!

You will receive:
  • Support with 2 months of I AM Membership 
  • There you will receive Energetic Transformative Transmissions and Sacred Teachings.
  •  Plus ongoing support with live Group calls
  • Bring your energy into alignment and upgrade to the frequencies that are available now !!

Kimberly Crowe transmits a Field of potential to anchor higher dimensional octaves into sacred embodiment utilizing her Inner Awakened Mastery (I AM) Retonements transmissions.
The”I AM” Retonements are Transmissions and Activations that clear out the distorted matrices that are in the 3D illusion so that you can embody the true essence that you are. Kimberly works deeply within the Soul contracts, energetic structures and cellular memories to clear out the root causes of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual blocks so you may reclaim wisdom and empowerment of your Master Self.
The transmissions within these recordings support the truth of your divine self.
Would you like:
Peace of Mind and balance in all things?  - You will learn how to disconnect from the Mind Matrix.
Be an expression of creativity in the world? - Get activated to the Frequency of the gift  that you are!
Prosperity? - You will learn how to disconnect from any emotional traumas that are sabotaging your Future and Now !
Like others, you may experience from these IAM Retonements:
  • clarity about your life choices and directions
  • more inner peace
  • release of struggles and fears
  • remembering your Divine Blueprint
  • divinely guided inspiration

What Happens During Transmissions
Kimberly's  Inner Awakened Mastery programs with her signature “I AM” Retonements” are based on powerful Alchemical Synergy that is palatable throughout the teaching transmissions. She works with the group energy of the “Greater Aspect”. TheGreater Aspect's” empowering wisdom are uploaded with transmissions within this series that builds upon itself. The sportive teaching and healing frequencies upgrade all levels of awareness, build a foundation of restoring the divine self, collapsing the distorted matrices within the mind to reclaim and utilize your energy for your full potential. The recordings are embedded Light Code Language which bypasses the intellectual mind and communicates directly with the Soul, Heart and Physical Body of the recipient. This speaks to the spiritual self to repair the Light Body and upgrade the octaves to the most beneficial potential.

Kimberly's Special Offer A

Total Value $700

Special Offer $97


Item 1 - 3 Live Group Calls
Three Live Group Calls: 60-90 minutes
Teachings and Ascension upgrades for your support!
Kimberly Crowe facilitates the activation of your Soul Enlightenment Codes within your Divine Blueprint with Infusions from the Divine. These calls are created for the forerunners who are ready to be the portals of the divine plan within your remembrance carried within your Soul, physical and spiritual essence. The call will be channeled in real time. Call duration about an hour to 90mins and will be recorded. Format is Q&A followed by Kimberly leading group with a journey, opening the recording and beginning the work. Come release from the distorted matrices that hold you back and step into your Divine full potential!
  • Awaken your Soul Enlightenment Codes
  • Open The Doors To Your Enlightenment Codes
  • Create Planetary Change
These calls will be geared to the quantum field of the soul essence and infusion codes that are available for the highest benefit. Kimberly as guided by spirit will upload the group with retonements that will enhance the frequencies that are available now for you to support your divine alignment. We are all unique to our own Divine cellular structure of our templates of light. This work will clear the distorted pathways of the corrupted matrices. We will align with the frequencies of the Greater Aspect.

Calls are recorded as Mp3 and embedded with the transmissions

Item 2 - Access to Private Membership
Access to Private Membership
You will Receive More Ongoing Support 
FaceBook Group for 8wks
You can ask questions and receive support.
Kimberly will be live on Transformational Tuesdays Facilitating I AM Retonements.
Also Daily Check In's and Energy Transmissions for support
25% savings on any session during this time

Kimberly's Special Offer B

Total Value $950 

Special Offer $147


Everything in Package A
Item 2 - 12 Days of Transmissions
Plus 12 Days of Transmissions
 I AM Transmissions Grids
A Retonement Transmission is when the Greater Aspect of Divine truth, Gaia and I as a transmitter remotely and energetically send forth pristine waves of Divine Love from our Hearts into your Heart, purifying distortions and re-toning the awakening of the Truth of your divine nature. I will embody and transmit a vibration of Light and with each transmission we invite and align your heart to receive infinite love.
What happens when I get a Retonement Transmission?
During these Retonement Transmissions a field of infinite love is established within which you receive waves of pure Divine Love originating from the Greater Aspect ,the I Am Presence for the purpose of remembering and reclaiming your Awakened Master perfection. 
This octave of light activates the Divine Love within you, as a receiver you begin resonate with and hold this cohesive vibratory rate.
This will naturally support your Divine truth. As your heart opens to the memory of your Truth you begin to live in greater health, abundance and clarity, relating to yourself and others more compassionately, peacefully and lovingly.clarity, relating to yourself and others more compassionately, peacefully and lovingly.
Item 3: 30 minute One on One session
Personal Session
30 minute One on One session
Kimberly Crowe is an Everyday Mystic
She is the Sacred Witness to the Inner Awakened Mastery ("I Am") Retonements. She is an internationally known visionary teacher, artist and transformational healer with 30 years' experience. She can help you achieve your heart's desires by tuning into, clearing and harmonizing your unique energy system. As guided by divine creator. Kimberly can tap directly into your soul to help you achieve your purpose and passions in life. With precise inner vision and loving compassion, Kimberly will work with you to identify and release energetic blocks and imbalances that have kept you limited. She can assist you in letting go of fear and negative thought patterns so you can truly live your most passionate and successful life! Kimberly witnesses the matrices of the Divine (and not so Divine). She uses this awareness to transmit multidimensional healing frequencies infused in Light Codes. She holds space to assist the awakening of your Mastery purpose for its highest expression, bypassing the rational mind and clearing obstacles to destiny embodiment.


Ever since my first introduction to Kim and in subsequent sessions, I felt that she not only listened to me describe what ever challenge that I was facing, but she also truly comprehended the issue despite my somewhat ineffective description of it. She has the ability to identify in vivid detail my own past painful and traumatic scenarios that I have brushed aside from memory. Additionally, she possesses the divine ability to pinpoint the exact previous experience that manifests as a current problem and uses that connection to accelerate my personal healing. I leave not only feeling lighter in my heart, but also with the appropriate tools to further raise my vibration. She is truly gifted and in strong communication with spirit. Amy
I feel better and happier than I have felt in years and years. Thanks to you and your gifts. You have changed my life. Thank you.Love and Gratitude Marcy

Kimberly always knows how to zoom in and find what is troubling me now, and bring light to it. I love it when she does the Light Language. I highly recommend her if you are considering a program or a session. - Marg

Kimberly's work is outstanding. She has such a direct connection to Spirit each time I have did any work with her it is mind blowing how in depth the work goes. A blessing to planet at this time. - Kenny
Everything in my life has changed since I experienced the Destiny code class and released my parents energy. I own a rental property that brings income and will be publishing a series of children's books. Plus my blood pressure stabilized. Kimberly's insight has been a blessing in my life. - Andrea
I highly recommend Kimberly's Inner Awakened Mastery Retonements. She has such direct guidance with Spirit that her sessions are mind blowing. Such powerful life changing healing comes from her work. She is on the leading edge of this world's movement to ascension. - Janet


Kimberly Crowe is an Everyday Mystic and is known as "The Healers' Healer." She is the Sacred Witness to the Inner Awakened Mastery ("I Am") Retonements. She is an internationally known visionary teacher, artist and transformational healer with 30 years' experience. She can help you achieve your heart's desires by tuning into, clearing and harmonizing your unique energy system. As guided by Divine Creator, Kimberly can tap directly into your soul to help you achieve your purpose and passions in life.
With precise inner vision and loving compassion, Kimberly will work with you to identify and release energetic blocks and imbalances that have kept you limited. She can assist you in letting go of fear and negative thought patterns so you can truly live your most passionate and successful life!Kimberly serves as a Sacred Witness to your Inner Awakened Mastery Her work is dedicated to helping humanity awaken to its Divine Destiny and Empowerment. She transmits multidimensional healing frequencies which activate your soul's purpose for its mastery expression.Kimberly has 30 years' experience in allopathic and holistic medicine, and her life work is devoted to the healing arts. She is a Channel of the Inner Awakening Matrix retonements. Kimberly sees the divine essence in all, and has the innate ability to stand in all time and connect to the spheres of existence in all dimensions. This is the foundation of the transformational "I Am" retonements that are gifted to humanity and received by Kimberly from Greater Aspect.She has studied a wide range of healing modalities to support you on your journey. She combines this knowledge with her natural connection to Creator to hold the space of self-empowerment with her clients and students.

Package A - Value $700 - Special Offer - $97

Item 1 - 3 Live Group Calls
Item 2 - Access to 2 Months of Private Membership

Package B - Value $950 - Special Offer - $147

Item 1 - Everything in Package A
Item 2 - 12 Days of Transmissions
Item 3 - 30 minute One on One session