More Abundance Healing Chamber Testimonials
“On Monday, after signing up for the Chamber, I set an intention to “Level Up!” In all areas of my life: Emotionally, Physically, Spiritually, Mentally, Intellectually and Financially. I was asking the guides and Galactic’s to provide clarity and knowing to support me with this during the next 30 days. I put a sign up above my keyboard to remind myself of my “Level Up!” Intention. On Tuesday, after only 24 hours, I felt such a sense of confidence and well-being. I usually feel confident and well, but this was a very high vibrational feeling of being uplifted. Amazing! On Wednesday, day 2, I woke up feeling happy. Really, really happy. So much so that I could not remember when the last time was that I felt so happy. I was excited to face the challenges and opportunities of the day. Also on Wednesday, day 2, I received a phone call-out of the blue- from a former client. We partnered together to launch a course for 110 Engineers. He is interested in partnering with me again to have his Engineers complete the course. This will occur mid-September. Amazing! On Friday, day 4, I received an email- again, out of the blue- from a former client who wanted to order DISC profiles for employees. I just sent those out tonight :) On Saturday, day 5, I learned that my son decided to stop drinking alcohol and explore his ascension path more fully. My son is the Abundance Chamber, too. This is truly the answer to prayer!! Magnificent!! My weekend was very productive. I remain happy and feeling lightness- not bogged down in the 3-D like before. Today is Monday, day 7, and the feeling of well-being and confidence is superior. I feel like I am at the top of my personal and professional game right now. It feels so free and incredible! Another little side note: I am meeting the most incredible global people and having 2+ hour conversations with them. It’s like they are being drawn to me- like a moth to a flame. Incredible. All I can say, Susan, is WOW! And I am only going on week 2!! Thank you to you and your guides for this incredible opportunity.” – RP