Iona Flores 
Special Offer
February 2020

Package A - Special Offer - $97

ITEM 1  – 8 MP3s & 2 Bonus MP3s

ITEM 2 - 14 Days Remote Healing

ITEM 3 - 90 Days Golden Love Capsule

Package B - Special Offer - $150

ITEM 1 - Package A
  • ITEM 1  – 8 MP3s & 2 Bonus MP3s
  • ITEM 2 - 14 Days Remote Healing
  • ITEM 3 - 90 Days Golden Love Capsule
ITEM 2 - 30 Min Healing Session

Package A

Special Offer $97

Package A

ITEM 1 - 8 mp3s

MP3 #1 - Heal Sexual Dysfunction

A lot of men and women are suffering from sexual dysfunction due to abuse in all forms. Physical, mental, emotional, verbal, sexual abuse, childhood trauma, past relationship ties, past lives, ancestral imprints, genetic imprints, generational patterns, karmic loops, spells, curses, and black magic. This energy is trapped in your cellular memory.  This MP3 helps you vibrate at higher frequencies of LOVE by clearing out old trapped energy within your body, opening up all your chakras and portals to hold your body in healthy states of consciousness. Your energy will shift and you will no longer be attracting lower frequency people into your life. You will now attract healthy, loving, warm, understanding beings into your life. Let them take a ticket and stand in line for you because you will be amazed at so many suitors coming up to you wanting your time and attention. If you’re in a relationship to your current partner this MP3 will also help couples reconnect on an open heart level, ignite your spark again, telepathic communication, balancing your energies as one, magnetize your energy to one another, rekindle your passion for one another. Your energy will be vibrating at heightened levels. You’ll be radiating Golden Light and Rainbow Light frequencies.  My God team of Ascended Masters, Arch Angels, and Divine Celestial Light Beings will be working with you sending you massive GOLD light energy frequencies to restructure your body to that of LOVE and wholeness. Your body will feel healthy, energized, whole, blissful, cherished, and nurtured. Fall in love with yourself again and let your light shine on!!!

MP3 #2 - Heal Addictions

To help you work through and heal all the addictions in your life: past, present, and future realities In all dimensions, time, and space, with the help of my God Team. This MP3 works on clearing and healing all addictions be it self-sabotage, not feeling worthy, weight issues, health issues, clearing all negative patterns and old tapes running that no longer serve you, healing traumas, abuse, loneliness, dread, anger, imprints, energetic cords, contracts, vows, entities, curses, limiting beliefs, ancestral healing, and karmic entanglements. You will no longer be playing the victim role this will open up your life to that of expansiveness. Imagine living the life of your wildest dreams. Anything is possible when you LOVE yourself fully. This MP3 also works on healing your inner child and bringing forth all fragmented pieces of your soul together to make you Whole again once and for all. Being in total alignment with your Higher Self merging you in GOLD frequencies of LOVE and LIGHT.

MP3 #3 - Be Whole, Be Love

Do you sometimes feel you are broken and not worthy of TRUE LOVE? Fall in LOVE with yourself again. What would it feel like to be WHOLE? What would it feel like to be truly loved by you?  You need to really feel this first within yourself then you can manifest this TRUE LOVE in the present moment. This MP3 will help you expand your multi-dimensional heart and pull off all the layers of protection that is no longer needed. An open heart is sending that LOVE signal to the universe that you are open and ready to receive the LOVE of your life. Think about your true love and really feel it with all your heart. Use all your senses as you listen to this MP3, sight, taste, touch, smell, hearing, and inner sight. Really feel all the sensations as the energy flows throughout your body. Feel the chills, sparks, warmth, and just BE.  This will bring forth your soul mate relationship. You can have it all. What else is possible?

MP3 #4 - High Frequency Shield

This MP3 is to help you deal with lower energies all around you be it at work, home, crowded places, dealing with negative family members or friends. Placing high frequencies of GOLD LIGHT Sparkles around your field to ensure your energy stays in high vibration and you stay energized all day and all night. Play this track on repeat whenever needed with sound or on silent. You can vibrate in the fifth dimension and even though there is chaos all around you nothing phases you because you are tapped into the Pure Source healing energies all around you. Do you ever wish you were one of those highly evolved human beings walking around who seem enlightened and are always smiling from their eyes? You can have that inner glow radiate from the inside out too. This MP3 will get you vibrating at that magical state of blissful union of oneness. You can live in the fifth dimension 24 hours a day. Think about how wonderful you can feel to have a life full of love, finances, health, and career. Think about all the possibilities. It can be your reality. Just feel it, see it, and know it.   Bring forth all of the LIGHT that is within you. Radiate that LOVE frequency to all of humanity and shine on. Shine your brilliant light.

MP3 #5 - Grounding, Staying in Your Power

Feel empowered everyday by grounding yourself. Feel the magnificence of your Higher Self in your tailbone the powerhouse of all Manifestation. This MP3 will help you learn how to truly stay in your body to have this human experience and manifest the life of your dreams. This is only possible when you learn how to really ground yourself in your body and stay in your power. Feel the energy shift as I call in my God team to help you be present within yourself and to know you are the creator of this experience. Learn how to reclaim your power by grounding into this energy alignment within you. This will become your natural state of Bliss.

MP3 #6 - Just Be, Present Moment

How would it feel like to be totally comfortable in your own skin? To be at Bliss in the NOW. To fully be in the present moment. This MP3 will keep you in alignment with yourself, mind, body, and soul. Ignite your all your senses as I guide you on a magical journey with my God Team. I’m going to take you back to remembering how to use your imagination and playful energy. Do you remember how magical it was to be a child? That awe and excitement energy you felt as you created anything your little heart desired? You are unstoppable, you have many superpowers that we will unlock. I will take you on a magical journey and show you how to re- open up your magical gifts. You will remember how powerful it is to play and create in the present moment learning how to just BE…
So get ready and really connect with your inner child who wants to play with you to manifest the life of your dreams. Think of who was your favorite super hero growing up and imagine getting geared up. Put on your cool outfit and it’s time to be the NEW SUPER HUMAN that you are and unlock your dormant super powers that are screaming for you to open now. Open your treasure chest of powers shine that bright golden light of love open you heart chakra now and spin in golden frequencies of DIVINE LOVE and all that is connect with your inner child and your GOD SELF NOW.

MP3 #7 - Clarity and Soul Purpose

This MP3 will bring you into alignment with your soul purpose with the help of my God Team. We will guide you and give you the clarity you need to move forward on your life path at warp speeds. You will get the guidance you need to hear and feel in your inner knowing of why you chose to be here at this time. I will clear all the fear and illusion from your field that has been holding you back from the happiness you deserve. What would it feel like to live in a state of gratitude and bliss? All of your needs will be met as you are divinely guided into your soul purpose. When you live your life full of passion and purpose everything will fall into place. All of the puzzle pieces will come together and your new life unfolds in perfect synchronicities…

MP3 #8 - Perfect Health, Wealth, & Relationships

What would it feel like to have perfect health, wealth, and relationships in your life? You can have it all and then some. It’s what you feel you deserve that brings it in. With the help of my God Team this MP3 will divinely guide you on your path to calling forth all of the things your heart desires. It’s really that simple. So get ready and take this amazing ride with me and my God Team to truly create the life of your wildest dreams. You can turn all your dreams into reality. You will be smiling from the inside out. You will radiate such a magnificent bright brilliant light who wouldn’t want to be around you. Its infectious. The high energy and vibrations of light will tickle all your senses and everyone around you. Bring laughter and fun into your life.

Bonus #1 - MP3 #9 - Awakening Your Kundalini Energy

This MP3 with the assistance of Iona and her God Team will show you the way on how to activate your Kundalini Energy. Iona will teach you how to breathe to move up your life force energy from your tailbone up all your chakra points to awaken the serpent energy. Once tuned in and tapped on you will reach euphoric and altered states of reality. In this energy you can truly create anything you can imagine. You are limitless. You are source energy. Really think about how powerful you truly are. You can create anything you can imagine just open yourself up to so many possibilities. What would it feel like to have everything you’ve ever dreamed of? It’s all within your reach. You can have it all and then some, and then some more.

Bonus #2 - MP3 #10 - Opening Your Multidimensional Heart Chakra

This MP3 with the help of Iona and her God Team will guide you on how to open up your multi-dimensional heart chakra. When you live your life with an open heart and truly know who you are you will always be LOVE and truly LOVED by yourself and the Divine beings you can understand you are SAFE. You can change the world with an open heart, then others will tune in to your open heart and all will shift to open up their hearts to that of LOVE. Think about that for a minute or two. Huge shifts are possible at this time. Let’s start with you, be that driving force to make a difference in your life first. This will help others to sync with your frequency and raise the vibration to the fifth dimension. How awesome would that feel to know you were part of This massive shift on planet earth?

ITEM 2 - 14 Days Remote Healing

  • Iona, her God Healing Team, and your Higher Self will work on your issues whether it be physical, emotional, mental, health, body image, loving yourself, career, family issues, relationships of all kinds, your pet’s needs or issues, finances, addictions, pain, sexual dysfunction, and all of that and then some. Your higher self and Iona’s God Team already knows what you need and desire. It’s all taken care of once you decide to sign up. So if anything is not mentioned here don’t worry just set the intention and BOOM its done. Just think of the genie and the lamp except you get an unlimited amount of wishes granted the universe has no limitations the only limit you have is yourself. So stop, let go of the reigns, and jump in, get in the FLOW, stop resisting, just let GO…
  • Transmitting healing energies once a day for 14 days to work through the negative energies 
  • Enjoy Iona’s playfulness and light heartedness as she and her God Team heal negative energies, old programming, generational, ancestral blocks, heart walls, hidden heart walls, and negative entities. Iona and her God Team will be working 24 hours for 14 days for you, your home/living space, those living in your home including pets, personal and/or business banking accounts, and/or your primary business. 
  • Iona and her God Team already know what you truly desire so get ready to shed your old skin and step into the new you. Think about how good you will feel when your truly authentic and living your purpose. You are meant to succeed and be happy. You don’t need to suffer anymore. It’s your choice so pick health and wellness. Love and Bliss. Abundance and Empowerment. It’s all possible.

ITEM 3 - 90 Days Golden Love Time Capsule

Iona’s healing “GOLDEN LOVE ENERGY Time Capsule”, is an energetic supportive energy focusing on LOVE the highest vibration out there. We are all connected so when more people are encased in this GOLDEN LOVE ENERGY Time Capsule the more positive higher frequencies we can all enjoy. With the help of Iona and her God Team, she will travel into your past, present, and future to clear all that no longer serves you or your loved ones. Just think of this as you heal so does your family and everyone else in your presence. Think about how this world will benefit as you heal and shift to that of LOVE the world will raise its vibration with you to that of LOVE. Iona and her God Team will clear and heal all negative programming, old tapes running, ancestral, generational, negative entities, heart walls, trapped emotions, physical, emotional, and mental. You and those you love who you  included on your list will be cleared off too.

Package B

Special Offer $150

Package B 

Item 1: Everything in Package A

ITEM 1  – 8 MP3s & 2 Bonus MP3s

ITEM 2 - 14 Days Remote Healing

ITEM 3 - 90 Days Golden Love Capsule

Item 2: 30min Healing Session with Iona

A Private 30 minute 1 on 1 session with Iona via Phone or Skype audio. Iona vibrates at a very high frequency of LOVE ENERGY. Iona is a very powerful sound healer and has been in many past lives. She will chant and activate your energy field to clear out anything that isn’t serving you. Feel the vibration of ancient frequencies enter your body as it moves from head to toe, you will receive healing that your higher self has called into this life. This all knowing energy has no limits. It will travel into all lifetimes, past, present, and future realities, clearing and deleting all that needs to be cleared in this life. This energy is so intelligent it knows what to do and where to go. This is a healing modality that Iona has been so blessed and honored to share with the world that is from the high vibration of Christ Consciousness. 
You will feel as if your speaking to a close friend who truly can get to the core issue and zap it right out of your system. You will cry tears of JOY from all the LOVE you feel from Iona and her God Team working with you to change your life forever. Iona has a special gift to really connect with people. She is a powerful healer and so connected to the Arch Angels, Ascended Masters, and Divine Celestial Light Beings. Iona will clear all negative energy that is in your body, move you out of old programming and blocks, return you to your authentic self, empower you to shift your life and never look back. Change your story. Change your life. Tell a different story. You are the author of your life. Many of Iona’s clients experience profound shifts in their life after having a session with her. They see massive improvements in all areas of their life, such as pain leaving the body, emotional pain gone, receiving clarity in their life, changing professions with ease and grace, getting into the flow of life instead of fighting it, being Blissful, being Happy, falling in love with yourself again, healing family patterns, healing any relationship, clearing negative energies. Finding your soulmate starts with loving yourself whole heartedly first. When you truly love yourself you will find someone who will love you the same. Iona will help get you on track with how to manifest your soulmate, perfect health, wealth, and career. Iona’s God Team works with her to change your life to the life of your dreams. Your Higher Self knows what you crave this life and it is all possible to have it all…


Clearing Deep Ancestral Patterns
Dearest Iona this was again a wonderful session. First much heavy dark energy left my body from the left side and my 3rd eye. Then there started to come a soft peachy color spreading in my body.  It was a wonderful supportive feeling of love and safety. She did a second time around. It then went from my higher heart and straight up and out my crown chakra. This time the color was pale turquoise. I felt it went out into both my ears and neck area ( mouth of God ) and opened up. Then I started to see the image of the Staff of Hermes, containing both of these colors, activated within me, moving energy in my whole body. The chakras in my hands and feet were powerfully activated. I saw the snake coming up on the top of my head as you see in the Egyptian Pharaohs. This heavy energy that I have been carrying for eons of time was released. It was ancestral and it was my Divine Feminine energies of being shut down of expressing my self-worth. The old energy that was released was Women holding back their power and creative self-expression. I also released old energies of the disbelief that we could create and have anything of value to say. A wonderful, powerful experience with Iona using her singing bowl and her voice. Thank you, thank you, Iona. I am so grateful you are in my life. Namaste
- Bjorg
Iona is here to align you with your desired life full of possibilities
I personally recommend Iona Flores amazing gifts of healing. She is a highly gifted receiver of Divine Guidance, and possess acute connection with the Angelic Realm. Many MOONS ago we had the pleasure to connect. We had an excellent perception of the electrical surcharge we both would experience each time we connected.
FOR ME IT WAS OBVIOUS her talents and powerful resonating bandwidth were PURE AUTHENTIC BRIDGES of higher Dimensional Consciousness with Divine Purpose, Iona is capable to have you experience extraordinary results quickly in your physical plane. Her Mercurial ability to play with sounds can help you reprogram quickly to your desired possibilities.
- Andie de Pass
Two weeks after my session with Iona I met my Soulmate
I wanted to share my magical experience with you all of what has happened in my life after working privately with Iona. She did this Activation on me for bringing forth my soulmate. I was telling her all my horror stories of my past relationships. She said let’s take you on a Quantum Journey and boy did I feel it. The energies were so loving when she introduced me to my soulmates energy. I couldn’t stop smiling because I felt his unconditional love and heart for me. Two weeks after our session I met my soulmate. I knew it was him because the energy felt the same as in the Activation with Iona. Everything she said to describe him is who he is so on point. We are now looking for new homes to move into. I am so amazed at how fast he came into my life and Iona said don’t settle you deserve the very best the universe will bring him to you and all that we created together manifested very quickly.  I’m still in awe of the whole experience. She even said he will move to California for me and he did. She really has a warm heart and listens to what my past concerns were. She did so many clearings on my energy from past hurts and betrayals in all my lifetimes. It was a lot of work but all worth it because I am now living my dream life with the man of my dreams. I feel truly blessed to have Iona as a Life Coach and Master Healer. I tell all my friends and family about how Iona truly saved my life by helping me create a new one.
- Taylor
Found my Lyran Roots
Iona's channeling has really helped me to understand my origin as a starseed and to further connect and engage with the energies of my constellation. I knew this when i heard her on a show and she was channeling energies from Lyra and my body started to vibrate and i got goosebumps all over. When I signed up for her service and we did a personal session, this happened again along with some personal confirmations that really helped me in my life direction. She did a special singing bowl meditation for me (she told me she was guided to pick out a bowl during a festival weekend she attended, which was very thoughtful and added a very personalized touch). This transported me into a deep meditation where i saw geometric shapes passing and morphing. This is when i know i am connected and this is Iona's gift, to bring these energies through for you. She can take you to that distant place and give you messages and insights that are personal and important to your life direction. I am truly grateful for her work and recommend her to anyone wanting to benefit from this advanced connection or wanting to dive deeper into their 'galactic' side.
- Tim
Stepping into my purpose and path
Iona has enlightened me about my starseed connections and this has re-awakened gifts within me and brought a magical clarity and passion into the work that I intend to do. I was compelled to buy one of Iona’s wonderfully constructed packages after a very powerful channeling on Eram’s telesummit in which her power as a healer and channel were very evident.  It was a truly beautiful experience in which I was profoundly touched by these amazing star beings. Our work is continuing through consultation and sound healing and my experiences have been one of awe, release and connection. While listening to Iona’s sound healing MP3, I have felt dense energies releasing from my body each time I have listened to it and have felt powerful shifts; her words and the ancient sounds she makes trigger deep release and rejuvenation.  I am truly grateful to Iona and am excited to continue our work together. Namaste
- Rachel
Ten Years of Fibromyalgia pain gone after my session with Iona
After listening to Iona’s MP3 on healing pain I have noticed a huge difference in the way I feel in my body. I feel lighter and happier. I have been suffering daily from fibromyalgia and low energy for ten years. I’ve been playing the MP3 for several weeks now and my pain is gone. I did a session with Iona and she told me my pain stemmed from issues with my dad growing up and unresolved conflict with my brother. I had a lot of anger stored in my body from these traumas. When listening to the sound bowl and hearing her ancient chants I could feel the energy releasing from my root, sacral, and throat chakra. I felt immense heat radiating from my body. An energy ball started coming up from my root chakra to my throat. I felt immense anger, tension, and pain. She told me to breathe through it and it will come up to release. She said to forgive myself and send love to the energies to make peace and acknowledge the emotions for healing. I am so happy to have met Iona. I feel so comfortable with her and how compassionate she is. She really cares for her clients and takes the time to help you with major breakthroughs. I am forever grateful to her my body has been rejuvenated. I feel like I did in my twenties before I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I am a new person again full of life and unlimited energy. I now live pain free and feel so blessed it’s a miracle. Her MP3S are truly amazing.
- Heather
Cleared fear so I could stand in my full power
Iona has taught me so much and has made such a huge difference in my life! Last year I was working with other healers, packages, workshops and I wasn't getting anywhere. On one of my sessions with Iona I was reunited with my star family from Lyra. I was downloaded with so much healing & light language, and star codes. I became a Reiki Master last March. Iona did an amazing class. She is a wealth of knowledge & experience! I love how real she is just like talking to one of my girlfriend's I've known forever! The healing frequencies in her voice & her sound bowls removed, dissolved, uncreated old patterns and behaviors. She balanced my chakras instantly. Working with Iona in sessions cleared my fear of " being seen" I got my website made, Facebook page & I post my light language videos. There is no more fear of being seen. I feel so powerful knowing who I am. Listening to her MP3 on clearing addictions, old behaviors, and patterns have helped me to stay positive. I feel like I'm removing layers daily! I love my new found self! I highly recommend Iona to anyone who is ready to take the next step to hold higher frequencies, vibrations of love, light, truth & wholeness! Lots of love,
- Brandy

Iona Flores

Karuna Reiki Master, Quantum Healer, and a New Life Coach
I am a Karuna Reiki Master, Quantum Healer, and a New Life Coach. I work with the Arch Angels, Ascended Masters, Star Beings, and magical creatures. I use colors, frequencies, patterns, vibrations, crystals, and sound healing.   I heal all emotional, mental, and physical pain in your bodies through all aspects of you in all dimensions, time and space. Your mental, emotional, physical, astral, and spiritual bodies through all timelines and realities that are all happening now. I clear all negative programs, old tapes playing, limited thought patterns, generational, ancestral programming, genetic lineage, balance your masculine and feminine energies, all chambers of your heart, father and mother healing, past lives healing, inner child healing all lives, past toxic relationship healing, karmic entanglements, vows, curses, black magic, poverty consciousness. I heal all timelines past, present, and future for all generations on both sides to be cleared of old energies. This is huge for your family lines to be cleared of all the old and making space for your new life in the new world. I then bring in your Akashic Records for you to remember your God given gifts, remember your souls purpose, remember your Star Family, and live your life using your passions and creating your new dream life that can become a reality once you’ve done these activations. I then activate your dormant DNA Strands to connect you back online to ancient time so you can reconnect with your inner wisdom and really connect to the higher dimensions, realms, seeing and feeling your spiritual family guiding you along your path. It’s time to create your new life, be the author of your magical story unfolding, you have a new canvas to paint, a new life to live, it’s time to be happy, it’s time to live your passions, it’s time to fulfill your life purpose, it’s time to stand in your light and power of your Higher Self Awareness. You can have anything you believe you deserve. Anything is possible. The Universe is trying to gift you with so many blessings so get into the flow of your true divinity and let your magnificent light shine so bright for the world to see you and all of you.  " Manifestation time is playtime."

Package A - Special Offer - $97

ITEM 1  – 8 MP3s & 2 Bonus MP3s

ITEM 2 - 14 Days Remote Healing

ITEM 3 - 90 Days Golden Love Capsule

Package B - Special Offer - $150

ITEM 1 - Package A
  • ITEM 1  – 8 MP3s & 2 Bonus MP3s
  • ITEM 2 - 14 Days Remote Healing
  • ITEM 3 - 90 Days Golden Love Capsule
ITEM 2 - 30 Min Healing Session