“Distant healing is done remotely during these sessions all over the world via skype without any denigration of the energy. My own 3 year old Amigo is from Herculon originally, a far distant galaxy, here as a Star seed to live his soul purpose of humanitarian and anchor pure love frequency as many young animals are also doing. Light codes emit from his paws and his eyes are energetically gold.”--Kelly Hampton
Millie Star Healing Intergalactic Energy happy recipient
“I have declared this Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM because the source you will be drawing from is the energy from the Star Galaxy. It makes no difference if you are familiar with this galaxy or not. My love goes to all. This energy goes to all, goes through all, extends to all. The energy from this galaxy is very powerful and wise. The Awakening is now.” –ARCHANGEL MICHAEL
The same benefits for humans through this system apply to our 2 and four legged friends which can be helped or totally healed through this magnified system. In addition, per Archangel Michael younger animals under 7 years of age need a healing system high enough to reach them vibrationally. Transmute limiting cell memories from your pets also and help them welcome ongoing, pain-free, expansive experience of boundless joy and love through this molecular powerful healing system given to Kelly. Once notified of your purchase someone from Kelly’s office will begin the scheduling process. There is an intake form within your instant downloads to email back prior to your animal (s) session.
“Bring all animals. Bring the indigo, rainbow, crystalline animals, they know this system as they know their names,” Archangel Michael.
What types of conditions can Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM help with Archangel Michael?
“Star Healing for Small AnimalsTM and EquinesTM uses the same 5th dimensional source of energy, the Star or Pleiadian Galaxy as its source as does the healing system for the human body. Many if not all conditions that plague cats and dogs primarily, can be totally eliminated or improved. As implied, any and all health concerns even the most grave, can be made more whole, more well, if not lessened or eliminated through this system from the Star Family. Unless a pet has made a contract to experience an illness for their learning, we, the collective consciousness of angels, as well as the high council, feel that as a result of the healing frequencies coming to your Mother Earth, and because of the heightening vibration of many on the planet, that the small animal kingdom will be served more fully and more completely by this system than at any other time in mankind’s history.
Let me go on to say that some of the older cats and dogs and equines, are allowing for a new healing system like Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM to expand across the globe through their telegraphic communications. Just as many humans are expanding their consciousness telepathically, so are your animal friends. Many of them have told us through this telepathic communication that they are excited and ready to experience a pain free, peace and calm existence upon which to live as a result of being in this 5th D, Pleiadian energy.”—Archangel Michael
What is Pleiadian Energy Exactly?
“Pleiadians and Pleiadian energy is wise and powerful. It originates in a galaxy light years outside of your own. It is pure love, 5th D energy. The 5thD is also the lowest dimension upon which I reside. Think of this system as turning your animal’s body into a crystalline light body, removing implants, attachments, energetic fears, past lives and other forms of toxic energy embedded into their light bodies. One day all souls, all animals and the plant kingdom will be pure crystalline energy. For a more in-depth examination of this loving galaxy you may wish to read my words.” (2012 and Beyond: The Truth from Archangel Michael) —Archangel Michael
How long does it take to see improvement in my animal’s behavior?
“That depends upon several factors,” Archangel Michael. “An animal’s temperament, the owner’s temperament, the vibration of one’s home and the severity of the condition(s) all factor into the timeframe of healing. It is my humblest opinion that even the most serious of conditions that may affect the dog, cat, other small animal species along with equines can be eased after only one session.”
Scheduling is done via email once Kelly’s office is notified of your order. Pet guardian's do not need to be present during the healing, though scheduling and intake is still necessary. As with humans, certain conditions may benefit from more than one attunement, thought miracles frequently occur in the most densest of conditions. Each attunement is energetically elevated over any previous one.
Read What Others Are Saying about Star Healing Intergalactic Energy for Small AnimalsTM
Sophie seemed bored, sad, depressed and slept most of the time. She didn’t want to play or interact at all. After her session I noticed a definite change in her behavior. She was interacting more, playing and running around after her brother. She is so much happier and her purring, wow! Sophie is so affectionate than ever before. Thank you Archangel Michael for bringing this amazing Star Healing system to all of our pets! Marie L. - NJ
Anastasia was very aggressive, hissing, swatting (scratching) and biting anyone that would come into the house. (After her Star Healing)...she was much calmer than I have ever seen her. The biggest test was when we had company. She then came out into the living room where everyone was sitting and to our surprise DIDN’T swat, hiss, bite or show any aggression towards any of our guests. I was in shock to say the least. She wanted them to pet her and was purring the whole time. Anastasia is so loving, happy and enjoyable to be around. Paul T. -- NJ
This is such an amazing gift for our animals/families. Thank you for making this available to humanity Kelly. I have immediately noticed what seems like a restoration or heightening gracefulness in her running. She's breathtaking to watch. Her energy has really shifted. It's like something has been restored. I can't wait to see what’s still ahead.”—Turia, Host of AWAKENING HEART GLOBAL TELESUMMIT
Charlie is so loving and affectionate now...He purrs so loudly, that I have to put the TV louder, which I don’t mind at all to do! Archangel Michael, thank you so much for bringing us the Star Healing Intergalactic Energy system. Annie L. -- NJ
Bella was abused in the past, afraid of everyone (especially men), barked all the time and would hide in her crate for hours when we had company. She was very nervous, anxious, paced back and forth and walked with her tail between her legs. After her healing with Gina (a certified practitioner) she’s not barking and responding to visitors aggressively. The Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM system from Archangel Michael really works. I have seen it with my own eyes! -- Kristin K., NJ
Jordan came to me with many phobias, especially with noises, boxes, anything out of place, people, especially children and especially if a person had anything in their hands or a hat on. He always had a sad look in his eyes and stayed near me at all times. He had a cataract in his right eye and smelly ear wax. He used to lick at his paws and feet out of nervousness. After his session, I took one look at him and noticed his eyes did not have that sad look any longer and I also noticed that both eyes were big and brown. I looked and saw that the cataract had all but disappeared. I was delighted. We went out for a walk, but it turned into a run. We even met up with some children riding bicycles. The "Spaniel" has come out in him as he has his nose to the ground, to the air, sniffing out anything that might interest him. His ears have stayed clean since the session and he sleeps and rests calmly. Julie Calvey -- IL
After Kelly’s remote session with Jasper, my beloved cat who had arthritic hips and wasn’t eating, all have improved. Thank you, Kelly and Archangel Michael. — Julie Ann T. Michigan
Last week AAM did an energy transmission for my kitty. His left eye had a serious ulcer. Initially, the emergency veterinarian mentioned to me that if I had not brought him in for treatment there could have been a risk having to take him to an ophthalmologist and risk of him losing his eye. 3 days later, I took him in for an evaluation from his regular veterinarian, they said that there was no trace of the ulcer and all was fine. He was to finish out the rest of his meds, to just keep an eye on him and he could return to his regular activities, minus the awful collar he had to wear. In 3 days? I absolutely think the healing was a miraculous help! We both thank you very much. He is such a blessing to me and shows a lot to me that I need to learn, so his well being means so much more than I could explain.–Lucy and Juniper, CA
I did Rocking the Baby over my anxious calico as Kelly taught and he immediately calmed down. I am impressed it worked so quickly and easily!—Kelsey and Big Brown in the UK
As a puppy, Geedo was abused and neglected. Since his Star Healing with Patti (a certified practitioner) attunement he now sleeps soundly throughout the night and the bedroom door is open. He feels safe and secure. He is also more playful and I can see an air of confidence about him. Thanks to Star Healing my dog is happier now. --Kathy - Grayslake IL
Sam is a three year old Yellow Labrador/Golden Retriever. She came to me suffering from behavioral aggression, pain due to regrown hips. She has been more loving and attentive. She has been active, running, jumping, catching balls and seems to be in no pain whatsoever, including to the touch.”—Teri and “Sam” from Australia
Our dog Mason never came into the bathroom, (too narrow & would scare him) also going through the kitchen doorway (he used to go a long way through the hall, living room & dining room) Now since his healing, he goes into the bathroom and through the kitchen doorway!!! Wonderful and he runs like the wind!!! He has not cried or held up a paw, his dysplasia is not apparent!! He also used to get a running start to come up just one step from the back yard, now he just bounds in!! We are so pleased!!--K & B and Mason from Missouri, USA
It has been a wonderful experience-receiving this healing system or my small dog, Affy. Two weeks have now passed and what I observe is a very happy dog and I am delighted to see her in a cheerful and loving state. I am extremely grateful to Geraldine (a certified practitioner) for performing such an extraordinary healing task and to Kelly for bringing forth Ashtar Sheran and AAMichael to bring in the Intergalactic energy for healing my sweet dog, Affy. Thank you so much for everything.--EM
The most profound change I noticed was the issue of my daughter's dog chasing him. I was out on the patio with Puff (our cat) and the dog, Brody. Neither of them even flinched. Puff sauntered around and Brody barely noticed him. At one point, they were staring at each other. I felt Puff's new sense of self-confidence and empowerment. It was really awesome! I didn't tell anyone else in the house about the session just to see if they noticed anything different. My Son and Daughter both first commented on how much Puff was sleeping and then on the shift in relationship between Puff and Brody. That was the point that I told them about Puff's session. We are going to schedule a session for Brody soon. Thank you so much! Love,--Shelby Holter
Chanella (my goat) is doing great! I believe she may be more affectionate. She is very affectionate anyway but seems even more than usual. I like the information you have provided to your clients moving forward with their pets. These are such great reminders! When I asked her how it was for her she said it was very heart centered and that she felt her circulating energies being gently coaxed into action. She has the sense of greater aliveness and fluidity of movement. She is smiling.--Maia K
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