Lyon G Zonamyari
Special Offer February 2020

Package A - Value $194 - Special Offer - $149

The Complete Tutorial Program
This comprehensive instructional program is now available as an electronic file.
Everything you need in PDF and Word Doc files for download.
There are approximately 80 pages of which 30+ pages are to print and use during the session.

Package B - Value $248 - Special Offer - $194

The Complete Tutorial Program with Consultation
This comprehensive instructional program is now available as an electronic file.
Everything you need in PDF and Word Doc files for download.
There are approximately 80 pages of which 30+ pages are to print and use during the session.
All the above (Package A) plus a 30 minute consultation within 30 days of purchase to answer any questions and guide you through the system. This is beneficial if you have no previous healing experience and need assistance to modify the system to suit the task you have at hand for yourself, another person, place or animal.

Look Younger - Live Longer - Feel Stronger
Healing in a Toxic World

A Complete Tutorial Program Combining Physical and Metaphysical Healing with Ancient Spiritual and Modern Scientific Techniques to Restore Health, Lose Weight & Reverse Aging.

This is a fully instructional healing program that you can use on yourself, another person, animals or a location. No previous healing experience required. Advanced energy workers can use these techniques, in part or full, to supercharge their existing practice.

Clear negative energy and emotions restricting progress.

Repair physical and mental damage from ailments, injuries and trauma.

Balance the body, mind and soul with positive emotions.

This system will show you how to use The Laws of Attraction to get results you previously were unable to attain. This system will show you how to purify and change the vibration of the water you drink, the air you breathe and food you eat.

This system will also show you how to raise your personal vibration and set up protective shields to prevent future invasion of your auric field by negative energy, including Chemtrails, Radiation, Electromagnetic Frequencies EMF,
Wi-Fi including 5G and government weather modification frequencies, High Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP).

This process has been developed by Lyon G. Payley Zonamyari with the help and knowledge of his three spiritual mentors, most importantly, Dianne Bright, who continues sharing information from the other side.
Three Metaphysical Steps to Healing
Clearing – Repairing – Balancing
accomplished with
Documentation – Activation – Confirmation

Remove Negative Energy from the Mind, Body, Soul and Auric Field.

Repair Physical and Emotional Damage, for yourself or another person.

Apply Energetic Stem Cell Healing for yourself or another person.

Remove Negative Emotions That Promote Stress.

Fill Ones Life With Positive Emotions.

Balance the Endocrine System, Chakras and Meridians.

Protect yourself or another person for the future.

Activate the Laws of Attraction and get results not previously attained.

Introduce Positive Attributes Into All Areas of Your Life.

There is no difference between a glass of water, a cup of ice and a pan of water boiling on the stove producing steam vapor. It is the same water, just at different vibrations.

When you begin to understand Fundamental Principles of The Universe everything becomes clear.

  • Step One:  First Document your plan of action and it becomes written in the Akashic Records.
  • Step Two:  Say out loud for all to hear and your Documented plan is Activated.
  • Step Three:  Visualize using the Power of Intention for Confirmation of your Documented Activated plans.

Physical Healing

  The Western World is going through a Health Crisis.

The performance of your physical body and mental state of mind depend greatly upon what goes in your mouth and what comes out the other end.
You Are What You Eat
Your body was designed by Our Creator to regenerate and self-heal. New cells are regenerating every minute of every hour twenty-four seven. Damaged parts can repair if given the right fuel.

This program guides you how to cleanse and reprogram your body to function as intended.

We are living in a spectacular times. Sanitation is at an all-time high in most parts of the world. We have communication and transportation at our fingertips enabling us to buy nourishing food, yet we are poisoning ourselves with processed, packaged junk.

Profit Driven Conventional Farmers use toxic chemicals on the crops and growth hormones/antibiotics/steroids to feed the animals you eat (another good reason to go vegan). The big food manufacturers’ process and package a concoction of junk that gets your taste buds excited wanting for more. When you get sick, the medical doctors prescribe laboratory produced chemicals to cover over the problem and make you feel good, just like a Band-Aid laced with crack cocaine. Don't get me started on the vaccine subject. We need to change the way we live our lives. We need to start healing ourselves and my program delivers.
Your body can only filter out some of this junk until at some point becomes overloaded and gives up. Several detox options are discussed in this program with simple ways to cleanse your body.

It has been proven countless times over the last few decades by recognized medical doctors that a plant based diet can reverse life-threatening ailments and restore optimum health.
Purify and restructure your drinking water and the food you eat.
Activate the Laws of Attraction and get results not previously attained.
Raw Organic Vegan is ultimately the best way to go but not all of us have easy access or time in our busy schedules. This program shows you how you can make easy adjustments that make a difference and become part of your daily routine without breaking the bank. Examples like; Sprinkle a mix of ground flax seeds, hemp seeds and chia seeds on your food for powerful nutrition. Carry some raw nuts with you during the day to boost energy.

Are you acidic or alkaline? Did you know disease like cancer thrives in an acidic body but cannot survive in an alkaline environment? Simple ways to balance your Ph. are in this program.

Detox, several simple options to use and vary depending upon your needs.
Fasting, three days or 16 hours a day. Which one is right for you?

Physical Exercise. Jogging and gym work-outs are not for everybody but there are five simple yoga exercises you can do in 10 to 15 minutes that will rejuvenate your body and mind!
Breathing, are you getting enough oxygen?

My "Power in Words" article alone has enriched the lives for hundreds of people by changing the vibration of your drinking water, the food you eat and the air you breathe.

All the above and much more is covered with simple to follow instructions, articles and videos.
Follow the simple step by step instructions to physically and metaphysically lose weight and reverse aging.
Part One: Metaphysical Clearing
In many cases there is negative energy causing or aggravating a condition. If not removed, you might initially fix the problem only to see the symptoms return. It is of utmost importance the negative energy be removed and sent back to its place of origin, or a safe place, with love and compassion. This is easily accomplished by asking Angels to construct an Octahedron as the vessel and then calling upon specific Arch Angels and Ascended Masters to cleanse and fulfill the clearing. This can help remove past life negative karma too.

The Octahedron (one of the seven platonic solids) represents the element of Air (central and governing) and is directly linked to the Third Eye Chakra; for clear vision and the Heart Chakra; the center for love and compassion. These Chakra's are where we access our healing and nurturing aspects, where we find acceptance and forgiveness. Beginners need not worry about the complexity because you documented your instructions and intentions in advance. Angels use the Akashic Records to check for scheduled events requiring their attendance. They come, it simply works and the energy flows!
Part Two: Metaphysical Repairing
Repairing physical or mental damage is easy work when assisted by guardian angels/spirit guides and spiritual surgeons. Whether the task is for life threatening ailments or mundane problems affecting you, another person or an animal from living a healthy happy life, the instructions make easy work of any problem when you call in specific Angels for assistance. You can also use step two to simply document your wish, desire and command to bring happiness and abundance into your life! 
You can also use step two to simply document your wish, desire and command to bring happiness and abundance into your life! 
The late Dr Masaru Emoto demonstrated how rice in water blessed with written and spoken words of love would thrive, whereas rice in water with written and spoken words of hate, would rapidly decay. The human body is more than sixty percent water! Bring Health, Happiness and Abundance into your life via your drinking water, the food you eat and the air you breathe with Documentation, Activation and Confirmation. Obtain better results using the Laws of Attraction and Power of Intention to bring health happiness and abundance into your life or the lives of people you love.
Part Three: Metaphysical Balancing
The human body is a sponge for emotions, positive and negative, as homeopathic healing and medicine will tell you. If not balanced, just as mentioned in part one, the negative emotions will quickly re-create more damage. To restore emotional balance I use an incredible process developed by the late Brian Jenner called Internal Acoustic Surveillance Technology or I.A.S.T. This process involves placing a series of 27 cards with diagrams and documented words of healing to remove negative emotions and reprogram you with positive emotions to balance the physical and metaphysical body and mind, to one of pureness, health and vitality. The body absorbs the information which is activated verbally and fulfilled with the power of intention. Again, the whole process is documented in the Akashic records, carving it in stone.

Brian’s research of 30 years resulted in developing this process of healing that is harmonic re-balancing of body systems. He discovered that our D.N.A. resonates with 12 number digital sequences and fractal equations. He also optimized Chakras with the use of colors. With the Chakras and Meridians restored to optimum performance using focused intent, the mind/body energy field is re-balanced. Brian was aware of the damage created by Chemtrails, Vaccinations and H.A.A.R.P in the 1990's. He incorporated appropriate healing within the cards. I have updated Brian's work accordingly to cover interference from Wi-Fi frequencies (EMF) including 5G and Radiation. Two example cards are shown below.

Package A Special Offer

Total Value $194 - Special Offer $149


The Complete Tutorial Program
This comprehensive instructional program is now available as an electronic file.
Everything you need in PDF and Word Doc files for download.
There are approximately 80 pages of which 30+ pages are to print and use during the session.
  • File 1: Introduction
  • File 2: Living in a Stressful World
  • File 3: Powerful Words
  • File 4: Physical Healing
  • File 5: Step One Metaphysical Instructions
  • File 6: Step One Metaphysical Healing Page Template
  • File 7: Step Two Metaphysical Instructions
  • File 8: Step Two Metaphysical Healing Page Template
  • File 9: Step Three Metaphysical Instructions
  • File 10: Step Three Metaphysical 27 Healing Cards
  • File 11: Set up Protection Shields
  • File 12: Pets. Example Page for Healing Dogs
  • File 13: Forty-Plus Healing Videos

Package B Special Offer

Total Value $248 - Special Offer $194


The Complete Tutorial Program with Consultation
This comprehensive instructional program is now available as an electronic file.
Everything you need in PDF and Word Doc files for download.
There are approximately 80 pages of which 30+ pages are to print and use during the session.
All the above (Package A) plus a 30 minute consultation within 30 days of purchase to answer any questions and guide you through the system. This is beneficial if you have no previous healing experience and need assistance to modify the system to suit the task you have at hand for yourself, another person, place or animal.
  • File 1: Introduction
  • File 2: Living in a Stressful World
  • File 3: Powerful Words
  • File 4: Physical Healing
  • File 5: Step One Metaphysical Instructions
  • File 6: Step One Metaphysical Healing Page Template
  • File 7: Step Two Metaphysical Instructions
  • File 8: Step Two Metaphysical Healing Page Template
  • File 9: Step Three Metaphysical Instructions
  • File 10: Step Three Metaphysical 27 Healing Cards
  • File 11: Set up Protection Shields
  • File 12: Pets. Example Page for Healing Dogs
  • File 13: Forty-Plus Healing Videos


Our very long conversation was most enlightening in many ways.  THANK YOU!  THANK YOU! THANK YOU!  I am grateful for all the useful information you supplied me with and all the links that you have sent me.  I shall begin exploring and educating myself.
I am beyond grateful for the time and energy you expended to assist me in my healing and extremely grateful to the Spirit within you…and within… that has orchestrated this entire process.  I feel so very blessed to have been guided to you. My heart swells with tears of joy when I think of it all.
May you be blessed with joy beyond measure in all areas of your life? I love you and who you are and what you are doing to assist humanity in this new energy of ascending consciousness.
Love and light.

Nancy C. 

I bought Lyon's package with the consultation. He helped me through breast cancer (all gone) and is working on a second issue with me: my thyroid. He takes the time via Skype to answer ALL of your questions and helps you fine tune the program to your ailment. This extra help is essential if you do not have extensive healing experience.

Karin Ellison

Last summer I injured my knee. Walking was so difficult, having to limp in pain just to move around the house. The physiotherapist said I had a medial torn meniscus and I would need an MRI and probably an operation.  I wasn’t prepared to go for an MRI or an operation.
I then met up with Lyon and he did a quick 10 minute healing session on my knee, it was amazing, immediately my knee was so much better and within a week I was walking without limping.  A couple of weeks later I met Lyon again for a full healing session and now I am good as new. I purchased Lyon’s healing program because I love animals. I am learning his techniques to help my little friends without drugs or surgery.
I always go for holistic therapy over modern medicine. Lyon’s healing knowledge and abilities prove to me that this is the way forward.  Many thanks for all your help Lyon.

Ruth Wilkins

I purchased the 3 step healing and got to speak with Lyon as a part of it. He was very helpful in answering all my questions about how to perform the healing. He also answered other questions I had about spirituality and offered tips such as grounding myself, protecting my energy and opening my third eye. Thank you Lyon so much for your time. I'm so grateful to have connected with you. Many blessings.


Thank you so much Lyon Zonamyari for your special offer. What a gift! I love this program. These are the most specific, complete, and useful charts I’ve seen. With Love and Gratitude,


I wanted you to know that after our last session, I copied the “Six Elements Charts” 4 to a page and laminated them.  I keep 2 sets in my purse and 2 sets on my night table next to my bed.  This way, when I place one chart is on my chest, I take the extra copy to read what I need to say. Last night, I thought I needed to take an anxiety pill. Instead, I followed your instructions with the “Six Elements Charts”, took a bath and slept like a baby. (The anxiety attacks have had a way of waking me up in the middle of the night). I love that I finally found something that works.  That is just one of the great gifts you gave me which is a true expression of your love and caring.  Thank you!


Lyon showed me how to use his healing program on my ailing cat. She was old and her heart was weak. The vet prescribed strong medications that were perhaps keeping her alive but she was frail and suffering. There was an immediate response after the healing and the next day she was almost back to her old self. She perked up and kept active for another two months until she passed peacefully in her sleep. Incredible!

Avril C.

I heard about Lyon's healing program on a radio show and decided to purchase the full training package. Upon receiving, I was blown away by the huge amount of information and started utilizing some of the techniques with incredible results. The package is self-explanatory, but I am glad I purchased the optional one on one consultation with Lyon because he is knowledgeable in so many areas. He not only gave me tips on how to adjust the program to my specific needs but gave me wonderful insights to other areas of my life. His Name Analysis system is another great tool I am now investigating.  This guy is amazing!

Ella DeCarlo

When I met with Lyon in 2015 my physical disabilities were severe joint pain in my knees, elbows and a collapsed disc in my neck. Lyon used his three steps healing on me with dramatic results. The next day I was more mobile and virtually pain free. As the days and weeks passed by my conditions improved. A recent MRI revealed the collapsed disc is 90% restored and surgery has been cancelled.

Steve Hudson

I spent most of my life spinning at high speed unable to focus for long periods of time. Lyon used his balancing procedure on me, placing cards with information removing negative emotions and replacing with positive emotions. I immediately felt calm and peaceful. Now I have control of my life. Every once in a while when I feel the need, I use the cards again to top myself up with positive vibes. I have used the cards on my children with incredible results. All I can say is WOW

Amy Weissman

I discovered a lump under my left breast back in 2007 and was too scared to get a diagnosis. Lyon showed me his healing program. I followed the instructions and within two weeks the lump virtually disappeared and after a month it was totally gone. Now, six years later, I am writing this review. I do not know if it was cancer but whatever it was it has gone from my life. Lyon's package is also full of tips on health, nutrition and well-being, all for the same price as one visit to the Chiropractor.

Sandy H.

I found Lyon’s healing techniques to be very effective and moving on a very personnel level. It has enabled me to have the confidence to take control of my diabetes, drastically lower my blood sugar levels to safe numbers and the results have been very positive. He was able to remove some very negative blocks in my emotional life which have been stopping me trust and express affection for many years. Now, I trust with discretion and at least I allow myself the possibility of being happy. The freedom this confidence has given me has not only enhanced my day to day life but allowed progress on my spiritual path. It has given me the right to be myself and not answer to anyone. I can only thank Lyon for giving me this wonderful gift and wish him every success and happiness in the future.

Gillan Banks

Lyon used his three steps healing program in 2015 to successfully reduce my blood sugar levels in an effort to control my diabetes. Unfortunately, after so many years I became insulin resistant in early 2016. I heard talk of gastro reduction surgery helping people like myself not only lose weight but also eliminate or virtually cure diabetes? I asked Lyon if his program was powerful enough to spiritually reduce the size of my stomach rather than resort to surgery. He said why not?

The healing took almost one and a half hours. The next day I noticed my appetite had reduced, my blood sugar dropped very low at first because my pancreas was now producing natural insulin and I lost 3 lbs in weight during the first 4 weeks. Despite huge efforts I had not been able to lose a single pound in the last 10 years and was still gaining. I had to carefully monitor my insulin during the first few weeks but it stabilized and I have dropped my daily shots by almost 25% over the last 4 months and I have lost 10 lbs. I have given myself a top up using some of the cards in Lyon's system and look forward to further reductions of weight and insulin dependence in the coming months.

Gillan Banks

In 2007 I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and surgery soon followed. The surgeons were unable to totally remove the tumor and within weeks it grew back to the size of an egg. The doctors told me to go home to be with family and friends because at best I had 6 months to live. Lyon worked his magic on me and now three years later I am alive and cancer free. In just one session he reduced the tumor to the size of a pea. The doctors are still baffled but I know the truth. God bless Lyon and the Angels who walk with him.

Maribel Lopez

I was diagnosed with “hole in the heart condition” three years ago and was scheduled for surgery. A friend told me about Lyon and his non-invasive healing. I thought I had nothing to lose and scheduled a session with him. A few days later, final tests and scans were made and the doctors found absolutely nothing wrong with me and did not operate. They said the first doctors at my local hospital must have misdiagnosed my condition, but my symptoms before the diagnosis have never returned. I do believe in miracles.

Milena A.

Health Disclaimer

The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Each person is biochemically unique and the success of one person is no guarantee of similar or any success for you. Testimonials are true and correct but should not be viewed as promises or guarantees of results. Results are affected by a number of factors over which I have no control. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever. I do not offer medical advice, course of treatment, diagnosis, cures or opinions on your conditions or treatment options. Services or products that you obtain through this website are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

Lyon G. Payley Zonamyari

Intuitive Naturopathic Holistic Healer and 21st Century Philosopher.
Helping people change the way they live their lives.
Co-Creator of Three Steps to Healing Happiness and Abundance
The term "philosopher" comes from the Ancient Greek φιλόσοφος (philosophos) meaning "lover of wisdom". A person who offers views or theories on profound questions in ethics, metaphysics, logic, and other related fields in the study of general and fundamental problems concerning matters such as existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language.   
At an early age Lyon quickly discovered that conforming with conventional was not his path and questioned our very existence when just eight years old. Age ten, he was experiencing premonitions. He questioned what are we doing here, where do we come from and what is this thing called life all about. With no help, guidance or information readily available at this time, long before the internet, Lyon became a rebel, lost without a cause. Past lives and reincarnation fascinated Lyon for many years. The more books he read on the subject, the more he became convinced it was a reality. A sequence of events prompted Lyon to discover his past which led him to his first spiritual mentor Paulette, who specialized in healing and regression techniques. The incredibly advanced Paulette took Lyon way beyond past lives. When Paulette cleared his third eye and activated dormant DNA strands, Lyon discovered he could remove somebody’s head-ache by touch in a matter of seconds. Soon after, his second mentor Dianne, also at Oracle level, advanced his learning of energy and vibration linked to healing. Lyon’s third mentor, Dr Tito Palacio, a homeopathic intuitive doctor completed the circle of knowledge. Three Steps to Healing Happiness and Abundance is the accumulation of knowledge gleaned from his three mentors that has saved many people from surgery and saved others when surgery failed. With day to day problems, like stress or anxiety, it clears a pathway towards health happiness and abundance for anybody ready to change the way they live their life. Lyon’s more recent naturopathic study combining Physical with Metaphysical Healing Techniques enhances our ability to Look Younger, Live Longer and Feel Stronger.

Package A - Value $194 - Special Offer - $149

The Complete Tutorial Program
This comprehensive instructional program is now available as an electronic file.
Everything you need in PDF and Word Doc files for download.
There are approximately 80 pages of which 30+ pages are to print and use during the session.

Package B - Value $248 - Special Offer - $194

The Complete Tutorial Program with Consultation
This comprehensive instructional program is now available as an electronic file.
Everything you need in PDF and Word Doc files for download.
There are approximately 80 pages of which 30+ pages are to print and use during the session.
All the above (Package A) plus a 30 minute consultation within 30 days of purchase to answer any questions and guide you through the system. This is beneficial if you have no previous healing experience and need assistance to modify the system to suit the task you have at hand for yourself, another person, place or animal.