Ambujam Rose
Special Offer
October 2019

Package A - Special Offer - $57

90 min Pre-recorded mp3 Group Power Healing
  • "Choose To Live"

Package B - Special Offer - $147

90 min Pre-recorded mp3 Group Power Healing
  • "Choose To Live"
Pre-recorded mp3
  • "How To Trust Yourself"
(1) Live 90min Group Power Healing

Package C - Special Offer - $197

90 min Pre-recorded mp3
  • "Choose To Live"
Pre-recorded mp3
  • "How To Trust Yourself"
Self Inquiry & Discernment Series - 5 Mp3s
  • Track #1 INTRO: (3:59)
  • Track #2 MIND: (9:10)
  • Track #3 EMOTION: (8:08)
  • Track #4 HEART: (9:04)
(2) Live 90min Group Power Healing Sessions

Package A

Total Value $177 - 67% Discount

Special Offer $57

Package A - 90 min Mp3 - Group Power Healing - Choose To Live

Saying yes to being who you are and saying yes to being in life are synonymous. One cannot exist without the other. As you say yes to being who you are, you become more fully engaged with life itself. As you say yes to being in life, you become more fully engaged in being you who you are. Spirit wants to help the pain that caused/causes you to shut down reconcile, heal and release easier and quicker so you can fully live. Spirit is here to help strengthen and empower you, supporting your foundational choices to live and say YES to YOU again:
  • Understand, reconcile and release why you chose not to live in this life and/or past lives.
  • Heal, reconcile and release old choices of shutting down.
  • Let go of unconscious, self-imposed barriers in the body/mind/spirit.
  • Move through energetic thresholds of shut down and enter back into life again, saying yes to being your full Self NOW.

Package B

Total Value $370 - 60% Discount

Special Offer $147

Package B

90 min Mp3 - Group Power Healing - Choose To Live

Saying yes to being who you are and saying yes to being in life are synonymous. One cannot exist without the other. As you say yes to being who you are, you become more fully engaged with life itself. As you say yes to being in life, you become more fully engaged in being you who you are. Spirit wants to help the pain that caused/causes you to shut down reconcile, heal and release easier and quicker so you can fully live. Spirit is here to help strengthen and empower you, supporting your foundational choices to live and say YES to YOU again:
  • Understand, reconcile and release why you chose not to live in this life and/or past lives.
  • Heal, reconcile and release old choices of shutting down.
  • Let go of unconscious, self-imposed barriers in the body/mind/spirit.
  • Move through energetic thresholds of shut down and enter back into life again, saying yes to being your full Self NOW.

Mp3 - How To Trust Yourself

Trusting yourself is who you are not something you do. Ambujam’s guided meditation helps you address your fears and doubts and connects and aligns  you to trust within.
  • Learn what trust truly is.
  • Guided meditation to feel trust for yourself.
  • Discern doubts and fears vs heart energy and inner trust. 
  • Consciously align and physically embody your trust.

(1) 90min Live Group Power Healing

Group Power Healing: 
  • Activate and energize your heart's rightful path
  • Instantly clear ancient energy blocks
  • reconcile and release karma fast
  • accelerate embodiment
How to attend your GPH in your package:
  • After purchasing, you’ll receive an email from Ambujam with instructions to redeem and attend your GPH.
  • You’ll receive all GPH email announcements. Join the group that resonates with you.
  • When you join, you’ll receive your link with the call in info and all session details.
  • GPHs are Thursday’s 7p-8:30p EDT with different topics. (Additional days and times to be added in 2020.)
What Is Group Power Healing?
Group Power Healing was created to meet the accelerated awakening humanity is going through, making healing more accessible and faster for the individual. The group is moved into a sacred, holy spiritual-quickening space. We work directly with divinity, Grace and God to accelerate self-realizations, awakening and healing for all. 
Group Power Healing unlocks your inner-knowing, true-self and anchors self-embodiment. Your path of awakening collaborates with the participants and Spirit, revealing the info and healing needed for each group topic. Ambujam’s unique mix of rapid-energy-clearings and direct spot-on guidance accelerates personal healing, affirms your inner knowing and anchors your True-Self. All participants heal and awaken at a rapid rate. Old complex energy patterns instantly release, soul-significant relationships heal, personal and world karma reconciles, self-embodiment anchors and the rightful path of each participant is supported. Group Power Healing helps YOU awaken, heal and embody rapidly.
GPH continues meeting you on your path of awakening, clearing the old layers to embody yourself and your life.

Package C

Total Value $561 - 65% Discount

Special Offer $197

Package C

90 min Mp3 - Group Power Healing - Choose To Live

Saying yes to being who you are and saying yes to being in life are synonymous. One cannot exist without the other. As you say yes to being who you are, you become more fully engaged with life itself. As you say yes to being in life, you become more fully engaged in being you who you are. Spirit wants to help the pain that caused/causes you to shut down reconcile, heal and release easier and quicker so you can fully live. Spirit is here to help strengthen and empower you, supporting your foundational choices to live and say YES to YOU again:
  • Understand, reconcile and release why you chose not to live in this life and/or past lives.
  • Heal, reconcile and release old choices of shutting down.
  • Let go of unconscious, self-imposed barriers in the body/mind/spirit.
  • Move through energetic thresholds of shut down and enter back into life again, saying yes to being your full Self NOW.

Mp3 - How To Trust Yourself

Trusting yourself is who you are not something you do. Ambujam’s guided meditation helps you address your fears and doubts and connects and aligns  you to trust within.
  • Learn what trust truly is.
  • Guided meditation to feel trust for yourself.
  • Discern doubts and fears vs heart energy and inner trust. 
  • Consciously align and physically embody your trust.

(2) 90min Live Group Power Healing Sessions

Group Power Healing: 
  • Activate and energize your heart's rightful path
  • Instantly clear ancient energy blocks
  • reconcile and release karma fast
  • accelerate embodiment
How to attend your GPH in your package:
  • After purchasing, you’ll receive an email from Ambujam with instructions to redeem and attend your GPH.
  • You’ll receive all GPH email announcements. Join the group that resonates with you.
  • When you join, you’ll receive your link with the call in info and all session details.
  • GPHs are Thursday’s 7p-8:30p EDT with different topics. (Additional days and times to be added in 2020.)
What Is Group Power Healing?
Group Power Healing was created to meet the accelerated awakening humanity is going through, making healing more accessible and faster for the individual. The group is moved into a sacred, holy spiritual-quickening space. We work directly with divinity, Grace and God to accelerate self-realizations, awakening and healing for all. 
Group Power Healing unlocks your inner-knowing, true-self and anchors self-embodiment. Your path of awakening collaborates with the participants and Spirit, revealing the info and healing needed for each group topic. Ambujam’s unique mix of rapid-energy-clearings and direct spot-on guidance accelerates personal healing, affirms your inner knowing and anchors your True-Self. All participants heal and awaken at a rapid rate. Old complex energy patterns instantly release, soul-significant relationships heal, personal and world karma reconciles, self-embodiment anchors and the rightful path of each participant is supported. Group Power Healing helps YOU awaken, heal and embody rapidly.
GPH continues meeting you on your path of awakening, clearing the old layers to embody yourself and your life.

Self Inquiry & Discernment Series - 5 Mp3s

Empower yourself! Know your heart’s truth for all situations. Learn the difference between your mind, emotions and the truth in your heart through guided mediations, healings and awakenings. 
Track #1 INTRO: (3:59)
  • Introduction to the series.
  • You’ll be asked to choose a question to be with for each recording.
  • Every recording includes a guided mediation and healing to support your self-embodiment and discernment.

Track #2 MIND: (9:10)
  • This recording focuses on bringing your attention to the mind and its ideas of what you should do about your situation.
  • Youʼll get to know the mindʼs energy, characteristics and qualities.
  • Spirit will then bring healing, clearing and awakening to the mind.

Track #3 EMOTION: (8:08)
  • This recording focuses on the emotions and what they feel you should do about your situation.
  • Youʼll get to know their energies, characteristics and qualities.
  • Spirit will then bring healing, clearing and awakening to the emotions.

Track #4 HEART: (9:04)
  • This recording focuses on the heart.
  • Youʼll get to know your heartʼs energy, characteristics and qualities and what the heartʼs guidance is to your situation.
  • Spirit will then bring healing, clearing and awakening to the heart area.

  • Spirit does an overall clearing, support, healing, balancing and anchoring you into yourself and your heart.
  • Spirit brings through the energetics of clarity and discernment for continued support on your path.


I started attending Group Power Healings a few months ago and my life has ALREADY dramatically changed. I had allergies that would turn into sinus infection, one after another for more than 10 years. After one Group Power Healing the allergy is gone! I can finally Breathe! Each Group Power Healing feels like she’s speaking directly to me and I feel so much love. Ambujam is a gem. I recommend her work to anyone who wants to know the truth about themselves. Carole, UT
Absolutely transformational! The fastest way I found to uncover who one truly is! Blocks, fears, traumas.....everything that needs to go from way, way, way, back. You just have to sit and be and Spirit does the rest! AMAZING! I wholeheartedly recommend Ambujam's Group Power Healing sessions to anyone wanting to free themselves! Gwyneth, UK
Ambujam is a powerhouse! She goes straight into the energy that needs to be shifted out. Highly recommend her incredible Group Power Healings to everyone because they speak directly to you! There has been a huge releasing shift within me, an upgrading of my consciousness and understanding, as well as a reduction in physical aches and pains. Magic!! Julie, AU
I have participated in Group Power Healings just recently with amazing and sometime subtle results that grow and expand over time. I feel like she's speaking directly to my being every time I attend. Her ability to connect with the group consciousness, our teams, guides and the higher realms is truly amazing! The guidance, clearings and healings are spot on!  If you are looking to connect with someone whom is the real deal, authentic, funny, loving and kind please be open and allow yourself to receive healings from the Divine through Ambujam. - Maggie, NC
If you want to receive tangible quantum up-leveling with ease and grace, Ambujam's Group Power Healings deliver and more. They are powerful, fast, and provide the individual the perfect heart-based, heart-aligned experience for where you are now and leap you into the next level. - KD, NC
Ambujam's Group Power Healings are one of a kind! Having attended many, I always feel deep peace inside after a session. Always spot on! An enlightening experience, helping you CONSCIOUSLY grow. She greatly assists the soul' s ascension path in a way that can be truly felt as profound change in "real life" on many levels! - Barbara, Germany
In a world overwrought with anguish, chaos, uncertainty and flat out fear, Ambujam’s Group Power Healings reconnect me to a universal knowing, an unequivocal understanding that love, peace, and the possibility for personal acceptance are truly the ingredients in each one of our cells. Ambujam holds my hand and leads me to that place. - Kristin, VT

Ambujam Rose

Ambujam is a Wayshower and Self-Embodiment Accelerator. She helps you understand and navigate your awakening, quickly heal the old ego-self and learn how to live from truth. You’re asked to own your choices, reconcile karma and be who you are. Ambujam works directly with the divinity of Group Energy, God and Grace. Ambujam brings the group into a holy meeting place, amplifying your sacredness, truth and love. She sees the group’s path of awakening and the correlating past-life choices and experiences currently holding the old ego-self in place. She instantly frees the original roots of life-themes, relationship dynamics, belief systems, complex spiritual issues and falsehoods about yourself, others and life itself. Ambujam’s special mix of quick-focused energy clearings and spot-on guidance quickly heals your old-self, aligns you with your true-self and energizes your heart’s rightful path. Ambujam's Group Power Healings have accelerated the path to freedom for over 20 years. Her dedication to embodying her own path continuously creates her work to meet the evolutionary needs of humanity. 

Package A - Special Offer - $57

90 min Pre-recorded mp3 Group Power Healing
  • "Choose To Live"

Package B - Special Offer - $147

90 min Pre-recorded mp3 Group Power Healing
  • "Choose To Live"
Pre-recorded mp3
  • "How To Trust Yourself"
(1) Live 90min Group Power Healing

Package C - Special Offer - $197

90 min Pre-recorded mp3
  • "Choose To Live"
Pre-recorded mp3
  • "How To Trust Yourself"
Self Inquiry & Discernment Series - 5 Mp3s
  • Track #1 INTRO: (3:59)
  • Track #2 MIND: (9:10)
  • Track #3 EMOTION: (8:08)
  • Track #4 HEART: (9:04)
(2) Live 90min Group Power Healing Sessions