Kimberly Crowe is an Everyday Mystic and is known as "The Healers' Healer." She is the Sacred Witness to the Inner Awakened Mastery ("I Am") Retonements. She is an internationally known visionary teacher, artist and transformational healer with 30 years' experience. She can help you achieve your heart's desires by tuning into, clearing and harmonizing your unique energy system. As guided by Divine Creator, Kimberly can tap directly into your soul to help you achieve your purpose and passions in life.
With precise inner vision and loving compassion, Kimberly will work with you to identify and release energetic blocks and imbalances that have kept you limited. She can assist you in letting go of fear and negative thought patterns so you can truly live your most passionate and successful life!Kimberly serves as a Sacred Witness to your Inner Awakened Mastery Her work is dedicated to helping humanity awaken to its Divine Destiny and Empowerment. She transmits multidimensional healing frequencies which activate your soul's purpose for its mastery expression.Kimberly has 30 years' experience in allopathic and holistic medicine, and her life work is devoted to the healing arts. She is a Channel of the Inner Awakening Matrix retonements. Kimberly sees the divine essence in all, and has the innate ability to stand in all time and connect to the spheres of existence in all dimensions. This is the foundation of the transformational "I Am" retonements that are gifted to humanity and received by Kimberly from Greater Aspect.She has studied a wide range of healing modalities to support you on your journey. She combines this knowledge with her natural connection to Creator to hold the space of self-empowerment with her clients and students.