Paul and Holly Marwood
Special Offer August 2019

Package - Value $295 - Special Offer - $127

Item 1 - Module 1 - Introduction
Item 2 - Module 2 - Your Current Money Truth
Item 3 - Module 3 - Past Lives and Ancestral Influences
Item 4 - Module 4 - Collective Consciousness & Contemporary Beliefs
Item 5 - Module 5 - Choose a New Relationship with Money
Item 6 - 2 Live Group Q&A Calls
Item 7 - Private Facebook Group

Love the Energy of Money Package

Total Value $295 - Special Offer $127

Package - Love the Energy of Money

Transform, up-level and expand your relationship with the Energy of Money, using the Akashic Records, in this 4+module course. You will be introduced to theAkashic Records and get familiar with the Pathway Prayer Process® as a safe and consistent way to access your own Akashic Records.Peel back the layers of belief (conscious + sub-conscious) around money to create a new pathway to the freedom and abundance you desire and deserve.Each module will contain a new lesson plus a guided experience in your AkashicRecords related to the topic. Each module also has material for ongoing explorations around the same topic. No prior experience working in the AkashicRecords is required.

Item 1 - Module 1 - Introduction

Akashic Records Foundation Information: Get comfortable in opening your Akashic Records
Item 2 - Module 2 - Your Current Money Truth
Discover what you truly believe about money. Uncover potential sub-conscious beliefs and programs that have been operating in the background. The energies transform when working with your discoveries in your Akashic Records!
Item 3 - Module 3 - Past Lives and Ancestral Influences
Open up to potential obstructions and/or limitations that originated in other times & places.Bring to light outmoded beliefs that may still be active in your life now, then transform them so they no longer have an impact in your life now.
Item 4 - Module 4 - Collective Consciousness & Contemporary Beliefs
Unpack the collective influencers with regard to your money beliefs, expectations &manifestations. We are all impacted by the collective beliefs of our time that have been created and reinforced throughout our history. It is now time to put our relationship with the energy of money on a new path where lack & limitation fall to the wayside in the name of limitless creation!Unearth these impactors in your money experience!
Item 5 - Module 5 - Choose a New Relationship with Money
Now that you have brought to light and transformed many levels of old money beliefs and experiences it is time to choose a new relationship to the Energy of Money!Working in your records, in partnership with your Masters, Teachers &Loved Ones, you will get into the flow of the energy of money, explore the energy of Financial Freedom and explore lifetimes when financial abundance was yours!
Item 6 - 2 Live Group Q&A Calls
Two group video calls during the program for support, questions & celebrations!
Item 7 - Private Facebook Group
Private Facebook group for ongoing support & interaction through the course.
Item 1 - Module 1 - Introduction
Item 2 - Module 2 - Your Current Money Truth
Item 3 - Module 3 - Past Lives and Ancestral Influences
Item 4 - Module 4 - Collective Consciousness & Contemporary Beliefs
Item 5 - Module 5 - Choose a New Relationship with Money
Item 6 - 2 Live Group Q&A Calls
Item 7 - Private Facebook Group


I am still reaping the benefits our your Akashic reading! The emotional toll/drain/hell that I had been in for 27 years is honestly gone. I feel detached in a good, healthy way and not carrying around the nameless, faceless, aching grief.
Such a powerful gift. I am awed by it, too, Holly. Who knew? Thank God/Source for speaking through you for my healing/renewal. I can still feel the freedom, tangibly. How can I express my thanks to you!! — Keep up your wonderful work! - A.F.
This was SUCH a beneficial reading for me; I cannot express to you how much. I am feeling such gratitude for your ability … It was interesting for me.. When we were done, I felt exhausted – in a good way – like I just cleared immense energy.. and then today – I am so FREE!!!!!!!!!! The heaviness is just lifted.. That is the best way I can describe it :) - M.S.
I treated myself to this for my birthday and it really gave me some perspective and insight into some issues and thoughts I had been having for years. It really helps you to see the whole picture from a complete view of your life, past, present and future. It is very healing and empowering. I was able to get a copy of mine and I have listened to it a couple of times now. It really has brought me much peace. - C.D.
Hi Holly…just wanted to stop by and say thank you again for my Akashic Records Reading. An experience I’ll not forget. I’m grateful for the experience and for the time you spent with me. You’re awesome.. :-) - R.P.

Paul & Holly Marwood

From diverse backgrounds and opposite ends of the world, Paul and Holly Marwood met on their journey to fulfill their souls’ calling. With love at first sight, they soon married and revealed their destiny to usher in teachings and guidance from the divine realm.
A unique husband and wife team, Holly and Paul offer a unique approach that comes from the balance of the female & male energies and their backgrounds as educator and Engineer. 
Holly Hawkins Marwood is an advanced Akashic Records teacher and reader, a guide, and conscious channel for many sources, including the High Council of Orion and Ishtara. She has a passion for transformation, healing, and assisting others to live fuller, healthier, and happier lives.  Holly is an international speaker and trainer in spirituality, energy medicine, healing and transformational soul and life guidance.
From his early years growing up in Zimbabwe and Australia, to his current life in the United States, Paul Marwood has embodied the clarity of vision for his life and followed his heart to pursue his passion.  At the height of Paul’s career, he had a near fatal car accident that brought about rapid changes in his perspective on life moving him from an Engineering focus to a spiritual focus.  Paul is now an international speaker, teacher, practicing healer and certified Akashic Record reader.
Paul & Holly are founders of 3 Multidimensional Activations and the Universal Sphere®, taught from the higher realms to accelerate your consciousness, your ascension, and make your life easier.

Package - Value $295 - Special Offer - $127

Item 1 - Module 1 - Introduction
Item 2 - Module 2 - Your Current Money Truth
Item 3 - Module 3 - Past Lives and Ancestral Influences
Item 4 - Module 4 - Collective Consciousness & Contemporary Beliefs
Item 5 - Module 5 - Choose a New Relationship with Money
Item 6 - 2 Live Group Q&A Calls
Item 7 - Private Facebook Group