Beth Herndobler
Special Offer
April 2021
Package A - Value $1221 - 89% Discount - Save $1087 - Special Offer - $127
- 2 Part Workshop ~ Aligning with the New Consciousness Grid and the New Freedom Codes
- Channeled Energy Infused Fibonacci Series Activations
Monthly Energy Healing Call
Also available in 2 payments of $63.50
Package B -Value $1643 - 88% Discount - Save $1445 -Special Offer - $197
- Everything in package a
- Regenerating Your Abundance Structure in the new Age of Aquarius
Also available in 2 payments of $98.50
Let Go & Flow: Manifesting Abundance in the Age of Aquarius with the New Consciousness Grid & Freedom Codes with Beth Herndobler
It is time to release the old that no longer serves so as to create space to receive what more is possible for us as we move into the long-awaited Age of Aquarius. Time to open to the greater expanded Light and Love that is You and embrace the new Freedom Codes available in this new Age. To do this, to flow in the frequency of abundance, our four bodies ~ mental, physical, emotional and energetic ~ must be aligned. And for that alignment to occur, we must release the deeply stored, outdated programs, patterns, ideas, beliefs, patterns, paradigms and trapped emotions. Many of us are loaded and encoded with pain, fear, loss, lack and limitation and all that must go to manifest abundance. To assess the energetic alignment of your 4 bodies consider this:
- Do you feel like you are doing everything you can & working so hard to live an abundant life & yet that life always seems to elude you & be just out of reach?
- Do you lack clarity as to what the missing piece is?
- Do you drag yourself to the same old job every day because you "have to" & still there never seems to be enough money?
- Do you have your own business & work hard but never surpass the point of bringing in just enough money to pay your bills?
- Do you feel energized & inspired but then fear, doubt & worry creep in blocking your forward movement and expansion?
- Do you experience the same challenges and relationships that don’t serve over & over & over?
- Do you know you are intuitive and yet accessing your intuitive gifts so as to live your life on purpose remains elusive and just out of reach?
For you to align with an abundant frequency, for you to access and make full use of your intuitive gifts, there must be a shift out of the old to open to the new and receive. As uncomfortable as it can be in the moment, we must break down to break through for real growth to occur. The concept is simple, yet putting it into practice on your own is not easy. The breakdown can unleash floodgates of fear, terror even, that cause you to move into fight-flight or freeze mode, to retreat & cower in shadowy dark corners which may feel familiar and safe but actually keep you stuck & limit you. You need support to allow the breakdown & that is where Beth Herndobler comes in. Beth will guide you out of the dark shadows & into the light. Beth will guide you to recognize those old patterns, to clear, release and align your four bodies so you can flow in a new higher vibrational frequency of abundance in alignment with the new Age of Aquarian frequencies and the new Freedom Codes. From this empowered position, you can tap into all you are here to be, do, have & create. Working with Beth will open you to a new state of ease and grace, where you celebrate & welcome the breakdown & the fear it brings up. The only way out is through ~ everything you ever wanted is on the other side of that fear.
- Are you ready to breakdown the old systems and realign your bodies to flow in the matrix and frequency of abundance?
- Do you seek more fulfillment, joy & support in the relationships you have with family, your spouse or your friends?
If you are ready to receive the experience of being fully empowered & abundant in all areas of your life, to be balanced, harmonious & happy every day, then working with Beth is for you! Beth will fully support you as she guides you to live your life on purpose & in complete balanced abundance with ease & grace.
Value $1221 - 89% Discount - Save $1087
Special Offer $127
2 Part Workshop ~ Aligning with the New Consciousness Grid and the New Freedom Codes
This 2 Part Workshop Includes:
~ An Energetically Infused 90 minute teaching call
~ A LIVE Quantum Energy Lab (QEL) with Q & A where you interact with Beth, you Higher Self, Guides and Celestial Team to discern where you can better align with the New Consciousness Grid and Light Codes.
~ 5 Daily Practice Points PDF
~ 4 Body Connection Quiz PDF
~ Understanding Your 4 Bodies PDF
~ 5 Steps to Move Through a Challenge PDF
~ Intention Setting Exercise PDF
Value $855
The Divine hears and receives everything you think and feel, whether you are conscious of this communication or not. This is especially true for all those ideas, stories, beliefs and patterns held so deeply that they are imprinted in your DNA. It is of the utmost importance to your expansion that you become conscious of what you are communicating to the Divine so that what you seek in this life and that which is in your highest interest is what you manifest.
Think of it this way: converting electricity into radio waves has transformed the way humans communicate with one another by way of unseen frequencies. At the push of a button, we can interact by voice, video, text or email with people all over the world and even in space. We are literally surrounded by frequencies. So too, based on the energy we transmit through our thoughts, desires and actual requests, the Universe responds. We must be aware of and vigilant about what messages we are sending to the Universe consciously and unconsciously and of what guidance they are transmitting in return. If you are focused on what you lack, on what is missing in your life, you are actually transmitting a negative vibration or request to the Universe.
In the Quantum Field we can reset and recalibrate your frequency to Flow so that you can receive the abundance that is your birthright. In this workshop, you will learn how to mindfully shift your thoughts, words and actions so as to reset and activate your vibration to the level of Flow. You will learn how to develop a daily practice to support you moving forward to opening a direct line of communication between you and the Divine. You will learn how to activate and hear the guidance available to you in support of your unfolding, awakening and expansion into the abundant life of your dreams with ease and grace.
- Open to Greater Self-Love
- Clear Your Biggest Blocks to Financial Success
- Identify & Clear the Beliefs, Ideas, Stories, & Patterns You’re Running that No Longer Serve
- Identify & Release Your Attachment to Societal & Cultural Mores & Judgments that are Holding You Back from Living an Abundant Life
- Identify & Clear Familial, Ancestral & Genealogical Patterns of Loss, Lack, Limitation, ”Not-Good-Enough,” “Not-Gonna-Get-It-Right,” “Not-Gonna-Happen-For-Me”
- Have the Experience Of & Receive Exponential Financial Growth
- Shift Your Vibrational Frequency to Flow in the Matrix of Abundance in All Areas of Your life
I Know YOU ARE READY Because You Are Here!
Join Beth & Other Heart-Centered Souls Ready to Be, Do, Have & Create Magnificent Abundance and to Live Your Life on Purpose in Alignment with the Truth & Light of You with Ease & Grace.
What Have You Got to Lose but the Density that Does Not Serve?!!!
~ Energetically Infused 90 Minute Teaching Call on Aligning Your Brain and Nervous System with the New Consciousness Grid and the New Freedom Codes to Magnetize Exponential Financial, Emotional and Physical Abundance.
We all come to this life to learn, grow, heal & clear. We carry ancestral trauma, patterns, ideas, stories & beliefs & then we pick up more from societal & cultural messages and programming. Each one of us and the world-at-large are being challenged to move into a new way of being & doing as the new 5th dimensional frequencies are integrating into the Earth. We are each being called to live at the level of our highest expression where our gifts & potential are fully realized right NOW in this very moment. To do that, we must clear our stories, blocks, ideas, beliefs, patterns & stuck points. The fastest way to do this is in the Quantum Field, where any small shift of energy affects the entire field.
Join Beth for this special lecture where you will tap into the Quantum Field, learn about the energy of flow & discover how to clear, open, expand & flow into the abundant inspired life of your dreams and fulfill your destiny in alignment with the new Consciousness Grid and the Freedom Codes. You will learn the fundamentals of brain function and simple, easy-to-follow daily steps to realign, shift & open to the experience of a new reality of you.
In this QEL Q & A session, you can interact directly with Beth and ask any question about your energetic flow and where there is constriction around abundance. You may choose instead to ask your guides, your Higher Self and your Celestial Team another question or simply what they want you to know at this time. The power of this QEL is the one-on-one interaction you get with Beth!
Course Materials:
~ 5 Daily Practice Points PDF
Your daily activities must support transformation for it to occur & last. Using these 5 practices daily is a foolproof system to support transformation.
~ Understanding Your Four Bodies: The Body-Mind-Emotional-Energetic Connection PDF
An introduction to the Four Bodies and what is needed to maintain an open line of communication between you and each of your bodies.
~ Four Body Connection Quiz PDF
This quiz helps you assess and understand Your Relationships to each of the Four Bodies, physical, mental, emotional and energetic. The results of the quiz will help you discern where to focus your energy and efforts as we move through this course.
~ 5 Steps to Move Through a Challenge PDF
Easy to follow process to surrender the struggle & open to the lesson, the gift, every challenge offers.
~ Intention Setting Exercise PDF
Learn how to craft empowering high vibrational affirmations that accurately reflect in present tense what you seek.
Give yourself the gift of this 2-part workshop with LIVE QEL at this amazingly low price not offered anywhere but right here, right now. Open the door to the life you are meant to live with love, laughter, joy, ease & grace. This workshop is so chock full of goodies you don't want to miss it!
I wanted to share with all what an honor and gift it is to work with Beth on the flow of Abundance and her ability to connect to our Loving Guides and Teams. Her compassion and willingness to stretch our limitations and thoughts of what we can achieve on our journey while working with our Divine and Galactic teams has helped me grow in ways I could never have imagined. I am so delighted that she is here with you so that others can bear witness to her guidance and magic on their journey. Wishing all Love and abundance far beyond what we can imagine ~ I AM grateful - Kim
Thank you again for such a powerful session! I couldn’t believe how great I felt afterward, just bursting and buzzing with joy, hope, and inspiration. A few highlights since then . . . the phrase “the money will come from wherever it is” has to be one of the BEST things I’ve ever heard to automatically shift my mentality and attitude. I'm amazed at the peace I feel about my finances just reminding myself of that truth. I’m also grateful for the wisdom on shielding my aura before encountering people, especially family, in the next few days. When you told me that, I immediately thought about a dinner I was scheduled to have at my mom’s with one of my brothers and his family. As a result, over dinner I had one of the most meaningful conversations with that brother that I’ve had in years, and it helped me understand the root of some of his shame. Then, while doing dishes in the kitchen, I overheard my mom and brother having a political conversation in the dining room—the kind sure to send my vibration plummeting. I plugged my ears, dashed to my purse for my phone, and put on music, singing out loud to it while I finished cleaning up my mom’s kitchen. The idea felt like a gift from my guides. Worked like a charm! - Heather E.
I have been on a last spurt of a “jet coaster ride” like spiritual journey since 2012. Releasing, detoxing, meditating, healing, learning, praying; getting rid of and confronting my egos, etc. However, no matter what I did, I couldn’t get rid of “anxiety” and recurring inflammation somewhere in my body as well as nervous digestive system physically. When I heard Beth being interviewed on a telesummit, I felt totally connected and knew I needed to have a session with her so I bought Beth’s Package B. Just as I thought, Beth told me and saw/found things which no one else had recognized. She really sees/feels things which may be hidden or buried, which are the causes or the reasons why there may be “blocks”. No other Masters, intuitive’s, psychics were able to identify them. During the session, healing occurred as Beth guided me to release these obstacles immediately. I experienced deep healing and it has held. I am so grateful and thankful to be in this “new realm” Beth brought me to. I do feel different and happier. With gratitude and much love - Hiroki (Helen) Ito
I experienced great healing during one of Beth’s two-day online workshops. After emerging from the guided visualizations, breathing techniques & persona releasing exercises I knew this was a life changing experience. On day two of the workshop, Beth guided us through exercises that resulted in me pressing my chest into the floor, releasing trapped energy into the ground while employing breathing techniques & affirmations. Beth asked us to visualize our timeline, & release pain associated with any continuum on the timeline. At that moment, I was visited by my parents who have both made their transition. My Mom & Dad were laughing & rejoicing, celebrating that all the pain I had internalized in my body related to the suffering of slavery was being released. With the help of Beth’s techniques, I released generations of stored pain & trauma from my ancestral lineage. I wept uncontrollably, & when I massaged the spot I had been pressing into the floor, I noticed that a lump that had existed in that same spot for several months was now gone!!! It is my desire to share the power of Beth Herndobler’s gifts & techniques of spiritual healing with everyone I love!!! - Asabi Carroll
Channeled Energy Infused Fibonacci Series Activations
~ 4 MP3s of Beth’s Best Selling Most Popular Divinely Channeled Energetically Infused Fibonacci Spiral Activations known as The Fibonacci Trilogy, plus as a bonus, you will also receive the Fibonacci Clearing & Spiral in the Meadow Activation.
VALUE $140
There is no need to go it alone & work crazy hard to open, awaken & expand. Using these divinely channeled activations will take some of the load off of you. Scientifically the term activation energy is defined as the least amount of energy required to activate atoms or molecules to a state in which they can undergo a chemical reaction ~ in other words the least amount of energy to SHIFT & CHANGE. The principle of activation energy, of letting the work do the work, is at the core of Beth’s activations.
These activations connect you to the Quantum Field where you experience the exponential expansion of the Fibonacci Sequence. Regular and repeated use of these Fibonacci Activations can help you reset your frequency to flow at the level of abundance with ease and grace. While this exponential expansion is available with use of the Fibonacci Activations, no guarantees can be made of each individuals experience and results ~ your individual experience and the results you receive depend upon your willingness to release what doesn't serve and open to what more is available to you. The Trilogy Includes:
Fibonacci Spiral in the 22nd Dimension
The first Activation in the Fibonacci Trilogy is a 20 minute activation downloaded to Beth from Archangels Gabriel and Michael and is quite potent and powerful and yet ever so simple to use. The Fibonacci Spiral Activation will assist you in resetting your abundance frequency with ease and grace. All you have to do is allow yourself 20 minutes in a quiet comfortable space along with the willingness to surrender, release, open and shift. The Fibonacci Activation does the rest.
Fibonacci Activation in the Cave of Abundance
This Activation pairs perfectly with the other Fibonacci Activations. It is energetically infused with the expansive vibration of affluence so that you can tap into the frequency of abundant flow and prosperity. Regular use of this Activation will assist you in moving beyond “just enough” to “more than enough” so that you have substantial reserves from which to give and serve. Allow yourself 20 minutes in a relaxed quiet setting to open to and flow in this energetically infused Activation of Affluence.
Fibonacci Palace of Abundance Activation
This is the 3rd Activation in the Fibonacci Trilogy. In this 25 minute Activation infused with both crystalline energy and the Fibonacci Sequence, experience a physical infusion of these powerful frequencies as you travel the golden grace-light path to the Palace of Abundance where you connect with Divine Mother, Archangels Michael and Gabriel and take your seat on your golden throne of abundance. Your Wise-One Team will activate your heart light and a crystalline pyramid structure, a merkaba of abundance, is created for your up-leveling into the frequency of abundance. The creation of your own merkaba of abundance and the supercharged energy flowing in this activation makes this one of the most powerful activations in the Fibonacci Series. Repeated use of this Activation (and especially when used in conjunction with the 1st and 2d Activations in the Fibonacci Trilogy), you can expect to have exponential expansion of your ability to flow in the frequency of abundance and prosperity with ease and grace.
Bonus Activation: Fibonacci Clearing & Spiral in the Meadow Activation
This is the 4th Activation in the Fibonacci Series that clears density trapped in any of your bodies (mental, emotional, physical and energetic or spiritual) that opposes abundance and also lifts and carries you to a new vibrational frequency on the Fibonacci Spiral. It is energetically infused with abundance and prosperity and uses the powerful intention statement: I AM open to exponential expansion of abundance and financial prosperity now. Regular use of this Activation will assist you in moving beyond “not enough,” “almost enough,” “just enough” to “more than enough” so that you have substantial reserves from which to give and serve. Allow yourself 12 minutes in a relaxed quiet setting to open to and flow in this energetically infused Activation of Affluence.
Total Value of the Fibonacci Trilogy plus the bonus Activation: $114
Note: As with all of Beth’s Activations and all energy work in general, results cannot be guaranteed as they are directly related to your willingness to release, open and receive.
I have been using Beth's Miracle Mantra and Fibonacci Spiral Merkaba every day for the past 7 days and I love it – I'm so drawn to it that I just can't miss doing it, I'm literally taken to my space where I kneel at my alter and chant whilst I gaze...this is a breakthrough in itself for me as I've never managed to commit to a daily practice with all good intentions in the past. I've always self-sabotaged but this time it's different. - Paula-Marie
Beth I have to tell you I have been listening to your Fibonacci recordings, so great thank you. Last weekend the gates were open energetically! Lots of shifting/ releasing happening on a very deep level, a Cosmic clearing completely on a new level. Wow amazing, I know what you facilitated in our session helped me to receive this gift. Feeling Blessed and in Gratitude, Thanks SISTAR. - Linda Mayer
Monthly Energy Healing Call
~ 3 MP3s of Beth’s MEHC
In 2018, Archangel Michael, Divine Mother and Father called Beth to begin a Monthly Energy Healing Call (MEHC) as systems are breaking down so that the human race and planet earth can heal. In the 3D reality this process is expressed as chaos, fear, anxiety, illness, poverty, massive power plays, climate change and senseless violence. As difficult as things appear, breakdown truly is break through. The light, energy and frequency of the 5th Dimension is already being downloaded to the earth, and those of us open to receive, and will continue to build in intensity. Now is the time for each and every one of us to release and surrender that which no longer serves to create space to open to and receive the light and magnificence of who we are and what we are each here in this life to do. To support you in this process of breaking down to break through with greater ease and grace, Beth accepted the call of these Divine Beings to host the MEHC to facilitate your experience of opening to these new 5D energies with greater ease and grace.
Value: $105
Installation of New Light Codes & 5D Violet Flame Frequency
Grab your favorite crystal, stone or any piece of Mother Earth and join Beth, Archangels Raphael, Gabriel and Michael in this new process of deeply connecting with our beloved Pachamama, our beloved Mother Earth. In this Activation we work in the 5th dimensional frequencies, where we connect with the Violet Flame Energy of Mother-Father-God and Source of All That Is. Receive New Light Codes through our connection with the life force energy of Mother Earth. As we ground into her energy, we experience a deepening of our own grounding, healing and expansion. In this Activation you will share your light and love with Mother Earth as she works to heal from all that she is experiencing. And in this act of service, you will find and experience great expansion and empowerment of the truth and light of you.
Value $35
Upleveling Light Codes in the Forest of Light
The journey through the holidays and into both a New Year and a new decade has brought with it the continued dismantling of old paradigms on the universal, energetic level. Throughout this period, many will experience a “static” element in the external energy ~ feelings of overwhelm, outside energy intruding upon you, forgetfulness, stress and struggles with communication and the like. All of this static is a result of the shift out of the old patriarchal energy and the move into the new higher vibrational frequencies. Are you ready to embrace this upleveling and release old patterns, energy and paradigms? Then join Beth for a powerful activation where you bathe in additional layers of protection and ground your structures (homes, cars, any rooms in which we practice, etc.) with the support of the trees and the divine light of Prime Source. As you breathe through these moments of static and ground more deeply in this forest of light, you will feel and know that you are always protected and these moments of disruption are temporary. In opening to receiving these new light codes and surrendering and releasing old density into Mother Earth for her own healing, we uplevel to the higher vibrational energy of 2020 and the exponential expansion of our own light bodies and Oneness with Source.
Value $35
Energetic Bonfire and Release
On the sacred grounds of this energetic bonfire, this Activation guides you to create space for all that is coming in 2020. From the numerological perspective, 2019 was the first year of a new 7 year cycle. As we end this year of new beginnings, it is ours to clear away everything that is ready to be released and all that no longer serves. Things old and new bubble up to the surface to get our attention including old connections and relationships that pop up not to begin again but for you to know what you know. With our Sacred Energetic Bonfire and Release Activation, we visualize, see and feel ourselves being called forward as we release physical, mental and financial limitations, relationships that no longer serve, family patterns and obstacles to our purpose work. With the primary guidance and facilitation of Archangel Michael, gather with your ancestors, your lineage and all living beings willing to let something go today as you toss it all into the bonfire and move forward into what more is possible for you
Value $35
Today's MEHC call was sublime!! I could see, sense, hear, feel, and smell the bonfire grow as we added our intentions in community and solidarity with each other. I released a LOT of old stuff, as did my ancestors and their ancestors. I also felt as though our service to the Earth may have helped to mitigate the effects of wildfires in California and elsewhere. - Susan Church
I wasn't able to catch the MEHC live yesterday as I honestly had completely forgotten it was happening though funnily enough I ended up (unknowingly) spending the entire call time sitting under a tree in a local park receiving a lot of cool tree healing and support! I listened to the replay last night though and just WOW. It felt like all the old energy, emotions, beliefs, programming were just draining out of me. Such a powerful call, I will definitely be listening many more times. - Leah Coleman
Marvelous and amazing, grateful and full, remembering and integrating memories of Priestess multidimensional healing and balancing negative and positive energies. Installing light and sound codes of healing for cells and DNA, my own and others. This is but some of the powerful work I did under the meditation. I acknowledge that My Higher Self, Metatron and my High Priestess self are here within me. Just a quick note to show you how powerful the healing was for me, I jumped up and took action to do meaningful things for friends and family afterwards. Thank you so much! An abundance of Blessings back to you! - Betsy Brinkley
So grateful to have found Beth & this wonderful Monthly Energy Healing Call. I was not able to join in live but the replay was filled with the same terrific and powerful energies of Mother Mary and Archangel Raphael. I was so touched and also energized. The greatest gift is that we own the mp3 & can listen to the replay every day which helps me to support myself on the path of transformation. I can´t wait to join in on the next Call. Love and blessings to all "Bringers of the Light" ~ the world needs you so step out and show up! Thank you Beth for leading the way. - Michaella Boudreau
Unbelievable experience! The MEHC far exceeded my expectations. Bless you Beth. - AHH
~ Clearing your Meridians to Expand Your Flow Video with Beth Herndobler.
Also includes an Instructional PDF.
~ The Golden Waterfall Meditation MP3 with Beth Herndobler.
Also includes The Key Elements of Joshin Kokyu Ho: The Golden Waterfall Meditation PDF.
Value $111
Also available in 2 payments of $63.50
Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 25% off!
If you're a Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 25% off this offer. The discount code will be in your Member Portal as well as your emails.
If you're not yet a Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get 25% off this and all offers, click below.
Value $1643 - 88% Discount - Save $1445
Special Offer $197
Regenerating Your Abundance Structure in the new Age of Aquarius
Regenerating Your Abundance Structure in the new Age of Aquarius
~ 30 Minute Private One-on-one Session with Beth to Regenerate and Shift to Flow in the New Frequencies of Abundance and Freedom in harmony with the Universal Grid and the Divine Light of all you are. Value $422
Regenerating Sessions combine energetic downloads, healing work and Divine Guidance on what’s next for you. In these sessions, we focus on the identification of stored patterns of:
- Loss
- Lack
- Poverty
- Hardship
- Adversity and
- Failure consciousness.
Regenerating Sessions are powerful and allow for rapid transformation.
You can expect channeled guidance and divinely inspired coaching to support you in the shifts you’ll experience during the session. Beth has been doing Regenerating Sessions for a select group of clients and is offering this session here to support you in becoming the New You that this New Year and New Decade are calling for. This work was downloaded to Beth from Archangels Michael and Gabriel.
I have had 2 sessions with Beth Herndobler & am so blown away that there are no words to describe my experience. Words that come to mind are phenomenal, amazing, awesome & incredible & those words do not come close to how powerfully life changing the experience of these sessions has been for me. I have had the great good fortune over the years to work with many intuitive & spiritual healers, people known around the world, really some of the most well known names in this arena. And all I can say is, move over there is a new kid in town! Beth is so accurate & so intuitive. Everything she does is so helpful. She shared things she was seeing & intuiting about my life & what I would be doing in the future. I was sure I must have told her some of those things but I had not. I am so excited about the guidance I received. Run, don't walk, & have a session with Beth. I absolutely promise it will be one of the best experiences you have ever had to have a future that is guided by grace. - Debra Poneman
Beth Herndobler is a Pioneer in Motivational Transformation who helps people to move through the stuckness and into action. Beth shared what happens to our bodies when we are ‘stuck’: how we can bring the truth into everyday practice; starting to take the first steps even if we feel ‘not ready’; that we have all the answers inside of us; taking ownership of our own salvation; and. finding clarity in what we need to be doing. Beth puts a very grounded spin on taking action steps into our future lightworker roles. And after hearing her share deep wisdom, get very comfy for her incredibly powerful Golden Pyramid Activation – no driving advised for at least an hour after this! This lady is a mover and a shaker …be prepared! - Georgie Garwood
I am so grateful for Beth Herndobler. I purchased her package recently and then found myself in extreme pain from head to toe and woke up pain free and even in my fingertips. I worked with the Sacred Bonfire Activation two times a day for ten days and then followed up with the Sacred 8 Energy Flush and I released so much. On the 11th day I woke up pain free and felt like a 12-year-old! Powerful and amazing. I am grateful beyond measure. - LE
I’ve worked with many energy healers and intuitive channels over the years, but there is something extraordinary about Beth. When I work with her, I know she is directly connected to my higher self and getting to the truth of what I need to know or to the heart of what needs to be cleared. She has helped me to identify and clear a major financial block and confirm my own intuitive guidance. Most recently, she worked with me in releasing the energy of a past life that was creating a disempowering pattern and withholding in this life. I turn to her first when I have an issue I can’t resolve with my own intuitive guidance and inner work, and I feel so fortunate to have found her. She stands out in the field of healers and guides. I highly recommend her! - Alice Green
I had an amazing one-on-one session with Beth recently after purchasing her show package. Her intuition and insights about my situation were nothing short of uncanny. Beth's insights were spot on accurate during the session itself; and I had many more "ah ha" moments arising over the following few days. Beth's session actually helped me to course-correct my Life's Path, giving me clarity, certainty and confidence over what next steps to take. I cannot praise Beth highly enough and would urge anyone just thinking about having a session with her to stop thinking and do it! - Cynthia Browne
Beth has been such a guiding light in my life. Her insight, knowledge and love helped me through a very difficult time in my life and I'm forever grateful for the guidance she has given me. She is truly one of the kindest and most compassionate women I've had the privilege of working with and I look forward to continuing our work together in the years to come. She has many special gifts to share with the world and I'm so happy our paths have crossed. Thank you, Beth, for sharing your heart with me. - Dani Ibarra
I recommend Beth 100%! I have been working with Beth over the past couple of years. Not only is she a very gifted intuitive spiritual guide, she is also an authentically straight-forward & kind person. In the world, I am a Board Certified Family Physician. My Spiritual path of Awareness has now led me to Beth, who has "tuned in" & "tuned me up" with her intuitive gifts to what else I am here to do. Her ability to clear away blocks & to guide me to my Own Truth has helped me to move toward my passion & purpose work blending Spirituality with traditional Medicine. Working with Beth in these sessions is revealing to me how I may be of greater benefit and service to others. - Dr. Sheila Balestrino
I am a performer, professor & yoga enthusiast who has been working with Beth for 4 years now. Beth is very gifted & her work has greatly helped me. My work with Beth has given me tools to use on my own to increase my peace & clarity of mind, as well as boost my ability to set & manifest intentions with ease, patience & joy. Since working with Beth I have accomplished several career goals that previously seemed out of reach - and I'm happier in my work as well! If you feel that something is blocking your happiness, peace of mind, or success - work with Beth! - Rachel S.I.
As a healer myself, I am always on the path of my own healing & self love. I have worked with psychotherapists, other hypnotists, Reiki, energy practitioners to name just a few & nothing has propelled me forward as quickly as Beth's work. She is intuitive, kind hearted, loving & exceptionally good at her job. She comes from a place of love & genuine care for her clients & you feel that radiate in her sessions. A lot of times I made appointments not knowing what I needed & left the session with many a-ha moments & greater clarity & vision to move forward. I am thankful that I found her & highly recommend her. - Danielle Tasso
I have been working with Beth Herndobler over the last 3 years and am currently enrolled in her Quantum Energetics and Intuitive Mastery course. Given all the benefits I received from previously being in her Abundance Master Class I had to continue the work. This work has allowed me to embrace & open up my intuitive gifts. Tapping into Divine spiritual guidance with Beth was just what I needed to balance the man-made laws of financial planning with the spiritual laws of the universe. Beth has a beautiful way of inviting in my divine spiritual team for every session. As a result, the biggest shift for me was uncovering my new gift of Transformational Energy Healing. It is so wonderful to have her guidance as I learn to accept & implement the healing techniques. I'm now able to see the energy of my coaching clients shifting. Beth has assisted me in clearing my own blocks & limiting beliefs that were holding me back from reaching my goals with Starr Life Coaching. Every area of my life is opening to abundance in new ways. As a certified financial planner practitioner I have worked with my clients to plan for a secure future & have observed their relationships with money for the last 38 years! Now, I'm excited about the tools I'm folding in to help educate people about healthy money relationships, to heal relationships with money along with the relationships of the most important people in their lives. Thank you Beth for your commitment to helping me open & flow my energy in this new direction where I embrace that I AM a Law of Attraction life coach, Transformational Energy Healer & intuitive spiritual counselor. - Marla Starr
Also available in 2 payments of $98.50
Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 25% off!
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Beth Herndobler, a former prosecutor & trial attorney turned Energy Healer, Intuitive Spiritual Counselor, Psychic & Medium is a Certified Intuitive Strategist & Divine Channel who communicates with your Higher Self, Spirit Guides, Angels & Ancestors for messages, information & guidance. She combines this guidance with a breakthrough technique that identifies & clears blocks, stuck points & patterns quickly so you can open to a life lived on purpose in abundance and with ease & grace.
Package A - Value $1221 - 89% Discount - Save $1087 - Special Offer - $127
- 2 Part Workshop ~ Aligning with the New Consciousness Grid and the New Freedom Codes
- Channeled Energy Infused Fibonacci Series Activations
Monthly Energy Healing Call
Also available in 2 payments of $63.50
Package B -Value $1643 - 88% Discount - Save $1445 -Special Offer - $197
- Everything in package a
- Regenerating Your Abundance Structure in the new Age of Aquarius
Also available in 2 payments of $98.50