Ambujam Rose
Special Offer
September 2019

Package A - Value $177 - 67% Discount - Special Offer - $57

Veil Removal Series - 13 Mp3s
Track # 00: VEIL REMOVAL SERIES INTRO (4:14 min)
Track #02: OVER ALL SWEEP (11:49 min)
Track #03: 7th CHAKRA (9:45 minutes)
Track #04: 6th CHAKRA (12:17 minutes)
Track #05: 5th CHAKRA (13:06 minutes)
Track #06: 6th CHAKRA (13:52 minutes)
Track #07: 3rd CHAKRA (9:11 minutes)
Track #08: 2nd CHAKRA (10:53 minutes)
Track #09: 1st CHAKRA  (15:35 minutes)
Track #10: NAVAL AREA  (14:34 minutes)
Track #11: SEXUAL ORGANS AND SEXUALITY (16:37 minutes)
Track #12: HARMONIZING, BALANCING, ALIGNING  (12:40 minutes)

Package B - Value $370 - 60% Discount - Special Offer - $147

Veil Removal Series - 13 Mp3s
Self Inquiry & Discernment Series - 5 Mp3s
  • Track #1 INTRO: (3:59)
  • Track #2 MIND: (9:10)
  • Track #3 EMOTION: (8:08)
  • Track #4 HEART: (9:04)
(1) Group Power Healing

Package C - Value $561 - 65% Discount - Special Offer - $197

Veil Removal Series - 13 Mp3s
Self Inquiry & Discernment Series - 5 Mp3s
  • Track #1 INTRO: (3:59)
  • Track #2 MIND: (9:10)
  • Track #3 EMOTION: (8:08)
  • Track #4 HEART: (9:04)
How To Find, Know, and Embody Your Path - 4 Mp3s
  • Track #1 INTRO: (5:31)
  • Track #3: EMBODY YOUR PATH: (17:16)
(2) Group Power Healing

Package A

Total Value $177 - 67% Discount

Special Offer $57

Package A - Veil Removal Series - 13 Mp3s

This series foundationally supports your embodiment by removing veils of ego survival and fear in the body, making embodiment smoother, easier, faster. These veils ultimately come from the ego’s need to survive and protect itself and your unhealed pain and fear. These veils also come from other energies that are not you, which are addressed and cleared. They are woven within our energy system and consciousness. This series releases veils and energies not you in the body, energy centers and consciousness, the 7 chakras, sexuality and navel area. We also bring awakening, healing and release to the old fears and pain that have allowed these veils to be there in the first place.
Track # 00: VEIL REMOVAL SERIES INTRO (4:14 min)
• Explanations of what energetic veils are, where they come from and what allows them to stay in our system.
• A short description is given for each recording and how to get the most from this series.

• A short guided mediation is provided to help you go within, connect and be.
• This recording focuses on grounding, centering and aligning you with you.
• We get your system ready for all the releases you’ll have.

Track #02: OVER ALL SWEEP (11:49 min)
• A short guided mediation is provided to help you go within, connect and be.
• Spirit does an all over sweep of your system, removing ego survival veils and energy that’s not you in and around the body and your consciousness.
• Spirit describes what’s releasing, bringing information to support you being you.
• Spirit stabilizes and supports your system after releases.

Track #03: 7th CHAKRA (9:45 minutes)
• A short guided mediation is provided to help you go within, connect and be.
• Spirit releases ego survival veils and energy that’s not you in the 7th chakra area.
• Spirit describes what’s releasing, bringing information to support you being you.
• Spirit works with your true essence, filling your 7th chakra area with your own true essence and energy.
• Spirit stabilizes and supports your system after releases.

Track #04: 6th CHAKRA (12:17 minutes)
• A short guided mediation is provided to help you go within, connect and be.
• Spirit releases ego survival veils and energy that’s not you in the 6th chakra area.
• Spirit describes what’s releasing, bringing information to support you being you.
• Spirit works with your true essence, filling your 6th chakra area with your own true essence and energy.
• Spirit stabilizes and supports your system after releases.

Track #05: 5th CHAKRA (13:06 minutes)
• A short guided mediation is provided to help you go within, connect and be.
• Spirit releases ego survival veils and energy that’s not you in the 5th chakra area.
• Spirit describes what’s releasing, bringing information to support you being you.
• Spirit works with your true essence, filling your 5th chakra area with your own true essence and energy.
• Spirit stabilizes and supports your system after releases.

Track #06: 6th CHAKRA (13:52 minutes)
• A short guided mediation is provided to help you go within, connect and be.
• Spirit releases ego survival veils and energy that’s not you in the 4th chakra area.
• Spirit describes what’s releasing, bringing information to support you being you.
• Spirit works with your true essence, filling your 4th chakra area with your own true essence and energy.
• Spirit stabilizes and supports your system after releases.

Track #07: 3rd CHAKRA (9:11 minutes)
• A short guided mediation is provided to help you go within, connect and be.
• Spirit releases ego survival veils and energy that’s not you in the 3rd chakra area.
• Spirit describes what’s releasing, bringing information to support you being you.
• Spirit works with your true essence, filling your 3rd chakra area with your own true essence and energy.
• Spirit stabilizes and supports your system after releases.

Track #08: 2nd CHAKRA (10:53 minutes)
• A short guided mediation is provided to help you go within, connect and be.
• Spirit releases ego survival veils and energy that’s not you in the 2nd chakra area.
• Spirit describes what’s releasing, bringing information to support you being you.
• Spirit works with your true essence, filling your 2nd chakra area with your own true essence and energy.
• Spirit stabilizes and supports your system after releases.

Track #09: 1st CHAKRA  (15:35 minutes)
• A short guided mediation is provided to help you go within, connect and be.
• Spirit releases ego survival veils and energy that’s not you in the 1st chakra area.
• Spirit describes what’s releasing, bringing information to support you being you.
• Spirit works with your true essence, filling your 1st chakra area with your own true essence and energy.
• Spirit stabilizes and supports your system after releases.

Track #10: NAVAL AREA  (14:34 minutes)
• A short guided mediation is provided to help you go within, connect and be, explaining the importance of your navel area.
• Spirit releases ego survival veils and energy that’s not you in the navel area.
• Spirit describes what’s releasing, bringing information to support you being you.
• Spirit works with your true essence, filling your navel area with your own true essence and energy.
• Spirit stabilizes and supports your system after releases.

Track #11: SEXUAL ORGANS AND SEXUALITY (16:37 minutes)
• A short guided mediation is provided to help you go within, connect and be.
• Spirit releases ego survival veils and energy that’s not you in your sexual organs and sexual area.
• Spirit also focuses on clearing the untruths or wounding around how you feel about sexual intimacy and physical closeness.
• Spirit describes what’s releasing, bringing information to support you being you.
• Spirit works with your true essence, filling your sexual organs and area with your own true essence and energy.
• Spirit stabilizes and supports your system after releases.

Track #12: HARMONIZING, BALANCING, ALIGNING  (12:40 minutes)
• A short guided mediation to help you go within, connect and be.
•Spirit helps your system harmonize and balance, and be who you are now after all the releases you’ve had.

Package B

Total Value $370 - 60% Discount

Special Offer $147

Package B - Veil Removal Series + Self Inquiry & Discernment Series + (1) Group Power Healing

Veil Removal Series 

Self Inquiry & Discernment Series - 5 Mp3s

Empower yourself! Know your heart’s truth for all situations. Learn the difference between your mind, emotions and the truth in your heart through guided mediations, healings and awakenings. 
Track #1 INTRO: (3:59)
  • Introduction to the series.
  • You’ll be asked to choose a question to be with for each recording.
  • Every recording includes a guided mediation and healing to support your self-embodiment and discernment.

Track #2 MIND: (9:10)
  • This recording focuses on bringing your attention to the mind and its ideas of what you should do about your situation.
  • Youʼll get to know the mindʼs energy, characteristics and qualities.
  • Spirit will then bring healing, clearing and awakening to the mind.

Track #3 EMOTION: (8:08)
  • This recording focuses on the emotions and what they feel you should do about your situation.
  • Youʼll get to know their energies, characteristics and qualities.
  • Spirit will then bring healing, clearing and awakening to the emotions.

Track #4 HEART: (9:04)
  • This recording focuses on the heart.
  • Youʼll get to know your heartʼs energy, characteristics and qualities and what the heartʼs guidance is to your situation.
  • Spirit will then bring healing, clearing and awakening to the heart area.

  • Spirit does an overall clearing, support, healing, balancing and anchoring you into yourself and your heart.
  • Spirit brings through the energetics of clarity and discernment for continued support on your path.

(1) Group Power Healing

Group Power Healing: 
How To Join:
  • You’ll be added to Ambujam’s list.
  • Ambujam personally emails your instructions to redeem your GPH.
  • You’ll receive invitations to all GPHs.
  • Join the one that feels right for you by clicking the “attend” button in your email.
  • Each GPH focuses on different topics and life-themes.
  • Your (1) GPH expires March 31st, 2020.
What Is Group Power Healing?
Group Power Healing was created to meet the accelerated awakening people are going through making healing more accessible and faster for the individual. Ambujam works directly with the divinity of Group Energy, God and Grace. Ambujam brings the group into a holy meeting place, amplifying your sacredness, truth and love. She sees the group’s path of awakening and the correlating past-life choices and experiences currently holding the old ego-self in place. She instantly frees the original roots of life-themes, relationship dynamics, belief systems, complex spiritual issues and falsehoods about yourself, others and life itself. As the topics and life-themes for each GPH are focused on, the healing powers vibrate into your personal issues to awaken, heal and release. Ambujam’s special mix of quick-focused energy clearings and spot-on guidance quickly heals your old-self, aligns you with your true-self and energizes your heart’s rightful path. 
  • Your Soul’s history, current life-themes and path of awakening collaborate with the group's, bringing Ambujam the relevant info about your path to heal faster, embody quicker and navigate easier. 
  • Ambujam's unique mix of quick-focused energy clearings and spot-on guidance breaks you free from old energetics instantly, accelerating realizations about yourself, life-experiences and emotional/spiritual/physical pains, helping you foundationally heal, move forward and embody.
  • Old complex energy patterns instantly release, soul-significant relationships heal, personal and world karma reconciles, self-embodiment anchors and the rightful path of each participant is supported.
  • Group Power Healing helps YOU awaken, heal and embody rapidly.
Why Group Healing For You?
  • Group wisdom brings significant, missing pieces of information to your personal issues and life-themes.
  • Your true-self is magnified and reinforced.
  • Your system’s capacity to know and heal itself strengthens and expands.
  • Core ego identities and stuck, repetitive emotional patterns reveal and effortlessly let go.
  • Personal karma reconciles and balances gracefully.
  • New, present-day Soul choices are made, manifesting through you multidimensionally.
  • You’re leaped forward into your next levels of healing, awakening, self-embodiment and rightful path.
  • You’re more easily able to feel your truth on a daily basis, helping you with decision making, relationship choices and emotional and physical wellness.
 The Overview:
  • Each GPH meets YOU on your path of healing, self-awareness, embodiment and expressions of purpose.
  • Each GPH is one-of-a-kind, addressing the in-common life themes, awakening and rightful paths of all attending.
  • Spirit brings understanding and instant energetic releases to your past self, anchoring you into the True Self.
The Process:
  • The call is muted except for Ambujam’s voice.
  • Ambujam begins by explaining the instructions for the session.
  • You relax and receive the healing for the first 60-70 minutes as Ambujam narrates the specific details of the healing.
  • When the healing is complete, Ambujam opens up the Q&A to answer any questions about the healing.
 The Logistics:
  • Sessions are 90 minutes.
  • Sessions are done over Conference Call and include a free recording.
  • After registering, you’ll automatically receive all GPH sessions via proxy. (Proxy: Healing done on your behalf. You’ll receive all healing energies, leaps forward and support for your rightful path without needing to attend the live calls.)
  • It's your choice to join the live calls. All are welcome!
  • Call-in information is emailed 30 minutes before all sessions.
  • Call-in FREE from mobile, landline, Web, App, FREE Local International Numbers.
Examples Of What Heals:
  • Root causes of present and past-life emotional patterns.
  • Karmic choices and behaviors.
  • Past and present Soul-significant relationships.
  • Notions of self and life.
  • Physical/emotional/spiritual traumas.
  • Family/generational/lineage traumas and ways of being.
  • Physical pain patterns.
  • Abuse/Enslavements.
  • Sexual traumas.
  • Rooted identities.
  • Funky-weird stuff that's been challenging to name/stop/understand.

Package C

Total Value $561 - 65% Discount

Special Offer $197

Package C - Veil Removal Series + Self Inquiry Series + How To Find, Know, and Embody Your Path +(2) Group Power Healings

Veil Removal Series 

Self Enquiry & Discernment Series 

(2) Group Power Healings

How To Find, Know, and Embody Your Path - 4 Mp3s

Ambujam tuned into our audience and created this series especially for us! Receive support, healing, teachings and guidance through Ambujam’s guided mediations for finding and embodying your path. Only you can truly know what your path is. This series lights the way to feel and find your path within. 
Track #1 INTRO: (5:31)
  • Description of the path.
  • Details of each recording.
  • Each recording is imbued with healing and embodying energies that will meet you where you are every time you listen.
  • Each recording includes healing, clearing and release of old fears and karma.
  • Connect to your heart and path within.
  • Learn your heart’s answers and guidance for your path.
  • Feel what your path feels like and what it wants to tell you.
  • Spirit leaps your forward on your path.
Track #3: EMBODY YOUR PATH: (17:16)
  • Guided mediation.
  • Embody the energies of what you’ve received and learned in recording #2.
  • Spirit runs spiritual healing energies and your own true essence throughout the system to embody your path and true-self.
  • Connect more deeply with the Earth for help in realizing and manifesting your path.
  • Integrate
  • Ambujam’s suggestions of how to anchor the results of this recording everyday.


I started attending Group Power Healings a few months ago and my life has ALREADY dramatically changed. I had allergies that would turn into sinus infection, one after another for more than 10 years. After one Group Power Healing the allergy is gone! I can finally Breathe! Each Group Power Healing feels like she’s speaking directly to me and I feel so much love. Ambujam is a gem. I recommend her work to anyone who wants to know the truth about themselves. Carole, UT
Absolutely transformational! The fastest way I found to uncover who one truly is! Blocks, fears, traumas.....everything that needs to go from way, way, way, back. You just have to sit and be and Spirit does the rest! AMAZING! I wholeheartedly recommend Ambujam's Group Power Healing sessions to anyone wanting to free themselves! Gwyneth, UK
Ambujam is a powerhouse! She goes straight into the energy that needs to be shifted out. Highly recommend her incredible Group Power Healings to everyone because they speak directly to you! There has been a huge releasing shift within me, an upgrading of my consciousness and understanding, as well as a reduction in physical aches and pains. Magic!! Julie, AU
I have participated in Group Power Healings just recently with amazing and sometime subtle results that grow and expand over time. I feel like she's speaking directly to my being every time I attend. Her ability to connect with the group consciousness, our teams, guides and the higher realms is truly amazing! The guidance, clearings and healings are spot on!  If you are looking to connect with someone whom is the real deal, authentic, funny, loving and kind please be open and allow yourself to receive healings from the Divine through Ambujam. - Maggie, NC
If you want to receive tangible quantum up-leveling with ease and grace, Ambujam's Group Power Healings deliver and more. They are powerful, fast, and provide the individual the perfect heart-based, heart-aligned experience for where you are now and leap you into the next level. - KD, NC
Ambujam's Group Power Healings are one of a kind! Having attended many, I always feel deep peace inside after a session. Always spot on! An enlightening experience, helping you CONSCIOUSLY grow. She greatly assists the soul' s ascension path in a way that can be truly felt as profound change in "real life" on many levels! - Barbara, Germany
In a world overwrought with anguish, chaos, uncertainty and flat out fear, Ambujam’s Group Power Healings reconnect me to a universal knowing, an unequivocal understanding that love, peace, and the possibility for personal acceptance are truly the ingredients in each one of our cells. Ambujam holds my hand and leads me to that place. - Kristin, VT

Ambujam Rose

Ambujam is a Wayshower and Self-Embodiment Accelerator. She helps you understand and navigate your awakening, quickly heal the old ego-self and learn how to live from truth. You’re asked to own your choices, reconcile karma and be who you are. Ambujam works directly with the divinity of Group Energy, God and Grace. Ambujam brings the group into a holy meeting place, amplifying your sacredness, truth and love. She sees the group’s path of awakening and the correlating past-life choices and experiences currently holding the old ego-self in place. She instantly frees the original roots of life-themes, relationship dynamics, belief systems, complex spiritual issues and falsehoods about yourself, others and life itself. Ambujam’s special mix of quick-focused energy clearings and spot-on guidance quickly heals your old-self, aligns you with your true-self and energizes your heart’s rightful path. Ambujam's Group Power Healings have accelerated the path to freedom for over 20 years. Her dedication to embodying her own path continuously creates her work to meet the evolutionary needs of humanity. 

Package A - Value $177 - 67% Discount - Special Offer - $57

Veil Removal Series - 13 Mp3s
Track # 00: VEIL REMOVAL SERIES INTRO (4:14 min)
Track #02: OVER ALL SWEEP (11:49 min)
Track #03: 7th CHAKRA (9:45 minutes)
Track #04: 6th CHAKRA (12:17 minutes)
Track #05: 5th CHAKRA (13:06 minutes)
Track #06: 6th CHAKRA (13:52 minutes)
Track #07: 3rd CHAKRA (9:11 minutes)
Track #08: 2nd CHAKRA (10:53 minutes)
Track #09: 1st CHAKRA  (15:35 minutes)
Track #10: NAVAL AREA  (14:34 minutes)
Track #11: SEXUAL ORGANS AND SEXUALITY (16:37 minutes)
Track #12: HARMONIZING, BALANCING, ALIGNING  (12:40 minutes)

Package B - Value $370 - 60% Discount - Special Offer - $147

Veil Removal Series - 13 Mp3s
Self Inquiry & Discernment Series - 5 Mp3s
  • Track #1 INTRO: (3:59)
  • Track #2 MIND: (9:10)
  • Track #3 EMOTION: (8:08)
  • Track #4 HEART: (9:04)
(1) Group Power Healing

Package C - Value $561 - 65% Discount - Special Offer - $197

Veil Removal Series - 13 Mp3s
Self Inquiry & Discernment Series - 5 Mp3s
  • Track #1 INTRO: (3:59)
  • Track #2 MIND: (9:10)
  • Track #3 EMOTION: (8:08)
  • Track #4 HEART: (9:04)
How To Find, Know, and Embody Your Path - 4 Mp3s
  • Track #1 INTRO: (5:31)
  • Track #3: EMBODY YOUR PATH: (17:16)
(2) Group Power Healing