Maya Boston 
Special Offer October 2019

Package A - Special Offer - $97

30 minute Personal Session with Maya
Temple of The Sun – Guided Meditation MP3 with gong sound bath
Temple of Joy - Guided Meditation MP3 with gong sound bath
Temple of Reflection – Guided Meditation MP3 with gong sound bath
Studio Album “Chakra Journey”
Bonus Meditation:Love of the Mother - Guided Meditation MP3 with gong sound bath

Package B - Special Offer - $147

Everything in Package A +
3  x 1hour Group Sessions - One for each of the three Lemurian Temples
15 minute Personal Gong Sound Bath Track
Bonus Meditation - Song to Whales Guided Meditation MP3
Bonus Meditation - Initiation of the Sacred Waters Guided Meditation MP3

Circle of Oneness - Temples of Lemuria Pt 1


This new body of work takes us to a deeper level of understanding
of the Lemurian Circle of Oneness.

Once again bringing home a message of the connected nature of all 
that is and of ourselves, especially.

This special offer gives you the first three aspects of the Lemurian Circle of Oneness
on a much deeper level, in the form of MP3 Guided Meditations.

We visit three Lemurian temples, but with a twist!
Remember, no one aspect of the Circle of Oneness stands alone,
each one is connected to and overlaps the other aspects.

Lemuria was the first major human civilization after the Divine seeding of humanity. We were given balanced DNA in the beginning. Tuning into Lemurian energies assists us today, to raise the level that our DNA functions (currently 33%) and to balance our energies that have undergone the distortion of our experiences throughout our many life times. Especially the balance of masculine/feminine energies. The more we tune in to the Lemurian energies, the more we return to the original blueprint. The more life flows with the current energies on the planet.

Maya’s recollection (from her Akash) about Lemuria is detailed. She remembers the Star Mothers who came to teach us about the way things work, how we are all connected to each other and to everything on this planet. These memories are re-surfacing now, at this point in human history, to once again guide us to a more balanced way of being. 

To remember who we are, our multi-dimensional selves and to once again take our turn on the path of Ascension.

All eyes in the Galaxy are upon us. Our actions play a role and influence the energies in our galaxy.  Nothing is separate. We are all one!

Package A

Total Value - Special Offer $97


30 minute Personal Session with Maya
Maya works on a very intuitive and empathic level, so that the sessions evolve in an organic way. She facilitates her sessions with an open hearted energy, so that you can feel at ease and reach your highest potential that is available to you. Make the most of your time with Maya by bringing a specific issue or question/s to be addressed during your session. Your session will be scheduled at a mutually suitable time.
Each meditation was channelled with the guidance from the Star Mothers who are here to guide humanity through this phase of our journey on planet Earth.

Each meditation is accompanied with a gong sound bath to open the heart and mind and to touch the deepest part of your being. The frequencies of the gongs and Maya's voice, lead the listener to experience changes to brainwave states, as well as assisting with the building of new neural pathways connecting the two hemispheres of the brain. 

Humanity has forgotten its multi-dimensional nature, instead it has opted for separation consciousness. Maya's harmonics build a bridge back to our original multi-dimensional state of unity consciousness, which creates a space into which the listener can expand into. Collapsing the chakras into one chakra, the Heart Chakra, so that humanity grounds in a heart-centred consciousness. As we journey together, we merge our inner and outer, our physical and spiritual worlds, to create the world we all wish to live in for the well being of everyone.
Temple of The Sun – Guided Meditation MP3 with gong sound bath
MP3 - 33:41 minutes

This is the next level of understanding of the Lemurian Circle of Oneness aspect, the "Godspark". Taking you on a journey to understand that you are sacred, you are the great I AM THAT I AM. This guided meditation was channelled from the Star Mothers and contains frequencies and Light Codes that restructure your energy patterns, so that you can begin to remember your Divinity.
Temple of Joy - Guided Meditation MP3 with gong sound bath
MP3 - 36:46 minutes

The next level of the aspect the "Innocent", of the Lemurian Circle of Oneness, takes you on a journey in understanding you are a Master in your own right with the capability of healing yourself, taking responsibility for your own state of health and longevity. This guided meditation was channelled from the Star Mothers and contains frequencies and Light Codes that restructure your energy patterns, so that you can begin to remember your Divinity.
Temple of Reflection – Guided Meditation MP3 with gong sound bath
The aspect of the "Your Reflection" is taken to the next level, with the understanding of how we create energy chords with others. Taking responsibility for our thoughts, words and actions, helps to alleviate not only our own suffering, but that of others as well. This guided meditation was channelled from the Star Mothers and contains frequencies and Light Codes that restructure your energy patterns, so that you can begin to remember your Divinity. 
Studio Album “Chakra Journey”
This journey begins with the grounding Earth sounds of the American Hoop Drum taking you into the Base Chakra (now about abundance and thriving, rather than survival) and the ancient sounds of the handmade gongs. The vibrations of the gongs take you on a journey, then completing the journey with the American Hoop Drum returning to ground in the here and now.

Maya trusts you will enjoy this soothing and nurturing journey time and again.

This studio album can be used for meditation; healing; chakra clearing; creation of sacred space; background music; relaxation and anything else you find it useful for.

Maya channels Light Language and translates it into sound. These sounds together with the Light Codes she channels help to restructure our energy patterns so that we remember our Quantum selves. They release, balance and illuminate your being. Soulful and exquisitely beautiful, the harmonic sounds of the gong and other instruments weave a gentle yet powerful energy around and through you, that may touch the deepest part of your being.

Gongs are made by combining certain metals in intense heat and exist for hundreds of years, long after we have gone; like a fine wine, maturing in sound. A Gong Sound Bath is very gentle and non invasive. It has been used for thousands of years in many cultures around the world. This type of treatment has been noted to relax the body, stabilizing the heart rate and blood pressure. On subtle body levels it helps to release blockages, emotional stagnation or long term feelings of being “stuck” and it raises your vibration.

The sounds that the gongs produce take you on a journey with the variations and amazingly beautiful range of harmonics. When the gongs sound softly, the outside world enters the room. As the gongs sound louder the outside world disappears and you begin your journey into a deep meditative state. Most people can feel the vibrations of the gongs passing through their physical body, enabling emotions and blockages to come to the surface to be released, as they soothe, relax and invigorate the body, mind and soul.
Bonus Meditation:Love of The Mother - Guided Meditation MP3 with gong sound bath
Love of The Mother - guided meditation MP3
A beautiful remembrance of the Star Mother in Lemuria, guided meditation to assist with nudging the Akash into remembering the depth of love felt from her. This guided meditation contains sounds,Light Language and Codes and frequencies to bring forward those feelings within the listener, the remembrance of the unconditional love we have for all beings, as well as for ourselves.

Package B

Total Value - Special Offer $147


Everything in Package A

3  x 1hour Group Sessions - One for each of the three Lemurian Temples
Each one hour live group session we will focus on one of the three in depth aspects of the Circle of Oneness in Package A, in order to answer any questions you may have, includes a gong sound bath. Maya will also channel Light Language and messages from the Star Mothers. Group sessions will be recorded and replays sent out to everyone who has registered, so even if you can't make it to the session, or if you missed something and want to go over it again, you will have the replay to enjoy as many times as you wish.
15 minute Personal Gong Sound Bath Track
Maya can create your very own personal and unique, 15 minute Gong Sound Bath track! Guaranteed to not be shorter than 15 minutes, but can be longer, depends on what Maya is guided to do for you!

These personal tracks are verbal transmissions of Light Codes and frequencies that can enable people to awaken to their Divine Light within and remember their multi-dimensional nature.

Created especially for you, to assist you through your challenges, each track is as unique as you!

Let Maya know what you would like her to focus on and she will create your unique and personal gong sound bath track - yours to keep forever!
Bonus Meditation - Song to The Whales Guided Meditation MP3
A Song To Whales MP3 Soundscape with Light Language, Gongs and Light Codes - 21:00 minutes
Sit back and relax as you listen to this soundscape with gongs and Maya's voice. Connect to the energy of the whales, as Maya verbalizes Light Codes to communicate with our beloved friends in the ocean.
Bonus Meditation - Temple of the Sacred Waters Guided Meditation MP3
Initiation of Sacred Waters - guided meditation MP3 - 37:40 minutes
A rite of passage and a guided meditation with gongs, Light Language, codes and frequencies to assist you with your initiation of the Sacred Waters into adulthood. It was part of every Lemurian's life journey! This guided meditation contains sounds,Light Language and Codes and frequencies to activate the remembrance deep within your DNA.


Thank you so much for this wonderful emails.  I have taken everything on board that you told me and I also purchased the Awakening Waters download. I use the Chakra Journey CD one to 3 times a week. It has helped clear me so much.  It's been a process over 2 month's. But gosh it definitely has brought me so much internal cleansing. Hope you are well. Lots of love. - Reneta

I first discovered Maya through a radio interview, and was drawn to further connect with her. Reaching out, I found Maya immediately warm and responsive, which was the case in all our subsequent Zoom calls as well.  The same depth, warmth, clarity and responsiveness to my concerns was consistent throughout our visits.
In addition to our coaching calls, I have three guided meditations and a studio album Maya created.  I found each of them so beautiful, meaningful and resonant that I return to them again and again.  Having made professional recordings myself, I could tell Maya had put a great deal of care and attention into her work.
Also her Facebook group provides a sweet and resonant global community I’ve found to be a rich resource as well.  

As heartening, clarifying and supportive I’ve found all this to be, perhaps most meaningful is the personal gong track that Maya channelled for me.  It is unlike anything I have every heard, and utterly transportive.  I use it daily, and find myself drawn into a resonant frequency that feels like coming home to my true Self.  Best of all, I’m sensing a shift that brings hope this frequency is becoming more my ‘home base’ as I walk through my days. In gratitude, - Marilyn

Maya... thanks to you for the welcoming gong meditation mp3 which blew me away! - David

Maya's understanding of sound vibration is magical and I can feel the sounds still in my cells doing the spiritual work. Thank you for a unique experience! - Asil

I recently had a personal session via email with Maya. After trying countless physical treatments I decided to try this to help with my health problems. I found that Maya was able to show me what I was missing and what I needed to do to cure my health problems. Since the session I have made more progress in the last few days than I have in months. Maya taught me that there is much more to health than just the physical, and I needed to also consider the spiritual and emotional, which is what I ignored. One advantage of doing the personal session by email is that I am able to go back and re-read the information any time I need to. - Nicole

Maya Boston

Based near Perth Western Australia, Maya is an international Light Language Channel and Activator, Speaker and Teacher in practice for over 13 years.

Facilitating workshops around the world, her work is focused on opening the heart and mind of humanity through sound, by using frequencies to change each listener's brainwaves, which touches their deepest parts, and assists with overcoming long held blocks, simultaneously creating a space into which the listener can expand into.

During her Gong Sound Bath sessions, Maya channels Light Language and translates it into sound, harmonizing her three gongs to create a multi-dimensional soundscape. These sounds, together with the Light Codes, help to restructure our energy patterns so that we remember the multi-dimensional nature of our being.

Soulful and exquisitely beautiful, the harmonic sounds of the gongs and Maya's voice weave a gentle yet powerful energy around and through you, releasing, balancing and illuminating the deepest part of your being. 
Maya's harmonics help to bring unity consciousness by bringing the chakras into one chakra - the Heart chakra, and bridging the various brainwave states (alpha, beta, theta, delta and gamma), to bring you into your multi-dimensional self. Humanity cannot be healed by energy alone, and no amount of change can impact us either, without being grounded in heart-centered consciousness. As we journey together, we merge our inner and outer worlds to create the world we all wish to live in for the well being of everyone.

Maya also teaches the "Lessons From Lemuria" and self-love. Combined with her unique skills as a Gong Practitioner and Light Language Channel, she is empowering people to open up to more of who they truly are. Memories of the Lessons From Lemuria and the priestess Alel'ha are currently the focus of Maya's work. Maya acknowledges you are a Master in your own right, as she holds you in the Oneness of all of creation to remind humanity that we are capable of living in harmony, peace and love with each other and with our beloved planet.

Package A - Special Offer - $97

30 minute Personal Session with Maya
Temple of The Sun – Guided Meditation MP3 with gong sound bath
Temple of Joy - Guided Meditation MP3 with gong sound bath
Temple of Reflection – Guided Meditation MP3 with gong sound bath
Studio Album “Chakra Journey”
Bonus Meditation:Love of the Mother - Guided Meditation MP3 with gong sound bath

Package B - Special Offer - $147

Everything in Package A +
3  x 1hour Group Sessions - One for each of the three Lemurian Temples
15 minute Personal Gong Sound Bath Track
Bonus Meditation - Song to Whales Guided Meditation MP3
Bonus Meditation - Initiation of the Sacred Waters Guided Meditation MP3